Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 16). Total previews comp/predictions: Back to Black ($0.35M/$0.37M), IF ($1.72M/$1.80M), Strangers ($1.49M/$1.37M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($8.14M) (2024)

Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 16). Total previews comp/predictions: Back to Black ($0.35M/$0.37M), IF ($1.72M/$1.80M), Strangers ($1.49M/$1.37M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($8.14M) (1)

[BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking](

[**USA Showtimes As of May 10**](

[Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)](

[BoxOfficeReport Previews](


**Back to Black Thursday Comps/Predictions: $0.35M/$0.37M**

– abracadabra1998 ($0.35M Thursday comp. Probably looking at EA around $100k from these numbers, it’s limited to Dolby only though so it’s quite tiny (May 15). Yikes bikes (May 12).)

– crazymoviekid ($0.39M Thursday and $1.21M Friday comp. We’re back up to $.3M-$.5M Thursday while Friday is pretty consistent, still around $1.15M-$1.4M. Estimated OW: $4.5M-$5.5M (May 16). Knocking this down to $.25M Thursday. Despite relatively strong sales, comps are low around $1.25M for Friday (May 15). Not great. Let’s say $.3M (May 14).)

– el sid ($0.38M Thursday comp. Average tomorrow will probably be around 400k (May 15).)

– filmlover (Looking at the sales even for the early shows on Wednesday it’s on the anemic side (and nothing that’s likely to boost it over the next days). Feels like we’re about to see how low a biopic about a famous musician can go (May 10).)

– katnisscinnaplex ($0.38M Thursday comp.)

– Relevation ($0.26M Thursday comp. And for how sh*tty IF did, Back to Black cratered even harder, and likely would’ve been the worst selling movie I’ve ever tracked had I not run numbers a little late. Sub-$300K THU and a $2.5-4M OW (May 15).)

– Rorschach (Zero tickets sold on Thursday and only four on Friday. I don’t think I’ll be missing much (May 13).)

**IF Thursday Comps/Predictions: $1.72M/$1.80M**

– abracadabra1998 ($1.5M Thursday comp. Really good update here, FINALLY! Been waiting for this. This is encouraging for sure. With this growth now maybe shooting for a finish near 1.75 or maybe even approach 2. | Eek. Zero sales day only a few days before previews, when you’re dealing with a very low baseline. I’m not sure what’s happening here (May 15). Most comps did move the right direction. If it keeps trending up perhaps I can see a finish around $1.5M Thursday. One thing to peep at: the MTC1 ratio (59%) is unusually large compared to other family releases. At T-2, other releases’ MTC1 % was at: KFP4: 51%, Migration: 34%, Wonka: 59%, Wish: 35%, Trolls: 24%. So much more comparable to Wonka and KFP4; maybe something to think about when looking at keyser’s numbers and thinking of the ratio there (May 14). My model has been pretty good for animated/family releases in the past, hence why every comp is so eerily similar. Still, looking at others’ numbers and how much lower mine are, I am wondering if summer break might be something to consider here; from what I am aware, here in Minnesota most school districts don’t start break until June (May 13). Hoping for some real acceleration this last week but not looking good (May 12). One week out, not impressed in the slightest (May 9). Rising against comps as expected, due to the short release window, but I am still failing to see anything that suggests the numbers given by some other outlets (May 5).)

– AniNate (All I can say is if you look at Tinseltown Canton presales the IF projections ($30M+) seem pretty reasonable. I will grant they might’ve booked more screens than necessary for it (May 16). I’m gonna guess that Nick IP spot for IF this morning ratcheted up interest, Fri-Sun sales at Canton now close to 200. Also of those 200 about 50 were for XD. Not the usual overwhelming presale split but not insignificant for a kids movie also playing on two standard screens (May 13). 45 sold at the five nearest Cinemarks for Thursday previews so far, so yeah there’s evidently some kind of regional variation (May 13). I definitely haven’t seen as much of a rush here with Garfield as with IF (May 11). I dunno, I have no comps but I feel like local presales is a pretty sizable haul a week in advance for an original non-Disney kids movie (May 9).)

– crazymoviekid ($2.43M Thursday and $8.49M Friday comp. Not a great day. Back down to $1.75M-$2M Thursday but pretty good day for Friday, bumping up to $7M-$7.5M. Estimate OW: $27M-$29M (May 16). Comps mostly are up. Adjusting up to around $2M-$2.25M Thursday. Unless this plays like Elemental, we’re aiming around $6.5M-$7M Friday. Estimated OW: $25M-$27M (May 15). Definitely looking around $1.75M Thursday for now (May 14).

– DAJK (Selling pretty well so far here (May 4).)

– el sid ($2.4M Thursday comp. Friday up so-so 116% since last Monday. I chose Jungle Cruise, Dolittle, Elemental, Minions 2 and Sonic 2 as comps (always counted on Monday of the release week for Friday) and the true Friday number for IF would be 6.6M at the moment. In this case the comparison numbers were very similar, around 6-7M. Overall it was a boring counting today which lasted too long for so few action. And judging from some random samples Garfield also saw no significant jumps (I also didn’t expect much, it’s still too early IMO). | Thursday up 92% since last Monday. I hoped for a bit better jump till today 🙁 but it’s also not too bad. | So for Friday no big numbers but up 75% since last Monday (and the jump must have happened pretty recently) (May 13). Up 73.5% since Monday (where it had 143 sold tickets). Best sales in California, not doing too bad between the coasts. The number today is ok to me (May 12). Not really signs for a breakout for Friday so far, but very solid. It will not really get 4-6M Thursday e.g. compared to Migration but from most comps the number could be pretty decent (May 7). Looked good for the film, both on Thursday and on Friday (May 6).)

– jeffthehat ($1.90M Thursday comp. Slipped a little vs. comps. Sub-20% growth seems bad at this stage and opening size for a family film. But maybe walkups are better than presales suggest. Thinking $1.8m +/- $0.2m tomorrow (May 15).)

– katnisscinnaplex ($1.62M Combined SizeAdjusted+GrowthModel Thursday comp. $1.50M Santikos Thursday comp. Sticking to the 1.5m – 1.75m range. I’m looking for a +40% final day that would finish at 1.8m avg comps and 1.62m growth forecast. I’m not ruling out 2m, but it would need to have a very good day (May 16). Raising my expectations to 1.5 – 1.75m range. I don’t really have a good feel for what age this is playing to (May 15). Thinking somewhere in the 1.2m-1.5m Thursday range despite a couple of higher comps (May 14).)

– keysersoze123 (Friday pace is promising (May 16). Dont think even if it doubles the gross, 2m is locked. But even if it does, it would barely do that much. Let us see how walkups go tomorrow. | Pace is really meh for T-2. $1.75m ish for previews. OW should be similar to what I saw yesterday for now (May 15). I would say it should hit 2m previews or even more if walkups are strong. OW probably in mid to high 20s for now. Its Friday sales are not that much higher than thursday for crazy IM like say Panda 4 (May 14).)

– Relevation ($1.18M Thursday comp. IF completely tanked here, brutal comp average with no good comparisons at all. $1.2-1.5M THU and something in the ballpark of an $18-24M OW? (May 15).)

– RichWS (15 screen theater near me is giving IF peak Marvel number of showings. I know it’s short and the market is quiet, but damn (May 14).)

– Rorschach (Good growth for IF, especially after Tuesday’s abysmal sales (May 15). Even with no comps to go off, this growth seems pretty weaksauce. I guess we’ll see how it goes tomorrow (May 14).)

– Shawn Robbins (The pre-sales I’m seeing in multiple markets are little better than I think some expect here. I wouldn’t be shocked with a number between 2 and 2.5 for Thursday, as well as big jumps on Friday and Saturday. The flip side of that coin is the reviews… although kids won’t care. Could see 40 happening if this plays super strong in family markets and outside coastal cities like I suspect it could, but I’m surprised the studio didn’t low ball it a little more to be safe… especially since we had been very publicly keeping our range in the high 20s/low 30s from the bottom end (May 15).)

– TheFlatLannister ($2.39M Thursday comp. Really not much going on. Don’t think walkups will be super strong either (May 13). Not much growth (May 10). Pace is collapsing a bit. Continues its downward trend (May 7). After a strong start, this has cooled off quite a bit (May 4).)

– Tinalera (Pretty quiet Vancouver and Calgary area (May 13).)

– vafrow ($0.6M Thursday comp. Well, we finally got something. It still lags behind comps, and if I could be bothered to track walk ups, I’m guessing this will do okay. But it’s still lagging some very reasonable comps by a large margin here (May 16). It’s going up, but slowly. The thing that hit me looking at the numbers is that the most popular format so far is the VIP theatres, which are 19+. With such low sales, you can’t read too much into anything, but it kind of speaks to how this isn’t grabbing the family crowd (May 14). Some marginal movement, but we’re running out of time for this. At this stage, I expect my market is an anomaly, but I still hope and expect it will close the gap in the final few days (May 13). Still nothing (May 12). Still nothing happening. I did check Friday sales, and it was a lot stronger with 51 tickets sold. That’s better, but still not tremendous. I also checked the wider radius, where it’s pretty much exactly where Haunted Mansion was, which hit $3.1M opening (May 11). Still nothing really happening here (May 10). Since the last update, they released full showtime sets, and it actually lost two showtimes rather than gain. From the sound of it, it might be doing better in other Canadian markets, particularly BC (May 8). Numbers are still really low, making the standard track fairly useless. I did do a larger 100km radius track, encompassing the broader southern Ontaro market (~8M population, MTC4 being about 70-80% of the market). Even against Haunted Mansion, which underindexed here, it’s not doing well (May 4).)

– YM! (So far in the four Wisconsin theaters I’ve tracked, IF is at about 45% of where Wish was at in the two theaters I’ve tracked 30 minutes before previews. Think it could get to something similar before preview time (May 16).)

**The Strangers: Chapter 1 Thursday Comps/Predictions: $1.49M/$1.37M**

– abracadabra1998 ($1M Thursday comp. Perhaps this will follow the Nun and the Exorcist comps, but I am not fully convinced. I’ll just go with the average here and call it a day with my prediction: $1 Million, +/- 0.2. | Not much movement here (May 15). Not a good update at all but I am wondering about the summer break deal here as well. For Back to Black it shouldn’t affect it much I would think (May 13).)

– crazymoviekid ($1.24M Thursday and $4.35M Friday comp. Decent day. Feeling an inch past $1.25M Thursday but much better comps for Friday, aiming now between $4M-$5M. Estimated OW: $14M-$17M (May 16). Comps leveling off. Adjusting up to $1M Thursday and wouldn’t trust Friday comp ($10.05M) (May 15). Weird comps. Let’s go for $.5M-$.75M Thursday comp.)

– el sid ($1.9M Thursday comp. Nice surprise. Up very nice 67.5% since Monday (May 15). From what I saw, it had an ok jump till today but the jump till Wednesday will be way more important. But so far, decent presales (May 14).)

– katnisscinnaplex ($1.54M Combined SizeAdjusted+GrowthModel Thursday comp. $1.82M Santikos Thursday comp. Keeping on track to match IF tonight (May 16). We could have a preview battle on our hands! (May 14).)

– Relevation ($1.85M Thursday comp. The Strangers: Chapter One sold surprisingly well here, even somehow knocking IF for best selling movie of the weekend. Comps are hovering in the $1.5-2.2M range and I don’t have a clue how walkups play here, but I suppose the $1.85M THU average my comps spit out sounds pretty right, combined with a $15Mish OW (May 15).)

– Rorschach ($1.09M/$4.68M/$5.23M Thursday/Friday/Thursday+Friday comp. Decent day for Strangers. Didn’t quite continue off yesterday’s big bump, but still holding well against the Tarot comp (May 15). More than double from yesterday’s count. Curious to see if it keeps up the momentum going forward (May 14). Tarot had more tickets sold for Thursday compared to its Friday showings when I checked the Monday before it came out; hence, why the comps are so all over the place at the moment. The Thurs + Fri comp does appear to be a reasonable middle ground (May 13).)

– TwoMisfits (TMobile deal for May – $5 ticket to The Strangers Chapter 1 next Tuesday (May 9).)

**Furiosa Thursday Comp: $4.31M**

– abracadabra1998 ($5.46M Thursday comp. GxK obviously really propping the average up but for now I could see that settling at around $5 Million, still good pace! (May 12). Really good stuff in this market (May 9). Reallyyyyyy good day 1 here. I want to note that: NO I do NOT think preview numbers will be that high; it’s just highlighting the fact that this is likely a movie that will be running hot in my market, as cinephile blockbusters usually do. Next update I will have T-14 comps, which will be a lot lower due to the short release window (May 8).)

– AniNate (Encouraging to see the weekend fill out a bit. Been seeing a lot of promotion during the basketball playoffs so general awareness has to be getting there now. (May 15). Skimmed through Thur/Fri and Valley View (Cleveland vicinity) has sold roughly 60 Furiosa tix so far while Tinseltown (Canton) has sold 40. I’m guessing the upfront audience does lean more toward the urban/cosmopolitan sensibilities (May 9). Presales show there’s definitely some hype for this. Regal gonna irritate trackers again, offering no upcharge IMAX for Furiosa (May 8).)

– Charlie Jatinder ($3.05M Thursday comp.)

– el sid ($5.8M average Thursday comp (without Exorcist 2) (May 12). Furiosa continues its strong performance in “my” theaters. The movie yesterday had already 1.310 sold tickets (for Thursday, May 23). Up 15% in ca. 24 hours which isn’t bad at all after the first rush. Already comfortably in front of The Fall Guy’s final sales (it had 1.071 counted on Thursday for Thursday) and almost on par with Civil War’s final sales (1.357) and also the Apes finally had not more than 1.657 sold tickets in my theaters (May 11). I also can’t complain about Furiosa’s presales in my theaters, not at all. Already 1,138 sold tickets (in all of “my” 7 theaters) for May 23. 14 days left. Promising start. Civil War on Thursday of the release week for Thursday had 1,357 sold tickets and The Fall Guy finally had 1,071 sold tickets (May 9).)

– katnisscinnaplex ($3.51M Thursday comp.)

– keysersoze123 (Definitely chugging along. I am feeling good about 5m+ previews (May 15). It has way stronger sales than Garfield and that is expected. I am thinking of 5m previews for now (May 14). I think this is a solid OD presales. With a short PS window its probably looking at 5m+ previews (May 9).)

– TheFlatLannister ($4.44M Thursday comp. Keeps climbing at a strong pace (May 11). This continues to grow at an excellent rate (May 10). Really strong day 2. The short presales is for sure a factor (May 9). Not seeing much of a breakout. Still pretty solid start to presales (May 8).)

– vafrow ($2.9M Thursday comp. Comps are showing as steady since the last update, but it actually dipped quite a bit this week before rebounding today. Advance ticket buying has been so off in this market recently for some reason. Holding pace with Apes is a good sign (May 16). It had a good day (May 12). Mediocre day 2 (May 10). Not the hottest start. IMAX is the format of choice though, so, ATP will be high (May 9).)

**Hit Man**

– vafrow (Getting a theatrical release up here in Canada, and early signs are that it might get a pretty decent screen count. Not super wide or anything, but a pretty decent amount for a weekend that has a lot of other releases (May 14).)

**The Garfield Movie EA+Thursday Comp: $2.24M**

– abracadabra1998 ($0.76M EA comp and $1.19M Thursday comp. Still not really accelerating, and the EA is falling against comps (May 12). Good EA numbers, but many of these comps were PLF-only EA, which this is not, so I think the ATP will be quite lower and that should be adjusted for (May 9).)

– AniNate (EA sales look decent now, but this does feel rather weak compared to the IF presales. Not 100% certain what’s going on here but based on this I buy the trades’ opening estimates over the forum vibes (May 15). I definitely haven’t seen as much of a rush here with Garfield as with IF (May 11).)

– el sid (The very even sales are a good sign (May 7). For Sunday, May 19, I can already report that also in my theaters it looks very good for Garfield. They will for sure add shows soon. It has so far only 1 show/theater and the shows are almost sold out, between 1 and 4 seats are still available. So my guess still is that this movie if it’s not totally bad (and first reviews here were quite positive) will become a (big) hit. Seems not much on Thursday but it’s a step in the right direction (May 6).)

– katnisscinnaplex ($2.52M EA+Thursday comp.)

– keysersoze123 (Its definitely weaker than even Elemental. That said these movies tend to finish strong and so I am not writing it off so early. Just that the long PS window is irrelevant for them. They could rather start presales like a week before release and it would be all the same. | Meh. We have to wait until next week to gauge where its going to finish. It has very low ATP as well and actual would be even lower as its going to see tons of kids tickets (May 14). Early shows are regular digital shows at 1PM this sunday. So ATP will be very low. I think 500k ish at best. Preview let us see how things go in the final week. Presales at this point are almost non existent (May 13).)

– TheFlatLannister ($2.14M Thursday comp.)

– vafrow ($0.4M Thursday comp. Comps don’t paint a pretty picture though. EA shows are doing okay (May 11). Still no sales for my core sample for previews. But I did the larger sweep, which shows the interest right now is the Sunday early access shows. Looking at sales patterns, it’s mainly blocks of 3/4 tickets, so likely families grabbing some. It’s worth noting that the May holiday in Canada is the weekend of May 17-20th, not the weekend after with Memorial Day. I can see families prioritizing getting out the holiday weekend when they have more time (May 4).)

**The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)**

– BoxOfficePro (Fathom Events has also announced that select Regal Cinemas will present the films in 4DX on June 22/23/24 for Fellowship/Towers/Return respectively (May 14).)

– katnisscinnaplex (Up to ~1,400 shows now with new locations picking it up and others adding a second showing. LotR1 has sold 831 seats OD, LotR2 sold 715 seats OD, and LotR3 sold 735 seats OD. For comparison, Phantom Menace didn’t break 800 tickets until T-3 and we’re still over a month out. JW3 comp is currently around 9m (it was at 1,670 tickets sold at this point!) (May 6).)

**Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $8.14M**

– abracadabra1998 ($3.67M Thursday comp. Holy numbers of shows and seats! Multiplexes are really expecting a lot here. Sales off the bat not amazing here sadly, but we shall see where it goes (May 15).)

– AniNate (It is encouraging that Canton is already giving me something to work with with 12 Thursday preview sales. Same number for Fri-Sun. | I do see nine sales for first Thursday at Canton now and I think that’s a pretty solid start (May 15). I do see a few 1-2 spots for Inside Out on Saturday. Think some M-F workweek adult fans might be putting down money for that (May 14).)

– charlie Jatinder ($11.84M Thursday comp at MTC2. $16M Thursday comp for Kung Fu Panda 4 (May 15).)

– katnisscinnaplex (Already at 180 shows for previews in my areas and still has a few theaters left to post. For comparison, Godzilla x Kong finished with 197, Kingdom of Apes 190, and Kung Fu Panda 205 (May 14).)

– keysersoze123 (At least the show counts show Plexes are expecting a big OW. I dont remember when we last had a animation movie start with so many shows. I wont count Mario as that was a fan driven movie. | Definitely not great presales but this is not a fan driven movie. Let us see where things are in the final week (May 15). Too early to judge presales as ticket sales just started early this morning. Families dont book tickets on weekday mornings. Wait until evening today to judge it. From a release perspective its way bigger than all animation movies seen recently including Panda 4. Easily the biggest I have seen in a long time. Only movie which is not comparable is Mario but that was not just a family flick (May 14).)

– Porthos (VERY BAD COMPS: $8.83M Thursday comp. I really do not have good comps for this movie. Like, at all. Especially for D1. With that in mind, I did some digging and did manage to get the Elemental D1 numbers out of the old Tracking thread: IO2 = 5.45946x Elemental on D1 [13.10m]. Now will Inside Out 2 be as backloaded as Elemental? Well it’s tough to literally sell 5.5x times the amount of tickets on the final couple of days that Elemental did, so perhaps not. But it does show how fracking backloaded purely kids animation is. Anyway, this is 30 days out and it isn’t a CBM film (like AtSV) or CBM-adjacent film (like Incredibles 2). The Sonic 2 comp is perhaps a little concerning. On the other hand, nearly a weeks more of pre-sales so not exactly a great comp. 3.5% of presales are 3D and 40.1% are PLF (May 15). On the Saturday of release weekend (ie NOT EA) there is a special event screening for IO2: INSIDE OUT 2: FUNKO FAMILY EVENT! (2024) Sat June 15th. Might boost the OW slightly, depending on how wide this event is and how much more these tickets will presumably cost (May 11).)

– TheFlatLannister ($8.20M Thursday comp. This is a super super strong day 2. Probably just Orlando overindexing, but yeah starting to lean towards something big brewing. Florida presales are somehow even crazier. Sold 2357 seats and is getting a blockbuster rollout in terms of showing allocations. Kung Fu panda comp day 2: gives me $8.50M (May 15). Well, I can’t really tell if this is a breakout or not yet. Looks very good especially in the first few hours. These are probably terrible comps, but might as well try something (May 14).)

– TwoMisfits (I’m kinda shocked at the opening set from my Cinemarks… 2 screens (1 PLF, 1 not) and 6 showings at my PLF 14 for Thursday (and 11 showings on the same screens once it runs full day – 7 PLF b/c 1 is 3d on the reg screen, 4 not)… 3 screens (.75 3d, 2.25 not) and 9 showings at the non-PLF 12 for Thursday (and 12 showings on 2.25 screens once it runs full day)… So, 2 and 2.25 screens for the weekend presale sets… Disney must be charging a huge % for themselves b/c this is an Elemental opening set at my PLF…a little more generous for Thursday at my non-PLF, but then they too drop to an Elemental opening set after the adult Disney base Thursday rush… (May 14).)

– vafrow (No new sales. Whatever glitches in the system on day 1 didn’t push sales to day 2. I still think the lack of base ticket options will push families to wait. Cineplex has jacked up the cost of premium formats, plus they’re throwing in an increase for opening weekend of major releases. It adds up quickly for families (May 16). With the site glitching yesterday, it might account for the slow start. But, what’s interesting is the format breakdown. Nothing is being made available in anything close to a regular showtime. The one non 3D showing in Dolby is a matinee showing. Everything else is carrying a hefty premium. They’ll likely release regular showtimes closer to release, but right now, it’s priced to get eager fans to pay the premium formats (May 15).)

– YM! (In fairness it’s only been an hour but yeah sales are softer than I expected. However, it is a month out and will largely skew more towards kids than say TLM/Across so wasn’t expecting a blitz like them. | Here at Marcus theaters are going all out for IO2 with it having the lion share of PLFs with it getting both screens when there is two PLFs with tentpole like levels of screens (May 14). Was taking a look at Marcus Cinemas to see that they have preloaded Inside Out 2 showtimes which seem to start at 3:00 pm on a Thursday. It seems like Marcus is going all out on it as judging from showtimes it’s taking away all of Bad Boys’ PLFs in that theaters that have two+ PLFs are giving all to IO2 (May 11).)

**Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 3):**


– (May 16) Presales Start [Bad Boys Ride or Die]

– (May 16) Thursday Previews [Babes + Back to Black + If + The Strangers: Chapter 1 + The Blue Angels IMAX]

– (May 17) Presales Start [Ezra]

– (May 19) Review Embargo Lifts [Garfield 9 PM EST]

– (May 20) Opening Day [Monday: Spider-Man Homecoming Re-Release]

– (May 22) Presales Start [The Watchers]

– (May 23) Thursday Previews [Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga + Hit Man + The Garfield Movie + Sight]

– (May 26) Presales Start [Bikeriders]

– (May 27) Opening Day [Monday: Spider-Man Far From Home Re-Release]

– (May 30) Thursday Previews [Ezra + Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle + Robot Dreams + The Young Woman and the Sea]


– (June 3) Opening Day [Monday: Spider-Man No Way Home Re-Release]

– (June 5) Presales Start [Despicable Me 4]

– (June 6) Thursday Previews [Bad Boys: Ride or Die + The Watchers]

– (June 8) 1-Saturday Re-Release (1st day) [The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition]

– (June 9) 1-Sunday Re-Release (1st day) [The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Extended Edition]

– (June 10) 1-Monday Re-Release (1st day) [The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition]

– (June 13) Thursday Previews [Inside Out 2]

– (June 15) 1-Saturday Re-Release (2nd day) [The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition]

– (June 16) 1-Sunday Re-Release (2nd day) [The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Extended Edition]

– (June 17) 1-Monday Re-Release (2nd day) [The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition]

– (June 20) Thursday Previews [The Bikeriders + Janet Planet]

– (June 27) Thursday Previews [Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Nagi- + Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 1 + A Quiet Place: Day One]


– (July 2) Opening Day [Wednesday: Despicable Me 4]

– (July 4) Opening Day [Thursday: Possum Trot]

– (July 4) Thursday Previews [MaXXXine]

– (July 11) Thursday Previews [Fly Me to the Moon + Untitled New Line Horror movie]

– (July 18) Thursday Previews [Twisters]

– (July 25) Thursday Previews [Deadpool and Wolverine + Didi + Fabulous Four]


– (August 1) Thursday Previews [Harold and the Purple Crayon]

– (August 8) Thursday Previews [Borderlands + Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With Us + Cuckoo + The Fire Inside + Trap]

– (August 15) Thursday Previews [Alien: Romulus + Horizon An American Saga Chapter 2 + Ryan’s World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure]

– (August 22) Thursday Previews [Blink Twice + The Crow + The Forge + Slingshot]

– (August 29) Thursday Previews [City of Dreams + Reagan + They Listen]

**Presale Tracking Posts:**

[April 23](

[April 25](

[April 27](

[April 30](

[May 2](

[May 4](

[May 7](

[May 9](

[May 11](

[May 14](

Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.

by BOfficeStats

Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 16). Total previews comp/predictions: Back to Black ($0.35M/$0.37M), IF ($1.72M/$1.80M), Strangers ($1.49M/$1.37M), Furiosa ($4.31M), Garfield ($2.24M), and Inside Out 2 ($8.14M) (2024)
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