'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (2024)

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (1)


[Published by Authority. 1

This Gazette is published f01' Po/;ice in/01'mation only, and the Police t/wo"gho"t the Colony

wl'e insl1·"cted to make then,selves th01'oughly acquainted ,vith the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commission,,' of Police.

No. 1.J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6. [1892.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the Person, &c.

Newcastle.-Between the 27th ult. and 1st iust., from owner's dwelling,-National Bank cheque-book containing about 16 blank cheques, the property of William Mayhew. James Thomas. of AlLany, sus· pected.-C.r. 1.

Y01k-On the 26th ult ., from the person of Edward Croft,-6 .£1 bank notes and a new red leather pipe case. Maurice Newbouse, exp., late 9255, suspected.-C.r. 2.

---Albany.-On the 1st inst., from the person of

John Watt Boyd, at the" Railway" Hotel,-silver hunting English level' watch, No. 18017, 1 £1 bank note, and 15s. in silver. Vide Apprehensions.­C.I.3.

36-bfile.-On 01' abont tbe 15th ult., from a box in owner's dwelling, at 39-Mile timber statioD,-blue silk sash with dark stain in centre, and red silk handkerchief with ink spot in one corner, the prop­erty of Matthew Bateman. Henry Buckley sus­pected.-C.r. 4.

Fl'e11tantle.-On or about the 18th nIt., from the "Club" Hotel,- brown leather portmanteau, size about 3ft. x 18inches, lock broken, containing a silver compass, with one hand missing, silver sovereign case, and a quantity of underclothing and sundry papers, the property of Samuel Daws.-C.I. 5.

F,·emantle.-On the 28th ult., from the "Odd­fellows" Hotel,-a bundle containing several pieces of silk embroidery, shawls, and lady's and children's dresses and underclothing, the property of Moonar Alhe, hawker.-C.I. 6.

Fl'ernantle.-On the night of the 27th ult., from owner's store, Marine Terrace,-l pair of black covered opera-glasses, 1 black diagonal cloth sac coat, 1 ditto frock coat, 1 pail' men's boots, size 7, 1 British "Bull-dog" 6-chambered revolver, and 45

cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. -C.r. 7.

PeJl'/h.-On the 26th ult., from the "Shamrock" Hotel,- l grey felt hat and 1 brown felt bat, both nearly new, the property of T . F. Qninlan. William Wynne, exp., late 7311, known as "Ginger WYllne," suspected.-C.r. 8.

P.,·th.-On the 26th nit., from the person of Robert MacDonald,-silver hunting English lever watch, No. 21336, "Nesbit," maker, and silver chain of large open links.-C.I. 9.

Apprehensions. W,LLIAM McFARLAND, at York, on the 30th ult. ,

by P.C. Condon; stealing a bottle of whisky, the property of Francis Craig. from the bar of the "Castle" Hotel, on the 30th ult. 10s. fine or 7 days h.!. Property recovered.

WILL lAM DONEGAN, at York, on the 1st inst., by P.C. Kelly; vagrancy. 14 days h.!.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 209.

ERN EST TOl\I WHEELER, brought np at Albany, on the 24th ult. Committed for tria!'

ROBERT RHONE, at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by L.C. Fan'ell; vagrancy. 2 months h.!.

JOHN BANKS, t.l., Reg. No. 9657, at Fremantle, on the 31st ult., by L.C. Farrell; drunk, 7 days h.!. ; breach of regulations, 1 month h.!.

JAMES McDoNALD, exp., late 9511, at Perth, on the 22nd ult., by L.C. Bewsber; vagrancy. 3 months h.!.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (2)

JOHN DUNNERTY, t .l. , Reg. No. 10389, at Perth, on the 26th ult., by P.C. Radley; breach of regula­tions. 21 days h.1.

HENRY DRAPER, at Perth, on the 28th ult., by Sub-Inspector Waldock; stealing a bridle, the property of John O'Connor, from his dwelling, at Perth, on the 9th ult. Remanded. Property re­covered.

ERN EST GOODMAN, juvenile, at Perth, on the 28th ult., by L.C. Bewsher; stealing 1 £ 1 bank-note, the property of John Nicholls, at Perth, on the 28th ult. 24 hours imprisonment. Property recovered.

JAMES HENNESSEY, exp. , late 2991, at Perth, OD

the 24th ult., by L.C. Hustler ; stealin g 3lbs. of bacon, the property of David Butcher, at Perth , on tbe 24th ult. 24 hours imprisonment. Property recovered.

ALFRED CARTWRIGHT, at Perth, on the 30tb ult., by P.C. Nicholls; stealing a saddle, the property of Frederick Gibbs, at Canning Race-cou rse, on the 26th ult. Remanded. Property recovered.

HENRY JAMES PHILLIPS, exp., late 10a34, at Perth, on the 1st inst., by P.C. Love; vagrancy. 3 months h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 209.

MICHAEL MAHER and FRANCIS MANSON, brought up at Perth, on the 24th ult. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891 page 209.

W,LL lAM DEAN, exp., late 8546, brought up at Perth, on the 29th ult. Discharged.

WILLIAM SAVAGE, at P erth, OD the 2nd inst., by Det. Connell, on warrant; larceny of a quantity of groceries, the property of his employer, G. H. Snow­ball. Remanded. Admitted to bail. Property partly recovered.

ROBERT JACKSON, at Fremantle, on the 2nd inst., by Sergt. Connor; stealing a number of tools the property of Richard Honey, from his premise~ in Packenham Street, on the 2nd inst. Remanded. Property recovered.

NICHOLAS O'BRIEN, at Albany, on the 26th ult., by P.C. J. C, Smyth, on warrant; stealing 2 bags of chaff, the property of the G. S. Railway Co at Albany, on the 18th ult. 3 months h.1. .,

Vide C,l. 3. J UfES S,N CLAIR, at Albany on the

P.C. Murphy; larceny from th; person.

Warrants Issued.

1st inst., by Remanded.

GEORG.E ANDREWS G~EEN, thin , age about 40 ye~rs, ~elght about 5ft. 7m. , brown hair , blue eyes, thJ.l1 vlsag~, sc~r on check, sallow complexio~, a palllter; bemg llldebted to Wil1iam Frear Forster in the sum of £7 14s., and to J ohn Robinson in the sum of £9 17s. To be arrested and brou ght ashore as often as he may be found in any vessel about to proceed to sea, Dated Albany 30th Dece b 1891. ' m er,


Special Inquiry, Vide Police Gazette, 1891, pa?"e 200.

The remains of Joseph Williams, above mentioned, were found by I>et. Gurney and P.C. Fields, on the 24th ult., at a fipot near Bunkin Road, 6~ miles South of Narrogin, G,S.R.

Missing' Friends. LOUI DAMELE, all Italian, age about 50 years,

height about Mt. 6in., dark complexion, a . profes­sional cook, formerly of Melbourne and AdelaIde, who arrived at Albany from Adelaide, per s.s, "Vic­torian," 23-9-91, when he stated his intention of opening a cafe or restaurant., Inquiry b~ his wife, now in Melbourne. InformatIOn to DetectIve Office, Perth,-M.F. t'}.

FRANCISCO DA COSTA, known as "Frank," a Brazil­ian, stout build, age about 22 years, height about 5ft. 4in., round visage, dark complexion, a seaman, speaks broken English, was employed on the s.s, "Rescue," at weekly wages; he received his pay on the 19th ul t, and has not been seen since. He bas left all his clothing in the steamer. Inquiry by H enry Olsen, late master of the" Rescue." Infor­mation to Detective Office, Perth.-M.F. :t.

List of Watches reported Stolen or Lost.

(For preceding List see P.G., 1891, page 118) .


29921 01135

t (11 3 6


104282 1



6291 98404

2190 242 ~ I 111

~ 261·1



180730 or 180736 I


7225 I


Silver open-face Geneva, X scratched inside case, dial loose ..

Silver open-face keyless Waltham Lady's silver Geneva Silver open-faced, maker re J ohn

Walker, London," <rn. W. Har,vood" engraved inside case .

Silver open-faced, marked .. Railway reg-uIator," large black hands ...

Silver hunting English lever, maker .. W. C. Hoopel'," and snake pattern gold chain, with locket

Silver hunt.ing English lever, and gold albert, horse-shoe links

Silver bunting English lever, and curb pattern chain

Silver hunting English lever Silver hunting English lever ... CIll'onometer stop-,vatch, wakeI' "Stew-

art Dawson, Liverpool," no glass, second hand broken, stop gear out of ordpr

Silver chronograph Silver English lever, copper chain, and

3 coins attached Gold lever, maker «H. Benn," Sydney,

initials « J.G.B." on outside Silver English hunting lever Silver hunting Walthalll, silver curb

chain and compass attached .. Silver hunting lever, maker" Nesbit,"

Pert)l ... Silver hunting English lever, 18c. gold

double a lbcrt chain~ curb pattern, "Blaskie" on each loop, and squaI'e gold locket, compass and 18 dia­monds in one side

Silver hunting English lever. maker "Nesbit," Per th, and silver chain, fin e links

Silver hunting key less stop-watch Lady's silver open fa,ced, and gold

chain, with pendant of rough silver in gold setting ...

Silver hunting lever

I Police

Gazette reference.


113 121 127





141 145 145

146 149


168 171




19(j 207

213 214


\ •




'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (3)


" /



~d O_,-·t'~j~~;~.'I'R-,-g-. -N-' -. '1~~~~~~~~~N~.~m~'~·~~~~~~~'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-O---"~.~n~'-'--.--------------------.~-_-_'I--- Sentence. '-0-'-:"-' m-h-~h-'-'d-.

Free Do. AlI.uat.

Exp. Do. Do. Free

Female Free D o. Do. Exp. F ree


F r ee Female T.L.

Exp. I

E xp.

Gazette I No.

, ,




" "


15.') 214

221 264-268 272 274 276 292 321 317 313 323 329 337 338 33. 341 347 >IS 351 356 361 362 363 364 365 366 368 370 371 372 373 374 380 381 883 384 385 388 389 391 39'2 3.3 39'

F1'om F1'emantle P 'J'ison, &ulring the week ending Satu'rday, 2nd Janu(lfry, 1892.

669 Cowan, Wm. Refusing du ty 8 weeks h.1. Fremantle ( 12th Dec. 668 . Al'llold, J ames Do. Do. Do. 1 Tommy Dowel'

~ Drunk 9623 Williamsoll, Robt. 7 days h.1. Pel'th 28th do. 10247 J ohnsouJ Charles ..

10291 Bailey, Charles 688 Denny, Joh n Disorderly; resisting police 7 clays Id.; 14 days Fremantle

J 29th h .L do. T urner, I sabella. Drunk 7 days h.l. Do.

700 RopeI', .fi'l'ancis Larceny 14 days h.1. Pel,th J 30th Thomas, Frank Drunk 7 days h .l. Fremantle do.

699 Spence, Charles Resisting police 14 days h.l. ... Do. 8293 Obscene language llUonth h.1. . Do. 31st do. Haver, Geol'ge

198 Woodco*ck, Homer Disorderly; resisting police 3 months h.1. 1 1 Perth J 1st month h.1. J an .

Lynch , Mary Dr unk 21 days h.1. Fremantle 612 Downey, J ames Disorderly. 3 months h.!. ... \ Guildford

12Ud Trevenick, E lizabeth Do. ~~onthsh.l. ·;do.; (l~. Do. do. 10303 Symmonds, J ohn .. Larceny (3 charges) Do.

F1"om B'u,nbu'ry Gaol, dU1'ing the 'Week fJ/,d,:,Uj Sat,,,·day, 26th Decembe1', 1891. 5953 Daniels, Michael ... I Dr unk I 3 days h.L l Bunbury 24th Dec.

P,·om Albany Gaol, cl1l,ring the week ending Sat,wday, 26th Decembe1', 1891. 7980 Ennis, Michael I Drunk

ESCAPED Name. ! !<og N° I d?~~; I Dnte of escape.

Kearnes, Jotmor JaR .. 1009; R. C.P. i 10th Aug ., 1873

Parkinson , Henry 8674 P.P. 8th March, 187{

Foster, Jame!l .. 8263 T.L. 5th Oct., 1876

Smith, Geo. 6141 rIo. 24th F f"b., 1870 I

Calley, Thomas 11531 14th J anuary, IS7U

Parker, Henry 8676 30th Nov., 186i

Wilaon, John 9358 19tb January, 1867

Hurley, J ames 9203 'l'.L. I 22nd March, 1880

Gnandonba ab. nat. 10th September, 1880 Ejerrimur r a ... do. 23rd October, 1882.

Moothio .. . .. do. 21st March, 1883 Birinoo . do. 7th :\Ial'ch, 1884 Bardingooroo do. do. Johnny ._. do. 6th May, 1884 . .. Coolingarra do. 9th July, 1884 Wilga alias Dickey do. do Jamison, Jo~eph 10216 T.L. 14tb January~ 1886::' Captain ab.llat. 16th Nov., 1886 Narboanlla do. 29th Nov., 1886 Kelly, James . 7470 T.L. I Dec. 1885 Beddingnerdy ... ab. nat. 14th Dec., 1886 Thalangarry do. 25th April, 1887 Jenny do. 3rd Mar ch, 1888 J emima ab.n. f . do. Mal'Y do. do. Roubourn ab. nat. 2(;th Apr il, 1888 Nungareer . .. do. 18th Sept., 1888 Wyannie do. do. Kidderina do. 9th October, 1888 .. MiUeran do. 20th Feh., 1889 Coobedar do. 18tb April, 1889 ]l,'[adgenbandi~" do. do. Coberbung do. 22nd Mity, 1889 Wallamarra. do. 26th do . Carmular do. 13th J une, 1889 Goorie ... do . do. :r.r areel .. do. 13th Sept., 1889 ~eemuL .. do. 5th Oct., 1889 Yahbalabalanen.y do. do. W or riedabingo do. do. Watch atcha do. 11th Nov ., 1889 Big B illy do. do. Bindiegorra do . 20th October , 18DO .. Combonga do. 13tb Dec., 1890 Wynna,y .. do . 16th Ja,nuary, 1891 Juegorra .. . do. 24th January, 1891 E llquarbltrry ... do. 6th February, 1891 Gindinna. . do. do. Cooyena do. 13th do. Jackara.,. do. 6th August, 1891 Butterbullg do. 19th do. Frank ... dn. 8th September, IS91 Murragooroo ... do. 3rd September, 1891

\ 7 days h .1. I Albany 24th Dec.


D;",;,""m. I O""·;pt;'n,,d ,·,mack •.

Per th . \ Stout, 40 years of age, aft.4in. high, brown hair, oval \'isag dark complexion, bayonet stab in neck, D Icft side, bullet mar





Roebourne Ga~corne

do ... 1 1\1t. Wittenooll1 do. ..

Roebourne ... Mt. Wittenoom

do. ... Hamelin Roebourne Guildford Geralclton Beringarra

do. Roeboul'ne

do. do. I Cossack

Derby do. do.

Roebourne Cossack

do. do

Wyndham Roebollrlle

do. Derby . .. Wynclha,m

do. do.

Gascoyne do.

:r.lt. Gould Dongara Derby Cossack Roebourne

do. clo.

Wyndham NuIlagille Williams Beringarra

on right leg, willow left arm, J right arm. :\liddling stout, 3i year~ of age, Mt. 61in. high, brown hair, gre eyes, oval visage, fresh complexion, dot and 11 on left arm.

Stout, age 33 years, Mt. 51in . high, hrown hail', hazel eye", ova visage, sallow complcxion, flags, D 18, 1863 right arm, anchor dart, heart, cr uwn and bracelets left <II'm.

Stout, 45 years of age, 5[t. 3~.in. high, dark brown hair, blue eye' '. full visage, dark complexion, "tar on right hand, ship on le ft arm, crowJI and flag on right ann.

Slight, age 38, 5ft. 8~in. high, red h,\ir, grey e,l'C's, oval visag sallow complexion, scar on for{'head, D left breast, pockpittcd.


Slight, age 47, 5ft. 4Fn. high, brown hair, grey eyes, round vis age, fresh c0ll11>lexion, scar on cbin.

Middling stout, age 44, Mt. 6in. high, hail' fair and scanty, blu e

" eyes, long visage, fair complexion, W. J . right hand, cut mark 0 right cheek, scar nbout one inch long belo\\ right knee.

Stout, age 48, Mt. Sin. high, brown hair, grey eyes, r ound visagl: sallow complexion, scar on forehead.

Middling stout, age 30, 5ft .. 6in. high, round visage. Middling Rtout, age 30, 5ft. 5in. high, round vi"age. Vide Polic Gazette, 1882, page 128.

Stout, age 40 years, ,ift. iin. high, round visage. V idlJ P oliclJ Gazette, 1884, page 74.

Do. do., do. Do. do ., page 98 Do. do., do. 157 "n. (\0., do. 157 Dn. do., 1886, page 26. Do. do., do. 213 Do. do., do. 198 Do. do., do. 15:! Do. do., 1887 do. 4 Do. do., do. 165 Do. do., 1888 do. 71 Do. do., do. 71 Do. do., do. 71 Do. do., do. 113 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., 188. do. 4.5 Do. do., do. do. 76 Do . do., do. do. 76 Do. do., do. do. 9. Do. do., do. do. 99 Do. do., do. do. 118 Do. do., do. do. 118 Do. do., do. do. 155 Do. do. , do . do. 185 Do. do., do. do. 185 Do. do., do. do. 1&5 Do. do., do. do. 189 Do. do., do. do. 189 Do. do., 1800 do. 186 Do. do., do. do. 219 Do. do., 1891 do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 41 Do. do., do. do. 155 Do. do., do. (10. 155 Do. do., do. do. 159 Do. do., do . do. 169

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (4)


AhHoo Beerubung BindieDlunuar Bundaragoom Badgeyon Biddanbandy No. 1 Biddanballdy No. 2 Bungarugarra Bnlywiri ... Chiddie Chiddie iJoolueriug Coomabnlya Cancatharra COllllOlly, J Ohll Coil Chita.marrn. .. Cadill Cadibyee Calcoobnndoo Cogawnlingarra Coorapompy During Dicky Eoinuing Eddy., . .. Enribe, J ohn E laille Ems, James Wm. Erabiddy Flint, J ohn .. Glenroy, Boyd Go Ah Siab Genuawindarry Guangerooroo Gunlig ... Gennacunga Ginnakaraddy Ginellgamulia HetIerrul.ll, J ohn Hognn, Stephen Joey Jimbetar Julgah Jigauoo Jinajalgoo.. . .. Johansen, Au~st Jenssen, Neil . .. Keelbar Kenuedy, Wm . Kutinillga Kuntnmarra "Lucy, James Richard Low Kium Lockyer, Henry Lim Ab Tuck Mgaberoo Midabalya Magundy Moodincootharm . Marden Marden Massey, Albert Mulgabiddy .. Mnmbngika Mam bagagga Marbaboogarra Mardnrra Maynilla l'IIattonie Mariano, Domingo Naberling Nelson Nulangoo Paddy Pallpadro Pierllil Porter, Dongias Ruminegerarra Solomon _,. Sue Kow Shoppee, E.-C. Turner, James Tung ,_, Tarambnll 'fhurrar Taggawirra~ Waugabiddy \Veelbaramurra. \Vidyerongoo Wells, John Wooba. '\'anagoolya Wyngagoo WiJlgull Yardie Yingarry


List of Unexecuted Warrants for the Quarter endIng 31st December, 1891.

Dato or Issuo. whor* issued. Offence. I Po"" G.,,!to ",r'''n".


1st December. Albany Breach of contract 200 21st Sel>tember Pilbarra Sheep stealing 160

:nit. Wittenoom Larceny 188 31st August 188 Do. Do. Do. 12th September Do. Do. 184

Clifton Dewns Sheep stealing 208 30th November 208 Do. Do. Do. 21st October Do. Do. 208

. Do. Do . Do. 208 4th August :nIt. Gould Lar ceny 160

Pilbarra Speep stealing 160 21st September Junction Do. 1?6 5th October

Breach of contract 176 .. . Do. Do. 29th October Fremantle Deserting ship ISO 20th July Mt. Wittenoom Sheep stealing 184 12th September Do. Ln.rcellY 184 30th November CliftOll Downs Sheep stealing 208

Do. Do. Do. ... 208 Do. Do. Do. 208

21st October Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. Do. 208

.. . 21st September Pilbarl'a Do. 169 12th August

I Hall's Creek Housebreak'ing a~d lar(;~ny 169

4th August Mt. li-ould Sheep stealing 169 10th August Do. Cattle stealing 169 2nd October Broome Br each of contract 176 28th Sel)tember Do. Do. 176 30th October York Embezzlement ISO 30th November Clifton Downs Shee£ stealing 208 27th Decem bel' Perth Mur er ... 213 30th September Do. Debt 1&1 11 th November York Breach of contract 188 30th November Clifton Downs Sheep stealing 208

Do. Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. ... Do. . .. 208

21st October Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. Do. .. 208

23rd November Geraldton Debt (gene~l w~~·ant) 198 7th December Carnar von Larceny ... 208 21st September Pilbarra Sheep stealing ... 16' 28th October Roebourne Breach of COlltro.ct 193 31st October Mt. Wittenoom Larceny 200 17th November Do. ... . .. Do. 200

.. ~lst October Clifton Downs . .. Sheep steaiing 208 2'2ud December Fremantle Deserting ship 213

Do. Do. Do. 213 17th Oct~ber Derby Breach of contract 181 12th December Fremantle Deserting ship 204 30th :Sovember Clifton Downs Sheep stealing 208

Do. Do. Do. 208 27th October Fremantle Naval deserter ISO 21st November York Breach of contract 193 11th December Gerald~~ Larceny ... 20' 7th December York Breach of contract 2<>8 4th August Mt. Gould Sheep stealing 169 5th October JUllction Do. . .. 176 12th September Broome Larceny ... 176 20th July Mt. Wittenoo~ Sheep stealing 184 30th November Dongara Larceny _. 204-12th December Fremantle Deserting ship 204

.. 30th November Clifton Downs Sheep stealing 208 Do. Do. Do. ... 208

21st October Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. Do. 208 Do. Do. Do. 208

30th November Do. L arceny _.. . .. 208 8th December . Derby Assault with intent 208 18th November Broome Br each of coutract 208 10th August Mt. Gould Cattle stea.ling ... .:. 16' 12th August Hall's Creek Housebreaking and larceny 16'

... :::lst October Mt. Wittenoo~ Do. , .. 200 21st SepteUlbe~' Pilbarra Sheep stealing 169 30th November Clifton Downs" Do. . .. 208 8th December Derby Larceny... . .. 208 16th December Bllnbury Deserting ship ... 208 17th October Derby Breach of contract 181 13th October Dongara ... Murder 180 30th N ovelll ber Albany. Contempt ~f' Court. ::. 200 10th Decem bel' Do. Debt (general war rant) '04 27th September Do. Do. ... . .. 1&1 10th Octoher Mt. Wittenoom Breach of contract 184 .. 2Dth July Do. Sheep stealing .. 1" , .. 2nd September Do. Breach of contract 184 21st October Clifton D~wns Sheep stealing 208 10th August .. :nIt.. Gould Cattle stealing .. 169 28th September Broome Breach of contract 176 19th October Roebonrne Do. 181 28tb October .. Geraldton Deserting ship 181 30th November DOllgara ... Sheep stealing 2<>1

Do. Clifton Downs Do. ..

208 Do. Do. Do. 208

... 7th Decem bel' : Derby Larceny:: . 208 10th AUgll st Mt. Gould Cattle stealing ... 16. 25th November ... Roebourne Breach of contract 208

t I




tI \ \

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (5)




RETURN OF LICENSES issued under" The Wines, Beer, and Spirit Sale Act, 1880," for

the year 1892.

Condi· tiO)),

Free Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Exp. Free


Do. Do. Do.



Do. Do.

Do . Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Exp. Free Do.

Exp. Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do ... . F emale Fre, Exp. Free. Female Free. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Booth, Alfred Edwin Chi})per, Henry

Hichard North, John Robert .. McConuell, John Smith, J ohn Joseph )folloy, John ... Howson, Robert

Thompson TowtOll, George An-

drew Chil)pel', John Charles Stuart, John.

Foster, James Charles Quinlan, Timothy

Francis Davies, N . R. Wolfe, R. T. S. Adams, Enoch Wm. Strickland, William

Henry John Molloy, Thomas

George Dearden, Alfred Guilfoyle. John .. Fotbergill, Edward

Henry Wade, Frederick

Au~ustns Armstl'ong, Adam

Willinm J onas, Elias McClLrtby, Timothy

Fraucis L oboar, John .. Shanks, Samuel

Barker Flindell, J awes George Wehrstedt, Otto Davis, AlIred Alex-

ander Cresnr, Frederick Bick, John

Thoml)Son, Andrew . Jecks, Thomas Clarke, Richard Hisco:r, George Jones, James V. Edwards, Reuben Bell, Ricbard. Craig, Francis Ingram, Edward F Jetcher, Algernon,

and Burke, Jobn Stnck, Thomas Hardvd.cke, Thomas

Wall Sewell, H enry Ha.wk-

ius Joyce, Robert .. Feeney, John Wm .. McIvor, Daniel Davey, Henry


Stark Garter Hotel Hor;;e & Groom

Hotel Court Hotel Globe Hotel BeaufortAruls Hotel Clarendoll Hotel Occident~'\l Hotel

Freemasons' Hotel

Criterion Hotel Governor Broome

Hotel Royal Hotel Shamrock Hotel

Cosmopolitan Hotel City Hotel Victoria Hotel United Service

Hotel Empire Hotel

Railway Hotel Australian Hotel . {)leopatra Hotel

Tictoria Hotel

Club Hotel

Commercial Hotel National Hotel

Pearlers' Hotel Federal Hotel

Pier Hotel Freemasons' Hotel Oddfellows' Hotel

Richmond Hotel Swan HoteL.

CanningtoD Hotel Rose and Crown Hotel Stirling Arms Hotel Guildford Hotel Gramille Hotel Gingin H otel Railway Hotel Castle Hotel York Hotel ... King's Head Hotel

Miners' Arms Hotel Imperial Hotel

Freemasons' Hotel

Railway Hotel Settler'S Arms Hotel Newcastle Hotel Newcastle and Free-

masons' Hotel Wood, James Thos... Victoria Hotel Lockyer, Elliot Agett Railway Hotel O'Hara, Joseph Shamrock Hotel Slater, Henry A. Northam Hotel Moore, Antbony Vasse Hotel.. Bovell, Josepll Ship Tavern mingworth, J. C. Rose Hotel . Flood, Denis Wellington Hotel . Ma.xted, Edward Prince of Wales


Perth Do

Do Do Do Do Do


Do Do

Do Do

Do Do Do Do


Do Do Fremantle



Do Do

Do Do

Do Do Do

Do North Freman-

tle Canning Guildford Do Do Gingin Do Katanning York Do Do

Do Do


Do Do Newcastle

Do Do Northam Do Do Bnsselton Do Bunbury Do Do

Trigg, Onslow A. Freemasons' Hotel Geraldton Hoskin, Hannah Club Hotel Do Dow, Hugh Shamrock Hotel Do Hanlon, James Victoria Hotel Do Jones, Wm. H. Geraldton Hotel Do Hoskin, Annie Railway Hotel Northampton MitcheU, J ames l'l-'Iiners' Arms Hotel Do Farren, Thomas Club Hotel Sout.hcrn Cross Cameron, Wm. Exchange Hotel ... Do Humphreys, Ch as, Hy. Southern Cross Hotel Do Smith, Jallles H enry, Port Hotel Cal'n:l.rvon

Be!;t, Henry Caruarvon Hotel Do and Bil'd, Samuel I

Field, Henry.. . Port Hotel Derby TbolUSOU, Arcbibald Derby Hotel .. _ Do Lewis, Peter Roya l (late Horse & Do

Jockey) Hotel Rumming, A, F. Broome Hotel .. . Gurumow, A. E. ." Broome Arws Hotel Flanagan, James:nr. . Weld Arms Hotd . GCt!. Alfred.. ... York Hotel .. . Schruth, Fn' derick . Albany (late Horse

& Groom) Hotel 'Vood, 'Vm. Thos. Premier Hotel Edwards , James London Hotel 'Van(l, Thomas Freemasons' Hotel Hale, Step hen White Heart Hotel Bailye, Cbarles Henry Railway' Hotel

BrooUle Do Albany Do

Do Do Do Do Do Do



Do. Do. FemaJe

Frec. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.


Do. Do. Do.

Do. Do.


Do. Do. Exp. Free


Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Exp. Free

Female Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.



Do. Do. Do. Do.


Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Exp . . l?emale


Free .. Do. Do.



Davis, Charles

Saw, W. & F. Gibbs, Stephen McLarty, Mary Ann

Butterworth, Samuel co*ckrnm, Edward D. Buckingham, John SnOOk, James .. Trigwell, John

Utton, John Symonds, Edwill Wells, Ed. & Samuel

King, Charles Renben Hanco*ck, H erbert

Wm. Adams, Charles Fredk, Slater, George Brown, John

Bell, James Day, Wm, Bunidge, Richard Garritty, Patrick Chipper, Henry

Charles Do.

GalTity, John James Treasure, John J ames Do.

Norrish, George Palmer, Thomas

George Dearle, John

Spratt, Francis Barrou, John ... LilIy, George . White, Francis

McKenzie, Wm, Cuth-be"

Brown, Michael Spratt, James Cream, Daniel Pascoe, John ." Eaton, Henry Vile Liniliorne, Henry King, George . Perejuan, John

Wilson, Dora .. Maley, John S. Criddle, Wm .. Carlon, R. J, Criddle, Thomas Yom'ell, Thomas Porter, Thomas Barnard, John Mainland, Henry Eaton, Alfred ..

I srael, Henry .

Wrotb, A, J. & W . A.

Gorman, James Gillam, John P. Dunn, George... . .. Wilkins, Frederick .

Sil1; lI .

Albion Hotel

Narrogin Inn Fon-est Inn Pinjarr!l.b Arms

Hotel Excha.nge Hotel Jarra.b.dale Hotel. Mill Brook Hotel ... Murray Arms Hotel Auchol' and Hope

Hotel Capel Inn Oxford Inn . Prospect Arm;.

Hotel Jnnction Hotel Bl'ookton Hotel

Pioneer Arms Hotel Goomalling Inn Victoria Plaius

Hotel Port Hotel Rockingham Inn Spring Vale Inn Eticup Inn ... . .. Katanning Hotel .

Railway Refresh-ment Rooms

Imperial Hotel Broome Hill Inn .. Railway Refresh-

ment Rooms Oak Farm Iun Royal Hotel

Emblem of Old Eng-hnd Hotel

Monnt Pleasant Inn Tarwonga Inn Williams Inn Wanderers' Rest

Hotel Bullarra Hotel

Hortlem Hotel W ag-in Hotel

MiloInn Hampton Hotel Irwin Hotel ... Traveller's Rcst Kangaroo Hunter's

Arms Walkaway Inn ... Golden Sheaf Hotel Dongara Hotel Mullewa Hotel Back Fla.ts Hotel . Nugget Hotel .. Commercial H otel PeaTl ers' Rest Hotel Club Hotel. Yowldegin Arms

Hotel Southern Cross

Hote l Clackline Arms

Hotel Bush Inn Travellers' Rest Inn Cmnbrook Hotel

Towu or District.

Perth-Freman-tle road

Canning Do Murray

Piniarrah Serpentine J:urahdale Do Preston

Capel Cbidlow's Well Bindoon

Moore River Toodyay

Mangowine Goomalling Victoria Plains

Roclcingham Do Spring Vale Eticup Katanning


Broome Hill Do Do

Oak Farm Kojonnp


Arthur River Tarwonga Williams Wandering

CubaIling Pool. G.S.B.

Narrogin, G.s.R. Wagin Lake Geraldton Irwin Greenough Dougara Do Greenongh

Walkaway Greenough Dongara Mullewa Back Flats Golden Valley Parker's Range Shark's Bay Do Youndegiu



Mount Barker Round Swamp Cranbrook Doodlakin (pro-




Coonan, l\Iichael Glasson, Cornelins Tonkin, Edward Gregg, Alexa nder Dowsett, Samnel White, John Joseph . Maley, J. S. and F. W, H all, John Meloy, Elizabeth




Town or District.

Dardanup Fremantle

Do Do

Wn.ndering Do

Geraldton Do


Towu 01' Di~ trict.

PerUl Do

Fremalltle I Musson, John Joseph Jacoby, Daniel .. Pierce, Charles Henry


'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (6)


Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

Condi· tion.

Free Do .... Exp. Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do .... EXJ.) •.. Free Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do_








Sherwood, Henry Friedricb, R. A. Gu~eri, P. A.... ' .. Rodoredu, E. J. & Co. White, J abez" Gallop, James Lockhnrt, Robert W aters, Wm .. Oliver, James ... . .. Jobllson, William George ... Cook, J ohn R. Enston, Frank and Waiter Davis, Richard Davis, George Alfred ... Cowcher, George Sf.a.nford Burges, Richard G. . . .. Gallop, Richard Nesbitt, Richard

Town or District.

Perth Do Do Do

Canning Dn,lkcith

BlIsselton Perth_Guildford Rond

Do Guildford Toodya.y

Fremantle Do Do

enballing Tipperary, York

York Albany



Hovell, W. &, J. Holga.te, John A. Atkins, W. A ... Allpike, John Solomon, E .. &, Corbett, Wm. BilIett, Fredk. Viner, Alfred Joh n Ba.teman, J. & W. . .. Samson. Wm. Fredk. Davis, George Alfred SymOll, Bubble, & Co. Henuerl3on, Frank .. . Diamond, Arthur J .. . Rosser, Alfred Grn, .. . Tbompson, John George McCleery, John ... Ross, Francis & Wm. Sanc1over, Wm. Alfred ChiPI)er, John Thos. W. Piesl3e, F. B. &, C. A. . .. Krakouer, Rudolph ... . Climie, Robert S. and Co. Moore, S. F .... Penrse, Frnncis Stone, Patrick ... Crowther & Mitchell Petchell, Wm. C. Aitkin, James ... Kenny, Henry Edward Wainwright &, Co. . .. Wainwright &, Co. ... . .. Moore, Samuel Fortescue ... Symon, Rubble & Co. Baston, George ." Adco*ck, Brothers, & Co. Streeter & Co.... . .. Smith, Geo. Bea.UUlont Meyers, James Heinzman, G. B. ... CulliuIl.lle, Timothy _. MOll', John, & Co. . Barnett, Ed., &, Co. Tolley & Co .... Bates &, Beer Sherwood, Henry Gugeri, P. A. ... .. Stanley Brewery Co. Friedrich, R. A. Letchford, Wm. Swan Brewary Co. Snowball, G. H. . .. Benty, Cobham, &, Co. Jones, Wm. . .. Plant, David

I TowlI or District.

Busselton Do

Bunbury Guildford

Do Midland Juuction

Fremantle Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do

Narrogin, G.S.R. Katanniu~

Broome Hill Do

Dongara Do

Gera.ldton Northampton

Geraldton Do

lIIinginoo Greenough Geraldtou

Irwio Cal'llal'VOll

Do Derby

Broomc Moorumbine

Albany Do Do Do Do Do

Eudn. Perth

Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do


condi-I tion.

Free. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.

N ame.

Courthope & Drummond Dalgety & Co. .. . _. Shcntoll, G. & E. C .. Monger, J. H. & Co .. Wood, B . C. Jones, Wm. Rodoreda, E. J. & C. Du.lgety & Co . .. Woods, George Roby Shenton, George ]Ioore, Wm. Dalgety Solomon, Elias WittenooD1. E. & F . . Crowther, Charles Wain\vrigh t &, Co. Thomson. A. & Co. Monger, J ohn B enry Ba.teman, J ohn &, Co. Sandover, Wm. &, Co. Dalgety & Co ..

Town 01' District.

Perth Do Do Do Do Do Do

Fremantle Do Do Do Do

Geraldton Do Do

Derby York

Albany Do Do



co"'''-I tion. Name. Towu or District.

Mary F emale Yates, Pn·th Do. Jacks on, Martha. Do Do. Jones, Elizabeth Do Free. Peter, Louis Do Do. Lovet t, George Do Do. Stnbb s, E. Do Do. Scott, Robert BUllbury Exp. Busw ell, Joseph Do Free ... Rowla lld,John Do Do. Hislo p, Henry __ . Do Do. Scrive ner, Richard Guildford Female BilIa m, Catherine Do Do. Done gan,Ja.ne Newcastle Free Wood s, \Vm. Northam Do. Bobin, Josel>h .. Fremantle Exp .... Camp bell, Alexander Do Do. Smith ,Wm. Do Free Waldr on,John Do Do. Mulle r, Carl Do Do. Ander son, J ohn Do Do. Smith, Hugh Gera\Jton Do. Fairch ild, AJbert E ... Do Do. Ah Yu n. Do Do. Digon n.John Do Do. Clarke , Henry Do FemaJe McCa nu- Do Do. :n-IcCar thy - Do Do. Miller ,Mary Ann Carllarvon Free Fliarli a, Joseph BrOOllle Do. On~H ing Goa..t Du Do. Todasl U. Do Exp.·:· Seekin gton, Edwa.rd .. Albany Female \Vhite, Louisa Do Free Rober ts, "\Vm ... Do


I Coudi - Name. Towu 01' District. !iou.

Free I Wood s, 'Vm. Northam Do. Eaton, Henry V. Greenough Do. Criddl e, Wm. Dongnra

By Authority: RICHaRD PETRER, Government Printer, Perth.



\ ,

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (7)

, \


[Published by Authority. 1

I This Gazette is published for Police info1"mation only, and the Police t/,,·Ot'ghout the Co/,,'''Y

I ,

a"e vnst"ucted to make themselmes thoroughly acquainted with the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Conwnissione?' of Police.

No. 2.J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. [ 1892.

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C.O. 6/95S.-Bis Excellency the Administrator has been pleased to approve of the following promotions and appointments:- •

From 1st December: To be Trooper at £150 per annum:

First Class Constable Barold C. Fenton, vice Cadden, resigned.

To be First Class Constable, at 7s. per diem: Second Class Constable Frederick Charles

Pollard, vice Fenton, promoted.

To be Second Class Constable, a t os. per diem: William Charles Kersey.

To be Probation Constables from tife dates specified:

Andrew Bollis, frOID 3rd December. Charles Lawrence, from 21st December.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.


C.O. '/,,,,.-Bis Excellency the Adlllinistrator has been pleased to approve of the followinO' Rewards being paid to the undermentioned members of the Police Force, and charged to the Police Reward Fund:-


I.-P.C. James Savage ... 2 2.-Sergt. Joseph Farley .. 6 3.-Det. George Gurney .. B 4.-P.C. James Taylor . 2 5.- " Michael O'Halloran (2 • cases) 5 6.-

" Evan Williams . 3 7.-

" John McCarthy . 3 8.-

" W. J. Holmes .. 3 9.- " Patriok Quain ... . .. 3

10.- " James Newton (2 cases) 4 n.-Sergt. John Beresford ... 3

£ 12.-P.C. John Merghar 3 13.- " Joseph Casserley 3 14.- " James Smvthe 3 15.- " Thomas Wheatley 3 16.- " Michael White. 3 17.-Trooper Samuel Proctor 4 18.-Det. GeOl'ge Gurney .. 5 19.- " J. G. Baker 5 20.- " R. Conneil ... 5 21.- " J. W. McNaruara 5


GEO. PHILLIPS, COlUmissioner of Police.


Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, &c. Vide Police Gal!ette~ IS91~ page ISO, C.L 380.

Perth.-Richal'd Brazier's rings, above mentioned, have been found , not stolen.

Sha,;k's Bay.-On tbe 29th ult., from the premises of H. lIiainland,-silver watch, No. 2126112, marked .< AB" on face, and H R HE" and "Ah Sarn" inside back case, with silver chain and locket at­tach"l to wat.ch by a piece of string, the property of Sang Hee.-C.I. 10.

Gemldton.-On the night of the 26th ult., from owner's dwelling, Greenough.-silver American lever watch, gilt rim to dial, glass back, and steel chain, with patent key attached, the property of Henry Adams.-C.I. n.

Gemld/on.-On the 30th ult., from the verandah of owner's store, Marine Terrace,-l grey frleze coat, the property of John Thornson. Gilfread Bbodes, exp., late 10228, suspected.-C.I. 12.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (8)

Fremantle.-Between the 1st and 6~h inst.: fron; the jetty extension wOl'ks,~3 s?cket c~ll~els, SIze 12 inch 1 iron monkey spanner, 1 n'on ShIftlllg spanner, and' 2 steel cold-cbisels, the property of Matthew Price. Charles Henry Travenua (in custody) sus­pected.-C.l. 13.

Ffemantle.-On the 5th inst., from the person of William Mills -silver hunting English lever watcb, No. 91103 on ~asc and 2677289 on works, "W N " scratched on inside of back case, and steel curb pattern chain. Annie Lemon, prostitute, suspected. -C.l. 14.

F,.emanlle.- On tbe night of the 6th inst., from owner's garden, Cantonment Road,-about 1 cwt. of onions, tbe property of F. J. Fordbam. Gem·ge Andrews, exp., late 10248, suspected.-C.l. 15.

P erth.- Oll the 5th inst., from the waItmg room, Perth Railway Station,-parcel addressed" Mrs: San­dove 1', Fremantle," from E. T. Hope, contallllllg 2 lady's straw bats, 1 veil, and some ~'ibbons, the property of E. T. Hope, Draper, HowlCk Street.­C.I.16.

Perth.-On or about the 5th inst ., from owner's dwelling, MUl'ray Stl'eet,-silver brooch, made of one 5-franc "Napoleon," the property of D. Jacoby. -C.l. 17.

Pe1-tlL-On the 5th inst., from owner's bertb in the s.s. " Albanv," between Fremantle and Busselton,­lady's gold ·hunting Geneva watch, figure VI. broken off dial, the property of Miss B. E. Locke.-C.I. 18.

A pprehensions_ Vide I)olice Gazette, 1890, page 117 ('Varrants Issued). MatEELY and WININGA, ab. nats. , at Upper

Gascoyne, on the 31st October last, by L.C . Smith.

Vide Police Gazette, 1890, page 210 (Warrants Issued). NGOOLBINGA, ab. nat., at Namine, ou the 2nd ult.,

by P.C. Donovan.

'"ide Police Gazette, 1891, page 20 (Warrants Issued). MALL EAR, ab. nat., at Dare, on the 30th October

last, by P.Cs. Pollett and Meares.

VHe Police Gazette, 1891, page 56 (Warrants Issued). IGEEGEE, ab. nat. , at Upper Gascoyne, on the 31st

October last by L.C. Smith.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 104 (vVarrants Issued). COOLAGEE and NADJULLY, ab. nats., at Bully.

ango amI Milia, on the 26th October and 3rd November last, by P.Cs. P ollett and Meares.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 169 (Warrants Issued). YARDIE, EDDY, and WANGABIDDY, ab. nats., at

Upper Gascoyne, in October last, by L.C. Smith.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 180 (Warrants Issued). SOLOMON, ab, nat., at Waygoo, OD the 24th

October last, by P.Cs. Pollett and Meares.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 200 (Wan'ants Issued). J ULGAH, ab. nat., at Woombra, on the 8th ult., by

P .C. Donovan.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 200 (Warrants Issued). JIGANOO, ab. nat. female, at Namine, on the 11th

ult. , by P.C. Donovan.


Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 20·1 (Warl'ants Issued). HENRY LOCKYER, at Bl'ookla,llu, on the 29th ult.,

by P.C. Meginnes Brought up <Lt Geraldton on the 30th ult. 3 months h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, pttge 158 (Warrants Issued). JIl'Itl\IY, ab. nat., at Hamersley Range, on the 24th

August last, by P.C. Finucane. Brought up at Roebourne, on the 30tb ult. 6 months h.1.

Vi(le Police Gazette, 1891, page 193 (Warrants Issued). JnIBETAR, ab. nat., at Table Land, on the 7th

November last, by P.C. Finucane. Discharged.

Vide Police G(tzette, 1891, page 123 (Warrants Issued). MURDURRBI, ab. nat., at Table Land, on the 28th

July last, by P.C. Finucane. Discharged.

jride Police Gazette, 1891, page 135 (Warrants Issued). LARRY, ab. nat., at Hamersley Range, on the 3rd

November last , by P.C. Finucane j deserting service, \ discha.rged j stealing a gun, the property of John P ollett, 4 months h.1.

Vide Police Ga::ette, 1889, page 89, amI 1891, page 37 (Warrants Issued).

YARRIE alias JUIBILA and DICKY, ab. nats., at Ramersley Range, on the 3rcl November last, by P.C. Fmucane. Former, larceny, 6 mont.hs h.1. j desertmg service, remanded. Latter, larceny, 6 months h.1.; stealing 2 heacl of cattle, the property of Stevenson and Pollett, at Hamersl"y Ran ge, in October last, 12 months h.!.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 92 (Warrants Issued). CHARLES CLARKE, ab. nat., at Derby, on the 16th

ult., by W.P.C. Yeats. Dischargecl.

Vide Police Gazett e, 1891, page 213 (Warrants Issued) . J OHN FLINT, exp., late 10324, at Canning. on the

8th inst., by P.Cs. Sellenger and Nicholls. Remand­ecl to Williams.

WILLIAU HUGHEs, at Geraldton, on the 24th ult., by Sergt. McKenna, on warrant; obtaining a quantity of clothing, by means of false pretences from Daniel Marsh, at Geralclton, on the 23rd ult. Committed for trial, 29-12-9l.

OAMER, Malay, at Cossack, on the 7th ult., by P.Cs. P eirl and Wilson; stealing a quantity of jewellery, the property of John Chi, from his clwelling, at Cossack, on tbe 6th ult. Committed for trial, 12-12-91. Property recovered.

JACKY JACKY, ab, nat .. at Derby, on the 4th inst., by Sergt. Lavery j aggravated assault on ab. nat. , French . 6 months h.!. .. -

SIMON PETER, ab. nat., at Hamersley Range, in l October last, by P.C. Finucane; stealing sheep, the property of McRae and Thompsoll. Brought. up at Roebourne, on the 30th ult. 12 months h.!.

CALBAGENA, BUNDERING, YARRAGAR, BUli)ERING, and Y ANAGOORA, ab. nats. , at Lync10n River, on the 25th November last, by P.C. Connor; stealing 30 sheep, the property of G. & W. Lefroy, from Yan­gereddie station, in N ovembel' last. Yanagoora, 6 months h.l., others 12 months h.1. each.

Vide Police Ga':ette, 1892 page 2. ROBERT JACKSON, brought up at Fremantle on the

6th inst. 6 month s h.1. Further charged with lar­ceny of tools, the property of A. E. Brown, 3 " months h.l.; anJ larceny of tools, the property of W. L. Forsythe, 3 months h.1. Property recovered.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (9)



THOMAS GREEN, t.l., Eeg. No. 10242, at Freman­tle, OD the 4th inst., by L.C. Lemon j forging and uttering a cheque, on Union Bank, for £20. Pur­porting to be signed" W. Brockman." 2 years h.1.

CHARLES HENRY TRAVENN A, at Fremantle, on the 5th inst., by L.C. Fan'ell; stealing a watch, No. 67738, from the person of Alexander McPherson, at Fremantle, on the 5th inst. Remanded. Property recovered.

I ELl DIXON, at Fremantle, on the 6th inst., by P.C. Brown; disorderly. 14 days h.l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 2. JAnIES SINCLAIR, brought up at Albany, on the

4th inst. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 209. ALEXANDER BAILLIE, exp., late 4381, CHARLES

WILLIA!lfS, and NELLY, ab. nat. woman, brought up I at Albany, on the 7th inst. Committed for trial.

JOHN MOORE, exp., late 6924, and WILLIAM JOHN­SON, exp., late 10041, at Albany, on the 5th inst., by P.C. J. C. Sruyth; stealing a bottle of gin, the prop­erty of James Edwards, from the" London" Hotel, on the 4th inst. 2 months h.l. each. Property re­covered.

Vide Police Gazettte, 1891, page 213 (Wan'ants Issued). BILL BILL, ab. nat., at Northampton, on the 21st

ult., by L.C. Hackett. 6 weeks h.1.

JOHN WHEELOCK, at Greenough, Oll the 23rd ult., by P.C. Watson; vagrancy. 1 month h.1.

LOUIsA JOHNS, at Perth, on the 8th inst., by L.C. Bewsher j vagrancy, 6 weeks h.l.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 2. HENRY DRAPER, brought up at Perth, on the 8th

inst. Discharged.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 2.

ALFRED CARTWRIGHT, brought up at Perth, on the 8th inst. 7 days h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 2. WILLIAM SAVAGE, brought up at Perth; on the

11th inst. 2 months h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 209. JOHN REEVES, brought up at Perth, on the 9th

inst. Discharged.

Warrants Issued. JOHN McNEE, seaman (no description given)

deserting the ship "Strathearn" at Fremantle, on f the 25th ult. Dated Fremanele, 29th December,


GRANARTHAN and BERANO, ab. nats. (no descrip­tion given); stealing 1 sheep, the property of A. W. Cruickshank, from a flock at Wanborough, in Novem­ber last. Dated Mount Wittenoom, 4th December, 1891.

. CUlnABIDDY, ab. nat. (no description given); steal­mg flour, the property of A. W. Cruickshank, from a_ hue at Combarn, on the 25th November last. :6ated Mount Wittenoom, 4th December, 1891.

~ILLIAM CROMPTON, thin, age about 45 years, , helght about 5ft. 9in., light hail', thin face, dark

complexIOn, a shepherd· deserting the service of J. S. Malcy. Dated G;eenough 23rd December 1891. "


NOORA alias LITTLE JUMBO, ab. nat. (no descrip· tion given); deserting the service of Brockman & Co. Dated Carnarvon, 22nd December, 1891.

TONGA, ab nat. (no description given); disorderly conduct. Dated Sharks Bay, 21st December, 1891.

BANYCADY and MALINBINA, ab. nats. (uo descrip­tion given); deserting the service of John G. Meares. Dated ~oebourne, 21st December, 1891.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 2.

GEORGE ANDREWS GREEN left the Colony per s.s. " Massilia," on Sunday, Srd inst.

Fu KON KIOU, Chinaman, stout, age about 37 years, height Sft. 5in.; deserting the service of Messrs. Darlot, Brothers. Dated York, 6th January, 1892.

Conditional Release Holders. PA'fRICK REGAN, Reg. No. 10354, reported leav­

ing Victoria Plains for North District, on the 1st inst.

AARON KERSHAW, Reg. No. 10378, reported leav­ing Perth for Newcastle, on the 9th inst.

Miscellaneous. PHILIP MARTINI, charged at Albany, OIl the 23rd

ult., by P.C. Jos. Srnyth; hawking without license. Fined 58. and costs.

SARU MURAMATO, Japa.nese, charged at Derby, on the 16th ult., by C. Flinders, Landing Waiter; smuggling a quantity of silk goods and jewellery. Goods forfeited.

J ORN BRYANT, exp., late 1918, charged at Cossack, on the 22nd ult., by Corpl. Holmes; supplying intoxicating liquor to ab. natives. £20 fine and costs or S months imprisonment.

ARTHUR AUSTIN, charged at Albany, on the 6th inst., by Sergt. Farley; disposing of 100 cases of beer without a license, on the 24th ult. Fined £25 and costs.

Inqnests. P61·th.-On the 25th and 29th ult., at the Police

Court, before J. C. H. James, J.P., Acting Coroner, touchina the death of Charles Gregory McIntosh, exp., late 1559, who was found dead, with his head in a tub of water, in his premises at the Canning, on the 25th ult. Verdict-" Death from paralysis of the heart."

W·illiams.-On the 4th inst., at the Court House, before J. C. Rosselloty, KM. and Coroner, touching the death of Joseph Williams, whose remains were found in the bush, on the 24th ult. Verdict­" Death from violence at the hands of John Flint." (Viele Apprehensions).

---Fl'emantle.- On the 11th inst., at the Police Court,

before R. Fairbail'll, R.M. and Coroner, touching the death of ab. nat. prisoner Gninga, who died on board the s.s. "Victorian," between Geraldton and Fremantle, on the 10th inst. Verdict-" Death from natural causes."

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (10)

Conditional Release issued to-

AARON KERSHAW, Reg. No. 10378, at Victoria Plains, on the 24th ult.; convicted at Perth, on the 30th March, 1887, of wonnding with intent, and sentenced to 8 years p.s.

Horses, Cattle, &c. Donga'ra.-Stoleu, on or about 1st June lattt, from

owner's run, Gullawa,-light bay horse, about 13 bands high, branded 02 in circle on near ribs, the property of Miehael Morrissey.


Jarrahdale.-Stolen, on the 26th nit., from Mr. Dellar's stable, Cannington,-brigbt bay enti re pony white star on forehead, 2 years old, 13t hands high', branded M 1.. on near shoulder, the property of Matthew Tonkin, of J arrahdale.

Wyndham.-Stolen or strayed, in 1891, from the Goose Hill l'un,- black gelding, white face, 4 years old , I-H hands high , branded 1 B over 5 X 7 on near shonlder, the property of Michael Byrne.

Ca'l'na7'von,-Stolen or strayed, from the Common_ age, ill August last,- 1 dark bay gelding, branded something like B j and, in December last, 1 bay geld­ing, unbranded, the property of R. M. Waleott.

, ,

Donga·"a.-Stolen or strayed, in July last, from a run near Mingenoo,- bay gelding, white star on forehead, 2 hind feet white, aged, 15 hands higb, branded W A L on near side j and bay gelding, white star on forehead, near hind foot white, aged, about 15 hands high, branded someth ing like 4, up· side down, on near sboulder, the property of Edward Keane.

F,..",antle.-Stolen, on tbe night of the 9tb inst., from owner's stable, Leake Street,- bay horse, branded LE on near sboulder, a,bont 14 bands high, \ the property of OomellUs Brown.

COli' I Reg. No. di!i'm.

Free 709 Exp. 9881 Free 391

Exp. 8490 Do. 10247 Free 535 Do. 131 'l'.L. 10294 Fcmale

Asiatic I

T.L. 1 10375

Exp. 1 10228

~:~~, 1 10a43


Name. ~~ 1 ______ 0_"_'_°_"_. _________ "_0_"_0_"_· ___ 1 CO:~m'd. P/'o", Ji1remantle P"ison, dJwring the week ending Saturday, 9th January, 1892.

Morrisson~ Lewis ... Spelling, Thomas ... lsaacs, James

Brown, J ames Johnson, Charles ... Sodiano, John Kelly, Patrick

Drunk Disorderly ... Vagrancy; resisting police

~ Drunk

Green, John ... Breach of Regulations Cartwright, Susan Disorderly ...

7 days h.1. 21 days h.!. ... 3 months h.1.; 1 month


Fremantle Perth Fremantle

7 days h.!. ! Perth Do.

... Fremantle Perth

2 months h.1. Do. 7 days imprisonment Do.

Fm", Albany Gaol, ilu,-ing the week ending Sat",·day, 2nd Janua,'Y, 1892. I Ah Ung ... I Breach of contract ... J 1 month h.1. ... I Albany

p,'Otn YO"k Gaol, during the week ending Satl",ilay, 9th Janua,·y, 1892. J ones, James I Breach of Regulations ... 1 month h.l... ... I York

F1'o1n Geraldton Gaol, du/ring the week ending ! Rhodes, Gilfread ... Supplying liquor to ab. native.

Sa.t",·day, 2nd 114 days h.!.

J an"ary, 1892. I Gera1dton

Ftoin Hu,nbu,,1'Y Gaol, during the 'Week end1:ng

Fanny ... ... Drunk .. . 1 Dixon, Alex:. L. . "I Disordprly .. .

SaMt,rday, 2nd 11 month h.!. 1 7 d.ys h.!.

Jam,m·y, 1892. Bunbury ...

... 1 Do.

I te 01 l)i~chnr~e.


} 4th J an.

5t h dn.

16th do.

17th do.

8th do.

I 30th Dec.

9th Jan .

29th Dec.

(2nd J an ) .

, I

\ .'

Pri"Olwr, triecL at the Quarter l'leRsiolls. Derby. on Wednesday. ~xth October. IxDl.

COl)' I I ctilion. Ree;. No. N'ame. Offencc. Di strict. P',lire Gaz~'rtf' , 'crctict. Ho\! diSp090d of. pa!l;e.

... 1 Lmeny by b , i1ee ... 1 W. Klmbe<ley 1891 .110 mouth, h.1. 138 Guilty ~'''ti' 1 1 Ab SI",

--~--~ ------~----------~--------------------~---------

By Authority: RICHARD PE'l'HER. l10vernment Printer, Perth.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (11)


(Published by Authority.)

This Gazette is pllblished fo>' Police information only, and the Police ti1lrollghout the U%ny

are instmcted to malee themselves thomughly acquainted with the contents.

OEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police.

No. 3.J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20. [1892_

Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Information.

C.O. '/ooo.-Notified for general information that the following resignations and dismissals have taken place in the Police Force:-

Trooper William Cadden, resigned 30th Nov­ember, 1891.

Second Class Const,able John Ring, resigned 15th December, 1891.

Second Class Constable Charles Presnell, dis­missed 19th December, 1891.

First Class Constable Howard A. Oakes, resigned 24th December, 1891.

Second Class COllstable Athelstane A. C. Rum­say, dismissed 5th January, 1892.

GEO. PHlLLIPS, Commissioner of Police.


Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person, &c. Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 8, C.L 18.

Pedh.-Miss B. E. Locke's watch is now further described as having piece broken out of dial near the second hand, and filled in with darker composition, gold hands, hour hand slightly bent, heavy gold albert, snake pattern, very yellow gold, gold patent watch key, small gold locket, blue enamel horse-shoe OD one side, and gold wedding ring. with the inscrip~ tion "Love and live happy" inside. Alfred Reid, b{;d- room steward of the" Albany," suspected.

Southern C,.088.-0n the night of the 17th ult., from owner's premises,-l smoothing plane, owner's

" name stamped on end, 1 ~-inch chisel, 13ft. rule, and 1 tenon saw, the property of R. Lillico.-C.I. 19.

F'remantle.-Between the 9th and 12th in st., from the s.s. H Victorian," between Gel'aldton and Fre­mantle,-l hlue and yellow striped rug and strap, 1 crimean shirt, I map, 1 small bag, and about 41bs. of gold quartz, the property of Rohert Boyle. E. R. Walker, mess-room steward of the ,. Victorian," suspected.-C.l. 20.

F'remantle.-On or about the 11th inst., from the sea jetty,-Iady's second-hand riding saddle, in good repair, in canvas cover, addressed "Miss Little, Perth," the property of Edward Jlferrett.-C.I. 21.

Roeboll,."e.-On or about the 7th inst., from a camp at Fortescue River,-gold ring, set with blood­stone on which is engraved the crest of a horse's head, and the motto" Bulne1'otus non cict'us," the property of R. D. O'Grady. Ah You, Chinaman, suspected. -C.I. 22.

P.,·th.-On the 12th inst., from an unoccupied honse ill Goderich Street, entrance being effected by breaking a window,-large "Bun-dog" revolver, ring broken off butt, the property of James Grave.­C.I. 23.

--- --

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 30 (Escaped Prisoners).

GINDINNA, ab, nat., at Hamersley Range, on the 24th August last, by P.C. Finucane. Brought np at Roebourne, on the 30th ult. 1 month h.l., cumu­lative.

HENRY BATTY, t.l., Reg. No. 10368, at North­ampton, on the 21st ult., hy L.C. Hackett, on warrant j deserting the service of Wainwright & Co. 6 weeks h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 8. MALLEAR, ab. nat., brought up at Dongara, OIl

the 7th inst. 9 months h.1.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (12)

Vide Police Ga,.ette, 1892, page 8.

COOLAGEE and N ADJULLY, ab. nats., brought up at Dongara, on the 7th inst. 9 months h.l. each .

SOLOMON, the 9th inst.

r'ide Police Gazette, 1892, page 8.

ab. nat., brought up at Dongara, on Discbarged.

CHINIlII, ab. nat., at Dare, on the 30th October last, by P.C. Pollett; stealing a sheep, th~ property of J. W. Waldeck, on or about the 1st October last. Brought up at Dongara, on the 9th in st. 9 months h .1.

ELIZABETH BRAY and ALICE BRAY, at Dongara, on the 10th inst., by L.C. Woods; vagrancy. 2 months h.!. each.

GEORGE BLECHYNDEN, half-caste, at Bunburv, on the 11th inst., by P.C. Buck; disorderly. 6 months h.l.

SARAH REID, at Fremantle, on the 14th inst., by P.C. Harrington; vagrancy. 21 days h.1.

JOSE PH STUBBS, exp., late 6037, at Fremantle, on the 15th inst., by Sergt. Connor; stealing a pair of shoes, the property of Thomas Smith, from his shop in High street, on the 15th inst. 6 months h.1. Property recovered.

PARRODAY, ab. nat., at Hamersley Range, on the 5th September last, by P.C. Finucane; wilful murder of James Coppin, on or about the 12th August last. Brought up at Roebourne, on the 6th inst. Com­mitted for trial.

THOMAS SUMMERS, exp., late 9588, near Round Swamr' on the 4th inst., by P.C. Wall; stealing 15 sovereIgns from the person of WilIiam Boddington, at the (( Travellers Rest" Inn, on the 1st inst. Brought up at Albany, on the 14th inst. Com­mitted for trial. Property partly recovered.

Vi(le Police Gazette, 1892, page 9.

CHARLES HENRY TRAVENNA, brought up at Fre­mantle, on the 15th inst. 3 months h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 204.

DANIEL JOHN SON, exp., late 10175, brought up at Perth, on the 12th inst. Committed for trial.

THOM'AS WILTSHIRE, exp., late 9027, at Perth, on the 16th inst., by P.C. Love; heing in the premises of H.E. the Administrator for some unlawful purpose, on the 15th mst. 6 weeks h.1.

JOHN COPLEY, exp., late 10288, at Perth, on the 16th IDSt., by James Callaghan; lunatic. Sent to the Asylum, Fremantle.

Conditional Release Holders. AARON KERSHAW, Reg. No. 10378, reported his

arrIval at Vlctona Plams, on the 13th inst., from Perth. Intends to remain at Victoria Plains.

W,LLIAM CROGAN, Reg. No. 10357, reported his arnval a~ F~'emantle, on the 12th inst., from the N?l't~ DIstrict. Intends to remain in Fremantle DlstrIct.


Property Lost. Vide Police Ga:ette, 1891, page 196.

Wyndham,.-Thomas O'Connor's pocket-book ana.! cheque have been found.

Lennard River.- On 01" about the 31st Octoher last, on Derby Road,-W. A. Bank cheque-book, the property of William Armit.ge.

Albany.-On the 26tb nIt., in town,- oval shaped silver locket, ivy leaf pattern, and 5 cent Americ~n coin, the property of Willialll Bingham.

Rockingha~,.-On the 26th nIt., - cheque on National Bank, Perth, drawn by Timber Co., payahle to bearer, amount £3 7s. 9cl., the property of Matthew Bateman.

F,·emantle.-On the 26th ult., supposed at the Railway Station,-black silk umbrella, with li?.h~ colored hook handle, the property of Ed. ('"hill. On the 26th ult., at the Railway Station,-Iady's black Astrachan jacket, with corded trimmings, the property of Eleanor Thompson. On the 12th inst., at the Railway Station,- " G BD" briar pipe, the property of H. Dune.n.

P.,·th.-On the 31st ult., in town,-gold scarf-pin, horse-shoe pattern, t.he property of Geo. Webb. On the 1st inst., in town, fox terrier pup, about 6 months old, one white ear, the property of T. Stanbury. On the 5th inst., in town,- pair of spectacles, with German silver points, in wooden case, the property of Lawrence Taylor. On the 5th inst., in town,-2.£1 bank notes, the property of Hon. Sir J. FOl·rest. On the 9th inst., in St. George's Terrace,-16 £1 Com­mm·cial Bank notes, the property of C. J. Otte. On the 9th inst., in towll,- 2 spanners and 1 screw wrench, the property of Alfred Sexton. On the 24th inst., at Railway Station,- 12 fowls, the property of the Government. On the 12th inst., in town,-small silver brooch, with letter P and figure of child, the property of Mrs. Prinsep. On the 12th inst., in town,-l peaco*ck, the property of D. Jacoby.

Property Found.

Perth.-On the 27th uit., in Mackie Street,­leather hand-bag.-P.B. 231. On the 26th ult., in Wittenoom Street,-black and white sow.- P.B. 232. On the 30th ult., in St. George's Terrace,-small key. -P.B. 233. On the 1st inst., in St. George's Ter- _ race,-:hlack retriever pup. - P.B. 1. On the 2nd) IDSt., m HowlCk Street,- umbrella. - P.B. 2. On , ­the 3rd inst., at the Race-course,- gig whip.-P.B. 3. On the 4th inst., at the Race-course,- bunch of keys.-P.B. 5. On the 8th inst., in " Royal" Hotel, :-clgar-holder and case, and quantity of mock Jewellery.-P.B. 9. On the 6th IDSt., at the Race­course,-silver locket.- P.B. 6. On the 7th inst., in Hay Street,-silver brooch.- P .B. 7. On the 6th inst., in Beaufort Street,- bunch of keys,- P.B. 8. On the 10th inst., in South Perth, - purse and bank receipt for £21.- P.B. 11. On the 15th inst., in Murray Street,- che'lue for £10.-P.B ...13.

F,·emantle.-On the 28th ult., in Adelaide Street, -child's plush hat. On the 8th inst., in town,-6 small keys.

Coss(wk.-On the 27th ult., in town,-ordel' for .. £114s.6d.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (13)

, Albany.-On the 21st ult., in Perth Road,-metal

open face watch.

B1·idgetoUJn.-On the 5th inst., in towD,-metal watch and chain.

Gemldton.-On the 7fh inst., in town,-Iady's straw hat and veil.

The undermentioned property has heen claimed :­

B,·idgetown.-Sundry clothing (P.G., 1891, p.197.)

P.,·th.-Coat, hoots, and stick (P.G., 1891, p. 214, P.B. 228.) Parcel of clothing (P.G., 1891, p. 214, P.B. 229.) Pair of oars (P.G., 1891, p. 204, P.B. 221.)


Warrants Issued. ALEXANDER SLATER (no description given) ; being

indebted to Michael White in the sum of £82 10s. To be arrested at any seaport of the Colony but not elsewhere. Dated Derby, 14th January, 1892.

H. ANSAN, Swede, age 27 years, height 5ft. 7in. dark brown bail', fair complexion, clean shaved, has very lq.w voice, a sailmaker and seaman j deserting the shIp" Leading Wind" at Fremantle, on the 11th inst. Dated Fremantle, 13th January, 1892.

Miscellaneous. ANN MADDIGAN, charged at Guildford, on the

12th inst., by P.C. Kelso; sly grog selling. £30 fine and costs and I hour imprisonment.

r ' Ticket-of-Leave OD own account granted to:-


• "1

BENJAMIN F,NNEY, Reg. No. 10370, hy the In-spector of Prisons, on the 16th inst.; convicteit at the Supreme Court, Perth, on the 7th April, 1880, of larceny, and sentenced to 5 years p.s.


df~~~. 1 R'g. N'· I Name. OlTauoe.

Horses, Cattle, &c. Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 10.

F'remantle.-Cornelius Brown's horse has been found, not stolen.



I Where


--- ---Sentence. Date of Discharge.

From Frem.antle P1'ison, during the week ending Satwrelay, 16th Janua?·Y, 1892. 6 weeks h.1. for each York T.L. 7515

Do. 10298 Free 694 Do. 692 Do. 691 Do. 693 Exp. 10181 Female

Exp. 5218 Free Do. 710 Do. 701 Do. 682 Female

Palmer, Wm. Larceny (4 offences) Clinton, James Do. Olsen, John ~ Johnson, C. Refusing duty Anderson, Alfred ... Martin, John co*ckroft, David Indecent exposure Reid, Sarah Drunk Dowel', John Disorderly ... Cartwright, Alfred Lm'ceny Ross, Andrew 1 Bryan, James "') Refusing duty Williarus, J. M. Contempt of Court CUl'edale, Marion." Vagrancy

6 months h.1. Perth

4 weeks h.1. each Fremantle

14 days h.1. ... 7 days h.1. 1 month h.1. 7 days h.1.

4 weeks h.1. each

Pleasure of Court 3 months h.t.

Perth Do. Fremantle Perth


Perth Fremantle

11th Jan. 13th do.

11th do.

( 12th J


} 14th do.

$ 15th do.

16th do.

F,·om Gemldton Gaol, elwring the week ending Sat",·day, 9th Janua,·y, 1892. Free

\ I Picoon, Rubino I Vagrancy ... J 2 months h.l. Geraldton 14th Jan.

From YOl·k Gaol, (luring the week encling Satunlay, 16th Ja""a,·y, 1892. Free I Donegan, Wm. I Vagrancy ... ... \ 14 days h.l. ... . .. I York ... \ 15th Jan.

Register of Expirees and Conditional Panloll Holders who have left the Colony.

Name 3011(1 Condition. ~~ I D~}e I Name of Vessel. No: Departure.

Steadma.n, Wm., exp. 1 10215 7-1·92 AustrlLlind



Ship iu wllich arrived.



Colonial convict, aged 35 years, height 5ft St in., dark brown hair, brown eyes, o.va visage, sallow complexion, medium bUll?, W.S. ill wreath, bracelet, and 2 ilITOWS 1 heart tatooed on left arm ; a blacksmith.


VI(W Police Gazette, 1891, page 114.~Joseph Sowden, exp., late 7551, returned to the Colony per s.s ... Brltanma," on the 16th December, 1891.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (14)


. ,

" 84



155 214

221 264 268 272 27. 276 292 821 311 Sl3 823 829 337 338 3S9 3n 347 348 351 356 361 86'2 363 36' 365 366 368 37. 371 372 373 37' 380 381 383 ... 385 3S9 391 39'2 393


Ke,jl"ne .. , Jobn or J M •..

P:.lrkil\~oll, HenfY

Foster .. 1 :lme!' .

Smi lh. (h·u .

C~ll(,\", Thom;t~

P:I1·ker. n ",.,·\·

Wi\<:on. John

IIuriey, .J,H'H'~

Gnanoonba EjerrimUfra

Moothio. Birinoo B~rdingooroo Johnn)" Cooling.lrl·a WiJ,r :< alias Dickey Jnlllbon, Joseph Captain Narboa.nnn. ... Kelly, In.mes . Beddingnerdy .. . Thaln.ugruTY Jenny Jemima Mary Roubourn Nuugareer Wyannie Kidderina Milleran Coobedar Madgeubandie Coberbung Wn.l.lrunarra. Carmular Goorie MaJ.·eel ~eemul .. Ynhbalabalanerry Worriedabingo Watchatcha Big Billy Bindiegorrn. Combongn. Wynllay Juegorra ... EllquarblLITY .. Cooyella Jackara. ... Butterbung Frank ... . .. Murragooroo


I I COll· I Reg. No. ditiou. Date of eeclI.pe.















10th Aug., 1873

8th March, 1874

5th Oct., 1876

14th January, 1870

30th Nov., 1867

19th January, 1867 .

T.L. 2'lnd March, 1880

ab. nat. 10th Septcmbcr1 1880 do. 'l3rd Octoher , 11:182 ...

do. do. do. do. do. do.

T.L. ab.nat.

do. T.L.

ab. nat. do. do.

ab.n. f. do.

ab. uat. do . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. d o. do. do. do. do. do. do.

21st March, 1883 7th March, 1884

do. 6th l\Iay, 1884 9th J uly, 188·1

do. 14th January, 1886 .. 16th Nov., 1886 29th Nov., 1886 Dec. 1885

14th Dec., 1886 ... 25th April, 1887 3rd March. 1888

do. do.

26th April, 1888 18th Sept., 1888

do. . .. 9th October. 1888 .. 20th Feb., 1889 18th April, 1889

do. 22nd May, 1889 26th do. 13th J nue, 1889

do. 13th ·Sept., 1889 5th Oct., 1889

do. do.

11th Nov., 1889 ... do. . ..

20th October, 1890 .. 13th Dec., 1890 16th January, 1891 24t h JanuarY,1891 6th February, 1891 13th do. 6tb August, 1891 19th do. 8th September, 1891 3rd Sel>tem bel', 1891



I Di .. riot from. I Perth ...




fremantle ...

Roebourne Gascoyne

do. Mt. Wittenoom

do. Roebourne Mt. Wittenoom

do. Hame lin Roebourne Guildford. Geraldton Beringarra

do. Roeboul'ne

do. do.

Cossack Derby

do. do.

Roeboul'ne Cossa.ck

do. do

Wyndham Roebourne

do. Derby Wyndham

do. do.

do. .,. Gascoyne "' 1 Mt. GonId Dongara Derby I Cossack Roebourne

do. Wyndhnm Nllllagine Willin.ms Beringarra.

De8cription and remll.rk8.

Stout, 40 years 01 age, Sft.4in. high, brown bair oval \'isage dark complexion, bayonet stab in neck, D left 8id~ bullet mark on right leg, willow left arm, J right arm. '

Middling 8tO,lIt, 31 year3 of age, ~ft. 6.iin. high, brown bair, grey eyes, oval visage, fresh complexion, not and H on left arm.

St?ut, age 33 years, Sft. ~lin. higb, brown hair, hazel eyes, oval "Ieage, sallow compleXIOn, flags, D 18, 1863 right ar m, anchor dart, heart, crown and bracelets left arm.

Stout, ,45 years of age, 5ft. ~.iin. high, dark brown bair, blue eyes full VIsage, dark complexIOn, star on right hand ship on Id arm, crown and tl.ag on right arm. '

Slight, age 38, ~n. 8~in. hi~h, led hair, grey eyes, oval visage s~lIow comple:oon, ~car ~m fan' head, D.left breast, pockpitted.

Slight, age 47, 5ft. 4;10. high, brown hair, grey cyes, round vis age, fresh comlllexlOn, scar on chin.

Middling stO?t, age 4:t.,)ft. 6in .. high, hair fair and scanty, blue e;res, long VIsage, f:nr compl.e::uon, 'Y.J. right hand, cut mark on tight cheek, scar about one mch long helow right knee.

Stout, age 48, 5f~. 8in. high, brown hair, grey eyes, round visage sallow compleXion, scar on forehead.

Middling stout, age 30, Mt. 6in. high, r ound visage. Middling stout, age 30, 5ft. 5in. high, round vieage. Vide Polic Gazette, 1882, page 128.

Stout, age 40 year!', Mt. ,in higb, found visage. Vide Police Gazette , 1884, page 74.

Do. do., do. Do. do., page 98 Do. do., do. 157 Do. do., do. 157 Do. do., 1886, page 26. Do. do., do. 2I.3 Do. do., do. 198 Do. do., do. 152 Do. dO., 1887 do.4 Do. dO., do. 165 Do. do., 1888 do. 71 Do. do., do. 71 Do. do., do. 71 Do. do., do. 113 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., do. 195 Do. do., 1889 do. 45 Do. do., do. do. 76 Do. do., do. do. 76 Do. do., do. do. 99 Do. do., do. do. 99 Do. do., do. do. H 8 Do. do., do. do. 118 Do. do., do. do. 155 Do. do., do. do. 185 Do. do., do. do. 185 Do. do., do. do. 185 Do. do., do. do. 189 Do. do., do. do. 189 Do . do., 1890 do. 186 Do. do., do. do. 219 Do. do., 1891 do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 30 Do. do., do. do. 41 Do. do., do. do. 155 Do. do., do. do. 155 Do. do., do. do. 159 Do. do., do. do. 169

liy allthOl'ity: RICIfARD PE'l'R ER. f;overnlll'~nt Printer, Perth.

• r-

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (15)


[Published by Authority. J

This Gazette is published fQ?' Police information only, and the Police tlwoughout the Oolony

a"e inst?'ucted to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents.

GEO. PHILLIPS, Oommissioner of Po/;ice.

No. 4.J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27. [1892.

Stealing in Dwellings, from the

Person. &c. F,·emantle.-On the 21st inst., from the steerage

of the s.s. "Bullarra,"-1 brown blanket with red and black stripes, I pair dark tweed trousers and vest, 1 wbite shirt and collar, and 1 necktie, color blue with white spot.s, the property of Wm. Scoble.­C.I.24.

Prelnantle.-On the 21st inst., fro111 a shop in Henry Street,-a glazier'S diamond, the property of Benjamin Kenworthy. John Lewis, exp., late 773, suspected.-C.r. 25.

Perth.-On the 3rd inst., from owner's dwelling, Adelaide Terrace,- steel harpoon, branded" Under· wood & Co., London," has two flanges and wooden handle, about 4ft. 6in. long, the property of F. Stone.-C.I. 26.

Apprehensions. Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 8.

JOHN FLINT, exp., late 10324, brought up at Williarus, on the 15th inst. Committed for trial.

Vide Inquests. OLIVER TICHENER, near Fremantle, on the 17th

inst., by Sub-Inspector Lawrence and Sergt. Connor; wilful murder of Moses Gadd. Remanded.

WILLIA>I CROGAN, exp., late 10357, and JAMES SHAW, exp., late 10134, at Fremantle, on the 20th inst., by P.Cs. Newton and Cunningham; being on the premises of William Lohoar for some unlawful purpose. 3 mont hs h.1. each.

CHARLES SMITH and JOHN SHEPHERD, at Fre-• mantle, on the 21st inst., by P.Cs. Loveday and

Cunningbam; vagrancy. Former 3 montbs h.t , latter 1 month h.1.

EDWARD BEAUREAL, t.l., Reg. No. 10359, at Fre· mantle, on the 22nd inst., by P.C. Nicholson; breach of regulations. 1 month h.1.

WILLIAl\I BARNES, at Fremantle, on the 22nd inst., by IJ.C. Lemon, on warrant; obtaining the sum of £5 from Otto Wehrstedt by means of a valueless cheque. Remanded.

THOMAS BELL AIR, at Fremantle, on the 19th inst., by P.C. Cunningham; vagrancy. 21 days h.1.

Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 180 (Warrants I ssued).

MINGHA, ab, nat., at Warroogooan, on the 1st ult., by P.C. A. Pollett; wilful murder of Robert Waldeck. Brought up at Dongara, on the 9th inst. Committed for trial.

HENRY DRAPER, at Perth, on the 19th inst., by P.C. Love; being on the premises of Mrs. A. Hill· man, for some unlawful purpose, on the 17th inst. 21 days h.1.

ANN COY LE, at Perth, on the 20th inst., by P.C. Reading; vagrancy. 3 months h.1.

JOHN GUILFOYLE, licensee of the t, Australian " Hotel, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by Dets. GUl'lley and ConneIl, on warrant; committing a rape on tbe person of Jane Foster, at Perth, on the 3rd inst. Remanded. Admitted to bail.

THOMAS HOBAN, t.l., Reg. No. 10382, at P erth, on the 23rd inst., hy Det. McNamara; breach of regulations. 1 month h.l.

SARAH KELLY, at Perth, on the 24th inst., by P.C. Ryan; disorderly. 1 month h.1. .

JAl'IIES CUTHBERTJ C.l'., Reg. No. 9422J at Perth, on the 24th inst., by P.C. Murdoch; drunkenness. 21 days h.1.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (16)

Warrants Issued. Vide Police Gazette, 1892, page 9.

JOHN McNEE not t o be arrested. Warrant can­celled on the 21st inst.

• Vide Police Gazette, 1891, page 208.

DOlTGLAS PORTER not t o be arrested. W arrant cancelled on the 21 st inst.

A. J. COLLI NS , stout build, age a bout 30 years, height Sit. 9in., sandy hair, blue eyes: round visage, fair complexion , a seaman j desertlllg the ba~'que " Leading W ind ," at Fremantle, on the 18th In st . Dated Fremantle, 19th Jauua ry, 1892.

Pawnbroker's License Issued to J A:&IES K . BUCKLEY, at Albany, on the

19th inst. , for the premi ses occupied by him in York Street , Albany.

Inquests. F,·etnantle.-On the 19th inst. , at t he Police Court,

before R. Gibbons, J.P. , A cting Coroner, on the body of J ohn Rintoul , a seaman of the barque " Leading Wind," who fell from the Jetty and was drowned, on the night of the 18th mst. VerdlCt­"Accidently drowned while under the influence of drink."

Fre1nantie.-On the 17th and 20t h inst., at the Police Court, before R. Fairbairn , R.~I. and Coroner , on the body of Moses Gadd, who was shot dead at Bull's Creek, on t he 16th in st. VerJ ict-" Wilful murder against Oliver Tichener." (Vide Apprehen­sions.)

Certificate of Freedom issued £or-

W ILLIAlII CROGAN, Reg. No. 10357, at F rema ntle, on the 14th inst. Convicted at the Su preme Cou rt, P erth, on the 14th J anua ry, 188.5, of larceny, a nd sentenced to 7 years p .s.

RETURN OF LICENSES issued under "The Wines, Beer , an d Spirit Sale Act, 1880," for the yea r 1892.


Condi­tion . Name.


Do. Do. Do. Do. no. Do.


Scott, J ames .

... Osborne, H. . Shephard, J. s:

Spencer , Joh.n .. Bassett, Charles Stewart, James GUes, J. J .


. .. I Fanners' Home Hotel

Jubilee Hotel Roeboume Hotel. Victoria Hotel Leap Year Hotel Weld Hotel White Horse Hotel

ITown or District.


Roebourne Do. Do. Do. Cossack Do.


COlldi. ! tiOIl .

F ree Do. Do.



Bo.ell, J Ohll Moore, E dm uU(1 Dalton, T. J .

I Clark, J nmes

Sill;u .

Blackwood Inn . I Nelson Arms H otel General Gordon

H otel Onslow H otel


Bridgetowll Do. Roebourne



'fown 0\· District.

Free I Daltou, F. P . .. . .

.. Mead, J olm Henry Do.

P earlers' Rest H otel

Rallway Hotel \




Con­dition .


F ree I Reynolds, J ames Do. .. Connor & Doherty Do. .. Bateman, J. & W. Do. . . . Watson & Tee ... Do. N . W . A. Mercantile Co. Do. N. W . A. Mercantile Co.

Town or Dish ·jet.

... 1 Roebolu ne

... Do. Do. Do. Do. Cossack


Condi ­tion .



1 Smallpage & Lowe

'fown 0\' District.

r Roebourne


Condi­tioll .

F ree Do. Do. Do. Do. F emale

Pak Quan Wong H ong Sam H ing-


Kow Nall Newhouse, J ohn P ead , Kate

TOWll or District.

Cossack Do. Roebourne Do. Do. Cossack


Condi ­tiOll .

Free \ Kratz,

Name. Town or District.

. .. 1 Cossack

Vide P . G. 1892, I>. 5 :- The P ublica.n's General License held by James Thomas ·Wood for t he" Victoria" Hotel, Newcastle, was transferred to ~ Charles Capaccioli, on the 9th mst. The Wayside House License b eld .. by J oh n Buckingham fo r the " l'tIill Brook" Hotel, J arrahdale, was trans­ferred to Alfred Alma Dixson, on t he 1st inst. The Wayside Honse Licensehelcl by Thomas George Palmer for the "Royal" Hotel, Kojonup, was transferred to J ohn Norrish , on the 15th inst.

PRI",;ON J;;R,-,; U I ,., U H A. H CT .1;; U .

e .... n - l ~,g No. dit ion.

T .L. 10389 Free 714 Do. 713 Exp. 9281 Free 712


~lI.me. S'llltenCt:. W hel·c Commith,d.

From F10 ernantle P1'ison, dWl'ing the week ending Batm'day, 23Tcl J antta1'y, lS9:J. Dunnerty, J ohn Dixon, E li ... Reeves, John Ryan , Thomas Langsford, Samll~i '

Breach of r egulations Resisting police Assault ing police. Forgery (two offences) Drunk; obscene language

21 days h.1. 14 days h .1. 1 month h.t 2 years h.1. for each 7 days h.t; 14 days h.1.

Perth F rema.n t le Perth Do. D o.

From Ge1'cddton Gaol, cl'lvring the week ending Satu" day, 28"d J.,,,,",'y, 1892. Katchong . .. \ Larceny (2 offences)

Wheelock, John ... Vagrancy

6 months h .1 ., 3 months h .l .

J month h.t I Shar ks Bay


1Jflte of D ischflrge.

18th Jan .

j21st do.

j23,-d do.

22nd J an.

23r d do.

, I I

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (17)



Issue(l under cc The Hawkers Act, 1882."

COOdi./ $ion. Name. Description of License. ., For what District. Prom what DA.te. Where 19~ued.

F,,,, Miller, Solowon ... Horse or vehicle Southern 1st January, 1892 Fremantle Do. Cohen, Maurice ... ... Do. ... Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Miller, Jos~h ... . .. ... Do. Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Beveridge, no. Robert ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ghulam Mubray Udan ... Pack OD foot Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Hassan ... ... Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Do. Gollop, Mollax . ... ... Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Do. AshryAli ... Do. Do. Do. ... .. . Do. Do. Mousur Ali ... Do. Dei. Do. .. . Do. Do. Abdool Xadar ... ... Do. Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Huras Toola ... Do. ... Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Feras Toola ... Do. ... Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Froydan ... Do. Do. Do. .. . Do. Do. Foo Mahomed ... Do. .. Do. Do. Do. Do. eohen, Maurice·S. ... Horse or vehicle ... Central Do. .. . Geraldton Do. Cohen, Maurice ... ... Do. Do. ... Do. .. . Do. Do. Gbulam Nabi ... .. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Nicholas Saddie ... ... Pack on foot .. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Ameeu Saddie ... .. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Exp. Smith, Josepb ... . .. Horse or vehicle ... Southern Do. .. . Bunbury Do. Wilson, Josepb ... ... ... Do. ... ... Do. Do. Do. Female Johnstone, Jane ... Do. Do. ... 4th Janu~y, 1892' Pinjarra


0.",,, , No. Nan.~. I , Coo· I Reg. No. dition. Date of escape.

I District !'rom. Description and remarks.

Kearnel>, J(,bn or Jas .... 10097 R.C.P. 10th Aug., 1873 Perth. Stout, 40 years of age, 5ft.4in. high, brown hair, oval visage, dark complexion, bayonet stab in neck, D left side, bullet mark on right leg, willow left arm, J right arm. , Parkin~OJ1, Henry 8674 P.P. 8th March, 1874 Fremantle Middling stout, 37 years of age, Mt. 6iin. high, brown hair, grey eyes, oval visage, fresh complexion, not and H on left arm.

29 Foster, James . 8263 T.L. 5th Oct., 1876 York Stout, age 33 years, aft. 5iin. high, brown hair, hazel eyes, oval visage, sallow complexion, flags, D 18, 1863 right arm, anchor, dart, heart, crown and bracelets left arm.

.H Smith, Geo. 6141 do. 24th Feb., 1870 Fremantle Stout, 45 years of age, 5ft. 3iin. high, dark brown hair, blue eyes, full visage, dark complexion, star on right hand, ship on left arm, crown and flag on right arm.

83 Calley, Thomas 8531 14th January, 1870 Slight, age 38, 5ft. 8!iin. high, red hair, grey eyes, oval visage, sallow complexion, scar on forehead, D left breast, pockpitted.

" Parker, Henry 8676 30th Nov., 1867 Slight, age 47, 5ft. ,*in. high, brown hair, grey eyes, round vis-age, fresh complenon, scar on chin.

" Wilson, John 9358 19th January, 1867. Middling stout, age 44, 5ft. 6in. high, hair fair and scanty, blue eyes, long visage, fair complexion, 'V.J. right hand, cut mark on

T.L. right cheek, scar about one inch long below right knee.

139 Hurley, J ames 9203 22nd March, 1880 fTemantle Stout, age 48, 5ft. 8in. high, brown hair, grey eyes, round visage, sallow complexion, scar on forehead.

15.5 Gnandonba ab. nat. 10th September, 1880 Roebourne Middling stout, age 30, 5ft. 6in. high, round visage. 214 Ejerrimurra do. 23rd October, 1882. Gascoyne Middling stout, age 30, 5ft. 5in. high, round visage. Vide POtiCIl

do. Gazette, 1882, page 128.

221 Mootbio .. 121't >I'''h, 1883 do. Stout, age 40 jears, Mt. 7in. high, round vi8age. 26' Birinoo . do. 7th March, 1884 1\1t. Wittenoom Vide Po!licc Gazctte, 1884, page 74. 268 Bardingooroo do. do. do. Do. do., do. 272 Johnny do. 6th May, IBM Roebourne Do. do., page 98 274 Cooling-arra do. 9th July, 1884 1\1t. Wittenoom Do. do., do. 157 276 Wilga alias Dickey do. do. do. Do. do., do. 157 292 Jami~on, Joseph 10216 T.L. 14th J anuary, 1886::' Hamelin Do. do., 1886, page 26. 321 Captain ab.nat. 16th Nov., 1886 Roebourne Do. do., do. 213 317 Narboanua do. l 29th Nov., 1886 Guildford


Do. do., do. 198 313 Keny, J ames . 7470 T.L. Dec. 1885 Geraldton ... Do. do., do. 152 323 Beddingnerdy .. ab. nat. 14th Dec., 1886 Beringarra Do. do., 1887 do. 4 329 Thalangarry do. 25th April, 1887 do. Do. do., do. 165 337 Jenny . do. 3rd March, 1888 Roeoourne Do. do., 1888 do. 71 338 J emima ab. n. f. I do.

do. Do. do., do. 71 339 Mary ... do. do. do . Do. do., do.7I 341 Roubouru ab. nat. 26th April, 1888 Cossack Do. do., do. 113 347 Nungareer do. 18th Sept., 1888 Derby Do. do., do. 195 348 Wyannie do. do. do. Do. do., do. 195 351 Kidderina do. 9th October, 1888 :.: do. Do. do., do. 195 356 Milleran do. 20th Feb., 1889 Roebourne Do. do., 1889 do. "" -~ 361 Coobedar do. 18th April, 1889 Cossack Do. do., do. do. 76 362 Madgenbandie' do. do. do. Do. do., do. do. 7. 363 Coberbung do. 22»d :n-Iay, 1889 do Do. do., do. do. 99 3&! Wallamarra do. 26th do. Wyndham Do. do., do. do. 99 365 Carmular do. 13th June, 1889 Roebourne Do. do., do. do. 118 366 Goorie do. do. do. Do. do., do. do. 118 368 Mareel .. do. 13th Sept., 1889 Derby Do. do., do. do. 155 370 ~eemul. .. do. 5th Oct., 1889 Wyudham Do. do., do. do. 185 371 Yahbalabalane~ do. do. do. Do. do., do. do. 185 372 W orriedabingo do. do. do. Do. do., do. do. 185 373 Watchatcha do. IlIth Nov., 1889 ::: GascoYlle Do. do., do. do. 189 37' Big Billy do. do. . .. do. Do. do., do. do. 189 380 Bindiegorra do. 20th October, 1890 .. Mt. Gould Do. do., 1890 do. 186 381 Combonga (10. 13th D ec., 1890 ... Dongara Do. do., do. do. 219 883 Wynnay ... do. 16th January, 1891 Derby Do. do., 1891 do. 30 384 JuegoITa ... do. 24th January, 1891 Cossack Do. do., do. do. 30 385 Ellquarbarry .. do. 6th February,1891 Roebourne Do. do., do. do. 30 389 Cooyena do. I ]!lth do. do. Do. do., do. do. 41 391 Jackal'[\, do. 6th Atlgnst, 1891 " . Wyndham Do. do., do. do. 155 3~2 ButterbullO' do. 19th do. .. . Nullagine Do. do., do. do. 155 393 Frank . 0 do. 8tb September, 1891 Williaros Do. do., do. do. 159 3 .. :Uurragooroo do. 3Td September, 1891 Beringarra. Do. do., do. do. 169

do .

• By Authority: RICHARD PETHER. Government Printer, Pertb.

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (18)

r I

'WESTERN AUSTRALIA.cartridges in box, I overcoat, 28. 6d. in silver, and several Christmas cards, the property of James G. Davies. Mary Ann Andrews and Alfred Andrews, juveniles, suspected. - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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