Redemption Never Tasted So Sweet - Chapter 3 - KoreWaNeko - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

The three of us stay silent as we pack everything up and walk back to the apartment. Satoru unlocks the door and brings us inside.
Suguru sets the cooler down and we all look at each other awkwardly. He clears his throat before starting up some small talk. “So, I never mentioned this yesterday, but your apartment is really nice. I wonder how much it cost you two to afford this place?”
I give him an amused smile. “A decent amount. Thankfully, even with Satoru cut out of his family's finances, we both have a lot of money saved from our special grade salaries. Plus, I worked as an accountant for a few years and saved a lot back then.”
Suguru raises an eyebrow at my mention of Satoru and his clan, but he doesn’t question it. “Ah, I see. So, both of you make quite a lot of money which is understandable considering your position in Jujutsu Society. Still, I'm pretty surprised that you made time to work at a normal job on top of your duties as a Special Grade Sorcerer.” He looks at me with a mix of respect and curiosity.
I chuckle. “Well, when I was an accountant, I was not working in the jujutsu world. I only came back to it when I realized the company was corrupt and after I accidentally used my cursed technique on some civilians.”
Suguru’s eyes widen in alarm, but his voice stays calm. “Oh? You do have an interesting past there. So, you left your accounting job because of some incident? What sort of incident?”
I flush a bit and rub the back of my head while Satoru stands next to me smirking. “I uh, used my technique to force my boss and some coworkers to confess to the police for conspiring with clients to commit massive tax fraud. As two of the employees were being handcuffed and arrested, they started cursing me and calling me a bitch and whatnot, so I told them to go f*ck themselves. I forgot that I still had my technique active, and the two guys dropped their pants and started jacking themselves off in the office.”
Satoru starts snigg*ring and covers his mouth when I shoot him an angry glare. Meanwhile, Suguru just stares at me with his jaw hanging as he processes that I’m telling the truth.
“Wait, they did what?!” He doubles over laughing and wipes a tear from his eye. “Hahaha! This is the most hilarious incident I've ever heard of. I thought for a second you were joking, but I guess you were serious. So, after that you were fired or left the job by yourself?”

“I left. No one knew for sure I controlled them, but a lot of people were suspicious of me after that, so I thought it best to leave.”
Suguru smiles and nods. “Huh, that's a pretty smart move. If you stayed there, who knows what kind of accusation they might throw at you. But, are you really sure that they didn't know about you who controlled them? Perhaps they tried to keep it as a secret and make it like some kind of urban legend to warn the people not to mess with you.”
Even I crack up at that, and soon we all three are laughing. I manage to collect myself first. “Well, Suguru, I appreciate the chat. Now, we should all probably shower and throw our clothes in the laundry.”
Suguru’s laughter subsides and he nods. “You’re right. I’ll use the guest bathroom and meet you two in your room when I’m done if that’s ok.” Before Satoru and I have a chance to answer, Suguru has already disappeared down the hallway. A few seconds later, we hear the door close and lock and the shower water start running.
I take a breath and Satoru and I head for the bathroom attached to our room. We strip off our clothes, throw them in the hamper, and start our shower together. As the burning hot water starts pouring down on us and we start to clean ourselves off, I decide to ask the question that’s been burning in my mind.
“Satoru, are you sure about this? I know your head is probably still spinning with everything that has happened these few days, but I will back you up. Whether you want to go through with this or not.”
He sighs and looks down. “I know I will regret not taking this opportunity, but a part of me worries about what will happen to us. If we go through with this, and Suguru is allowed to reintegrate into society, then will he be OK with you and I staying married and exclusive? I don't think he will be satisfied to let this be a one time affair. Besides, I don't want you to get hurt. You are my priority, Yukiko. You are my wife.”
I reach out to grab Satoru’s hands and nod. “I worry about it too. I want Suguru to be allowed to reintegrate for his sake and yours, but I fear that if you push him away after tonight, he may revert back to being a curse user.” I sigh and put my forehead against Satoru's. “Maybe we got in over our heads.”
Unbeknownst to Satoru and me, Suguru has already finished his shower and is waiting in the doorway of our bedroom. He focuses his ear on our voices coming from the shower.
Satoru shakes his head and squeezes my hands tightly. “Yukiko, look at me. There’s nothing that the two of us could get into that would have us in over our heads. I honestly trust him enough to believe that the worst-case scenario won’t happen, but even if it does, we will have each other, and we will set things right together.”
I see the resolve and love in Satoru’s eyes and smile before resting my forehead against his. “You’re right. Thank you.” We stand there, comforting one other for a minute before Satoru leans down and smirks, blowing shampoo foam he scooped off of his hair into my face.
“Hey!” I shove my face under the water and clean it all off as Satoru chuckles. “That’s enough shower time. We’re rinsing off and getting out.” Satoru smirks and lets me get the soap off of me before he takes his turn, and we both towel off and wrap ourselves before we walk out into the bedroom.
Suguru is standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. Satoru flashes him a smile. “Feeling better now that we're all clean?”

Suguru quickly covers his face before lowering his hand to reveal a nervous smile. “Yeah, I'm feeling much better now. Now that we're all cleaned up, I just want to ask. Are we still going through with this?”
Satoru and I look at each other, and I let out a sigh. “So you were eavesdropping on me and Satoru, huh?”
Suguru gulps. “Well, I–...yeah…” He pauses as if he’s trying to decide between apologizing or asking another question.
Before he has a chance to, I speak up. “So then you understand we don't want to have a 3-person relationship long term. Just the one night together.”

Suguru’s eyes flash with hurt, but he nods. “Yes, I understand that. I just didn't expect you both would have such a deep conversation about it. It feels like you’re already thinking about many negative outcomes that will come from what we’re about to do.” He looks down, feeling conflicted.
“As for what we want and don’t want long term, can you live with that?”

“Yes. I can.”
I study him and see that while the idea hurts him, he is not lying. “Then do you promise after tomorrow's verdict to remain platonic friends with me and Satoru?”

Suguru meets my eyes first with determination, and then Satoru’s. “I swear that is what I'm going to do.”
“Ok.” I look at Satoru below the waist and smile. “Well in that case, I can tell you both really want this, so I am still in.”
Suguru’s eyes widen, but he fights to keep his face free of any emotion.
I smile seductively at both Satoru and Suguru before unwrapping my towel and setting it aside. “Let's enjoy ourselves, yeah?” I walk into the bedroom, waiting for the two men to follow.
Suguru follows first, heart pounding. Oh god, this is really happening, isn't it? How am I supposed to feel about this? Is this too good to be true? Why do I feel lightheaded?
I turn to face them both, seeing Suguru walk in first and Satoru just behind him, closing the door. Satoru sets his towel aside and sits next to me on the foot of the bed, both of us naked. He looks at you with hungry eyes as he leans forward. “Why don’t you show us what’s under that towel, Suguru?”

Suguru stands still for a moment, his eyes taking every inch of Satoru’s body in. He looks over at me and traces his eyes over my figure, mouth getting drier by the second. Finally, he unwraps his towel and drops it beside him.
My eyes rake over his naked body. His broad shoulders and chest taper down to a slim but cut waistline before his figure curves back out over thick, muscular legs. I wet my lips and speak in a lustful voice, “You're very well built, Suguru. I can see why Satoru had a crush.” I turn to Satoru with a devilish grin. “Well, Satoru, he's your best friend. You should have the first touch.” He grins back and turns to face Suguru.
Satoru strides over to him and traces a finger over his sharp jawline.
Suguru feels the electricity buzzing in his body already, and he looks deep into Satoru’s ocean eyes.
“I still can't believe how things ended up, Suguru. I loved you more than anything.” He traces one hand along Suguru’s nose and cheeks and jaw, and he lets the other hand stroke his inky hair.
Satoru’s voice is low and husky as he whispers in Suguru’s ear. “I wanted you so badly.” Satoru runs his fingers down Suguru’s abs and grabs his ass. He uses the hand that's still in Suguru’s long hair to pull him a hair's breadth away from his lips. “Why couldn't you have just let me have you all those years ago?”

Suguru closes his eyes and lets out a soft moan at Satoru’s touch. “I never wanted you to love me. I was never worthy of your pure feelings.” He turns his head back to meet Satoru’s eyes and re-opens his own. “But if we could go back in time, I– I would let you have me.”
Satoru chuckles. “Good thing I at least get to have you now.” He pulls Suguru’s lips against his own and kisses him deeply, tongue exploring his mouth. “God, I dreamed of your taste for years.” Satoru sucks greedily on the pulse point of Suguru’s neck. “The sound of your moans during sex, the sight of your flushed cheeks, the feel of your hard body under my hands--I fantasized about it for years.” He gropes at Suguru’s ass as he leaves marks all over his neck shoulders. Satoru practically moans the next words into Suguru’s mouth as he kisses him again. “I dreamed of how it would feel to have your co*ck stretching out my hole.”
Blood rushes to Suguru’s face and a shiver runs through his whole body. He can feel his breath getting heavier, his heart beating faster, and his body temperature rising. Upon the words of Satoru’s fantasies, he lets out a soft moan. He kisses Satoru back, letting his mouth be explored by Satoru’s warm tongue. Suguru guides Satoru’s hands over his chest, hard abs, and his muscled back before starting to feel Satoru’s sexy body up.
I can't help but get aroused watching the two gorgeous men make out and feel each other up. On the other hand, I can't help but chuckle and make a comment to myself. “Ah, this makes more sense to me. When Satoru said he pictured himself as the bottom in his fantasies, I guess he meant a power bottom.”
Suguru seems to be the only one who heard, or at least who cared. I hear him let out a soft chuckle. He continues to kiss Satoru, allowing him to do whatever he wants to do to his body, enjoying his touch, the feel of the wiry muscles over Satoru’s back, and the sensation of their hard bodies pressed together.

As I watch them, I stay seated on the bed and begin to touch myself.
Suguru looks over at me and quickly gets distracted. He keeps kissing Satoru, but his eyes flick down to my legs spread wide and my fingers pumping in and out of me. After a little bit, he breaks the kiss with Satoru and turns his head.
Satoru follows Suguru’s gaze to see me spread wide and touching myself. He grins lustfully and gives a small whistle. “Oh, I can see why you got distracted, Suguru. Let's not leave her out of our fun.”
Satoru's words seem to catch Suguru off guard, and he just watches me longingly as if he’s not allowed to touch.
I notice his expression and smirk. “We proposed a proper threesome, right? And that's what we all agreed to. Unless you just wanted Satoru to yourself…” I raise a stern eyebrow.

Suguru swallows nervously. What? No, I-I didn't just want Satoru for myself. I really want to enjoy this threesome with both of you…”
My smile softens knowingly. “Good.” I pull a slick finger out from between my legs and make a come here motion with it. “Then both of you, come over here.”
Without another word, both men come over towards me, eyes flashing with anticipation. I reach out and grab hold of both of their co*cks and start firmly stroking them both. “You're welcome to keep making out with each other, if you want.”
Suguru grabs Satoru by the back of his head and crashes their lips together, not holding back anymore. Satoru moans as Suguru bites down on his lip, drawing blood.
I smile and lick my lips as I watch you makeout again. “I guess I should put my mouth to good use too.” I push your bodies close together and take both of you inside my mouth at the same time.
Suguru’s mind goes blank. When I push him and Satoru together, he can’t focus on anything but Satoru’s taste and the heat pooling in his stomach. But when I take him inside my mouth, his co*ck rubbing against Satoru’s inside the moist warmth of my mouth, he groans. Satoru’s body shivers as all of his sensations are heightened. The two men grasp onto each other, trying to stay steady while enjoying the sensation.
Satoru moans before looking down at me, eyes glazed with pleasure. “God, Yukiko…” He reaches down to stroke my hair and puts his head against Suguru’s shoulder.
As the sensation grows more intense, Suguru clenches his hands, squeezing at fistfuls of Satoru's hair, trying to keep himself from climaxing. The heat is almost too much to bear, but at the same time, it’s clear that both he and Satoru don’t want it to come down. Suguru moans, and I can feel him getting impossibly hard inside my mouth.
I can tell he’s close, but I don't want the fun to end, so I pull my mouth off of them both. Satoru and Suguru both moan out loud when I pull my mouth off of them. Suguru twitches and looks down at me with an almost pained expression.
“Suguru, lay down on your back, feet near the edge of the bed.”
He nods and obeys immediately, slowly laying himself down, his body still shaking.
Satoru watches as I straddle Suguru and slide myself down onto his co*ck until he’s fully buried. I can’t help but moan when I take him inside. I gather myself and then look over to Satoru. “Satoru, come kneel up here.” I pat the space near where Suguru’s head is propped up by two pillows. “Suguru is going to suck you off.”
Suguru’s eyes widen at the sudden change in position. He has never pictured being in the submissive role before, so he isn’t sure how to react. But he focuses on the sight of Satoru right in front of him, and the feeling of me tight around him, and he easily becomes eager to try out this new role.
Satoru kneels beside Suguru’s head and smirks at me. “But I'll get my turn inside you next, right Yukiko?”
I chuckle and start to rock my hips back and forth. “Of course, babe. I'll put on a good show for you while I ride him. And I can kiss you as he sucks you if you want…”
Suguru’s head starts to feel dizzy all over again. He lightly takes hold of my hips and moves me up and down harder. His head tilts back against the pillow and he looks like he’s ready to melt already. He nods at Satoru to reassure him that his turn will come.
Satoru swallows and brings the tip of his co*ck, already leaking with precum, to Suguru’s lips. “Go on then, Suguru.”
Suguru takes a deep breath, turns his head to the side, and opens his mouth wide.
Satoru slides himself into Suguru’s mouth with a groan and leans over to kiss me. “Mmmmm–” I moan softly into Satoru's mouth as I start grinding my hips faster against Suguru’s body.
Suguru sucks slowly and hesitantly at first, overwhelmed by the competing sensations and unsure where to focus his efforts. As he hears Satoru’s moans, he starts to move more confidently, grabbing onto my hips harder and bobbing his head up and down on Satoru’s hard length. Suguru hears my sharp inhale as he grabs onto me tightly, and he starts to thrust up into me, hard and deep. I let out a small whimper and kiss Satoru more passionately, cupping his face in my hands. Suguru applies more pressure with his mouth, and Satoru groans. The sounds of our pleasure turn him on even more, and Suguru starts to f*ck me in earnest, moving his hips faster and faster.
I’m surprised to feel him thrusting up into me so intensely, and I have to hold onto Satoru's shoulders to steady myself. “Ohh sh*t–!” I lose my breath and put my forehead against Satoru. “You're really into this, aren't you, Suguru?”
Suguru seems to lock in as he hears my question, wrapping one hand around Satoru’s body to pull him deeper into his throat, and with the other hand, he pushes down on the small of my back, encouraging me to ride him harder. He sucks Satoru like he can’t get enough of him, and thrusts into me at just the right angle. He’s serving us both to his full capacity.
Satoru grabs my face hard when Suguru’s mouth tightens around him, and he and I both moan. I do my best to keep the rhythm steady as my body starts to feel shocks of intense pleasure. “Suguru, I don't know if I can hold on much longer–”
Suguru groans in ecstasy around Satoru’s co*ck. At this moment, all he wants is to push Satoru and I over the edge at the same time. He can tell that we’re close; I start to pulse around him, and Satoru starts to throb in his mouth. “Ah– ahhh, don’t stop, please don’t stop!” I ride Suguru desperately as I hold onto Satoru.
“Oh my God--!” Satoru groans as he finishes down your throat, and at the same time, I clench around you and reach my own climax. We both pant heavily and Satoru pulls himself out of Suguru’s mouth. “That was–” “How did you--?” Satoru and I look down at you in a mixture of shock and awe.
Suguru just smiles, trying to catch his breath underneath me. I notice he still hasn’t come yet, and his body twitches even at the light touch I trail down his torso. As I pull myself off of him, he moans.

“Satoru, now it's our turn to take care of him.”
Satoru nods and gently moves him to the middle of the bed. “You did great, Suguru. Now just relax and let us pleasure you.” He reaches down and strokes you before hovering his mouth over your still painfully hard length. Suguru’s hips jerk up involuntarily and he groans. Satoru just smirks down at him, continuing to tease. “Mmm, I can't wait to see how you taste, especially mixed with the taste that Yukiko left.”
I giggle at that and move to hold Suguru’s head gently against my chest. I massage his nipples and kiss him slowly and sensually. “You're going to enjoy Satoru's mouth, I'm sure. I know I do.”
The dirty talk makes Suguru blush even though he’s still all worked up. The thought of me and Satoru taking care of him, trying to please him, makes him feel warm all over. Finally, he relaxes as Satoru instructed. As Satoru's mouth continues to hover over him, his co*ck twitches in arousal. “Are you going to tease me or take care of me, Satoru?”
Satoru grins and begins to take you in his mouth, slowly moving until you reach his throat. He pulls his mouth back slowly and brings it all the way back down over and over, looking up to meet Suguru’s eyes once or twice. I keep stroking Suguru’s sides and kissing his neck as I whisper sensually. “Do you like seeing his pretty mouth taking you? His sparkling blue eyes as he looks up at you? Satoru's quite gorgeous, isn't he Suguru?” I begin to lick and suck Suguru’s neck below the ear. “How does it feel to have both him and me working you over?”
Suguru groans loudly at the feel of Satoru’s mouth working him, his tongue and lips applying the perfect amount of pressure as his head bobs up and down. He puts his hand on the back of Satoru’s head, pushing him down. Each time Satoru gifts him with a view of his eyes, Suguru stares into them, entranced. Satoru pulls his mouth off completely, his hand still stroking up and down.
I smirk and talk to Satoru. “Go on and show him what those fingers can do, babe.” Satoru grins at me, then at Suguru, coats his fingers with Suguru’s precum, and slides one into his tight hole.
Suguru moans loudly from the sudden sensation and smacks a hand over his mouth. I kiss over his torso and nip at his neck before pulling his hand off of his mouth. Suguru groans as Satoru takes his co*ck in his mouth again, still pushing his finger in and out of his ass. I chuckle softly and press open-mouthed kisses to Suguru’s jawline. “Mmmm, you like that, don't you? No need to be shy about it.”
Suguru jerks his hips up and closes his eyes tightly. “I... Can't…” He tries to speak, but can’t get out more than a moan. The sensation of his prostate being stimulated by Satoru’s long finger at the same time as receiving head is just too overwhelming.
Satoru looks up at me and I nod. He then adds another finger and pushes both of them in deeper. I coo gently into Suguru’s ear, stroking his hair gingerly. “Yes, you can, darling. You can take it.”
Suguru lets out a broken moan and his body starts to tremble. “Ahhh– Ahhhh—! S-stop....” Satoru stops moving and looks up at his friend. “Are you OK, Suguru?”
Suguru nods his head and focuses on deep breaths to calm himself down. I continue to stroke his hair and gently hold his head against me. After a few moments, Suguru is able to relax, and he gives Satoru an affirmative smile. “I'm okay, Satoru, you can keep going.”
Satoru nods and continues, but at a slower pace. Meanwhile, I start to massage Suguru’s shoulders and kiss my way back across his chest. “You know, you are a work of art as well, Suguru. You have a fantastic body, and it's really hot to see someone who looks like me but the opposite gender.”
Suguru moans softly and chuckles. “I agree with you, but I don't think my body looks anywhere near as good as yours, babe.”
I giggle softly at the reciprocated compliment. “Babe, huh? Thanks--babe.” I wink at Suguru and slowly kiss him.
Suguru’s heart pounds underneath his chest, and I feel his strong pulse when I rest my hand on him. At the same time, Satoru picks up the pace with his mouth and fingers, enjoying every second of it. He pushes deep and slow with his fingers, and he hums in pleasure around Suguru’s co*ck. The sight makes me feel hot, and I can’t help but tease Suguru. “Hmmm, I bet you want to finish in Satoru’s mouth. But if you do, you'll have to get it back up again because we have much more planned for you.”
“I…” Suguru tries to say something, but his mind is foggy from arousal and my body is burning hotter as Satoru stimulates him more intensely. “Satoru, you…” His voice comes out as a moan, and he starts to thrust up into Satoru’s throat. “Oh God, if you…” His breath catches. “Satoru, you’re going to make me–!”
Satoru scissors his fingers and applies more pressure with his tongue, hoping to bring Suguru to climax. I bite Suguru’s neck and rub his hard nipples between my fingers.
“Holy f*ck–!” Suguru groans loudly and c*ms harder than he ever has before. Satoru goes still, trying to swallow everything, and he slowly pulls his fingers out of Suguru’s hole. He pulls his mouth off and sticks his tongue out, proudly showing off that he’s managed to take every drop of cum. Suguru shivers at the loss of Satoru’s touch, and he pants as he comes down from his org*sm. It takes a little while but he finally manages to regain control of his senses. Suguru looks down at Satoru and sees him looking back at him with a playful smile. “Yukiko was right, you really do know how to do it, Satoru.” Suguru grins at both of us. “Satoru, I am already satisfied with what you just did for me, but…”
Watching Satoru finish Suguru off was a massive turn on, and I can't help but hope they both are ready for more rounds. When I hear those words come out of Suguru’s mouth... “I know the feeling, Suguru. You feel amazing but can't help but want more. That's what it's like to be with Satoru.” I look at my sexy, amazing husband and smile before looking back at Suguru. “Do you want to return the favor to him?”
“I really do, darling. I really want to.”
“Hmmmm, I'm glad.” I give Suguru a peck on the lips and grin as I address Satoru. “Are you ready to finally take Suguru after all these years?”
Satoru looks at me with a thirsty smile and then fixes his eyes on Suguru. “Oh, darling, I can’t wait. Really, you two have no idea. Ever since Suguru and I became friends, from that day until the day I met you, Yukiko, I dreamed of having him inside me. And now, I finally get to.” His eyes blow wide with desire. “But this will be even better than my teenage dreams because now I get to have him f*ck me while you sit on my face, Yukiko.”
Suguru is already starting to get aroused at Satoru’s shameless words. He starts to stroke himself, feeling the blood rushing back down fast enough to make him hard again in no time. I also flush at Satoru's words but quickly regain my composure enough to crack a joke. “Let's give him something beyond his wildest dreams, Suguru.” I push Satoru down onto the bed and we both start feeling and kissing all over him.
Suguru smirks at my comment and starts touching Satoru’s muscles. He slowly drags his big hands down Satoru’s abs with my hands and kisses everywhere he can touch. Then he crawls down and starts groping Satoru’s thighs and leaving wet kisses up his inner thighs to the V of his abs. Satoru moans softly and shudders under Suguru’s touch. Suguru smiles and looks up at me. “Is this what you meant that we will give him something beyond his wildest dream, Yukiko?”
I giggle. “Well, yes. It's part of what I meant. But make sure to turn him inside out. He loves to be filled up and stretched out.” I smirk and nip Satoru on the neck. “And I'm sure it will be even better for him with your co*ck stretching him instead of some random toy.”
Suguru laughs softly, crawling his way back up and positioning himself between Satoru’s legs. “Really? Is that what you want, Satoru? My hand is not enough to give you pleasure?” Suguru’s voice drips with desire as he teases Satoru. I reach down and stroke Satoru’s length as Suguru uses his own precum to start to rub around Satoru’s entrance. Suguru’s touch starts to get more intense as he plays with Satoru’s body, and his voice drops to a rough whisper. I want you, Satoru. I’ve wanted you for so long. But all this teasing is beginning to make me impatient and I can't wait anymore. I want to hear your beautiful moans as I f*ck you, as I make you cum. Satoru moans at Suguru’s words and my continued strokes. Suguru looks up at me. “Is it okay if we take it slow this time? I want to... I want him to feel how good he is.”
I smile and nod. “Of course, babe. Make love to him. It will be the only chance you have.”
Suguru nods back and gives me a soft kiss. He looks back down at Satoru and starts to tease Satoru’s hole with his finger, using his other hand to stroke himself. “You feel good, Satoru. I love you so much. I can't get enough of you…” Suguru leans down to kiss him and can feel Satoru's heartbeat picking up and his body trembling.
Satoru groans and his voice is husky as he begs, “Please, Suguru. I need-- I need you inside…”
Suguru smiles again and his co*ck throbs in his hand. “Shhhhhh, we have to take it slow, Satoru. Don't spoil the fun.”
Satoru groans again and reaches a hand between his legs, f*cking himself on his own fingers. His voice comes out almost like a needy whine. “See, I’m ready for you already. We can take it slow after you put it in, Suguru.”
Suguru’s grin turns wicked as he looks down at Satoru. “You’re so damn hot when you’re needy. Just like how I always imagined you’d be. Do you want some pressure? Do you want to feel some heat inside you?” Suguru whispers seductively and caresses Satoru’s body. Satoru nods his head, looking up at Suguru with wide eyes, allowing himself to be completely at his mercy. “Please, Suguru, just give me–” Suguru smirks and leans forward to whisper into Satoru’s ear. “No need, I'm going to give it to you now.” He slowly pushes in with a moan and Satoru cries out in pleasure. “Ahhh--!” He winces in a combination of pleasure in pain as you bottom out. Suguru starts slowly pushing himself in and out, letting Satoru feel and adjust to the rhythm. “Oh my God, Suguru–” Satoru’s voice is breathy and he grabs onto Suguru’s hips to try and anchor himself.
Suguru leans forward so that their foreheads are together, and he looks Satoru in the eyes. He caresses Satoru’s face and gently smiles. “Relax, baby. Let me make it good for you.” Suguru starts to move more passionately as he picks up the pace. Satoru whimpers and runs his fingers through Suguru’s hair. “God, Suguru, you stretch me out so good... you already are making me feel so good.”
Suguru chuckles and kisses Satoru softly on the lips. “I'm glad, I've been waiting to make you feel this good for a long time, Satoru. You want more?”
Satoru nods vigorously. “Please. I need more, so don't stop. Can I taste Yukiko while you work on me?”
Suguru smiles. “Of course you can, baby.” I come over and straddle Satoru's face, already feeling his eager tongue lap at my slick folds. As Satoru grabs my hips to pull me down closer to his face, I let Suguru make out with me. “Suguru, you heard him. Don't stop…”
Suguru smirks before starting to thrust harder and faster. Satoru starts breathing very heavily and starts to eat me out desperately. He moans as I start to coat his tongue with my juices, and Suguru’s deep thrusts force a whimper out of him. I look down and see Satoru’s legs twitching, and I know he's about to release.
Suguru groans as Satoru tightens around him, and he reaches a hand down to jerk Satoru’s co*ck. Satoru responds by licking at me more intensely and all three of us moan. “Oh my God, Satoru, you're going to make me gush all over you... Satoru grabs my thighs and pulls me down even harder onto his tongue. I can feel his moans against me as he gets closer and closer to climax. “Suguru, you have him so close…”
Suguru looks up at me, his voice barely holding together. “You want to do this together?”
Satoru and I moan in response. He pushes his tongue in and out of me deeper, and I cry out. “Yes, God, I want us all to finish together–”
Suguru looks down at him and whispers. “Are you ready, baby? Can you hang on until we can finish together?”
Satoru pulls me off his face for a brief moment with a gasp for air. “I can, but please, hurry…” He goes back to tonguing me, and he starts rubbing my cl*t to get me close to the edge. I moan and start to ride his face.
Suguru eyes Satoru lustfully, watching intently as he eats me out. He then looks at my face, which tells him everything he needs to know.
“Kiss me, Suguru.” I pull Suguru in for a deep kiss as he keeps thrusting into Satoru, who doesn't let up the pace with his tongue. “Oh my God---!” We all three moan together, and I gush over Satoru's face as I watch him spill his release and watch Suguru’s hips jerk forward into him.
Our bodies shake and it feels like the world suddenly stops moving. Everything suddenly becomes so quiet as we all release together. The only sound is our breathing, and Suguru looks at both me and Satoru with a smile. He looks like he’s on cloud nine, and he looks really pleased that he was able to time it so that we all came at the same time. “That was unlike anything I’ve ever dreamed of.” Suguru beams and moves his hips just a little bit more to make sure he drains every last drop into Satoru’s hole before he kisses me deeply. I slowly climb off of Satoru's face with trembling legs. I look down at his face, drenched and flushed and smiling blissfully.
“What about you, Satoru? How do you feel?” Satoru chuckles airily and closes his eyes. “I feel...wonderful. That was incredible, both of you. Thank you.”
Suguru pulls himself out and looks down at Satoru’s face, smiling at how happy he is. “You're welcome.” Suguru starts making out with me again, and this time he doesn't hold back. He moans as he parts my lips with his tongue. “Sugu-- “ My voice is cut off by his tongue in my mouth. I pull him deeper into the kiss and moan softly. “You're insatiable, aren't you?”
Suguru sucks on my tongue and then bites my lip before pulling away and laughing. “You are right. I'm really insatiable... Don't stop making me feel good, Yukiko.” He goes back in for another kiss and I turn my head, giggling. His kiss lands on my neck.
“Mmmm-- I have an idea... How about you do to me exactly what you just did to Satoru.”
Suguru pulls back and smiles, then turns to Satoru and smiles at him as well. “I believe your lovely wife has an excellent idea.” He wets his lips, giving me a smug smile as his energy starts to rise again.
I beam at both of them. “But first: we really should clean Satoru up first. We made such a mess all over him.” I nod towards the sticky white cum coating his abs and leaking out of him.
Suguru chuckles. “You’re right, he could use a bit of cleaning right now. Should I lend you a hand, dear wife, or do you think you can do this all by yourself?” I blush a little at Suguru’s words, and I see his grin widen at my reaction.
I giggle airily. “I can handle it, Suguru. It's my duty to my husband, after all.” I wink at Satoru before going to lick his abs clean of his release. “Even if you were the one that made part of the mess…” I lick up all of the white leaking out of Satoru and notice that he is getting aroused again.
Suguru raises his eyebrows as he watches me eagerly lick up all of the cum. “Man, Satoru is really spoiled with you. He really seems to like it when you clean him. Do a good job and don’t rush, Yukiko.”
I laugh and continue to lick at Satoru after cleaning him out. “I think I've done my job now.” I look over to Suguru. “Now I want Satoru to watch as you take me from behind, Suguru.”
Suguru smiles devilishly, seeing an opportunity to stir the pot. He smirks at Satoru. “Oh, dear Satoru, be sure to watch this. I will show you how to please your wife without even touching her puss*.”
Satoru's face flushes with jealousy and arousal, and he sits himself up to watch. “Hmm, I don't think you can do any better than I can.” He gives Suguru a challenging look.
Suguru just grins right back. “Oh? You think that you can please Yukiko better than me? I'm telling you now, Satoru. I can do better. I will give you a performance you will never forget. So you better prepare yourself to see me make your wife scream louder than you ever did.”
Satoru glares at Suguru, and a soft growl escapes his lips. Suguru pulls me up to my feet and bends me forward so that I’m resting my hands on the edge of the bed. He positions himself behind you and slowly, slowly starts pushing himself inside with a groan. “Oh, this is going to feel so good, Yukiko…”
I hiss as he pushes inside me with no preparation. “Ah, sh*t! Maybe I should have prepped myself a bit better.”
Suguru chuckles darkly. “Oh my, that sounds like it hurts. Well, don't worry, dear wife. You will probably be a bit sore afterward, but soon enough I'll make you feel so good that you won't be thinking about pain at all.” He looks up at Satoru. “You see, Satoru? I'll take care of everything now. Just relax and enjoy the show.”
Satoru tenses in concern and leans toward me. “You sure you are OK, Yukiko?”
I take a deep breath and nod as I force myself to relax. “I'll be OK, baby. I can handle a bit of pain.”
“You hear that? Your wife is tough, Satoru. You'll have to try pretty damn hard if you want to be better than me.” He smiles at Satoru as he starts to move his hips slowly. “Don’t worry, Yukiko.” He holds my left hip and reaches his right hand to stroke my hair. “Trust me, you'll enjoy every second of it.”
As you start to move slowly, I feel myself starting to stretch more easily. “Oh--ohhhh–!” I can't help it as a moan escapes my lips. “It's starting to feel...nice…”
Suguru’s lips curve into a small smile, and he looks down at my back. “I'm glad that it started to feel nice for you. You deserve it, for being such a great wife. Don't worry, I don't plan on making this quick. I'll take my time and make you reach your climax as much as you want to. I'll make sure that all your wishes come true.” He smirks at my reactions and starts moving deeper with each of my moans. He pulls almost all the way out before pushing all the way back in, allowing me to experience each thrust that he performs.
I moan loudly and whisper to him. “Oh God, Suguru. You're so deep. Don't stop, please…”
He smiles and leans forward to fondle my breasts and kiss my back while he whispers to you. “Don't worry, dear wife, I'll take care of you for as long as you want. I will keep you here forever. I love you, I love your body and I will never leave you again. I’m your husband now, Yukiko.” Suguru smiles at Satoru before grabbing my breasts harder as he stays bent against me, f*cking me harder. I can feel the sweat forming on my back from the heat of him against me as the loud slap of skin on skin fills the room.
I startle at Suguru’s words and look up in panic at Satoru. He looks tense as well. “No, no you're not. You are not my husband. You may make me feel good, but you aren't Satoru…”
He laughs again and starts thrusting a little bit faster. He moans as my tight hole squeezes him. “I will be better than Satoru, my dear Yukiko. I will be much better than him. I can make you feel something he won't be able to... I know it. Satoru can't keep you happy, but I will.” Suguru kisses the back of my neck and smiles again.
My body betrays me and I let out another moan. “No, no, I want you to share me with him. I want you to use me from behind while he takes me and breeds me and claims me…” I look up at Satoru with pleading eyes.
Suguru looks up at Satoru as well. “Hm, does that seem appealing to you? I don't mind it, if you want to join in. It seems we are already sharing this woman, so why not take her in more ways.” Suguru grins at him and starts to pound me even harder. I cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain and grit my teeth.

Satoru looks at Suguru with a flame of anger and jealousy in his eyes. He strides over to us, stands me up straight, and kisses me passionately on the lips. Suguru is forced to slow his thrusts and angle them upwards to stay inside. “Don't forget the only reason why we are doing this, Suguru. Why Yukiko agreed. She agreed to this for my sake. She was always mine and will always be mine. He pulls my leg up and buries himself inside me, even as Suguru still thrusts slowly into me from the other side.”
“Ahhh--AHHHH!” I cry out and wrap my arms around Satoru, clinging onto him for dear life and burying my face in his shoulder. “Oh my God--you both…”
Suguru stops moving for a bit, just staying buried, and he lets Satoru do his work to claim me in front of him. Suguru can’t help but flush with jealousy as he sees me cling to Satoru's chest. Suguru presses his lips to my ear from behind. “We are both taking you now, and you will have to accept us both because you already gave up everything to us.” Suguru gives Satoru an evil grin as he continues to talk to me. “He'll never give you more pleasure than I do.” With that, he starts thrusting into me again.”
“Fuuuuck–!” The sensation of you both using my body, thrusting into me at the same time and filling both of my holes makes me feel like I'm on fire. I can't stop moaning and I can't even get a sentence out. “Ohhh-- I-- Suguru-- Satoru--!”
Suguru looks at Satoru with a possessive glare. “It seems my dear wife is enjoying this so much that she can't form a proper sentence anymore… I think we should keep this up for as long as we can.” He starts moving even quicker, hips snapping up into me faster and faster. I gasp and grab onto Satoru with a death grip. Suguru smirks at my reaction. “I love your body, Yukiko, and I'm claiming it as mine now.”
Those words set a fire in me and make me lucid enough to answer. “No, you're wrong, Suguru. I hold onto Satoru and put my forehead against his. Even if you both finish inside me, Satoru's seed would be the one to take... my body is his. His to breed…”
Suguru starts moving even faster now, sweat dripping down his face. He grits his teeth as he moans. “Oh, is it? Really? Then why does your body feel so good when I f*ck you? Why did you moan so much for me? Don't try to fool yourself anymore, Yukiko. Your body loves us both equally.” Suguru wraps his hands around my waist possessively and kisses the side of my neck. “It looks like your body is craving for both of us.”
As you both slam into me, I cling onto Satoru harder and kiss him. I moan loudly and he strokes my hair. Satoru whispers gently to me. “It's OK baby. You can allow yourself to enjoy both of us. Don't feel guilty. It's just tonight, ok? I love you.”
I whisper to Satoru through choked-back tears, “I love you too…”
Suguru hears our whispered words and demands an answer. “Is that what you really want, Yukiko? I want you to tell the truth. How do you really feel?”
I cry out as you slam into me. “You both make me feel like I'm going to tear apart--!”
“That's what you're supposed to feel, dear wife. That's the feeling you should experience when both of us give you our love. I kiss your cheeks and continue to move even faster and even harder. I love you, Yukiko…”
I climax violently and my body starts to go limp as you both hold me up and use me. “I-- I love you too–”

Upon hearing those words, Suguru snaps out of it. He stops moving and looks down in concern when he sees my limp body. He gives Satoru a questioning look while still holding onto my waist.
“Hey, Satoru, I think she is satisfied. If we continue, we are going to hurt her more. Should one of us pull out?”

Satoru nods. “Suguru, I think you should pull out first. I want to try something with her.”
Suguru nods and looks down at me, pulling out and letting his hands slip away from me. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Yukiko. Satoru will take care of you, just let him take over now.” He steps back and crosses his arms.
“Now, Satoru. Show me what you can do for her. I'll just observe and see what kind of performance you can give this woman. I will judge how good you are.”
Satoru holds onto me firmly and picks me up so that both of my legs are wrapped around his waist. He kisses me gently before he starts to move again, nice and slow. His hips move in rhythm with his tongue as it pushes in and out of my mouth.
I gently wrap my arms around Satoru and rest my face against his shoulder as he holds me up. “Ohh--!” When he starts thrusting again, slow and deep, I moan in his ear. “Satoru, baby, you feel so good…”
Suguru stands there and just watches. His eyes burn with a jealous fire that he can’t control. Even so, he can’t deny that Satoru is more experienced and has better control. He is definitely the better husband. He observes Satoru’s skill as he moves inside me with his deep thrusts, each of them making me moan and groan. Suguru feels so wrong, seeing us together like this... but yet, he feels so aroused watching this scene.
Satoru pushes me against a wall, and I wrap my legs around him tighter. He pins my hands above my head and sucks my neck as he thrusts into me hard. I moan and surrender to his touch. “That's it, baby...I'm all yours…”
Satoru moans into my ear. “That's right, Yukiko. Your body is mine. And I want to feel every inch of you under my fingers.” Satoru picks me up and moves me onto the bed. He pulls out and adjusts our bodies to a spooning position before pushing back inside with a groan. “Ahh, that's it–”
I moan and put one hand behind me to grab his hip and pull him deeper. I reach my other hand behind his head to stroke his hair. “Touch me, baby-- Please–”
Satoru chuckles and wraps his arms around me in an X shape to play with my breasts. “Oh, so impatient-- I'll give you what you want soon.” He starts to thrust slow and deep again as he sucks on my neck.

Suguru watches Satoru and me intently. He starts to get aroused again as he sees my blissful expression and Satoru’s devotion as he makes love to me. Satoru moans in pleasure and starts to thrust faster and deeper than before.
I moan loudly as Satoru picks up the pace. “That feels so good, baby...oh don't stop…”
Satoru hums. “Mmm, I love when you beg for me, Yukiko.” He reaches a hand around my throat and lightly chokes me. “Tell me what you want, baby…”
I choke out a moan and my back arches into Satoru hard as he starts to cut off my air. “Please, Satoru... I'm so close... Cum inside me—”

Suguru watches as Satoru starts to moan, thrust faster and deeper, and make me moan louder and louder. The way he pushes so deep inside me, how he chokes me like that–Suguru can’t help but get even more jealous as he gets more aroused.
Satoru groans against my bruised neck. “Ohhh baby, you know I want to...but first I want to feel you come on my co*ck as I thrust in and out of you, filling your womb with my hot, sticky seed... breeding your tight little body…”
A shiver runs through my body and I cry out in pleasure. I arch my body harder against Satoru and beg him. “Oh my God, yes baby, please--- I want it so badly-- Yes, yes, yes!”
Satoru moans and chokes me harder. “That's it baby, milk me for every drop, f*ck, f*ck--!”
He finishes inside me with a jerk of the hips and I cry out as I climax at the same time. Satoru and I both shiver and moan as we come down from climax and try to catch our breath. He releases his grip on my throat and kisses me tenderly. He strokes my sides and my hair before slowly pulling out. “Thank you, Yukiko. I love you so much. Come here.” He props himself up on his back and pulls me over to lean against him. I curl against his chest as he holds me and continues to stroke my hair. “I love you too, Satoru.” I nestle into him, forgetting the whole world and feeling nothing but the comfort of his embrace.

What could be several seconds or even several minutes later, Suguru speaks up.
“Can I ask you something, Satoru?”
Satoru looks up from me somewhat dazed. “Hm, yes?”
“How many rounds can you go without stopping? Can I test you?” Suguru bites back his jealousy and comes to sit on the bed next to us.
Satoru chuckles and smirks at Suguru. “Oh, did this display make you want to bottom for me?”
Suguru crosses his arms and looks to the side with a blush. “Maybe.”
Satoru hums and strokes my hair as he considers the idea. “Hmm, ok. I'll make you cum harder than you ever have in your life. But you'll have to do one thing for me in exchange.”
Suguru perks up immediately. “What is it, Satoru? I'll do anything for you.”
Satoru smiles. “As I f*ck you, you'll eat Yukiko out, my hot cum still leaking out of her.”
Suguru’s jaw drops and his eyes widen. “Satoru, I can't! It's disrespectful to Yukiko! I can't do that to your wife, please, don't ask that of me.”
Satoru raises an eyebrow and anger creeps into his tone. “Oh, but f*cking her until she cried out in pain and trying to claim that she was your wife and not mine, despite her protests–that wasn’t disrespectful?”
Suguru shuts up as if he’s been slapped across the face. “No, you– you’re absolutely right. I’m sorry, to both of you. I let jealousy get the best of me, and the way I took it out on Yukiko was wrong.”
I look over at Suguru and uncurl myself from Satoru’s side. “Suguru, it's ok. I forgive you. Besides, I want you to taste me as well as what Satoru left behind.” I turn to lie on my back and spread my legs.
Suguru looks over at me, completely willing, and he feels conflicted. He looks at Satoru’s genuine smile and realizes that this whole time, Satoru has been doing him a great service. That I have been doing him a great service. He realizes that neither Satoru nor I belong to him, but we willingly have accepted him into our bed and given our bodies to him out of love and goodwill. Suguru sighs and the jealousy rooted inside him seems to wither away. He nods and slowly moves towards me. “Very well. Thank you for the opportunity. For everything, both of you.” He smiles at Satoru and at me before he settles himself between my legs. He slowly leans his head towards my leaking center, and he smells Satoru’s scent all over me. He runs his hands over the soft skin of my inner thighs and trails kisses on the way up. I nod down at him with a smile, and his tongue slips out of his mouth and caresses my lower lips.
“Ohh–” I let out a soft moan as his tongue licks over me. “That feels really nice…”
Suguru licks me slowly, moving over all of my folds before gently pushing his tongue inside me. He pauses when he feels something dripping on his tongue. He tastes it, thinking to himself, It’s so salty! It's like tasting sea water!
Satoru climbs off the bed to get a closer look at what Suguru is doing. “Mmmm–” His eyes widen lustfully, and he starts to stroke himself when he sees what's dripping onto your tongue. “That's so hot, babe... How's our taste, Suguru?”
“It tastes salty, like sea water... Is it what I think it is?”
Satoru laughs. “Yes, it is. I suppose you wouldn't have been able to taste it earlier since I spilled directly into your throat.” He continues stroking himself and whispers in a low, commanding tone. “I want you to clean up every last drop of it.”
Suguru halts. “I-- I really can't do this. I can't just…” His words slowly became weaker as he allows the discomfort to subside and he gives into desire again. He takes a deep breath and closes before continuing his task.

I continue moaning as Suguru’s tongue laps at me and slips in and out to clean me up.
Satoru watches until Suguru has swallowed all of the cum leaking out of me. “Good job, Suguru. I'll reward you with a choice. Do you want to continue doing what you're doing as I top you? Or do you want a chance to sow your seed in my wife as I top you?”

Suguru looks at Satoru in shock. His cheeks flush red as he looks between Satoru and me. “Is Yukiko ok with either option?” I nod my head and give him a calm, reassuring smile. “Yes, Suguru. Either one is fine with me.” Suguru swallows and looks at Satoru sheepishly. “Can I take the second option?”
Satoru laughs. “Of course you can.” He moves my body up further on the bed. “Now Suguru, climb up on the bed on all fours.”
Suguru does as he was told, climbing on the bed on all fours. He looks back at Satoru with a mix of pleasure, guilt, and embarrassment. Part of him wants to run away, but his desires are keeping him there.
Satoru whispers gently. “There you go. I'll be gentle at first and let you get used to it, then you can worry about Yukiko.” He coats Suguru’s entrance with lube and slowly pushes a finger in. “Just tell me if it's too much, ok?”
Suguru inhales sharply before relaxing. “It's okay, I'm fine.”
Satoru smirks. “Then let's see how well you take it…” He slowly pushes himself inside with a loud groan. “God, Suguru. You feel so tight.”
Suguru bites his lip as a sharp pain goes through his body. His face reddens even more, but he tries not to make any noise.
Satoru gently strokes Suguru’s sides. “You're doing great, baby. Tell me if you need me to slow down.”
Suguru nods, his body still taut with tension. “It’s a little painful, but I can take it. Don't stop yet.” He closes his eyes again and tries to stay steady until he can take it easily.
Satoru chuckles. “Heh-- Sure thing.” He pushes all the way in and moans loudly. “God, I never imagined a man would feel so good–” He grabs your ass and squeezes with a sigh.
Suguru moans loudly in response. “Holy sh*t, Satoru. You– you’re so…big.” Suguru gasps as his walls stretch and he can feel the tip of Satoru’s co*ck pushing into his prostate.
Satoru smirks. “Oh, you’re already enjoying it? Hmm, I'll start moving then.” He slowly starts rocking his hips, pushing his co*ck in and out of Suguru’s body.

Suguru’s eyes roll back in his head and his back arches as Satoru slowly picks up the pace. He moans with each press against his prostate and can’t help but feel that he needs more, he needs Satoru to go faster…
Satoru groans at the sensation. “Ohhh--! I need more... I'm going to go faster, ok baby?” He starts to thrust faster, still going the same depth and same force. “Once you start to leak, I'll let you go inside of Yukiko.”
The muscles in Suguru’s back start to ripple as his body shudders in pleasure. “Oh, God, yes…I need more, yes–!” The moans escaping from his lips are needy and desperate, but he feels far too good to care.
Satoru groans in pleasure. “Oh, you even moan like a whor*? All these years, I should have been dreaming of topping you instead of being the bottom.”
Suguru tries to protest, but he can’t form any words and he just blushes even harder as he continues to moan.
Satoru growls as he starts to thrust harder. “Mmm-- that's it. Take that co*ck. I wonder if you're leaking yet…”

I watch the whole scene unfold with hungry eyes. I love seeing Satoru’s dominant side come out, and the sight of Suguru on his hands and knees taking Satoru’s co*ck has me dripping wet with arousal. I look up to Satoru to answer his question. “He is, baby. I can see it dripping off. I'm ready for him if he is…”

Satoru grins. “Perfect.” He scoots the two of you forward so that you can situate yourself between my legs. “Did you hear that, Suguru? She's ready for you. Better not keep her waiting…”

Suguru allows himself to be pushed forward, blushing from embarrassment. He gulps and carefully aligns himself between my legs before sinking himself in.

My back arches slightly as Suguru enters. He starts to push himself in and out, moving slowly at first then picking up the pace as he looks over his shoulder at Satoru with a flushed face. “Ohh, Suguru, this angle feels so good–” Once he establishes a rhythm, I speak to Satoru in between moans. “Satoru, keep doing what you were doing.”

Satoru runs a hand down the center line of Suguru’s back. “See, Suguru? You're doing a great job at making her feel good. Be sure to keep it up as I start back up again.” He starts thrusting again, slowly and as deep as he can go.
Suguru starts to push back faster and faster onto Satoru with increasing pleasure. His breaths become ragged as he feels the overwhelming sensation from both sides.
Satoru whispers lustfully. “Mmmm, you like having me top you while you make love to her? I can't look so hot caught between our two bodies, Suguru…”
Suguru moans and moves back and forth faster while his breathing gets more aggressive.
“Oh, that's it, Suguru... You feel amazing. You like it don't you? I agree with Satoru. Seeing him thrust into you as you do the same to me... Mmm, it's enough to drive anyone crazy…”
Suguru closes his eyes as he focuses on maintaining his motion. “Y-y-yeah, I like it..” His legs start to shake as much as his breath. “sh*t, I’m going to– I’m going to–!”

Satoru moans loudly. “Oh, God-- I'm about to–”
I cry out as I feel my pleasure building “Oh f*ck, I don't know if I can take this much longer!”
We all three moan loudly as we near the finish line.
Suguru thrusts desperately inside me. “I-I… aaah…”
Satoru groans as he his hips forward, spilling himself inside you. In the same moment, we both moan and you release inside me as I climax. “Oh my-- That-- I can't believe we just did that.” I breathe heavily as I speak. “That might have been the hottest experience of all time…”
Suguru shakes all over and gathers his breath. His mind swirls as he processes the experience, the sensation he just had. It was completely unmatched. “Y-yeah. same here. By far the most enjoyable.”
Satoru slowly pulls out and so do you. Satoru cleans you up, and then we all three collapse next to each other on the bed. I speak in between heavy breaths. “So, we're good now? All three of us?”
Suguru gathers his breath until he can speak without stuttering. “Yeah, we are good.” He turns his head and looks at me and Satoru with a mix of pleasure and gratitude.
Satoru nods as well. “All’s well that ends well, and that was just about the best ending I could have imagined.” We all three lie there for a few minutes before Satoru speaks up again. “We should all shower before we go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be an early day.”
Suguru agrees with a silent nod and gets up to go to the spare bathroom.
I stay behind with Satoru and cuddle against him, whispering to him softly. “Is your heart full now? Did you get what you dreamed of?”
He chuckles softly and wraps his arms around me as he whispers back. “Yes, my heart is full now, I got what I've wanted from the very beginning.”
Suguru finishes his shower and dries off before changing into some pajamas with a smile on my face. He looks into the mirror, fully content with himself and his experience from the night. For the first time in years, he can feel it, he has what he always wanted. Unconditional acceptance. And it makes everything feel complete.
Satoru and I go to shower quickly and dry off. When we come out and put on pajamas, Suguru is already under the covers, smiling. We grab some jugs of water to share amongst us before rejoining you. After we drink our fill, we both get under the covers.
Suguru lays in the middle of the bed with Satoru on one side and me on the other. “Thank you so much for everything, both of you. Yukiko, thank you for finding me and bringing me back to my best friend. Thank you for the tough love and the honest advice. Satoru, thank you for hearing me out and welcoming me back as a friend. And thank both of you for defending me, welcoming me into your home, and sharing your love and your bed with me for tonight, to fulfill my wish and my fantasy before my time is up.” He starts to tear up with emotion. “No matter what happens, you both are family to me. I love you guys.” Satoru and I hug you tight, both overcome with emotion. We cry together and comfort each other until we have no more tears to give. “We love you, Suguru.” Finally, we all three fall asleep in peace.

Redemption Never Tasted So Sweet - Chapter 3 - KoreWaNeko - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.