The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

4 15, 1974 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST 10 7AM E51 4 16 74 29.77 30.24 30.24 29.77 29.77 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.47 SEATTLE MINNEAPOLIS. NEW YORK FAIR FRANCISCO DENVER 29.62 LOS ANGELES DALL LOWEST TEMPERATURES MILD 50 NEW ORLEANS MIA MI HIGH -LEGEND 29.94 -70 RAIN FROS SNOW 70 AIR SHOWERS FLOW UPI WEATHER FOTOCAST Showers and thunderstorms Northern Georgia, through into the Great Lakes, the ly cloudy skies are expected Houston 90 73 Miami Beach Indianapolis Milwaukee Jackson 87 63 Minn -St. Paul Jacksonville 66 Nashville Kansas City 66 New Orleans Knoxville 83 59 New York Los Angeles 82 62 Philadelphia Louisville 78 56 Phoenix Memphis 88 65 Pittsburgh widespread from Tennessee valley and says. Clear to part(UPI Telephoto) Raleigh 82 Richmond 78 San Antonio 89 San Francisco 53 Savannah 87 65 Seattle 70 St. Louis 84 Tampa 88 Washington 63 UPI 500 Selected Stocks Page 10 The Knoxville News Sentinel Saturday, June Market Fades As With Hopes of Rate Cut Blue-Chip and Glamor Stocks Show Big Losses (C) 1974 New York Times News Service NEW YORK The stock market made a broad retreat Friday in lackluster trading as hopes for an immediate reduction in interest rates continued to fade.

Analysts noted that there was growing investor disappointment over the prospects for a rapid downtrend in interest rates because of the latest weekly figures from the Federal Reserve Board, which showed a large increase in business loans. After the market closed on Thursday, the FED reported that business loans at 12 major New York banks rose $421 million in the week ended Wednesday. Higher loan demand usually indicates that interest rates will remain firm. Quality Issues Down Most groups of stocks were under pressure Friday with the biggest losers being the blue-chip and glamor stocks. At the close of trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was off 8.99 points at 843.09.

Losses of a point or more were posted by six quality issues that are components of the Dow. These included General Motors down 1 to 50 Eastman Kodak 1 cO 114; Allied Chemical 1 to 40: Sears, Roebuck to 88; Du Pont 2 to 170 and Exxon 1 to 78. Of the 1703 stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange, 953 fell, 370 rose and 380 were unchanged. Only eight issues managed to make new highs for the year while 69 stocks posted new lows. Turnover tumbled to 10.03 million shares from 11.54 million shares on Thursday.

Friday's volume was the smallest since May 6 when 9.45 million shares changed hands. Glamors Hurt, Too Analysts also pointed out that the decision of the first National City Bank of New York today to leave its prime rate unchanged helped increase the market's weakness. Last Friday, the bank reduced the key rate on shortterm loans to its most creditworthy corporate customers to 11 per cent from 11 per cent. No other major de money-center bank has followed suit since citibank's move. Among the weaker glamor issues, Alaska interstate fell 1 to 9 International Business Machines 4 to 222 Disney 2 Getty Oil 3 to 110 Honeywell 3 to 64 and Schlumberger, Ltd.

3 to 104. The gold-mining stocks resisted the lower trend and made impressive gains. Their strength reflected higher bullion prices abroad with quotations in London closing at $160.75, its high for the week. AMEX Prices Dip Helping to buoy the gold group was a prediction made by Nicolas Diederichs, the finance minster of South Africa, who said that it would be "realistic" to expect the world's private market price for gold to rise to about $200 an ounce in the next few months. Among the gold-mining issues, Asa, Ltd.

Soared 4 to 82 Campbell Red Lake 1 to 36 Dome Mines 1 to 50 and Homestake 1' to 41 National Mortgage Fund dropped 1 to a new closing low of 7 The company cut its quarterly dividend to 25 cents a share from 37 cents and said its profits could decline by about 30 per cent for the current fiscal year ending Feb. 28, 1975. In the previous fiscal year, the real estate i investment trust earned $3.5 million, or $1.50 a share. The volume leader was Kaufman Broad, which slipped to 4 on 168, 100 shares. Prices fell on the American Stock Exchange as the value index fell 0.63 to 84.00, with losses outnumbering advances by 365 to 200 while 299 issues were unchanged.

In the counter market, the NASDAQ industrial index fell 0.22 to 80.67 while the composite index dipped 0.48 to 82.76. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO (UPI) -Cash grain: Wheat unch; No. 2 soft red 3.75½n Corn off No. 2 vellow 2.877an Oats off No. 2 extra heavy white 1.54n.

Soybeans Up No. 1 vellow 5.380 an; Chicago high rate. Barley malting 2.50-2.90n: feed 1.50- 1.900. D-J Averages NEW YORK (UPI) Dow Jones closing averages: STOCK High Low Close Nt Ch 30 Indus 850.67 837.84 843.09 20 Trnsp 175.02 172.86 173.63 15 Util 73.68 72.28 72.47 65 Stock 257.40 253.56 254.91 Transactions in stocks used in averages: Industrials 796,700: Transportation Utilities 301.300, 65 stock 1,289,800. BOND Close Net Chg 40 Bonds 68.67 10 Higher grode rails 49.98 10 2nd Grade Rails 65.03 0.05 10 Public Utilities 84.22 0.12 10 Industrials 75.46 Income Rails 47.33 CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO (UPI) CHESE: Five-1b processed loaf 76.25-88; Muenster.79-2593.50; cheddar single daisies 83.50-94; longhorns 83.50-92: 40 lb blocks 87.25-106 25; Swiss blocks 80-100 lb grade A 102.50- 103; grade Wholesale selling prices as reported bY USDA: BUTTER: Prices poid delivery to Chicago unchonged; 93 score 59 92 score score EGGS: Prices paid delivery to Chicaunchanged.

Prices to retailers (grade in car: delivered); Extra lorge 45-48; large 43-46; mediums Public Records Suits in Circuit Court Hazel Pauline Rudder, Rt. 17, Blue: bell, Loner. Knoxville. vs. Highway Transport Co.

1500 Amburst Rd. Knox. ville, end Frencis Bill Jaynes. Rockhotd. seeking 5750.000 damages tor In juries allegedly suffered Ava.

28, 1973. in a collision between her cor and a truck driven by Mr. Javnes of Clinton Highway and Merchant Drive. Estates Probated Cyrus Dillon White, 83, of 4408 Hilltop died June 7, 1974. Elise Jackson White.

of 4608 Hilltop and William Davis, of Knoxville, quality os coexecutors of the estate. valued over $60.000. James H. Pollard, 50, of R1. 28.

John Norton Rd. May 30. 1974. Juanito Pollard. of 28, John Norton.

died. qualities os administratrix estate. valued less than $60.000 Edgor Rufus Henritze, 92. of 1311 Contrai died June 7, 1974, Beulah Mae Baker Henritze, of 1311 Central qualities as executrix of estate, valued less than $60,000 Harold E. Quillen.

45. of 6804 Stockton Drive, died June 10. 1974. Betty R. Quil.

ten, of 6804 Stockton Drive, qualifies as administratrix of estate, valued less than $60.000. Roy Franklin Davenport, 45. of 8600 Kingston Pike, died April 28.1974. Mary Davenport, of 8600 Kingston Pike, quotifies as administratrix of estate, vol. ved at less than $60,000.

W. F. Gutter. 74, of R1, 3 Bell Comp died on June 7, 1974. Danny D.

Gutfey. of RI. 3. Lucas Lane, and William W. Griffey.

of 3650 Ashford Dunwoody qualify as co-administrators of the estate, valued at less than $60.000. Divorces Granted Thea Lynne Ridley Hunt from Donald Lee Hunt Geneva Strader Hannah from Lovie Hannah Loretta P. Cross from Charles E. Cross. Jr.

Shelby Jean Cox Bounds from Irvin McClain Bounds R. Elinor McCoin from Bedford Hamilton McCoin, Jr. Dorothy Beatric Ledbetter from Tommy Lee Ledbetter Deborah Ann Adams from Fred Car. ter Adams. Elaine Catherine Madwar from David Bruce Oliver Madwar Francis Stephen D.

Boulet from Car. roll Ann Boulet Joe Jesse Olon Franklin Lorena Mae George Frnaklin from Vickie Lynn Cooper Tipton from Howard Leo Tipton Jesse J. Beeler from Mary Alice Harmon Beeler William Henry Klingenberg from Joyce Audrey Dyer Klingenberg. Luther 0. Realty Irwin Transfers.

Fox, $27,500, Dist. Heiskell 16. Davis to John Sloan, 200. Dist. 6.

Ronald 8. Robeson to Merritt Teaster, $80,000, Dist.8. Marcella H. Wilson to Jack W. Burelson, $32,000, Dist.

7. Stephen D. Livingston to Charles W. Workman, $26,694, Dist. 6.

James R. Moon to Joe D. Bishop, $20,500, Dist. 5. Century Homes of 10 Melvin T.

Buird, $34,950, Dist. 6. H. Gordon Amburn to Clyde T. Boyd, $41,900, Dist.

6. William Mickelson to Bruce C. Layne, $29,500, Dist. 9. Boyd Spurting to Owersified Leasing Co.

of N.C., $125,000, Dist. 8. Woodrow W. Kirby 10 William F. Raby, $26,600, Dist.

6. Robert L. Hankens to Richard E. Dugger, $30,300, Dist. 6.

Wheat Shows Lower Trend CHICAGO (UPI) Wheat was irregularly lower, corn and oats mixed and soybeans irregularly higher at the close Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade. Wheat was unchanged to off 4 cents; corn off 4 to up 3a; oats off to up and soybeans up to 3. The range: Open High Low Close WHEATJuly 3.85 3.87 3.80 3.86 Sept. 3.86 3.89½ 3,83 3.89 Dec. 3.97 3.99½ 3.94 3.99 March 4.05½ 4.07 4.01 4.07 May 4.07 4.09 4.04 4.09 CORNJuly 2.77½ 2.77½ 2.75 2.75¼ Sept.

2.58½ 2.61¼ 2.58 2.60 Dec. 2.40 2.43½ 2.38½ 2.40 March 2.45 2.49 2.44¼ 2.48 May 2.49½ 2.53 2.48½ 2.52 OATSJuly 1.37½ 1.40 1.37 1.39¾ Sept. 1.35½ 1.36½ 1.33¾ 1.36 Dec. 1.36 1.37¼ 1.35 1.36 March 1.38 1.39 1.37 1.37½ SOYBEANSJuly 5.39 5.44 5.37 5,44 Aug. 5.36½ 5.45 5.36 5.43 Sept.

5.36 5.42 5.35½ 5.39½ Nov. 5.31 5.36 5.28½ 5.34 Jan. 5.33 5.39½ 5.32½ 5.36 March 5.38½ 5.43 5.37 5.42 May 5.40½ 5.46 5.40½ 5.45 SOYBEAN OILJuly 29.10 30.30 28.80 30.10 Aug. 27.20 28.35 27.12 28.35 Sept. 26.20 27.00 26.00 26.85 Oct.

24.90 25.45 24.70 25.40 Dec. 23.40 24.10 23.25 24.05 Jon. 22.60 23.40 22.50 23.20 March 22.40 22.85 22.20 22.70 May 22.00 22.30 22.00 22.20 SOYBEAN MEALJuly 103.00 103.00 101.10 101.50 Aug. 107.00 107.50 104.50 104.50 Sept. 110.00 111.00 108.50 108.50 Oct.

113.00 114.00 111.50 112.00 Dec. 117.00 117.00 115.50 115.50 Jan. 119.50 120.20 118.50 118.50 March 122.00 123.00 121.50 122.00 May 126.00 127.00 Guif Oil debris on Gulf Building late Thursin the blast Underin an attack "racial poliattack demolish- Two Injured in Collision Weather Temperatures Highest 03 71 Yesterday, Lowest 59 Normal 75 Deficiency for month to dote -31 Excess for year to date 437 Hourly Temperatures m. 81 12 mid 70 m. 1 a m.

49 2 0. 68 m. 83 0 67 m. 82 a 66 80 5 m. 66 76 10 p.

73 11 m. 71 Precipitation For 24 hours ending at midnight 0 month to date 1.30 For year to date 36.99 Excess for month to date .24 Excess for year to date 14.30 Moonset 4:17 p.m. Moonrise 2:34 a.m. Sunset today 8:54 p.m Sunrise tomorrow 6:19 a.m H. High vesterday Low vesterday Station Asheville 80 Ationto Birmingham Bismorck Boston Bristol Buttalo Charleston.

S.C Charlotte 82 Chattanooga 80 Chicago 78 Cincinnati 82 Cleveland 78 Columbus. 0. 82 Dallas Denver Detroit 78 Duluth 72 51 Stock Exchange at HowardJ.20 9 453 81- Howmt Col 8 Net High Low Close Chg. Idaho P1.36 8 23 2478- -A A--- Ideal Basic1 8 16 161 161 219 51 5 5 476 26 Ill Pwr 2.20 8 106 18 86 554 Imperial Cp 98 812 83 27 IN 05d 6 144 2618 61 Inexco Oil12 19 6 14 18 878 30 301 4 Ina InindS112.40 Rnd2.3215 7 58 53 33 4 92 InsoCop2.60 6 9 41 41 142 40 40 IBM Co5.1220 314 x66 25 245 6 74 261 26 33 Intl Mining 79 1138 231 4158 IntNck1 1.40 8 131 232 165 48 8 64 97- Int 1.40 5 458 201 34 3678 361 4 Itek Corprin14 9 498 J- 27 Jantzen .60 7 265 Jett Pilot 6012 38 26 719 JohnMv1.20 6 40 19 11 60 44 96 11858 533 4334 JonLogn .80 4 61 209 38 Jones L1.60 6 6 193- 64 413 403 Jostens 90 6 2 869 6 61 1,40 11 56 36 44 -K K- 87 21 Kaiser Al.75 6 46 18 27 14 KCSoln 50d18 9 14 11 Kan GE1.56 32 490 KansN1.32g 7 1 15 123 KonPL11.52 7 17 155 KayserR.60 7 63 Kenmtl 1.20 6 8 30 30 15 277 Kennecot 2.7 152 49 23 Kerr Mc.7024 109 20 2 Kidde W.60 4 21 58 2058- Kim CI 1.44 8 19 30 115 28 3 Airl 1 24 24 24 22 Knight N.3217 28 37 188 91 Kopper 1.88 8 56 50 29 80 41 41 60 Kresge 2231 599 27 73 -L L-- --8 8-- Sieg. 28 4 40 35 22 221 Lehi PIC.80 5 14 1658 13 Lehmn 115 12 4 LOF 2.20a 6 27 27 Libby McNI 5 10 254 19 Ligg 00 12 33 Littnin 8 76 24 1778- Lockheed 4 47 44 30 LoewCo1.20 36 68 Lone Indl 16 14 549 293 30 9 35 130 LTV Corp 75 1014 65 58g 11 138 11 11 132 Luken St 1 9 7 25 25 60 22 213 22 Luke Ygstn 6 81 8 73 8 36 -M 177 16 MacMill .25 69 5 Macy 1.10 5 8 15 15 3 109 Mad Fd.30d 37 9 9 Magnv 435 434 5 130 Man Hn1.72 9 93 38 10 10 Mar 0111.60 7 57 35 17 Marcorinci 8 278 78 Mar Mid1.80 6 33 2158 MarshF1.24 8 10 11 MartMr 1.20 6 37 22 Massey 5 5 315 22 May DS1.60 8 40 053 37 9 293 1093 110 Maytag 1.30 12 58 -C McCro1 8 67 30 30 McDonD.

40 4 344 13 10 26 448 15 1 McGr H1.50 7 51 122 McLean .7211 2 423 197 62 Mead Cp.80 5 26 57 Merck 1.4034 224 85 26 32 321- 19 16 16 16 47 16 MidSoU1.20 6 254 12 46 1.25 29 252 77 97 8 31 119 MobilO13.20 441 42 239 163 Mohsco1.20 6 14 84 Monogram 4 25 107 2.40 9 437 72 36 113 33 48 7 26 64 258 5018 962 101 Mtn 26 50 7 59 118 363 MurpCo1.20 943 65 Nabisco2.3014 34 878 50 6 167 40 Natl Distill 6 32 110 NtI Gyp1.05 60 225 295 6 25 34 34 25 Natomas 1 8 137 53 40 NCR Co .7211 144 40 Nev Pw1.40 19 70 7 64 27 31 NiagMo1.18 8 576 440 NL Indust 1 6 77 106 19 Norfolk Ws5 6 24 NoNTG52.70 8 15 29 22 NoStPw1.84 9 192 20 293 14 NwBan 1.6011 39 26 NortonS1.30 9 221 15 87 --0 0-- 79 Occid Petri 4 197 93 958 49 15 15 OgdenCo.80 7 13 118 28 Ohio Ed1.66 8 464 16 90 OklaGE1.3610 23 OklaNG1.40 8 16 161 32 Omarkin.36 6 8 30 247- Or Rckl1.20 7 54 10 67 Otis El 2.20 7 17 117 5 9 33 323 12 OwenCF .88 16 23 48 -D D-- Owen ll1.60 7 77 P-- 23 23 PacGas1.88 7 94 a 63 Pac Ltg1.68 9 70 14 9 102 PacPwr1.60 9 30 191 12 1934 195- Pc 1.20 9 29 30 531 Pan AmAir 109 62 18 1758 Panhandie2 6 66 1158- Penn Centr 77 2 2 61 26 Penney 1 1624 340 3 52 30 30 PennDix. 20 6 16 614 47 PennPL1.80 7 74 17 40 Pennzoil 1g 6 150 102 4 PeopGs2.36 6 44 117 50 134 PepsiCol.2019 85 65 64 689 Pfizer In .7621 243 121 45 --138 Phelp D2.20 6 34 541 123- PhiloEl1.64 7 219 1134 137 17112 170 Philip Mo.8020 294 58 80 1678 PhilPet1.40.14 428 54 54 --E E-- Pillsbry1.64 9 32 14 101 Pitney 7 220 120 391 41 642 114 158 Potlatc 1.20 6 5 39 PPGind1.70 6 58 44 12 12 8 104 105 21 Pus Col1.20 7 221 13 220 4014 1.72 281 28 21 2044 Pullman 9 53 42 PurexCo. 88 7 32 8 261 Purolatr 92 9 19 40 1434 Q-- 477 7434 Quak0at.7613 137 -F F-- --R R-- 23 73 75 758 Ralston .8019 254 250 4334 Rapid Aml 4. 31 133 123 133 36 Ravthon 7011 66 34 3334- 8 8 8 RCA Coral 7 353 153 1573- 83 8 8334 Co 3 134 134 13 1934-1 4 25 54 Revion 1.2018 61 6114 54 271 2758 Rey Ind 2.68 8 96 45 48 1014 10 Rey Met 50 6 19 19 122 143 Riviana .8812 65 195 1738 17 Robshaw.90 7 5 14 14 189 18 181 RochG1.24g 8 19 143 14 14 653 Rockwell 12 6 54 306 533. 53 2 535- RohmH1.1217 68 15 117 Rohr Ind 90 8 14 1358 133 37 24 233 27 1378 14 88 23 3 1.42d 3 97 30 --G G-- S-- 61 2 Safewy 1.6011 85 40 812 StJo Minr12 7 27 3434 273 273- StRegis1.20 9 100 66 377 Sander Asso 6 32 31 33 3234 323- Sang Ele .60 6 16 1078 11 26 25 2458 25 SanF In 1.80 7 68 32 409 501.

4978- Schering 8036 293 74 74 105 253 Schlumb 7237 129 10644 104 8 8 75: Cro. 40 4 35 1158 113 38 Scott 56 9 120 15 1 29 55 55 Sears 1.60a 20 259 887 88 1057 505 40 9 52 5034 501 501- 266 1134 113 7 30 95g 93 25 SignolCo.80 3 312 213 278 231 SimnsCo .88 7 13 143 57 15 1433 6 58 3178 163 393 385 Smithkline215 153 535 5358 11 12 4 12 12 CalEd1.68 6 60 1878 1834 1878 14 11294 SouthCo1.40 7 286 14 65. 36 363 9 54 4658 10 1233 12 3 1218- 2.16 8 47 125 So Rail 1.92 24 45 443 236 173 8 SowstP5.82 9 15 958 933 34 2512 251 So Rand 7612 185 403 1012 Squar 1.10 16 37 23 233 6 573 Squibb 1.68 23 108 86 2 1233 121 121 St Brnd1.8315 365 3958 39 Std Oil Cal2 5 288 2734 68 19 1678 187- StdOlnd3.2010 88 853 8474 538 1.36 25 67 2034 SteriDrg 6521 244 135 147: 14 StewWnl 92 7 15 23 2 61 1353 1373 1.32 6 30 30 3074 363 201 2 201 2014 Sun Oil.50d 6 225 1178 1112 1178 Sunshine .6029 37 145 14144 65 255, 25 Sup Oil 1.4018 14 185 2 187 187 -H 47 183, 1814 1812 Tandy Corpl4 231 13 13 13 Teledvne 3i 5 203 14 12 24 24 Teneco 1.44 6 217 21 41 2114 Texacolnc2 4 959 2653 25 26 55 47 TexETr1 70 8 69 192 4 42 43 TxGsTr1.76 6 47 25 28 Tex Instr 125 402 975 30 46 455: 46 Tex Util 1.08 9 192 19 1853 148 897 881 Texgult .76 45 28 15 143 Textron1.10 126 1658 Thiokol .50 153- 112 Thrifty D.40 7 262 40 Timkn 1.800 6 3012 487 TraneCo.96 8 NEW YORK (UPI) Selected stocks HOUSL P1.48 7 115 213 2148- Transam 59 275 will be the OhioWeatherman elsewhere. 84 79 77 80 57 85 58 86 67 59 82 57 115 74 76 50 TronUn1.4411 Trans WAlr TriCon2.35d TRW In 1.12 5 TWCFx 9 UAL Inc.25d10 UnCarb2.20 8 Un Elec1.28 8 UnOCal1 98 7 Un Pac 2.40 12 Uniroval 70 5 UtdAircrt 2 5 Utd Brands 3 UnCorp. 49d US Gvp1.60 7 US Indus.72 3 US Steel 2 7 US Tob .8010 UniTel 1.04 8 Univsoil 70 7 Upiohn 9634 Utah Intl.5220 Utah PL 2.32 7 UV Indust1 4 Varian 8 Vetco Offsh26 VictorCC.50 7 Va Elec1.18 5 Walgreen 1 7 War Lam.8417 Wash W1.48 8 WstnAr 7 WsBanc1.40 6 WUnion1.40 5 Westg E1.97 9 Wstvac 1.10 6 Weyrhas .8014 WhelPitt Stl 3 8012 Whit 4 WhtMot.

20d 5 Whittakr Co Wickes Cp1 6 WinnDx1.2618 Woolwh1.20 5 Xerox Cp 132 ZaleCorp.76 7 Zavre Corp 3 ZenithR1.52 8 Zurn Ind.2812 106 34 33 34 48 10 97 10 19 22 215- 3 89 19 --U U-- 564 287- 99 411 192 12 51 38 96 74 733-1 447 46 28 283 4 35 61 24 73 19 19 220 6 254 36 1514 15 73 221 16 251 85 85 148 4544 441 45 8 14 231 --V 13 114 10 703 10 10 --W W-- 12 1358- 547 13 181 237 13 51 20 20 641 667 39 27 27 484 8 926 263 53 17 12 12 96 15 44 44 76 --XYZ-233 13 16 24 50 21 8 NEW YORK (UPI) on the American close. Sales P-E (hds) A Petro1.50 7 5 Austral 01114 7 Bonister Lt 9 252 Brascan 1g 3 55 Buttes Gas 11 49 Cal Comptr 7 20 Carnatn1.0817 41 ChmpH. 17 113 Circle K.30 7 13 CombEquip13 66 CreoleP2.60 5 13 Crw CP.25b 3 14 DaMn. 10d 10 28 DixivnCorp25 Dome Petrol2 63 Felmnt. 12d 7 2 Fincl S8.20 4 FischerPt5i 7 3.40a z200 Frontier Air 5 4 Gen Cine.40 5 15 Husky 01.30 6 8 10d 4 12 Kirbylnd.50 5 13 Lee NatiCo 6 Loews Thwt 33 McCullch0121 81 OKC Corp1 4 Okie6.49d 5 250 PacNW1.12 9 Pneumo Cp 4 10 Rem Ar.80 6 9 Sambos Rst 21 76 Solitron.06b 35 SoundCo.40 4 11 Statham Ins 12 STP Co.20d85 5 Syntex C.4022 376 Utah Sgr.60 8 2 Vikoa Incor Yates Indus 6 55 Selected stocks Stock Exchange at (BOSTON Net High Low Close Chg.

11 9 9 41 4 4 18 15 8 8 8 29 28 28 9 9 7 84 84 84 -1 6 6 7 5 5 85 85 85 18 8 8 15 5 5 5 1 Sugar Futures NEW YORK (AP) Domestic sugar futures No 10 closed 50 to 55 higher. High Low Close Jul 27.45 26.75 27.00 Sep 25.10 24.80 25.00 Nov 22.95 22.80 22.95 Raw sugar spot 27.00 Sales 117. World sugar no 11 closed 45 to 143 higher. Pittsburgh police examine the 29th floor of the where a bomb exploded day. No one was injured for which the "Weathermen ground" claims credit against Gulf Oil cies in The Two drivers were injured Friday, one seriously, when their vehicles collided on Broadway at Pembroke police said.

Gerald Stout, 39, of 4341 O'Hara Drive was admitted to St. Mary's Hospital's intensive care unit with multiple injuries. He was listed in serious condition Saturday. Lawrence F. Major, 45, Jessilee Drive, was admitted to St.

Mary's with arm and face injuries. He was listed in Satisfactory condition. Mr. Major told police the car driven by Mr. Stout crossed the center line and collided with his pickup truck.

Police were unable to question Mr. Stout because of his injuries. No charges had been placed Saturday. Selected Stocks of Local Interest NYSE Open High Close Akzona Corp. 193 Baxter Laboratory 427 Central Sova 15 15 Delto Air Lines 533 Fed.

Natl. Mort. Assn. 16 Foote Mineral Co. 1144 Genesco loco Hospital Supply 33 Heublein Inc.

454 46 46 Jim Waiter Homes 191 Levi Strauss 143 Lykes- Youngstown 73 8 8 Maremont National Homes 3 3 3 Pittston Co. Revco Drug Stores 301 s. C. Electric Gas 111 Stokely-Van Camp 153 Vulcan Materials Co. 301 Wometco Zale Roval 16 AMEX Food- A- 57 Research Cottrell Sky City Stores Knoxville Markets TURNER BROTHERS Bananas, $5.00.

50-lb. Medium Yellow Onions, $4.25. Florida Oranges, $3.50. Lemons, Sweet Potatoes. $8.50.

Cabbage, $3.75. Peppers, bushel, $9.00. New White Potatotes, $5.25. McKENRY PRODUCE co. Georgia dock price Eggs WHITE 45c: BROS.

Medium 37c; small, pLorge EAST TENN. PACKING CO. No. 1 hogs 200-300 26.00 No. 2 hogs 200-300 25.50 No.

3 hogs 200-300 25.00 Sows 18-21 Medium steers and heifers 26-30 Cows 18-26 Chicago Futures CHICAGO (UPI) Chicago Mercantile Exchange closing price range: Open High Low Close Sales LIVE BEEF CATTLEJune 35.15 35.75 34.60 35.75 520 Aug. 34.45 35.55 33.70 35.55 6380 Oct. 36.00 36.95 35.20 36.65 3120 Dec. 35.70 37.35 35.75 37.30 2205 Feb. 36.65 37.20 36.05 37.20 675 April 36.50 36.82 35.70 36.82 372 FEEDER CATTLEAug.

30.65 31.60 30.00 31.60 46 Sept. 30.50 31.00 30.50 31.00 Oct. 29.50 30.20 28.40 29.77 Nov. 29.95 30.65 29.00 30.30 48 SHELL EGGSJune 37.25 38.00 37.00 38.00 10 July 38.20 38.85 37.75 38.60 121 Aug. 39.55 39.95 39.00 39.25 13 Sept.

43.15 44.25 42.40 43.75 725 Oct. 43.75 43.75 42.25 42.60 14 Nov. 47.25 47.25 46.50 47.00 Dec. 46.40 47.50 46.30 47.00 26 LIVE HOGSJune 25.70 27.32 25.70 27.30 415 July 25.40 26.90 24.95 26.90 1392 Aug. 23.65 25.10 22.90 25.10 1410 Oct.

24.25 24.85 23.65 24.80 596 Dec. 27.00 27.60 26.05 27.50 384 Feb. 29.80 29.80 28.20 29.55 189 April 28.65 29.55 28.65 29.45 39 FROZEN PORK BELLIESJuly 29.25 30.65 28.75 30.50 2290 Aug. 28.95 30.00 28.45 29.75 1620 Feb. 37.75 38.55 37.00 37.55 732 March 36.90 37.80 36.45 36.45 50 May 37.80 38.60 37.40 37.85 3 July 37.90 Metal Prices NEW YORK (UPI) Metal prices: ALUMINUM, primary, 99.5 per cent plus.

pure 50 lb. ingots 33.50c lb. ANTIMONY, domestic. per cent, FOB Laredo, bulk 200.00c lb. COPPER, electrolytic, delivered U.S.

85.625-87.00c lb. LEAD, common, U.S. primary producers 21.50c U.S. non-primary (secondary) producers 21.50-24.50c lb. MANGANESE, 99.9 per cent boxed regular 38.50c lb.

NICKEL, electrolytic cathodes, FOB Port Colborene, 162.00c lb. PLATINUM, soft, 99.5 fine, producer dealer $200 per troy ounce. QUICKSILVER, $320-350 76-lb. flask. TIN, N.

prompt delivery 473.50c lb. TUNGSTEN power, 98.8 per cent minimum pure, lb. ZINC, prime western, U.S. 34.50-36.00c ed the entire floor of the downtown building. Friday police bomb and arson squads combed the 44-story skyscraper after a male caller said another bomb had been planted.

The building was evacuated but no bomb was found. (UPI Telephoto). ADKINS. Mrs. Tishie Age 55, or rte 2.

Raccoon Valley Road. Powell, passed away 11 30 Thursday el 5t Mary's Hospital, member of Fountain Pork Baptist Church Survivors: son. Colvin Adkins. grand son. Sean Adkins, both of Powell, brothers.

5,0 and D.0 Bishop. bath of Knoxville. Clarence Bishop, Kingsport, William Bishop. Hampton, Virginia. Services 2:30 p.m.

Sunday at Fountain Park Baptist Church with Rev. Cerv Wilson and Mr. Albert Barlow officiating. Interment Holston View Memory Gardens. Pallbearers will be nephews.

The body will lie in state one hour at the church before the service, Family will receive friends 7 to 9 p.m Saturday at Gentry Mortuary. COFFEY, Curtis A. age 72. of 1418 Monroe Marvville, passed away at Thursday at Blount Memorial Hospital. Survivors, wife.

Mrs. Lula Cot. fey. daughters. Mrs.

Donna Underwood of Indiana. Mrs. Betty Rutright of Kentucky: brother, Julian Coffey of Kingsport; sisters, Mrs. Ola Ramsey of Bulls Gap. Mrs.

Buna Hawkins of Oak Ridge. The body remains at Smith Mortuarv where the family will receive friends 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Funeral service 2 p.m. Sunday at Smith Mortuary Chapel with the Rev.

David McMahan and Rev. Earl Taylor officiating. Interment Sherwood Memorial Garden. Smith Mortuary in Marvville in charge. FRENCH.

Mrs. Velma Reynolds DOSSed away 11:30 p.m. Thursday UT Hospital. Frank Rose was her Godfather She was 0 member of Broadway Bootist Church, she was the Chief Operator of UT Communications Systems for 14 vears, Past President of PBX Club. Survivors: husband.

French; doughters. Mrs. Margie Johnson, Knoxville, Mrs. Jerry Etter, Detroit; step-mother, Mrs. A.L.

Reynolds; grandchildren, Joe Alan Keck, Kelly Keck, Stephanie Etter: sisters. Mrs. Rollin Grant, Knoxville. Mrs. Ravmond Grove, Oak Ridge, Mrs.

Ed Frye. St. Petersburg, Florida, Mrs. R.A, Stutz, Rantoul. Illinois, Mrs.

R. Stevenson, Horsecave, Kentucky. Funeral services 2 p.m. Sunday Rose Chopel, Rev. Jimmy Stroud officiating.

Interment Lynnhurst Cemetery Pall. bearers: Ed French. Rollin Grant. Bill Jackson, Ted Johnson. Jimmy Lewellyn, Jimmy French.

Family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Saturday Rose Mortuary. FOX, S. T. (Sam) age 98, of Rt.

1, Sevierville, died 10 a.m Thnrsday at Sevier County Hospital. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Funeral 2 p.m. Sunday at Atchley's Chapel. Rev.

Charles Barrett, Rev. George Watson officiating. Interment Alder Branch Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be members of his Sunday School Class. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to Alder Branch Baptist Church Building Fund or East Tennessee Children's Hospital.

Family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Saturday at Atchlev's, Sevierville. Haun, Carl Eugene age 45. of Middieburg, Fla. formerly of Knoxville 0055- ed away Tuesday in Florida.

Survivors: wife. Mrs. Dollie M. Haun, Middleburg: mother, Mrs. Ruth Haun, Knoxville; daughter, Miss Deborah Haun, Middieburg.

three sons. Kenneth L. Haun, Jacksonville, John E. Haun, Middleburg and John F. Lemore, Orange Park, sister, Mrs.

Evelyn Miller, Maryville; two brothers, Earl Haun, Knoxville, Burl Haun, Rockford; 1 granddaughter. Funeral services were held 2 p.m. Friday in the Chapel of HardageKrauss Funeral Home, Jacksonville, Fla. HODGE, Miss Nola age 90, passed away Friday afternoon at Jefferson County Nursing Home. Formerly from Lenoir City, but for a number of vears, she made her home with Dr.

Mrs. Edaar M. Cook in Jefferson City. Member of the Calcary Baptist Church at Lenoir City, of which she was a charter member. Survivors: sister, Mrs.

Edgar M. Cook, Jefferson City; one brother, Edgar Hodge, Lenoir City; meces and nephews. Friends may call anytime at the funeral home. Funeral at 4 p.m. Sunday at Estes Chapel.

Rev. Glenn Toomey, Dr. Wade Darby officiating. Burial in the family cemetery in Rutledge. Estes Funeral Home, Jefferson City, in charge.

INZER, Glenn age 80, of Rt. 26, Greer died at 4:05 a.m. Thursdav at St. Mary's Hospital. He was a member of the Dante Baptist Church.

Survivors: widow, Mrs. Ella Mae Whedbee Inzer; sons, Howard E. Inzer, Macon, Georgia, Wilford L. and Ulysses G. Inzer, Chicago, George E.

Inzer, McHenry, Paul G. Inzer, California; daughters, Mrs. Lois Fuller, Knoxville, Mrs. Lucy Mae Byrd, Chicago: 19 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren; brother, Durard Inzer, Montgomery, Alabama; sisters, Mrs. Emma Shaw, Marietta, Georgia, Mrs.

Clennilee Whedbee, Knoxville. Funeral services 2 p.m. Monday Weaver Chapel, Rev. Bud Lane, Rev. Bennie F.

Huguley officiating. Interment Highland Memorial Cemetery. Pallbearers; harold and David Whedbee, Larry Haynes, Danny Bright, Willam and Chris Byrd. The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Weaver Funeral, Home.

73, passed away 7:25 a.m. Thursday at Ft. Sanders Hospital, residence 4303 Pleasant Ridge Road. She was a member of Second Baptist Church. Survivors: husband, Rev.

J. Wallace McClain; sister, Mrs. Bessie Bean; brothers, James Dawson, all of Knoxville, R. A. Dawson Veterans Hospital, Mountain Home, nieces, Mrs.

Ella Mae Wright, Mrs. Margaret Smith, both of Knoxville; nephew, James R. Dawson, U. S. Air Force.

Services 2 p.m. Saturday at Rose Chapel. Rev. Thomas Gatton, Rev. Garland Brown officiating.

Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Pallbearers: Marion Davis, Clay Ivester, Rodney Napier, Oakley McConnell, Paul Roberts and Jim Akers. Rose Mortuary in charge. McCLAIN, Mrs. Lucille Dawson age McKINYEN, Arlie D.

of 305 Lindy Road passed away 7:30 p.m. Thursday at his home, member of Sevier Heights Baptist Church, retired employe of Albers Drug Company after 35 years service. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Raymond (Virginia) Ford, Knoxville, Mrs. William (Wanda) Harmon, Dallas, Texas; grandchildren, Mark Ford, Randy Harmon, Jill and Tommy Harmon, sisters, Mrs.

Carl Nelson, Florida, Mrs. Lola Atchley, Knoxville; brother, Blaine McKinye, Knoxville. Funeral 3:30 p.m. Sunday Berry's Chapel. Rev.

Gordon T. Greenwell, Rev. Richard Allison, Rev. Lewis Wilson officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery.

Pallbearers: Mervin, Alvin and Wendell Atchley, Jim Hollingsworth, Ralph Davis, Rev. A. L. Sentell. Honorary pallbearers Ready Sunday School Class, Sevier Heights Baptist Church.

The family will receive friends 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Berry's. MILLER, Sorah Flynn Age 93, Rt 2, Kodak. Widow of the late Mr. Joseph C.

Miller passed away at 11 p.m. Friday at the home of daughter, Mrs. Shade Bailey after a lingering illness. Member of the French Broad Valley Baptist Church being the oldest member and was a Sunday School teacher for a number of years. She Was the last surviving member of the Sammuel Flynn family.

Survived by the daughter Mrs Shade (Daisey) Bailey of Kodak; two sons, Ernest H. Miller of Knoxville, Jake Miller of Dandridge; nine grandchildren; thirteen great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. Funeral arrangements to be announced later. Farrar's, Dandridge in charge. MONDAY, Dave N.

age 70, Route 6, Flint Gap Road, passed away 10 a.m. Friday at Knoxville Recovery Center. Member of the Church of Christ. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Myrtle A.

Monday: son, Oliver R. Monday; five grandsons; three granddaughters; nine great-grandchil. dren. Service 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Rose Chapel.

Rev. Wayne Markham officiating. Interment Cemetery. Friends will be received 7-9 p.m. Saturday at Rose Mortuary.

MOORE, Thomas Elmer (Doc) age 66, of Rt. 3 Powell, died at 4:30 p.m. Friday at home after a sudden illness. He was a member of Flat Hollow United Methodist Church and a retired carpenter. Survivors: widow.

Lou Vernia Moore; sons, Charles, Howard and Rich ard Moore all of Powell; daughters, Mrs. Emma Mae Marie of Knoxville, Mrs. Betty Cooper, Mrs. Sue Thomas and Miss Lindo Lou Moore of Powell, Mrs. Faye Saing of Detroit, Mrs.

Wilma Thurman of Ohio; brothers, Sam Moore of Powell, George and Allen Moore of Monroe, sisters, Mrs. Pearl Pierce, Mrs. Jeanette Turner, Mrs. Ursula Lindsey all of Monroe, 27 grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren. Funeral service 2 p.m.

Monday at Bells Camp Ground Baptist Church with Rev. Ralph Cline officiating. The body will lie in state one hour before the service. Interment Tennessee Valley Memory Garden. Pallbearers: Roy Pruitt, Raiph, Ferrit, Jim, Paul and Donald Moore.

The body will be returned to the family home at 4 p.m. Saturday. Weaver Funeral Home in charge. OLER, James (Bob) age 44. of 408 Charles Morristown, passed away Friday evening at Doctors Hospital.

Retired from the U. S. Navy and a member of the Morristown Baptist Tabernacle. Surviving: wife. June Movers Oler; daughter, Lisa of the home; mother, Mrs.

Horace McCorkle of Greenville; a brother, Frank. Oler of Morristown; sister, Mrs. Ed (June) Bible of Morristown. Services Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Morristown Baptist Tabernacle with the Rev.

Ralph Benfield and Rev. S. D. Rhodes officiating. Interment Hamblin Memory Gardens with Military Graveside service.

The body will be taken to the home at 408 Charles St. at noon Saturday where the family will receive friends until time of the services. Westside Chapel Morristown in charge. RATES ON OBITUARIES Daily 6ac word. 50 word minimum $3.25, Sunday 8c word, 50 word minimum $4.00.

One-half column picture will be carried at $6.90 97.90 Sendor. PHELPS, Harry 60e 59, passed away June 15 in Wilmington. Delaware tor merly of Lenoir Citv. Surviving wife Mrs. Coro Jenkins Phelps: daughters.

Phyllis Jane Woods and Debbie McCum: 46V. West Grove, Pennsvivania, mothDella Phelps. Lenoir City. two er. Mrs.

sisters. Mrs. Irene Davis of Dallas. Texas. Mrs.

Betty Brown of Lenoir Cite. Funeral will be Mondov at 2 West Grove. Pennsylvania POSEY, M. Arto age 49, of Oneida. passed away in Scott Co Hospital Thursday.

June 13. He was a retired school teacher of Scott County. son of the late Louis Posey and the late Ollie Duncan Posev, he was a member of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in Oneida, and a veteran of World War I. Survivors: wife, Carson Posey of Oneida: three sisters. Nolo Faith of St.

Louis. Edna P. Cross of Johnson City. Thelma Jean Stuckey of Hickory. NC.

two brothers. Arville Posev. Sr of sey. Charles Posey. of Huntsville.

Ta. One grandchild, Mark Lane Posey of Oneida. Funeral services will be conducted from Bethlehem Baptist Church. 2 p.m. Sundov.

June 15, with Rev. Phillip Kazee and Rev. Roy Blevins officiating Surial will follow in the Carson Memorial Park. Family will receive friends at the West Funeral Home Chapel Saturday evening from 6-9 p.m. West Funeral Home Oneida in charge.

The body will lie in state at the church from 1-2 p.m. Sunday. PRATT. Francis M. age 65, Route 1, on the New close P.E Atlas Coro30 Avco Corp 5 Avnetinc.

30 4 Addres AetnaL11.08 7 Air Prd. 23 Aircolnc .80 6 AlcanAl1.2010 AllegCo.20d11 AllgLud1.40 6 Allg Pw1.52 7 AlliedSt1.50 6 Allis 26. 6 Alcoo 1.3411 AmHes 30g 3 Am Airlines ABrand 2.56 7 Am Brest.80 9 Am Con 2.20 7 A Cvan 1.40 8 AmElcPw2 AmHoist .60 5 AmHom .8034 AmHosp 30 33 AMetCx1.65 9 AmMot 10d 5 AmNGs2.54 7 AmSmit Am Stnd.80 AmStor 1.60 3.08 9 Ametek .80 7 AMF In 1.24 6 Ampex Co 8 Amstar 1.80 6 Anacon. 40d 15 Apeco Corp ArmcoS1.20 5 Arms Ck 9213 Ashl Oil1.40 5 At Richfid216 BakerOil.3720 Bangor Pn 3 Bath Ind.40 4 Beat Fds.6513 Beckmn 5017 Bell Hwl. 84 5 Bendix 1.80 7 Bnquet BethSt1.60g 6 Boeing C.60 7 BoiseCas.50 5 Borden 1.20 9 Borg W1.35 5 Bost Ed2.44 6 Bourns Inc 6 Braniff 9 BrigsS1.60013 Bris My1.5217 BritPet.27d 3 BrGrup1.60 Brunswk.32 40 Bucyrus E114 Budd Co.80 3 Bunker R.40 9 In 1.60 6 Burl No 7 Burrghs .5036 Camo S1.1812 Can Pac.82d 8 CaroPL1.60 7 CoterTr1.6016 Celanese 2 6 CentTel1.12 00 CerroCorp1 3 Certn-td .60 4 Cessna .90 6 Champinti1 ChmpSP .52 10 ChaseM2 8 ChmN 2.88 7 Chessie 3.60 6 Chris Craft 34 Chrysir 1.40 5 Cin Gas 1.64 8 CIT Fin 2.20 9 Citicorp .8017 CitSrv 2.20g 8 City Inv .66 4 Clev E12.40 8 CocaCol2.0332 Colgate .5922 Col Gas1.98 7 Comb E1.8010 CommSolv111 CmwEd2.30 9 Comsat .80 8 Con Ed 45h 3 ConsFd 1.35 7 Con Frat.6016 ConsNG2.10 8 Consin Pw2 7 Conti AirLn117 Cn Can 1.60 7 ContIOil1.60 7 Contini Tell 9 Contri Data 8 CornG1.12a 21 Cox Brd.35 8 Crane Colg 5 Crwn 211.50 7 Curtiss Cyprus 1.12 7 Dan Rivr .60 4 DanaC1.36g Dart In 7 DavPL11.66 8 Deere 1.60 Del Mnt1.20 7 DeltaAir.6012 Dennisn 90 5 DetEdis1.45 7 DiamSh1.20 7 Diebold.

40g14 DisneyW 1228 DistilSea 8018 DrPepor .26 35 Dome Mn.6011 Dow Ch1.2021 Dresser 1.4012 Duke 1.40 7 DugneL1.72 7 EascoCo.40 5 Eastern Air East Ko1.5628 EatnCo 1.80 6 EIPas Colg 5 Eltra 6 Emer El.7026 ESBinc 1.40 8 Esmork 1 6 Ethvi C1.20 5 Ex Cell 01 6 Exxon 2.20d 6 Faberge .40 5 .80 Faircind 3015 FairmtF-60 7 Forah Mfg FerroCorpl 5 Firestone 1 6 FsPaCo1.32 00 Fleming .60 7 Flintkot1 16 5 FlaPwr 1 1.95 FMC Co 92 FoodFar .20 FordMo3.20 For Mck .88 5 FreptM 1.20 8 Fruehut1.80 6 GAC Corp GAF CD.44 Gam Sk1.40 5 Gannett 3626 Gn A01.60g 11 Gen Dynam 6 Gn Elec1.6015 GnFood1.4010 20d Gen Instr 2i 6 GenMill1.0818 GnMot1.70d 9 PubU1.68 Gn Steellnd 5 TE 1.72 8 Tire 1.10g 4 Ga Pac. 80g 13 Gerber Pol 9 Getty 1.30d 11 Gillette 1.5012 Global Mari0 Goodric1.12 5 Goodvr Tirl. Grace Grand U.8030 Grant W.6010 G1 ASP 15d25 GINNek1.80 G1WsFin .40 Gt West Un Grn Gia1.08 8 Gryhd 1.040 8 Grumn Gulf Oil 112 GulfStU1 12 5 HammiPol 6 Harrahs 2212 HarrisC1 12 8 Heinz a H1 1213 Hercules.8019 Hershey 80 9 Heublein 115 Hewitt P.2039 Hilton Htl1 6 Hoff Electn16 Hol Inns.32 9 Homstake 17 Honvwl1.4012 White Pine. passed away 10:50 p.m. Thursday at his home, Native of Forsyth County, C.

Member of First United Methodist Church of Morristown. teacher of the Wesley-Hickey Mens Bible Class. head of commission on Missions for the church. Member of the Mens Choir. Active leader in Boy Scout work for over 50 vears.

Member of the White Pine Lions Club. of which he was active in the Sight Conservation Program. Retired emplovee of American Enka Corporation. Graduate of Dukes University Well-known in the local community for his hobby of raising orchids, Survivars: wife, Mrs. Dora Oliver Pratt; ters.

Mrs. Margaret Lvon of Knoxville. Mrs. Sylvia Kipp of Pasco, Washington; sons, Charles Pratt, Davton, Onio. presently working in Tran, David pratt of Sticklyville, two grandchildren, sister.

Mrs. Mary P. Valentine, Miss Bernice Pratt. both of Winston Salem, N.C.. Mrs.

Evelyn Pilcher of Ellaville, Mrs. Edith P. Holyburton, Shelby, N.C.. Mrs. Rebecca Beckett of Colorodo Springs, brothers.

E. Carl Pratt. Winston-Salem, N.C.. C. C.

Pratt of Wilkesboro, N.C., J.G Pratt of Keswick, Va. Funeral services will be held Sundav 2:30 p.m. from the First United Methodist Church of Morristown with Rev Byron Waites officiating. Burlal in the White Pine Cemetery Body will be moved to the church 1 hour before services. Friends will be received at the family home.

Family request that those who wish, may make memorial dongtions to the Arthur Peterson Mission in Brazil through the First United Methodist Church of Morristown. ror's, White Pine, in charge. RENFRO, Mrs. Spence C. (Lillie rett), Sr.

age 84. Route 8, Maryville, passed away at home, Surviving daughters, Mrs. Frank (Mary Lee) Cunningham. Maryville. Mrs.

Webb (Jean) Scofield, Decatur, sons. William Renfro, Andrews, N.C.. Ray Renfro, Florence, Max of Birmingham, James C. and Spence Rentro, both of Maryville; 13 grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Olive Jones, S.C.; brothers.

Clyde Everett, Howard Everett, Maryville, Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Family receive friends 7-9 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Funeral 2 p.m. Sunday at McCammon-Ammons chapel.

Interment will be in Grandview Cemetery. McCammon-Ammons in charge. SHORES, William Franklin Jr. age 47 of Seattle, Washington formerly of Knoxville passed away Friday morning at the Seattle Veterans Hospital. He was a US Army World War veteran.

Survivors: sisters, Mrs. Hazel Davis and Mrs. Lillian Rhea both of Knoxville, Mrs. Hellen Defee of Pasadena, Texas; several nieces and nephews. Body will arrive in Knoxville Sunday Funeral arrongements are incomplete.

Family will receive friends Sunday 7-9 p.m. at McCarty Mortuary. THOMPSON, George J. age 84, of Mabryhood Rt. 7, Concord, passed away Thursday afternoon at his home.

He was retired from the Knox County School System. Member of Booth's Chapel United Methodist Church. Member of American Farm Bureau. Survivors: wife, Mrs. Eleanor Morton Thompson; daughter, Mrs.

David Thomas, Memphis: two sons, Jack and George M. Thompson, Concord; 4 grandchildren; 7 sisters, Miss Ethel Thompson, Mrs. Gladys Tuck, Mrs. Ruby Cheatham, Mrs. Maggie Vineyard, all of Lenoir City, Mrs.

Annabell Smith, Maryland, Mrs. Frances Vinevard, Maryvilie, Mrs. Gray, Concord; brother, William F. Thompson, Lenoir City. Body is at Click's, Lenoir City.

Funeral 2 p.m. Saturday Click's Chapel. Rev. C. M.

Sherwood, Rev. David Maude officiating. Burial in Thompson Cemetery. WILLIAMS, Mrs. Ruth Maples age 69, of 6420 Mountain Laurel Drive passed away Friday morning at University Hospital.

She was the widow of Homer J. Williams. Survivors, son, Eddie J. Witliams of Knoxville; daughter, Mrs. Roy Hillard of New Market; grandchildren, James, Sarah and Tommy Hillard; sister, Mrs.

Rena Covington and Mrs. Florence King both of Knoxville and Mrs. Hattie Maples of Andersonville. Services Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at McCarty Mortuary Chapel with Rev.

Edgar Johnson officiating. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. Family will receive friends Saturday 7 to 9 p.m. at McCarty Mortuary. IN LOVING MEMORY Of Mack J.

Shelton 125.50 126.00 lb. Bombed This month comes with deep regret, It brings a day we'll never forget. It's your 4th birthday in heaven up there on that shore, but we know you suffer no more. A robe and a crown you are wearing, and walking the streets of pure gold where no one will ever grow old. You're singing with the angels dear Mack, the songs you loved here below, and some day we'll join in that chorus, and never be parted any more.

Sadly missed by Mother, Brothers and Children GALBRAITH, Mrs. Mable age 81, passed away Friday evening at Shannondale Health Care Center, member of First Presbyterian Church. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Galbraith Gardner, Knoxville, grandchildren, Mrs. Sam Wesley Reagan, Atlanta, Michael Galbraith Gardner, Lee Wilson Gardner of Knoxville.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Friends may call 7-9 p.m. Saturday at Mann's, Bearden. JEWETT, Mrs. Martha Gower age 79, of Lexington, passed away 6:50 p.m.

Friday at St. Mary's Hospital. Member of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington, Survivors: niece, Mrs. Louis (Dixie) Iglehart of Knoxville. The body will be removed to Kerr Brothers Funeral Home, Lexington, Monday for serv-l ices and interment.

Gentry's in charge. Record Urged for Banks WASHINGTON (AP) The Government Friday proposed that officials of each national bank be required to keep on file at the bank a record of their loans and other business interests outside banks. A spokesman for the Comptroller of the Currency said the information would not be available to the public, but the proposal would provide bank examiners and possible other law enforcement officals with the most detailed look yet at the web of financial transactions emanating from Federally chartered banks. COTTON FUTURES NEW YORK (UPI) Cotton futures ranged 20 to 97 points higher at 2 p.m. on the New York Cotton Exchange Friday.

Jiv 56.15b up 0.97; Oct 51.006 up 0.45; Dec 50.25b up Mar 51.25b UD 0.25; May 51.80 up 0.20; Jly, Oct, Dec unquoted. Coffee Futures NEW YORK (AP) Coffee futures were higher Friday. Trade talk, concerning the prospect of frost developing in Brazil, created futures buying, brokers said. The cold could damage coffee trees, they added. Roaster demand for green coffee continued slow, brokers said.

Coffee spot Santos No 4 closed at n72. coffee futures closed 11 to 70 higher. Gold Prices NEW YORK (UPI) Foreign and domestic gold Friday: London, morning fixing 159.000 up 1.00; afternoon fixing 160.50 up 3.50. Paris (tree market) 161.53 up 4.53. Fronkfurt 159.26 op 4.49.

Zurich 160.00 up 3.00. New York, Handy and Harmon, noon 160.80 up 3.50; Engelhard. 165.03 sellfabricated up 3.59; 161.00 sell Bullion on 3.50..

The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.