The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)





HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, Shoes, Brogans, CARPETINGS, WRAPPING WRITING PAPER, Umbrellas, No. 53, Public. Square, NASIIVILLE, TENN. NASHVILLE, Aug. 20, 1859 -d2m.



53, Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN. NASHVILLE, Aug. 20, 1859-d2m. Mammoth Autumn AND WINTER STOCK, FOR 1888. HUGE DOUALAA, BYRD 8.


WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 3. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Ready- Made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, Boots, 'Shoes, CARPETINGS, IT WRAPPING WRITING PAPER, SuNo. 58, Public Square, TENN. Namiviia, Aug: 80, 1850 W. MCCALI, Late of slot hit, Funleer of 1859.

No. 34, Public Square, ELLIS' OLD STAND NASHVILLE, TENN. Importers and Dealers in GENERAL HARDWARE, EDGE TOOLS, GUNS CUTLERY, WE WILL the highest Market Prices for Ginseng, BeesAllow wax, Feathers, and tool, in exchange for HARD. WARE, or payment of account. McCALL Co.

NO. 34 PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE. TENNESSER Way 24th SAM. VANLEER Successors to McCALL, VANLEER and Dealers in Hardware, Importers Guns and Cutlery. NO.



baring MINCHIN, La purchased tr.e business of the entire Is alone authorise3 to ase the came interest the Crafghead late Armlo liquidation, and willcontinge the bualness oldstand, No. 29, Peblic Square, under the of at the title as above May 18, 1657 W. G. DORRISS' Nashville Stove Foundry WARE ROOMS. No.

86 Brand. Nashville, become by the H. P. owner of Dorris the and Blove known Foundry, as for- the Felipse Store foundry, but pow the nashville store merly the only am estatlishment and of am the kind manufac- 1a the city of Kashrille, Foundry, 1 prepared 10, Cooking and together with Kettles. of Ovens.

varicaring nue styles Skillets, for and other castings esually manufactured Coal or Wood, Pots, datter myrelf I will be able to give perfect sati fac. In such ton I to those who may De with their patronage, both I in pow price bave on hand and for sale. wholesale or retail, and quailty. the largest of the kind ever nfered in this market. All orders promptly attended to.

Address W. DORRISS, Apr. 80 '50-1y. Nash rille, Tennessee. J.

W. WILSON, R. AND DEALER IN STOVES, TIN- WARE AND CASTINGS, on band and at Lowest Prices. WOOD OR HEATING AND OFFICE STOVES, AND COAL COOKING STOVES, AS RANGER, Your Bites and pat and warranted. diss cooking stove per in.

will last with care from Wroughtiron Cooking Stoves fur wood; four' olence Fifteen' and to in less time than any Cast Iron Stove. 'I hare Eighteen Scara and cook with greater conte: also 100 just amo ted sises Massey, Ave minute Ice Cream Trees received the following: the best that is now in use. ers, Fruit Cans of my own make, wilt beep rond supply made For in sale the by best J. W. WILSON, manner elther fur or solder 2-4 17 College St, April CONLEY (Successors to Stewart de Oren.) and 94.

Nouth Matter Streot TENN. MANUFACTURER OF Tia, Copper; 'and Sheet Iron Wares. constaDUy on band all kiads Plain of Mantle Cooking Grates. and Heating Btores, Ornamectal and Also. all klads of Copper Shess-iron Work done for boats, Rolling Mille, p*rnaces, Foundries, Factories, Stills sad Distillery Works, Also keeps in hand fall sapply of Cast and 'Wrough Cooking Stores, In which may he used Coal or Wood, ANDREW SMITH, NO.

45, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. DEALER IN Tennessco Iron, Castings, Nails, Steel Wagon Axica, Bliptic Springs, ad all other articlesin bisline ofbusiness, whleb he offers at Wholesale or forcash, at theabore stand. Jan. 1. 1659.

"Sutbin Rumbles" -the scene shifta. Kably' EXIT. KURLY. ENTER HEINRICH Successors to Kubly Co. the abore style of HEINRICE KU.

their dye and they subralt to the seedy everywhere BLY wit as easily gore and 4a sciendcally as that as patare is putting on new robes, the of humanity should be revivided, and the People abould br cleansed; therefore HEINRICH KUBLY cordially invite all the old patrons of Kably, solo, to rusb to their depot, NO. 16, CEDAR STREET, The old stand, and bring the dilapidated garments to be renewed and made whole. HEINRICH KUBLY will also close up the crevasts which time and friction may have caused in the toggerel of their friends. By MEDJIDE their tent garments to their depot, North Weat Corner of the Public Square, opporite the old Planter's Bank, their gaping wounds will be closed op semetrically. HEINRICH KUBLY fatter themselves, that as friends of humanity, having ded repairing to their other for saving the try, they are bow prepared fully to kirer the case, The greasy germent may be SCOUREDI The faded garment may be COLGREDI anti) is aball eclipse the new, and the dilspidated and rent garment may be MENDED AND REPAIREDI And all these thipgs may be done by come HEINRICH BLY.

If any one doubts let him and be dyed la the falth. are dequested All persons to bring having them in; claime all there Indebted to against A. HEINRICH him are requested to call and settle. or they will And their days. --st.

OUTHERN PORTABLE PLANTATION Corn Feed and Flouring Mill ESTABLISHMENT. Millstanes of aif an hand and made to order Amat Mills, Mill Spindles, Mill Gearing, Bolting Cloth: of all nawbers, Datch apabor brand, belting, bolsting and regulating wire, picks which enables plasterparie, the to sel all Imported from the manufactures, best articies at low the Being theery a and practice of milling operations, and. practical, mechanic, thoroughly understanding Minn rights will fad is to their interest to examine my stock and prices bafora All goods sold by me are warranted to give satiataction All orders and commas icalions promptly attended to. Nori and Streets, P. M.

RYAN, Fox's. Liniment. to care PISTIILO, on Horses, 30 James C. many others gin test! Prepared and sold Q. W.

HUNDER Breet HOTT, Corner Codas and Rquare 1 Nashville, Tennessee, Tia Realag. prepared with rood rooters and material, BEard Roots to city or country W. in most WILSON. ap proved manner and at low rates. J.

if P. ciat Notice. 108 Angist ay I satire sotd to' QueEns and China and disas, tr gother with my Bouts; Accounts, and other of, debts, and they ted to collect u'd receipt for the 0. NEW FIRM. ET DEN AVING bought out entire J.

O. interen (a the China Glass hereto ore noted at Ke: 48 Pallio Square; HICKS' CHINA HALL, we propose to sell the present very large and well asserted stock, to cash and prompt mers, LOWER than heretolute. Tel Arm soLicits a cell from all, and hope to merit a liberal patronaro from their format cantoiners an well as H. HICKS All city dally papers copy to of 15. ICE 1 ICE.

THE undersigned are jest that receiving the largest and pest cargo Ice has ever been brought 'to We bare now between 1700 and 1800 teas, and are satisted that our customera will what we'sy as to its quality. The price we bellere will also be factory. To those who enter their names at the beginning of the season, lot mill be farnished, as long as it lasts, two rents per pound. Depots at the Dorib end of the Harset Howe and Engiue Locse on Cherry street, near the Bank of Tennessee. A wagon will deliver Ice to those who desire ft.

'at cents per poapd. MARTIN A PACKER. Owner. Wante la store one care hbd. of P.

Bagar, four New bols Oricane, Molasses, and marked our care here, which the owner will please come fortard, pay, charges and remove, 8. KENCH SON. Cue-rious Phelan-thropy. THE Prelan-thropy lovers of the graceful and the same of Buttate, in PRELAN tables at Lyons' Saloun la' certaioly cue rions in these weak piping times of But when we 'reflect that the admirers of the ramo can, by descending from the sunny street, And themselves In a cool and well fated saloon, not only supplied with two excellent Prelan patent cushioned, Jenny tables, bat also with an exhaustible supply of iced LAGRR, and a splendid variety of Savanna Cigars, we are no longer surprise at the tide of patronare to the saloon of EWIS LYONS July MANNY'S COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER. WITH WOOD'S IMPROVEMENT.

THIS celebrated Machine received the irst premiom of A GRAND GOLD MEDAL aS the best combined Resping and Moving Machine at the great United Stales Agricultural Fair, heid at Louirrille; In September, 1657. The trial came off pear Syracuse, New Jaty, Where principal machines in the United States were tested: The Committee made their awards D.rough Marshall P. Wilder. President United Stater Agricultaral Society at Louisrille Ev. It also received the as the best Reaper and as the best Mower before two separate Committees, appointed by the President of the Davidson County Agricultural Bociety, at Nashville, in July, 1557, over most of the machines now In use la Tennessee.

Numerous other premiama and awarde were given this Machine daring the laet season' over every Machine in America. The abore Machines are for sale by the undersigned, B. F. CHEATHAN, General Agent for FISHER, WHELESS Mayin Nashville, Tens. Trunks! Large French Dress Trunka, Ladies' 1 Sole Leather Trunks, Gents' No.

1 Also a large stock of Valices, Carpet Bags and Satchels, offer at LOW PRICES. juar92-tf ANYDER FRIZZELL. Residence far Rent. TRE two story Church Brick street House. and No.

11 Combertand Booth Alley, High Street, known between as the "Bishop's and anjoining the church parsonage la for rent on reasonable terms. Apply 10 RODERT MARTIN, M. D. CAILD. RAVE sold my stock of Boots and Shoes to Farrar, DisI mates gentlemen worthy of the patronage of the public, who will be found at my old stand, No.

45 Cob ege strect, for whom I soltait the patronage of my numer 00s customers, to whom I feel under the strictest obligaLane for a long and liberal patronage, and avail myself of this opportunity to make my respectfal acknowledg. ments. Those Indebted will please call and settle up. wish to make a dnal close of al outstanding business soon as practicable. A.

B. ROPERTION, July14-1m No. 45 College Street. Drake Creek Mills Extra Family Flour. NEW supply of this celebrated brand of FLOUR just A received and for sale by BURGE ALLEN, jane12-tf.

THE ETNA COAL IS SOLD BY WEIGHT. Orders can be leit at the POST OFFICE. Apr17-tf. Cross-Ties Wanted. Nashvitte and restern Railroad Company wish to 6 contract for well 40.000 hewn, CEDAR face CROSS narrowest 9 feet long, inches thick, Dot less than inches clear of bark, timber to be place sound, in be delivered at the grade line of the 10ad in Nubrille.

The contractors want to contract for 30,000 WRITE or POST OAK TINS of the same sis as the above, to be deilrered on the line of the road In piles from section 14 to section 94, enough on erch sectinn to supply the same. Persons wishing to bid will direct to the President and Directors of the Nashnile and North Railroad Company, Nashrille, Tennessee EA July19--If FIRESH ARRIVALS OF New Goods, AT WILLIAM S. EAKIN TO T. W. EAKIN mAy20-41 PokY No.

45 Public Fquare. B. S. WELTER, SE. WORKER TIN.

AND IN SHEET IRON, AND DEALER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN AND FLOWER ALA0 BOLDOUS ROOTS OF ALL VARIETIES, No. 50, south Broad P. and Opterina In Copper and Tin the most superior style, la Town and Country. Peex, Emith Co. a Tianers' Machine.

acd Hand Tools fort sale. (U. copy to $10) Starts Refrigerators. Meats, Eelf Fish, Ventilating Fruite, Tegetables, Refrigerator, Ac. for preser This is the best article in use, for the purposes for which it la designed and has obtained the Brat prises at the World'a Fair in Londen and New York.

THE EUGENIE, imperial clothes hamper made, after the new Paris fashion. MACKENZIE MINCHIN. Jaly9-tt. Lager Boer Refrigerated. PRE subscriber begs leave to call the attention of 'made alt I lovers of the Deterage, to the fact, that he bas Arrangements by which Fresh Lager Beer, of the Art quality, In Refrigerators prepared expressly for the part use, can be served out to his castomers, In untold and at all seasonable hours of Street.

the day and night at LEU BILLIARD ROOMS, 0D Cherry L.YON&. JOHN YORK CO. BOOK BINDERY and Blank Rook to the Baptist Publishing House, next house below north Market street, No. 59, 2d door from 21 17 te--and willbe glad to see all their old customers, an.3 pew ones that want work la their line. We are prepared in take Blank Books in the best manner and after any pattern Particular atten.

tion will be paid to the Bins'or of Periodicals and old Books. Oar prices are we lowest. The style of work can be seen at the Bind. Store, on Union street, Books left at eltherplace will ru nene mediate attention. Wash House Furnaces.

TURN ACES suitable for the, 'or. Ironing or for pressing. Preserving Kettles brans ind porce-, lain or Treach white iron. Fruit CaDs Jars, of ap proved paterm. Jelly Strainers Feather and Cream Freesers, Dow and eld styles.

De Gop3 various sizes. ater Coolera Chamber F. MIN tr. July9-ef. MACKENZIN Fine Chandeliors FEtbelargest sesortment of Chandel :16 er show I this city.

OIL CHANDELIERS. All prices and elses. CANDLE CHANDELIERS. With any samber of Candles. GAS CHANDELIERS.

I hate 50 different patterns of Gas Fixtares, and offer them an (be lowest price. GAS WORKS. am balding small Gas Work, suitable or Factories Hotels, and Da ellinge in the country. All orders KENDRICK. promptly attended to.

R. Saty $7. 59 Cherr RI WEBB, MERRILL Slave Dealers. No 8 South Market Street, Nashville, Tennesco, ILL, at all times, purchase NEGROES descriptions salted sold to the New. Orleans market, Other on N.

-Several likely families and a No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer on band for sale M. junelb-1y. R. J.

LTLES, 060. Lyles Hitchings, slave Deaters, Fo 33' Codar Street, Nashville. Tennessoo, Orleans all times markets. bay We NEGROES invite 'all suitable persons for! who the New bare negroes to 4. sell wigire us a call.

LELES RITCHINGE. 4: of IBARLET Y. LIVERKORE, New Tattat 191 Statos Valtos for the carper Church, to the BROOKLEN BLANKATA, offers for kale a 1a8 portment cf this celebrated make of Grods In Gregs Ines: Acarlets; Whiter, Horse; Negro, bc, dc. Dissolation of ch and E. 2 Goodlet, under the style of Beech 'Goodit, Too.

was by Moech prataal consent cold the 1st day Jaly. J. raving his entire Interest la the Arm to E. a ho aloos are ted to settle 'the basin ate or the old UNO. J.

BERCH, Z. DRUGGISTS. Notice. THE would Inform his friends and the publie generally, that be has sold bla entire interest in the Dray dem of Beech Goudlet to E. Goodiet and in rearing from the 4-m would retaro his sincere thanks to bis a amerous friends and the for the liberal patextended to the old Arm, a of the same to his successors, who are gentlemen of eminent Postpess qualifications and wonky of liberal share of patronage.


GOOD! ET the Drug Arm having of Beech baucht John Goodlet, Beech's would call particular attention to their complete stock of Drags and Medicines; Chemicals, Painta: One, Varnishes, Glass, Patty, Dye Studs, Dental and Furrical Instroments, Teeth, Foils, and Dentai material generally, corner of Broad and Ch try streets. July Blair Wyeth's Compound Syrup of the Photnow phaton, or so Chemical extensively prescribed with very gratifying results by the Medical Faculty nutritive tonic, daring the progress of chronia cases, particolarly in Dyspepala and Consumption General agents, wholesale and E. retail, GOODLET k. CO. BRACES Fitches', Seymour's and others Shoulder Trusses, Morehrad's Galvanio Machines.

and appliances Jaly14-if for Rheumatian, Nervous E. a lections, GOODLET 00. Fancy 'Articles, Perfumerion, Soaps ko' very Ape assortment; embracing almost for Handkerchiefs, Pomades, Hair Dyes and Hair Restoratives; Toilet Waters and Soaps Fine Brandies and Wines, Lgars, Tobaccos, Snuf's to. E. GOUDLET LA0 general Agents for Dr.

A. 0. Gordlet's A Panacea, dad Family Medicines, Balsam for the Lungs, Dr Jane's Me -Icines, and all of the most d'ar Patent medicines of the day, Dr. Dup. GOODLET Golden Female Pills etc, etc.


MEDICINES. 'DRUGS, PATENT J.EDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, WIADOW GLASS, GLASS WARE, STONE WARF, ke', DENTAL, SORTEYING, MIDWIFERY and Pocket Instruments, assorted, Fire Cutlery, Pittols Canes. GOLD FOILS, Fine Perfumery, Toilett Soaps, assorted, Shoulder Braces, Fiehing Tackle, Brushes, all kinds, Plaister of Paris, Land Plaster, Soda, Dre Stuffs, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD Mixed Pairts, Burning Fluid, Limps, All offered at the lowest prices T. WELLS, Market Stieet, Nashville. CLOTHING.

loves, Buspenders and Handkerchiefs, Celebrated Spring Shoulder Seam-shirte, Drawers, ales have every new style of goods adapted to men's wear. We in addition to the abore made Clothias. saner! or en Drilllogs. which we will mike up to order and lot of 0 othe, Cassimeres, Vesting, Drab d'Ete and La tee a At to please the wearer Cr no sale All goods sold by we quarantee to be as represented. We would partiestarty call the attention of buyers 10 the style and make order of our garments -mcat of which was made up to our -and we will warrant the work to stand.

WARD, Practical Taliors, No 9t, South Side Public Square. N. Clotding cut to order. George B. Abbott.

ONG RSOWS IN CITY AS THE RESIDENT Partner of the Arm of Clifton Abbott, having sold bis Interest In the old stand and stock of goods on Cedar street, has now opened at Number 22 College Nircet, between the Sewance and Union Street, CLOTHING with an tirely new stock of GENTLEMEN'S and best sad of FURNISHIAG which has been made to order. expressly for the GOODS of the Apest quality, daest retail trade, add will be sold at New York retail Cash Prices. Janell- tf. Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. SPRING STYLES OP DESIRABLE GOODS.

Youth's ad Boy's Made Clothes and Farnishing W. Invite the attention Neckties, of customers to our New of Coats, Panta, Vesta. Hoslery, mar20, '59 1859. CLOTHING. 1859.

A. SANDHOUSE, No. 42, North Market Street, Nasheille, to keep a large stock of CLOTHING, of all qualities, at the above well known stand. His stock One is all made op here, and warranted. Those ordering or course Clothing to be made, will And cutter whose Ats Are unexceptionable Lila stock of Plantation Negro Clothing will at all times he complete, saitable for all seasons.

lie invites an examination by those who wis to porchase, as be believes his terma and goods wit giro satisfaction. Apr21 '39-41. TERRASS BROTHERS R.O CERS, And Dealers in Liquors, Iron Castings, NO. 7 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. SUGAR.

150 bhds prime and choice 100 Lols crushed and bugar dered 5 agar, 75 bb's Lost Sugar For sate low by BROTHER3. 800 baga N. n. Rio Codec, 50 do Lagaayra Coles 200 do Balt extra, xtra. Fer sale low by TERRASS BROTREES, SUNDRIES.

500 bbla Tran white Whisky, 100 F. casts a Soda, 11-0 do Rye do 200 M. Bourbon do 100 dos Wash Boards, 115 do Old Reserve do 1100 kegs Nails, 100 do Krandy and Gin. 2:0 dos Buckets, 50 do 8 31. Wine.

950 boxes Candles, 40 do persim Whisky, do Pasta, Jar, Ac 10 do eN. Ram, .10 bbis Maso a Biscuing, 20 casks Pine Brandy, 15 cherts Imp. Tea, Lola Port Wise, 25 bxs I Syrup, do Ginger Cherry 25 do White Soap, bbls flutter Crackers, 100 Page Peper, sad: Brandy, Au cases do Coperas, 20J various brands To- 15 Coil jute Rope, bacco, 1v0 barges ground Ginger, 50 do wild Cigars, Pepper add Epice, do' Claret to cask Madder, 100 do 'Soda papers, 5 canes Indigo, Fur, sale low FOR caju by TERI469 tk4 No 7 Market Street, BEN. M. NOEL Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION PRODUCE MERCHANTS, AND DEALIAS DE 'Brandies, Wince, Cigars, Ac, Ci, NO.

9 MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN, are pow la receipt of LIQUIKS, large and to well wilch assorted wE mock of lavite the attention of the Liquors. 100 bble Wilchire' Whisky, 50 bble Rom. do. Egarbos do do Gig Wines, 100 do Bye do 100 Whisky, Ward a Carry's 50 do, Ameriesa Brandy, I 25 bt R've Whisky Robertson en, In store add far sale by BEN NOEL co. Cirarsand Tobacco.

100,000 Imported Cigars, 200 Tones Tobacco, assorted sorted brands brande, In store and for sale by DEN. Si. NOEL. CO, Sundrics, 900 bags Rio Cotire, casks Soda, 100 do old good Java Colice, 50 to In Papers, 50 hbds prime to choice caste Dutch Madder, Brown Fogar, 5 ceroons best Indigo, 200 bbls new Molasses, 200 kegs Nails, assorted, 100 bbla to do 100 dos. Painled Buckets, 1-0 bola Chrusbed Engur, 50 bxa Smoking Tobacco, 50 do Loaf do 75 box Mason's Blacktas, $00 boxes Star Candles, 900 bxs Glass Ware, 100 do do do do iron 50 bbts bags S.

Cider 8. Alve Vinegar, onda, Pesti Stared, 95. do H. A do 100 bra Soap. 200 Reacca Paper, chests Grin Tea, And many other articles all in add will he sold low Agares by BEN.

M. NULL it 950 bbis Redeery Molasses, 20 kegs Golden Pyrap. 01 egael or by TERBASS BROTHERS. 20:0 'CAIN CORNELIUS, 49 CHURCH Manufacturers of 'and -Dealers in: 7 A Cottage Boadsteads, Lounges, Cribs, 'AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS FURNITURE, CHAIRS, USUALLY KEPT IS FURNITURE OUSES MATTRASSES! We also keep on hand and afactare to order the better descriptions of MATTRESSES. 3 FUNERAL UNDERTAKING.

We will furnish, at a moment's notice, all kinds Burial Cases, WOOD CLOTH COVERED COFFINS, I the lowest market price. MARBLE MONUMENTS. M. L. SHELTON.

INFORMS his friends and the publicis I eral that he is now prosecuting the MAsaLa Bestesa. on Church Street, the Post between Once, the Arst Presbyterian Church and orders where be will be pleased to attend to the fall who may want work. la hisline done. He bae and wilikespoo hand a supply of MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, of the Anest Italian and American Marble ad every thing requialte on Funeral occasion: 49 CORNELIUS, street. Charch FURNITURE HOUSE.

S. F. GOULD, 7, College street, (THREE DOORS FROM CHUROR STREET.) now receiving I fall and well selected stock of FUR. NITURE, of the latest styles, and from the best Manu-. factories, consisting in Rosewood, Mah gany Walnut PARLOR SETT8, Oak, Walnut, Chairs, Mahogany and Rosewood Chamber Betta.

Mattresses. with every description of work usually the kept lowest My Furbitare dealers, all of which will be sold at prices. March29-1y. A Groomes, Cavert 13 COLLEGE STREET, reapertfally call attention to their large and varied assortment of Parniture, In doing so they feel satiaded that they are prepared to exhibit by far the largest and Best Stock Of all kinds of Furniture, ever offered before In this city, and in order to hoid out inducements, they are offering such Articles as may be desired to cash bayers at Reduced Prices, Owing to this reduction, those baying on credit wE! be charged lotere-t from the time the billa are made. The beary stock now in store, the employment of a large number of bands ly engaged in the manatectas, leg.

Indbees them to give extra bargains at present time. We ask an examination of our stock, bellering that those in want of any articles will And it to their Interest to purchase of us GROOMES, CATERT co. Mattresses of alt kinds constantly on band, and for sale the bestetgie of theart. All of his work willbe warraned. March 95 R.


undersigned would Inform their patrons aD the THE public rally, that they have removed to their new and elesant boase on Market street, few doors South of Broad, and will give their particular attention to fanerals Orders lef: at the store, or with Groomes, Caters will be promptly attended to. We are owners of Crane's Patent Metalic Burial Casket, and Ordertakers can be tarnished with them at ang-and all times. We are also prepared to forniab Fish's and all other Cases, and make to order Comr a of any style. We have good Hearses and horses with carefal drivers. Jac20-1y.

style. feb9 "Would You Remember Me," THEN THE STAR GALLERY! And secure the substance fade. T. F. SALTZMAN, (LATE OPERATOR AT UGGIES' GALLERT,) WOULD respectfully inform the of Vashrille vicinity that be can still be found at bia Ambrotype Rooms, NO.

44, UNION STREET, DOOR TO VESSEL THOMPSON'8. 1 From 8 St. until 5 P. At. ready and willing to wait on the lovers of art.

The Rooms wilt be made as attractive as possible. C10- zeds and strangers are politely invlied to viait my rooms, WHETHER THEY WANT PICTURES OR NOT. triumpheat our atteation claims, Here life speaking from a bundred frames, Surprisiog art! by which we lead Our coantenance to absent friends. RENOVAL. J.

13. CURREY, FUNERAL UNDERTAKER, UNION STREET, (Between Cherry and Summer Streets,) There be la prepared to furnish everyibing Residence necessary 25 fanerals, both day or cight. No. South Higt Street P. repaired or made to order in the best Here I can trace the locks of gold Which round thy snowy forehead wave, The cheeks which sprang beauty's mould, lips which made me beauty's slave.

"Sweet copy! far more dear to me, Lifeless, unfeeling as thou art, Than all the living forms could be, Save one who placed thee next my Gnart." Ali pictures warranted to gire entire satisfaction. T. V. SALTZMAN. P.

-The Star Gallery is the only establishment la the city where apprentices are not engaged in taking pictures. Apr9 1. v. 8. TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, E.

D. Crossman No, 9 North- Fast Corner Public Square, the trade of Nutrile that they have DESIRE to opened an stock of the above artirles, FINE SOLE LEATHER, LADIES' FRENCE MEDIUM AND PACKING TRUNKS, VALINES, CARPET and other Traveling Bags. Oar. stuck 1: of as good a quaiity, and will be sold at as low price as ADJ can be obtained at any manufartory in the country. We Invite merchants trading la and thia elty 10 aD ex amination of our stock.

REPAIRING done aDd COVERS made. D. fehe No. 9 Corner Public Equare. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JAMES E.


B. WHITE. ATTORNEY AT LAN ILL attend to any that may be entrustedto him with abilitica as be possesses. See back of Gowdoy' Jewelry Store, On the Public Sacare. Unlop and Patriot copy for one mouth and charge th nasce.


altend prompily to Ul business entrusted to them Collections made in any part of Alabama. Oat. 1-1y HORACE A. HARRISON, ATTORNEY AT 'LAW, 10. 0.

STREET OPPOSITE Nasbritio, Teap. practice in the several Courts held in the and la the Circait and Chancery Courts at whr19 tf DOES and the publio geberally that ho' la prepared to Barouchen Buckles the most approved modern styles, employed the best of machinica, sad the Anest of and being dechanic myself, feel aspared that I shall be able to ire so all may taror me with their Also REPAIRING done In, the bestest style and I the shortess notice. I. TURNSEND, Jane 90, 1558-1y. FRED.

SLOAN, Carriage Manufacturer, NO. 69 LOWER MARKET WASAVILLE, WOULD of the respectfally call of the Nashville attenand these of the adjoining to bla large and varied nasarimens on CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, doom do Dep Which he believes to be superior in every respect to spy work heretofore offered IN THIS CITY. He solicits an examioation from those wishing to chase, being satisded that he can exhibit Bettor Work more REASONABLE PRICES than any other bous the city, Repairing of every Description ATTENDED TO WITH DISPATCH. or All Dew work varranted twelre months. NOW ON HAND: A splendid tot of HARNESS, which will be sold at cheap rates, wholesale and retall.

COACH' MAKING," announces to bi friends Carriaso PARR. tallta new Factoryon Market Street, two doors Broad 64., Invites his old friends and customers 10 give him a call, as he is determined to offer work that will please in quality and price. Ee ban now on hand a bandsome assortment of Which be thinks will compare favorably with the factore of any otber establishment, and is prepared 0 build any kind of Carriage that may be desired. At kinds of Vehicles repaired at police. HARNESS! C.

L. HOWERTON, Nos. 9 and 10 South Side of the Square NASHVILLE TENNESSEE, Has now on hand the Largest and best Stock of CARRIAGE AND BUGGY HARNESS That was ever exhibited in this elty. Ills Block comprises the very ducat and gradations down to the cheapest. He also keeps a Variety of BUGGY COLLARS, KIP AND HOG SKIN COLLARS BRIDLES, HALTERS, And everything Inhis line.

To h'a former customers, be returns his alacere thanks, and laviice attention to ale present extensive stock. To others obo have pot yet favored bin with a call, be would say, if the prices and workmanship he offers, do not sult, you it be barder to please than those Is bus been his 1 pleasere to waft on heretofore. JOTS MORROW. 1. NORSOW.

JOHN MORROW SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLERY AND COACH Ware Furnishing House, 14 NO 48 MARKET NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. 3 Also. MANUFACTURERS DEALERE IN Saddles, Bridles, Harness Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Saddle Bags, dc. visiting Nash rille In need a thing in ou- line, will And it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is our Inteation to sake quiet sales and short proSta. Extra Inducements will be oBered to cash purchasers, Jabi9-daeoly.

JOHN MORROW SON. LEVIATHAN Livery, Sale Exchange Stables, NORTA MARKET J. C. M'FERRIN-Proprietor. THE establishment formerly having kept leased by.

the Mr. abore Jaba well M. Sloan, known has thoroughly repaired and reAtted it to all its depart. and pow chall-ages in point of realence and capacity from any similar establishment la the Eonth-West LIVERY. 1 shall keep constantly on hand a number of handsome vehicles of al kinds, and a stud of horses aneurpassed la style, speed and safety.

SALE. I am prepared to Sil any bill for rentlemen wishing to purchase carriage. buggy or saddle horses, and will guarantee entire satisfactiun. Drivers of stock will And at my catabilshmert saltable accommodations for any number of horses or mules, at reasonable rates. BOARDING.

Gentlemen wishing accommodation for horses and hicles are exaured that stock will receive the beat attention and at the lowest current tales. I am also provided with all the facilities for Breaking, Galting, Nicking and Docking barses, and sill ensure satlafaction. I will receive and sell stock of all kinda on comminion, and from a thorough acqcaintance and consta at familiars. with the market, fee: no hesitation In promising satis. action.

Being determined to gire satisfaction to all who may call, a portion pablic patronage is solleited. J. C. McPERRIN, Jan16 diy. Late of Bowling Green, Ky.

appetites of his customers, and charge for Do mute that they Rot This has been needed in ou city, abd he hopes by strict attention to his business to merit public Dage. He feels certain of success, with his own efforta mad the immortal in kitchen. He will furnish public dinpers at the shortest notice. He also keeps on band a large stock of CIGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, WINES LIQUORS. Call and examine at the Metropolitan.

METROPOLITAN EATING HOUSE. Proprietor begs to aenerally, inform the he citizens at of considerable Nashrille, and that har, expense, Atted up the houses op the corner of CEDAR AND CHERRY STREETS, for the purpose of carrying on a regular business la the NEW YORK NTYLE. The so porposes baving a regular enabled Bill of Fare, with prices and tached, that he ran te to suit both pocket mar'6-dly J. MOORE CITY RESTAURANT, 00 SAM. RIDDLEHERGER, CORNER OF DEADERICK AND CHERRY Nashville, Tennesace.

TAKES his this method of Informing the public that he will EATING HOUSE, ON THERSDAY, 16th for the accommodation of every body "and the reel of mankind." He will keep constant sapply of GAMS, OTSTERB, FISH, JUST RECEIVED CHARLES ROBERTSON'S, No. 17 Market of German, French, English an A American Toys, Paper Balloons, from three to nine feet in diameter, will be sold cheap either wholesale or retail. DOXES Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, and otber 100 Fire Works. Fruits, assortment of Nate, of alt Hods. Paradise A RENT, Article In this market; Ralains, Viga, Prunes, Citroo, Currants, Oranger, Lemona, BLACK and Green Teas, Spices, Just received.

DICKLES, Preserves, received. Oysters, Lobsters, Cardines, Freab Salmon, MANUFACTURE all kinds of Candy, and sell It as cheap as any house in the city. FLEA RORKRTPON. S. FRENCH RONS.

WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMIESION MERCHANT AND DRALRA IN COTION. TOBACCO.AND ALL KINDS OP PRODUCI of Marts and Harks NASHVILLE, TENN. Cumberland Coal. NASHFILLE COAL COMPAST sell their a. perior Coal at 15 and 20 cents per bushel, from chis date, from the river.

An Cherry Street, Mereli-ll betwee Finlan and TURNIP NEED. nip, White Rata Daze Tarip; Yellow Rats Bags Top Strap Lesred WLite Fiat A Cu Tar. Tarnip; Fellow Aberdeen Tarpip. 100 lbs. of the abore Seed receired to-day.

br express by B. 8. WELLER, No. 50 Broadway. Refined Sugars.

Perdered, Loaf and Clarided Bagar, large and good assortment receired from the Eastern Refaertes, and for sale low for cash JAMER by aly19-if LIVINGETON. "Hard Gentleman Times No More A NY lox from Lady or 88 to 87 can in en'er the lato United an easy States, and able business, by which from $5 to 8'0 per day can be realised. For particulars, address, with ASTON stamp.) W. 41 North 8L, Philadelphia. WILLIAN 1: F.ORR Wholesale Grocers tri SUCCESSORS TO Market and Bread Nashville, Tennessee.

TOR SALE A 'CHOICE of ABSORTMENT OF GROceries, connering in part 9000 Ball, 4000 Gunny Bags, 1000 550 bza bbis do Star Candles, 800 150. bra Lie Coles, 60 hbd. 1 Bro Sagar, 150 do Jara do de de assorted Shot, do 20 kegs Bar Lead, 95 bbla Crushed do dos Painted 100 do Bagas boom Baskets Champalgae; lasses, 195,000 900 Bagar house Mo- 8000 175.020 Rin's Wraplog Pa a Caps, 1000 kegs. a Nails, 500 gross Matcha 8) Casts Bode, Prodoce taken at highest rates for GROCERIES 8. W.

7. 0 R. MORRIS STRATTON, Wholesale: AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS: AND DEALERS Foreign and Demestic Liquers, MO. 14, MARKET STREET, of are now la receipt of a large and roll stock Liyuors, to which in vita attention of the SUGARS. 400 bhde.

Louisiana Sagar-850 bbls. N. Y.and Baltimore all grades; Codes Extra- all ord'a. 150. N.

T. a Baltimore 100 bbl N. Y. and Baltimore Oruabed Sagar all gri's. La.

Loaf, Coles Extra, 50 bble. N. Y. and Baltimore all Pow'd, Sagar- all grades. COFFEE.

2500 bars choice Baltimore 100 bags choice Laguayra Coffee. Coffee. TIN too boxes J. C.10x14 Tia. very cheap for caab.

100 do J. X. 10x14 LIQUOR'S. bbla, Pike's, Magnolia 40 da. M.

3 p'pes old Holland Gin. 400 bbla. RaW Oblo 6 do' Cognac Braody. 900 da old Coantry do 100 cases 8t. Jallen Claret 950 do old Reserve Wise.

Whlaky. 40 bask' Champagne, extra do Old Bourbon Whi'y1500 cases Brandy. do Kye da 800 pi's Domestic Brandy. 90 do do 300 bbia. Cider Vinegar.

do Old Port Malaga Wine. With many other articles for the Grocery trade, Aug, 3, MORRIS ATRATTOR, J. a RIFT AN. a G. ECITACE.

GRISHAM (Seccessors to Emith, Love Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Forwarding Commission Merchants 5S BOOTE MARKET NASHVILLE, TENNESSER. WIll pay Cash for all Articles of Produce. El Oct10-deokrly. WE now receipt of 4 large and well amorted of Groceries, Liquors, to which we invite the attention of the trade: Sugars. 950 hhds Louisiana; 100 bbl Balt.

Crush'd and 50 boxes Loaf; powdered; 100 bbla St. Louis do, Coffee, -800 baga New Orleans Rio; 150 do Choice Baltimore. barrels Choice Rebolled; 850 do. Liquors. 750 barrels Pike's, Dean's and Chenarth's Whiskies; 400 do Bourbon, Rye, and Smith's 014 Reserve 200 do Couniry made, Lincoln, Robertson, pigs Domestic Brandy; 25 1 do Freach Ginger, Blackberry do.

and Cherry da. do Holland Gin; 15 casks Port Wine: 20 bbia Sweet Malaga Wine; 5 pkgs Old Jamaica Rom. 400 bas Star Candles; 175 kegs Tobacco, all grades; 200 half do do Cigars do 150 qr. do do 80 chests Green Tess. Also, a good assortment of Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda, dc.

Wanted 20,000 bushel. Dried Frait. Oct10-deokwly. GRISHAM HUFFAKER. Groceries! Groceries! JOYNT TREANOR, No.

41 Broad Street, Nashville, Teap. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, BACON, LAND, FLOUR, 8 AND PRODUCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. now of prepared to and show a Liquors, large and which well select- al are stock Groceries to we rite the inspection el cash buyers, and as we are detersned to sell as low as the lowest, (Auctions always except ed) we know we can offer them a good Inducements as any house in the trade. Call and see. Veb3-ly JOYNT TREANOR.


COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS Brandies, Wines, Whisky, DEALERS IN BACON, LARD AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Corner of Broad and College Bred, Nashville, Tenn. WE stock are of lo Groceries, receipt of Liquors, a large to and which well we assorted lavite the s'tention of the trade: 67 nests Tahr; 110 Louisiana Sugar-119 desca Brooms; all grades; 900,000 assorted Cigars; G1 bbla N. Y.

and Baltimore 80 boxes Emoling Tobacco; Crashed Bagar: 160 do Chewing Tobacco, 35 bbls N. Y. Loaf and Pow. all grades of Va, brands: derd Pagar; 1500 kegs White Lead; Coffee. 10 do Shot, all sizer; 100 bys choice BAIL.

Cotee; 20 Bar Mason Lead; 260 do N. 0. Coffee; 15 do Blacking: Molasses. 500 bags doe Balt. 70 bols choice Rebolled Mo 2000 Kana wha Salt; tastes; 75 bus quart Flasks; 60 bbis choice Rebolled 195 d.

pint and pint do; Molasses: 100 kegs Nalis, assort, elses; 60 kegs Golden Syrup; Liquors. 50 bbla Smith's old Reserved Sundrirs. 45 bbis Whisky; old Bourbon 30C bra Star Candles; 55 do old 3ye Whisky: Whisky 100 do Tallow do do do Monongabels do 195 do Bar Soap; 100 do Pike's Magnolia do 60 do Ground Pepper; Bin do Tenn pore White do do do Spice; 75 Newsom'a do 13 do da Ginger: 60 do Fort Corn do 1:5 do sup. Cerb. Soda; 85 do old Portand Malaga (5 da Indigo, all sises; Wine: 112 casts Carb.

Soda; 27 bbis At. Gis; 8 do Madder; do folland Gin: 95 bags Pepper; 17 do old 15 do 8pice; 43 do American do 18 Merces Rice: 85 baskets Champagce Wine 160 doz Painted Backete; 150 bbis Cider Vinegar; 83 do Wash-boarde; Together with many other articles, such as are areal! kept to the Grocery like. Feb6-st P. C. Plow! Plows! Plows! WE will Plowe, keep manofactured constantly on at the band a fall TENSESSEE assortment PLOW of PACTORY.

Farmers would do well to give us a call before parchaslag, us we can sell them as good a steel Plow as has ever been offered for sale la this city, at from ten to trenty per cent less than you have been paying for the same quality of Plows. O. ANDERSON, 83 and 85 Bread and Collece Streeta, Nashville. 2 HUGH M'CREA WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 13 15 Market Strect, Nashville.

'HAVE la Store the following150 hbds prime Bagar: 850 packages Teas; 75 bbts Powered a Crushed 00 bags Shot, assorted; Bagar, 100 bxs Tallow Candles; 50 pkgs Goldro Eyrop; 50 bags Pepper; bags Rio Coder: 40 do Allspice; 50 do Laguira do. cO 20 packeta Java do 600 eroce Matches; 30 bra Star Candles: 100 dos Rackets; 10 do Cincinnati Soap; 25 do Charon; 1 baa Tobacco, all brands; 15 do Butter Tube; .,,000 HavanDa Cigars; all 8 cases Indigr, brands; 3 canta Madder; 12 600 Melee Cigars; 20 bbis Almonds; 30 colla Jate Rope; 10 Brazil Nuts; 50 50 do Cotton Ford; 10 do riberta; dos Cotton Bed Cords; do Texas Pecaas; 80 bbis But'er and Soda $50 dos Oysters; IRON. NAILS. AND CASTINGS100 tons Pittaburg Iron, warranted; :000 kegs Mittsbarg and Wheeling Nails; 20 tons assorted Castings; 5000 pounds Birel, LIQUORS. 20 bbls Cincinnati Whisky; 90 bble Acerican Brandy; 0 do Newaom's DND.

do GO do da Gin; 15 Jalln U. Smith's do 1 pipe pare 11 Iland de do Robertson Co. do 5 casks pare Cog: Brandy; 60 do Rye add 15 bbls N. Rum; bels do do Sweet Malaga; FO D5's Old Bourbon do 60 4 casks Brandy: 1.0 do Tennesse White do 20 bra (leger 10 bza Claret; 90 de Raspberry Brandy, 40 do Bebeldam Schauppe; 5 this Cherry Brandy, 5 bale do do Cordial; 10 do pure Apple Brandy. do Lemon 5 Ginger Brandy; 6 do Pare Peach Brandy, All of the above will be sold very low for cash M'ORKA by PahTA, POP.

Pittaburg Plows. tV hand and for sale by D. D. DICKEY: March82 -if Retailers Will And an Excellent 'Lot Langhorn Armistead I Tobacco: ALSO A LANCE A OF PURE. CIGARS, ND a fall stock of OCR.OW MARE of CIGARS LOTI than auy other boase can pos-ibly place them.

J. W. LANGLEY CEP 44 Union Street and Magnificent 'Stock! Shoes, El ke. CHALLENGE: COMPETITION IN BETLES! Challenge Competition fn' Prices -The Finest Ever in this And Quick Just opened and always on band to ever BUMMER this are if superior, any offer recatred and now for sale the following Gents' Ane Coalher Opera Gallers, Gents', Edson Ties; Genta', Calf Pomp Gaiters, Geata' Oxford Ties, Acals' Strap Genta' End and clots, Congresi Gents', Kid, Cloth and Lasting Oriord Tier, Genta'. And Laced Bootees, Geol Morocco and Oxford Genta' and Lasting Shoes, Genta' Lamoin Calf Pump Boots.

For Ladies, and Children, Extra Ane Lasting, Italian, Clots 11 4 Kid Heel Gaiters, Extra Button Extra Front Laced Extra Kid Nippers, with and without beels, Extra lasting and Bust abort every variety and style of goods ranted, found In class houser, Call us No: '18 Pablia Square, South Bides: 1 am determined not to be undersold, CHAS. B. HALL. Junes Trunks! best No. 1 sole Leather Trusts ever brought to this market, Ladles' Leather Mae French Dress Franks; and Ramselt Sole Leather and Plain Bonnet Trunks, Bole Horskis Valices, The abore will be sold very cheap for cash.

B. Carpet Bars, Satchels de, de HALL BURGE ALLEN, WHOLESALE: GROCERS, Commission. and Froduce Merchants LID DEALERS Brandies: Winch- Cigars co CORNER OF COLLEGE, AND BPRING STREETS NASHVILLE, TENN. are now receipt of a large and well assorted stock of Urocaries, Liquor, to which we invite the attention of the 150 bade Louisiana 150 bbla Baltimore and Lon 100-bbla Y. 4 Palladelphia balans Coffee Bagar; Crashed Bagar: 15 bbla Baltimore and Los 50 bbla N.

Y. Philadelphla Isiana 1 oaf Sugar; Pordered Eupar; 95 bra Baltimora and Phils delobla D. R. Sugar, Coffee. 500 sacks Rio 75 do old Gov.

Java do 100 do Laguyra do Molasses, 950 bbis New Molares; 50 ten gallon kegs G. Syrup bbis 80 bbls do do 100 ten gallon toga. do Sundrles. 450 bra Star Candler; 930 dos Painted Buckets; 250 do do 100 dos pests da do do' 150 Washboards; 150 bra Tallow do 175 do Broom: 100 do Pearl assorted 900 do Soap; no 76 bza Smoking tobacco; 95 chests Urced Black S50 do do Tea; all grades; 50 bags Black Pepper, .100 bas Garrett's Sour; Spire, 60 kgs Shot, assorted dis do Ginger: do Bar Lead; 150 casks New Castle Soda: 15 baa Mason's Blacki 100 b1s do do la do Glass Ware; 6 ceroons best Indigo; 350 do Window Glass; 2 casks Dutch Madder, -00 bbis Kanswha Salt; 20 tierces fresh Rice; LIQUORS. 800 bbla Dean's ex.

bbis best Robertson co. 100 Wilsbire's do biaky; 15 do Ward Cary do 150 1a Bye Bourbon do 95 do Brith's old reserve 100 bra Lon worth's Catawba Wine; 95 or. pipes bberry and Madeira do. 90 casks old Bargaidy Port do. 5 pipes Jean Louls Brandy: 9 pipes Holland Gin; 50 bask.

Champagne Wine 20 bols Ale; 10 Ebla Vinegar; 95 casks London Together with every other article usually kept in the Grocery line, BURGE ALLEN. Just. 6. 1. F.


6 BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSES, A RE foul Pond complete Iring and will assortment keep of stores constantly for en Steamboats, hand and series for the city ani country trade generally, which we will sell low for cans, or exchange for country prudace. A share of patronage is suet respectfally solleited, and we promise every effort to give satisfaction. Housekeepers will And it to tbeir interest to call apon as for supplies. Var facilities for obtalaing country supplies are superior, and our stock will always be equal to the beet fo torn. ty.

RHEA, HARDCASTLE 00 FRUITS, Ornamental Trees Evergreens. TO la rite A special attention to Nurserymen, their extensire stock of Fruit, Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Green House Plants, tc. Over Ornamental Trees and Evergreens, Puitable for Immediate 50,000 APPLES, 9, 8 an3 4 years old, 80,0:0 PEARS, Dwarts and Standards, 3 to 4 years eld. 50,000 PEACHES, I aDd 9 years old, CHERRIES, PLUMS, APRICOTS, NECTARINES, and QUINCES, In large numbers A large collection of CRAPES, STRAWBERRIES, RABPBERRIES, OORRANTS, Ac. BOCQ5TS at MONTGOMERY BICGREEDT, Lin end Norseries, Nashville, Tenn.


(IN THE BRINKLEY BLOCK,) MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. OF tion, charge Bacon. for or a any Illog article Cotton, of Grain plantation of every prodace, cept Tobacco, is pe cent. upon the gross amount; for the latter 5 per cint will be charged. Consignments are solicited.

We will Ali orders for household or plantation moppiles carefully and promptly, Having a large Warchouse; centrally located, we can furnish s'orage tor articies of every kind, for sale or for shipment, upon reasonable terms. Insurance always ellected, unleas advised to the contrary. Special attention will be paid to the receiving and forwarding of SierchanRica, J. A. ANSLEY GENERAL COMMISSION PRODUCE MERCHANTS.

Once on Broad Opposite Union Bank, Augusta, Ga. Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale of Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Cotton, ad all articles of chandise consigned to them. liberal advances alther in cash or by acceptance, made on articlenio store or when bills of Lading accompany drafta. 8. WILCOX, the Virm.

D. I. ANGLIT. L. ANSLET, Individual Members of J.

MATD, PADLETORD, FAT Co, Sarandab, W. A. RICHARDSON, Louisville, Ky. GRo, W. Charleston, 8.

0. 8. K. ReDE, Athens, Tena. SNAPARD A Nashville, Tens.

N. rigid adterence to the principles or a legiti male Commission Business will be observed. July 6. -41, INSRUANCE. ASSETS AS EECURITY FOR LOSSES, 86 000.000.

as follows: ETNA INS. COMPANY, of 05, HOME INS. COMPANY, of New 1,850,000 60, HARTFORD FIRE TAB. of 793,632 93, PHOENIX INS. COMPANY.

of 419 J'51 64, LAMAR FIRE INS. of New 850 069 84. NEW FORK LIFE INSURANCE 1,5959 56. NASH Agents, Janeg-ff No. $5 College Street.



Euct. JOSEPA VAULX, A. W. BurLEs, toet 23 -if. MASH VILLE CGE DEERCIAL INSURANCE COMPY Capital ALL PAID IN AND FEIS ding to Company Charter, being la prepared to write Pols.

tally accor. cles against LOSS OR WARES, and BY MERCHANDIES FIRE, 01 BUILDINES, GOODS, reperally. Also, on INLAND Shipments TRAXAPORTATION, against Loss on mast by RITRAS, Or On the vorable terms. LIVE ADd NEGRO Policies graated at current rates Once, No. 60 College street, East side, between Calo street and the Public Square.

DIRECTOR, Alexander Fall, Henry Hart, John James F. Woods, Anth. W. Vanleer, W. Evans, Evin, cha Kirkman, hiccres, W.

T. BerTiesley R. C. MeNalry, Mach ALEXANDER Greendeld, TALL, President JANES Waissa, April 80, 54. Tennessee Marine and Fire INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY.

Capital 0150,000 -call Paid in. the risks North- against West Loss Corner or of the Damage Publie by Fire Square, on Will take Dwellings and other Blouses, Goods in Store, Also, Marine and River hazards, to and from all ports -1150 Riskson Jogroes against tho dangers of the River. DIRECTORS. N. BILL JOSEFE VAULS, JANES CORNET, G.

M. Toga, JANEE THOMPSON ANDERSON, 32 of in by.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.