The prince and the knight - GIG_10 (2024)

Chapter 1: The prince's knight

Chapter Text

Ten years ago the Kingdom of L'Manberg suffered an attack from outsiders that wanted the whole royal family dead.

The castle was set on fire, a lot of lives were taken during that awful night, including soldiers and the queen herself, as she was murdered in cold blood, leaving three young princes without a mother.

The attackers were captured and King Philza ordered to execute them all so they could pay with their own souls. The public execution was not meant to be witnessed as revenge but rather as a sign of warning of what would happen if somebody dared to hurt the royal family ever again.

A few minutes before the execution, the little brothers were resting in one of the only rooms that remained after the fire. Every single curtain was down and knights were guarding the door.

Kids were the exception. Not allowing any minor to watch such act of violence, mostly because it could affect their sanity, twist their senses of justice, create a negative influence... or even worse.

But the king's priority was his own children, leading him to create the rule of not saying any word about the death of her wife and his son's only mother, threatening to punish anyone that doesn't obey his command.

An eight-years-old Tommy was crying and hanging onto Wilbur's shirt as Techno was sitting far away from them in the corner, laying all the weight of his head on his wrists.

-"Don't cry Tommy, you are not in danger anymore.. What's wrong, do your wounds still hurt?"- Such an unnecessary question to ask considering Tommy's burns were very recent, but Wilbur is struggling, not being able to do anything other than keep his little brother close to him.

-"No. I want mommy, where's mom? I want her to hug me and pat my head"- Tommy kept crying and crying, even more louder while Wilbur stood there, trying to think of a solution.

He was trying his best not to cry in front of Tommy, not only because it'll worry him but also because Tommy will soon notice something was wrong, and he didn't need that.

-"I'm sorry Tommy, mom is not here now, but I'm sure dad would come back in any second if you wait patiently, so please"- Wilbur bites his lip, moving his palms through Tommy's back, calming him..

-"Tubbo... I-Is Tubbo okay?"- Tommy raises his head until his teary eyes meet with Wilbur's. The brunette hides his sorrowful expression and shows a short smile, one that Tommy knows really well.

-"Yeah, of course. When all of this commotion ends, I'll arrange everything so you can see him again. He must miss you just as much as you do.- Tommy doesn't say much after that and hides his face in Wilbur's chest once again...

Wilbur holds in a sigh

-"Brother, you said you talked with father. What did he tell you?' Did he say how long should we stay in here? - Wilbur turns to the only other individual in the room, but the pink-haired prince doesn't move an inch.

-"Brother? ....You seem to be in a daze.., I understand if you don't want to talk about it. "- The red-eyed boy blinks, looking in his direction with half of his attention.

-"No... sorry, it's just too much to digest. I don't-I don't know what to do"- Techno's voice stammered for the first time ever, Wilbur can't help but sympathize with him. He couldn't blame him, never.

With Techno being the older brother, he was entrusted with the duty of carrying their father's highest expectations. He should adapt to be the responsible figure everyone expected him to be, acting as the serene and serious child of the family. But, after losing their mother figure it was understandable for his demeanor to be quite discomposed.

After all, he also happened to be the only one that saw their mother's dead body, still fresh but moveless on the floor.

-"You have nothing to apologize for, I don't know what to do either"- Tommywhines at that and Wilbur realizes his mistake. Techno just stares at the ceiling, attempting to continue with their talk.

-"I can't believe this even happened. I'm so lost right now. "- Wilbur lowers his head, it would be bad for Tommy to hear any more of their laments, but at the same time none of them could just ignore the situation they were in.

The queen was a kind lady. A generous and gentle person who would always have her kid's most interest at heart. Such a good mother and the best wife Philza could ever ask for. Still, they can't talk about that now, not here, he shouldn't have asked anything in the first place.

Is still too painful....

-"It'll be okay, brother. I have faith that everything will be turn out just fine and so should you"- As Wilbur tries to cover for his sad tone, Techno becomes aware of his own words. He is being too direct and honest.

It would be easier to just fake a happy face and throw reassurances to the air as Wilbur does. Of course, Wilbur was good at telling lies... so was he, and if they don't do that, Tommy will start to pick up on the conversation they are having (if you can even call this a conversation)

-"Yeah, there's nothing to worry for. You are always"- Wilbur says nothing. He will leave it up to Techno to interpret his silence however he wants, that way the tie in his throat won't be so obvious.

-"I'll keep you both safe. I will."- Techno's voice was dry. Wilbur's throat starts to grow hotter, stopping new tears that threaten to burst once again. He prefers that pain to break in front of his brothers, he can't be weak.... not anymore.

______18 hours before__________

-"Techno, go find your brothers and hide until Sam gets you. Be quick, they must not see you"- Philza crouched until he was at the same height as Techno and put both of his hands on his son's shoulders, watching directly to the boy's red and wet eyes

-"What about you and mother?"- Techno was tearing up while hanging onto his red cape, it was a gift he got from his mom and liked it way too much. He didn't want to leave his father behind

-"Don't worry about us, the guards will arrive shortly. I'll go find her as you go get your brothers."- Philza stood up and let go of Techno's shoulder

-"They need you, more than I do...."- The pink-haired kid whipped away his tears and nodded before getting to the door and start running

All the fire was spreading really quickly, even so, it was worryingly quiet.

The sound of the flames was the only thing Techno could hear while rushing into the wide corridor.

He started feeling anxious as the air became heavier and harder to breathe, making Techno cough and cover his mouth while moving through the castle. Everything was silent until he heard a shout he could recognize everywhere

"Tommy keep talking to me, I'll get you out of there in no time!"- Wilbur was grabbing and pulling the handle of the door as he could hear slams through the other side and feel its vibrations against his skin.

-"Wilbur- Wilbur, please! I-I'm scared! I want to go out!! This isn't funny!"- Techno quickly went to his brother's side, who just got relieved when he saw him

-"We need help! Tommy is trapped and the door won't open!"- Wilbur's face was full of tears and despair, Techno moved him out of the way to start pulling at the handle with all his strength

-"It's stuck!"- Techno shouts while Wilbur grabs his head with anxiety and moves his hair out of the way, trying to calm himself

-"I know that! but we need to get Tommy out of there, quickly!"- Tommy was only eight and was alone in a room with his only two brothers panicking from the outside

-"Techno p-please help me! Please let me out!"- Tommy's helpless tone made Techno feel really guilty for not being able to open the door and help his little brother, the tears quickly starting to run through his face.

It was then when both brothers listened to the sound of a shattered window coming from the room Tommy was in, only worrying them more

-"Tommy are you okay!?, Tommy, answer me!"- The blond child goes silent for a moment and pauses before speaking

-"Wilbur- t-the fire..".- Tommy was stumbling with his words and his voice was trembling in fear, he didn't finish his sentence and gulped while watching the whole room on fire, the flames spreading through the curtains and burning the pictures on the wall

-"Techno, get him out! Get him out now!"- The name slipped as Wilbur screamed, not being able to handle listening more of Tommy's deep and rough coughing through a mere piece of wood...

-"Tommy get away from the door!"- Techno doesn't hear a reply but that doesn't stop him from kicking over and over again until the lock is completely destroyed. A heartbreaking scream from Tommy is heard, he was starting to burn and Wilbur rushes to help Techno open the door with clumsy moves and hands shaking.

When the door finally opens, the smoke from the room gets to their faces and goes across their noses, both brothers start coughing. Wilbur spots Tommy on the floor.

-"His leg is on fire! Help him!"- Techno rushes and takes his cape off, covering his little brother's extremity until the fire is completely gone.

Tommy lets out a last choky cry with a blurry vision, eyes rolling back until he blacks out.

-"We have to go, cover his mouth"- Wilbur holds an unconscious Tommy up and Techno leads the way

When they finally make it through the end of the hallway, Techno sees something that terrifies him and makes him stop before getting to the main stairs. The pink-haired boy covers his brother's eyes before he could ever notice.

-"Don't look"- Techno's voice was shaking and Wilbur could only expect the worse.

The dead and bloody body of their mother was laying there at the start of the stairs, a terrific image for two boys of only 12 and 10 years old.

-"Let's keep moving, I need to lead you two to safety"- Techno holds in his tears and turns around before leaving alongside his brothers and without saying a word.


10 years later L'Mamberg returned to normal and didn't go through any problems again.Now that Techno was a king he had to leave his home in order to govern Pogtopia, a kingdom that was far, far away from L'Mamberg and his family.

At first, he was reluctant to leave them unprotected, especially Tommy who was the only one in the family who didn't know how to use a sword and never learned to use any weapon in particular, mostly because of his protective brother Wilbur and Philza who decided to go easy on him.

Even though Wilbur was strong, he wasn't a warrior, unlike Techno and Philza. The pink-haired male was bad at expressing emotions but he loved his family way too much to lose them, he was scared that something might happen to them, but Philza was able to convince him otherwise and Wilbur made a deal with both of them.

"To find Tommy a trustworthy and dependable guardian"

One week after Techno left, Wilbur went to meet his father, who was sitting on his throne reading a piece of paper-"Father, he's here just like you ordered"- Wilbur's voice caught Philza's attention and he took off his lecture glasses, handing them and his piece of reading to Ranboo who was at his right side. The tall young man was known as the personal assistant of the king, even though he was generally confused as a butler due to his modish way of acting, he is very nice, mature, and responsible for his age.

Behind Wilbur was a man with green clothes, wearing the kingdom's armor, Philza couldn't see anything aside from a smiley and white face.

He didn't like masks too much because they hide a person's true intentions, but if Wilbur had brought him here then he surely must be qualified for the job.

As Wilbur moves out of the way, he invited the green guy to step forward with a polite hand movement.

-"This is Clay, he is an experienced swordsman who has come all the way from Rutabagville just to meet you. He's also passed the test with the higher note and I've seen nothing but the best from him on his training times"- Clay ducks, bringing one knee to the front in a very fluid maneuver and staying in place as the king strokes his blond beard, looking at him all the way from his throne with a thoughtful expression

-"Clay... do you have a last name?"- Philza stares into that blank face. Anyone would be scared and doubtful while being in presence of the king, anyone but Clay, who was facing the floor below him.

-"I don't. I've never met my real family, so it's just Clay"- Philza's examining eyes go all over the green guy's covered figure, he was evidently analyzing him, Clay could tell just by hearing the tone of his voice.

-"Would you remove your mask? I need to see your face before proceeding if you want me to make a decision"- Clay stiffens under the king's gaze.

-"I can't."- Philza raises a censorious eyebrow

-"I deeply apologize for my unfathomable behavior, I may sound disinclined when I say this but I truly cannot show it to anyone"- Wilbur and Ranboo both looked very confused at the man's statement of defense. Going to the extent of disobeying the king just to keep his face a secret? Of course, the knight was not oblivious to his wrongdoings, but to everyone who was watching, it looked like nothing but suspicious.

-"What are you hiding? Is it that important for you that you have to keep it a secret?" Clay lowers his head, sinking more into himself.

-"There's nothing to hide. I understand if you don't believe me, but that's the truth. I have never shown my face to anyone before and I plan on keeping it like that"- Philza respected that decision, it seemed genuine but he still was not happy with it and the others could notice it as the mood around them became heavier.

-"Then, I hope you understand what this means..."- Clay's shoulders get tense. He understand what the king was talking about but he didn't want to nod, he didn't want to acknowledge it. He knew his mask would only bring him problems in the future, but he just had to bring it with him... it was a part of him after all.

After not answering nor moving from his position, everyone remains quiet

-"Clay, I can't trust you If you keep secrets from me, especially when that secret is your appearance"- Wilbur gulps, he didn't like it when his father was like that. He needed to do something or otherwise, they'll lose the best option they have to be Tommy's knight

-"Father, please, I beg you to wait before you judge him and let him tell you about his skills, so you can deliberate fairly. Go ahead Clay.."- Wilbur encourages the green male with a smile and the king relaxes on his chair, resting his chin on his hand.

-"Well, as you may know, your highness, I am highly specialized in hand-to-hand combat, defensive techniques, and can become a long-distance fighter if the situation warrants it. I also am capable of creating simple but effective healing potions"- That last caught Phil's attention.

-"So you know about first aid"?- Clay nods and Philza's face looked less angry and more intrigued

-"Certainly that could be a very handful mastery to take in count if Tommy gets hurt"- Wilbur agrees. At least, now Philza was taking into consideration accepting Clay as Tommy's guardian.

-"Now Clay, how cultured do you consider yourself to be?"- That question took Wilbur by surprise. Knowledge was certainly a handy skill to possess, but it wasn't exactly a requirement to be a guardian, the most important thing was your abilities to fight in combat and to stay calm in an alarming situation. But, his father didn't seem to trust the person before him, he was asking for too much, wasn't he?

Wasn't he pushing the guy too much?

-"Father, I think it's better if we"- Wilbur was about to step in and convince his father to change the subject, but he was interrupted by Clay's voice.

-"I was educated in a very trustworthy educational field, so I have knowledge about Geography, History, Math, and Languages"- Clay's response caught the king and the prince out of guard. Phil opened his eyes, he was clearly very surprised by that, he even paused himself from talking for a moment before coughing falsely, covering his distraction and turning back on his "acting tough play"

-"I see... so, how many languages can you speak?"- Asks Philza with a tough voice as Ranboo tries to hold in a laugh before Wilbur gives him a look from across the room.

-"Not much... I can speak Dutch, French, German, and Spanish your majesty."- That leaves Wilbur with his mouth open, not even he (a maniac nerd about accents) knew that much

-"Your majesty would you like some water?"- Ranboo suggests and Philza accepts the nice offer with a shrug.

-"C-clearly that's a lot of languages to know"- In Philza's opinion Clay was way too young to know all of that, could he be in front of the ones if not the most talented knight of history?

-"And do you speak all of them fluently?"- This question was out of mere curiosity

-"Yes, your majesty"- Clay's answer was short and simple, not taking much of either his or the king's time so he could proceed without any rush.

-"It's amazing for a younger to know all of that. Most people would find it an exacting task to complete"- Clay didn't really consider it like that, it wasn't exactly rare to know all that from where he came from. All nobles were supposed to have a second language learned, it was a common regimen to follow. "

-"Your water, your majesty"- Ranboo came back at Phil's side and the king takes the glass with lief. He could not believe the guy in front of him, he could not even believe the tone he speaks with, totally calm as if it was talking about was totally normal.

-"So Clay, how many weapons do you know how to wield?"- The King could finally take a break and calm himself with a normal response

-"All of them"- Philza almost choked himself with the water after that

-"Father, are you okay?"- Wilbur calls out for his father from his position and Clay wonders, did he say anything weird?

-"It's nothing..."- The king gives Ranboo's the glass of water and when he regains his composure, he gets back at his judging self

-"Impressive, are you right-handed?"- Clay raises his head a little more

-"I'm ambidextrous"- Clay didn't add anything more but it wasn't necessary. Being ambidextrous was a great advantage because it meant you could wield two weapons at the same time without anything slowing you down.

At this time Philza couldn't contain his astonishment

-"Last question, Clay...and I want you to answer me with total honestly"- Clay nods and Philza adapts a more comfortable position

-"Why did you apply for this position in particular? With your amount of skills you could easily have been part of our army and became the leader of one of the battalions, why to limit yourself with being a guardian?"- Philza gets his hands together as if he was praying and rested them on his cross legs.Clay takes his time before answering

-"I thought it would fit me, besides I don't want to stand out more than I need to."- Clay's honesty left the king amazed more than he already was

-"Alright, I think that concludes the interview. Wilbur go get Tommy"- Philza gets up from the throne and watches how Wilbur leaves while Clay looks at him.

-"Oh, Clay you'll love my son. You can find him to be a little annoying or can be a little childish at the time, but he had a good heart. I know you'll see that.

Philza descends from the stairs, dragging his long cape along with him with each rung and gracefulness.

"I inquire patience. Once you get to know him, you'll realize how funny he is and how easy he is to please if you approach him correctly."- Philza gets down and stops in front of Clay.

-"Would you allow me to stay your majesty? Does that mean that you entrust me this duty?"- Clay lessens his head and Phil commands him to stand up.

-"I don't trust you, but I certainly have faith in you. Not as much as I wanted but is enough, you are now officially the third prince's personal knight. I hope great things from you"- The kings put a hand on Clay's shoulder.

-"Sorry if I was too hard on you, after everything that my sons have been through I wanted to make sure you were the right one for this job and that I could rely on you. Now I believe you'll be the perfect guardian for my Tommy"- Clay understands the king's worries, he knows what happened 10 years ago, he did a lot of research and can't help to think how misfortunate it was. He could not let them down.

The royal family deserves better than that, so he'll not disappoint them and fulfill his mission.

-"I'll allow you to keep your mask. You'll have to bear wary looks coming your way but that's the price to pay if you refuse to remove it." The king explained frankly. Clay was already prepared for that.

"Since today, I'll arrange everything so you will never have to take it off in others' presence. If covering your face is important to you, I'll not complain, but I'll have you know that we must keep you in check instead, just until you prove your loyalty to this kingdom and ease away our uncertainty."- Clay smiles under his mask, he feels so relieved now. It had gone better than he thought and he beholds to that felicity.

He moved to the side when Wilbur got back running, reaching his father's side

-"Tommy is gone"- It wasn't uncommon for Tommy to run out of his responsibilities and just to go out of the palace to goof with Tubbo or any of his other friends from the village.

"Not again" The boy was always adverted and punished by his father every time he did something and without permission, but Tommy didn't seem to care enough, getting back at it again as soon as the guards were out of sight, which is why he needed someone to vigilante him at any time of the day and have all his focus on him. A capable person that it was unlikely to get misled by external reasons.

-"Clay, follow Wilbur and find my son immediately. This would be your first order direct from me, so go find him before he gets into trouble"- Wilbur takes Clay with him and the two of them leave while Philza sights, Ranboo approaching from behind with the paper the king was reading before

-"Are you sure he's the better option, your majesty? To let him into the castle that easily. I'm jittery, he doesn't even have the background to check"- Ranboo lifts insight into the paper the king was reading beforehand. It contains so little information about Clay, only mentioned the basics, like his name, where he came from, and his age, everything else was a mystery, as if he was a ghost. If someone told him that the knight had surged from the dirt just yesterday and out of nowhere, he would believe it.

-"It'll be okay, if something happens we can always ask Techno to come back. You know how much he cares about Tommy..."-

Chapter 2: Dancing Flowers


Just to be clear, this story is Tommy bottom and Clay top. Like you can see in the tags, there'll be more ships not only Dream and Tommy, so enjoy. And if you don't like it then.... :)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wilbur and Clay got separated at some point in order to cover more areas. The grounds of the palace were huge, Clay was trained to track people down and learned to use even the slightest clue to his advantage. So, that's what he did.

He followed the "hints" the prince had left behind, that in his opinion were pretty obvious. Maybe not for others but it definitely was very easy for him to find the boy. Light footprints on the grass, leaves laying on odd places without any tree or bush near.

Eventually, Clay heard voices no that far away from where he was standing and decided to follow the sound.

-"Tommy, look at this one!"- Tubo was in the greenhouse with Tommy, he was the son of the herbalist of the castle and just like his father, he aspired to be a pharmacist too.

He had a fascination for plants unlike his best friend Tommy who despite enjoying the other's company, was always trying to cover it up saying it was out of boredom or just because he didn't have anything else to do.

-"Don't you think is really pretty? it's a medical plant that helps with headaches. How awesome is that?"- Tubbo was taking care of some plants with gloves on while Tommy was reading a book, not that far away and not paying that much attention

-"I don't know why you like plants that much, they're dumb. Also, they're for puss*es"- Tommy lied, he actually liked the flowers even though he will never say it out loud

-"That's not true. There's a lot you can do with plants, even the bees like them"- Tommy groanes and lowers his book a little bit. Eyes following through the page he was reading.

-"Forget about the bees Tubbo, they're annoying too"- Tommy says without taking his eyes off the book

-"I don't think so. They're really cool, I love bees so much!"- Tommy just turns the next page of his book

-"What are you reading?"- When Tubbo was done he took off his gloves, climbing the stairs and approaching Tommy who was resting on the chilling zone beside a big window.

-"What do you mean what am I reading? You know that already"- Tubbo sat beside Tommy and took a little peek before realizing what Tommy meant

-"Is it the book that I gave you?"- Tubbo asks and Tommy finally raises his head in order to face him

-"Yes and is sh*t. I think is the sh*ttiest book I have read in my entire life"- Tommy closes the book roughly before leaving it over the table

-"I knew you wouldn't like it. You shouldn't have insisted to borrow it"- Tubbo takes the book into his hands and Tommy crosses his arms

-"I didn't! You know I'm not a history man, of course I wouldn't like it. You shouldn't have let me read it!"- Tommy rests his back on the sofa and sighs again.

-"Are you okay? You look very stressed"- asks Tubbo, hugging the book against his chest

-"I am stressed! Because Apparently, Wilbur got me a f*cking guardian to take care of me and wants me to meet him today!"- Tommy lifts off his back from the sofa but remains seated

-"I told him I would be fine without one but as always he didn't listen, I mean how annoying is that!"- Tommy complains, lifting his arms into the air

-"Is that why you're hiding here with me today?"- asks Tubbo, standing and putting away the book on the shelf beside him

-"I'm not hiding! I just don't like the idea of some stranger coming into the castle. I needed some time to think, now I know exactly what to do..."- There's a big silence before Tubbo decides to keep talking

-"What?.... Are you gonna go?"- Tommy looks at Tubbo with a genuinely confused look

-"No, Tubbo. I'm not gonna go. I'm not interested in meeting anyone whose job is to look after me, it'll just be awkward. The guy probably owns a knife or something"- Mentions Tommy, truly believing what he just said

-"I don't think that's true. You don't know him yet, he may be nice"- Says Tubbo, starting to go down the stairs. Tommy follows him -"Tubbo you are so naive, be more like me."-

-"Okay. But you know Wilbur is doing this for you, so the least you can do is give the guy an opportunity"- Tommy was about to argue but he heard the sound of footsteps approaching very silently

-"You said it will only be the two of us. Didn't your dad had something to do today or some sh*t like that?.. - Tubbo didn't know where that comment had come from, but since it came from Tommy's mouth it could be for any reason or none at all.

-"Yeah, that's what I said. I told you he had some businesses to take care of and left early in the morning"- Tubbo turns his back, ready to go back with the plants. It wasn't the first time he had to repeat Tommy something just because he didn't pay attention or forgot about it.

-"No-Wait!"- Tommy stops him, making a silent scream as he grabs his friend's shoulder and pulls him back to him

-"Do you really not hear that?"- Asks Tommy in all seriousness. He had the feeling somebody was listening and perked his ears to listen

-"Hear what? Are you sure you're not going crazy? Also, you are squeezing me"- Tommy facepalms at Tubbo's question. He knew someone was there

-"Trust me Tubbo, I'm telling you. Just-Who the f*ck is coming here at this time of the day!?"- Tommy didn't want to be dragged to his (very special meeting) with a stranger who would soon become his knight, without him having the right of a word to that decision.

He gave Tubbo a signal to be as quiet as possible. Tubbo nodded and covered his mouth.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped. Had they been heard?

Did the person leave, or was it just his imagination?

Perhaps the person had silenced his own footsteps, making them inaudible.

The f*ck?-Was that even possible!?

-"Tubbo I'm gonna count to three and then we run, alright?"- Tommy and Tubbo started moving towards the opposite door on the other side of the warehouse, making more noise than they intended to.

So, When Tommy saw a tall and unfamiliar silhouette stop in front of the glassed-door, he shouted

-"f*ck! They found me! Tubbo run!"- Tommy stormed outside through the back door with a loud thud and Tubbo followed him, almost knocking a flowerpot in his way out

-"But you didn't say three.."- They both ran until they got to a tree that led to Tommy's room and balcony

-"Just hurry and help me up Tubbo!!"- The shorter boy put his hands together and boosted Tommy up. The prince helped Tubbo from over the tree so he could climb it. The blonde jumped, and got successfully to the other side of the balcony with his long legs. Tubbo wasn't so lucky.

-"Come on Tubbs, you can do it! Don't look down, your eyes on me."- Tubbo pressed his stomach against the branch and hugged it, but his foot slipped. The small body rolled to the side, hanging like a monkey until Tommy was able to grab his hand.

-"Watch out!"- With his free hand, Tommy was griping onto the balcony's edge, digging his nails and feeling as his arm could get torn apart. Maybe it already was.

He didn't gave up to the pain or numbness covering his whole length, reaching his neck and rising vein. But the moment Tubbo separated himself from the tree, it almost causes his hand to open and let go. Adrenaline bumped inside him as he pressed his teeth together and did an effort to lean his whole body backwards, getting Tubbo to cross to the other side with him.

Using both of his hands and bending his elbows to assist Tubbo one last time, he moved to the front. A little and unintentional kick from Tubbo was the last drop that pushed his upper body over the banister.

Thankfully but not really knowing how, he avoided his flying body from hitting the branch. Tommy attempted to take the fall, not considering that maybe it could have helped to slower the speed and make it less painful. Even if he could have grabbed the branch, he wouldn't be able to hold it for more than a second... feeling his right arm worn out and unexisting muscles too stretched from the sudden endeavor.

-"Tommy!"- He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact that never came. The current feeling of strong and covered arms lifting him up. He looked up towards a blank face, staring at him.

-"Are you injured?"- The male's voice sounded deep and soothing. His tone was caring but didn't match with his face. Tommy soon became aware of the hands that were touching him.

-"Who are you!? L-Let me go you f*cking pervert!"- Tommy started kicking and shaking his arms very roughly. Clay widened his eyes after hearing Tommy's accusation.

-"W-Whaat!? I'm not a pervert!"- Tommy was still trying to push Clay away and free himself from that man's grip.

-"Put me down now or I'll start screaming really loud!"- Tommy was moving in a very childish way as usual, acting like a savage animal

-"You are already screaming!"- Clay was really trying to put the prince down in a safe way, but he wasn't making it easy. Tommy was too busy struggling to notice.

-"Shut up! I said put me down or I'll swear to god I am gonna start stabbing sh*t!"- Clay let the prince down, standing with his own feet beside him and taking more distance.

-"For god's sake, there you are! We've been looking for you"- Wilbur ran towards Tommy. The teen glanced up, not seeing Tubbo anymore, but the balcony's door open instead.

-"Thank you so much Clay for finding him. This child can be a real piece of work"- Tommy opened his mouth even before he started complaining. Wilbur reached his side just to hear him screaming directly to his right ear.

-"Hey! I am not a child. Stop calling me that!"- As Wilbur and Tommy started arguing, Clay was looking at the youngest prince. He seemed very expressive and looked as an emotional person. Quite interesting...

-"Tommy enough of this. I want you to meet Clay, he'll be by your side starting from now as your new and personal knight"- Tommy looked at Clay and raised an eyebrow before frowning.

Tommy wasn't saying anything but Clay already knew what the prince was thinking. Their first encounter didn't go that well as he thought it would.

-"Wilbur can I speak to you for a second?"- Even while backing up, Tommy didn't moved his eyes away from Clay and neither did Clay.

-"Sure"- Tommy dragged Willbur to a corner and checked behind him.

-"What's up?"- After making sure Clay wasn't listening, Tommy returned to Wilbur, who was smiling so casually at him

-"Listen, I am gonna be completely honest with you..."- Tommy made a pause -"I don't like him."- Wilbur paused to grab his temple, not smiling anymore

-"Tommy, we've been through this already. You promised big brother and our father that you'll do your best to act less childish and start to take things more seriously. Come on, you're 18 already!"- Wilbur raised his voice, pulling his brother's ear with two fingers, scolding him.

-"I am 18! So I can clearly take care of myself! I don't need a f*cking babysitter just because you don't trust me with a sword!"- Tommy's ear got red under his brother's grasp. He wouldn't be able to physically win against Willbur, so he tried to fight back with his words. But the outcome turned out to be the same.

-"Well, it's not your decision to make. Father accepted him so it's already been decided."- Tommy looked away and Wilbur sighed, setting him free.

-"Tommy please, I really need you to cooperate with this one. Clay is one of the best knights we've ever seen and can't afford to lose him, so please can you at least try? Do it for me...."- Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulder, waiting for a response.

-"Okay, I'll try."- Wilbur liked that response. Tommy could see it in the way he moved, as he intended to rub his ear with his left arm, covering his redness at the same time. Still, not complaining about the different types of pain that he had.

When Tubbo made his way down, he rushed towards Tommy. The blonde calmed him down before he was jumped, but accepted the way he hugged him very tightly, maybe a little too much.

-"Oh my gosh. Tommy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you! Are you alright!?"- Tubbo was at the edge of tears and Tommy felt really bad. He will ask him later for some curative remedy as an apology.

-"It's okay Tubbs, but watch out for the arm. You're suffocating me"- Tubbo backed up out of awareness and Wilbur stepped in

-"Hold on, what do you mean he pushed you?"- Tubbo notices Wilbur as Tommy looks away with a very exaggerated and nervous laugh

-"N-nobody said push, He said bush, he.. bushed"- Tommy wasn't making any sense, he sucked at lying.

-"The f*ck you mean by that"- Wilbur says.

Tommy knew that kind of tone, he was in serious problems. Clay was still watching from a distance and Wilbur just looked at the knight before returning his gaze to the kids

-"You guys have some explaining to do"-


The next day Clay got ready for his new routine, he put on his clothes, his armor and then grabbed his sword before going out. He still had some spare weapons in case something bad happened. Daggers attached to his legs and under the sleeves of his arms. He was always cautious and figured it will give a bad impression to show it, so decided to hide all of his stuff under his clothes before going into the prince's room and knock.

No answer. "Odd," he thought before knocking again

-"Prince are you in there?"- Still no response. -"Prince are you awake?"- Clay opened the door of the room and walked around. The bed was empty and undone. His eyes kept moving, looking at any possible corner and spot.

The room was huge but it was too quiet. There were no signs of the prince. Clay was starting to get worried until he heard the sound of a door hitting repeatedly against the wall because of the wind. The balcony's door was wide open

-"sh*t"- Clay rushed and took a peek down while leaning into the balcony's edge. He saw nobody nearby and jumped down, landing quietly before starting to look around.

From what he could notice the prince was someone incredibly loud and reckless. He had just seen him once but the most he could get from his first impression was a chaotic behavior and a strong voice. Tommy had a really marked personality.

He wasn't like any other royal person he had known, Clay only knew a few but this prince, in particular, was different and weird. Tommy acted nothing like a prince. No doubting to use bad words in front of others, not fearing danger, and most importantly always shouting without knowing how to keep his tone down. He sure was a strange character.

Before Clay could even notice, there was no more stoned-path to follow.

No more concrete, only a green and wide space surrounded by trees. He could hear the birds singing as Clay made his way through the bushes, finally getting to the other side.

A beautiful field of flowers.

When Clay noticed a blonde individual laying on the grass, taking cover under the shadows of a tree, he thought the place had become ten times prettier.

Clay wasn't sure what to do, he got reluctantly close. The green male stared at the prince who was peacefully sleeping surrounded by flowers of all types of colors.

Tommy looked too vulnerable, chest pomping out at the rhythm of his breath and mouth half-open.

Clay couldn't help but notice his long lashes.

The sun rays coming through the leaves of the trees, illuminating that radiant blonde hair of his. It was a beautiful sight

Clay crouched and tried to wake up the pretty boy in front of him.

-"Prince you can't sleep here, you'll catch a cold"-

When Tommy heard a voice, he startled awake and got back until hitting his back against the tree behind him -"AH!-f-f*ck!"-

-"Prince, are you okay!?- Tommy rubbed his eyes until they were completely open.

-"Oh, it's just you, scared the sh*t out of me"- Tommy sighs after that, scratching part of his golden locks.

-"My apologies"- Tommy stretched his body, concentrating more on Clay's voice rather than the sounds of nature, that by the way, he could still hear very clearly.

-"It's fine. How did you find me anyway?"- Tommy adapted a more comfortable position

-"It wasn't that hard. I just followed the trail you left behind"- Clay sits next to Tommy.

-"Anddd you just decided to follow me?"- Tommy asked, lengthening the "and" the most as he could.

-"Prince, as your knight it's my job to look after you."- Tommy rolled his eyes.

-"Yeah, I know that! You f*ckin- Tommy stopped talking. Clay saw how the prince was having a hard time thinking, it seemed like a thought just popped into his head, remaining him of something

-"Am I allowed to swear on your presence?"- There was silence until Clay started bursting into a laugh.

-"Why are you laughing!? I didn't say anything funny!"- Tommy was clearly annoyed by Clay's wheezing even though he found his laugh weirdly charming.

-"Sorry Prince, I didn't mean to"- Tears were falling down Clay's face, he was going to clean them until he remembered he had his mask on

-"Stop it! It's not funny! Stop laughing!"- Tommy started hitting Clay's chest but he didn't seem to care, he didn't stop him either.

-"I mean, you just swore a couple of minutes ago, I don't think it really matters now"- Tommy's face got even redder

-"Well, I wanted to make sure, you-you ungrateful f*ck!"- Clay smiles at Tommy's innocence, he found it kinda cute if he was being honest.

-"Swearing is a big part of me, so you better get used to it!"- Mentions Tommy, very indignant.

-"Don't worry Prince, I already am."- Clay was smiling under his mask, not like Tommy could see it anyways

-"Hey, Can you stop that already!?"- Asked Tommy with an annoyed face that, in Clay's opinion made him look even more adorable.

-"What do you mean?"- Clay didn't know what the boy meant.

-"You can't just keep calling me prince, I have a name dipsh*t!"- Tommy's expression changed to a flustered one.

-"With all due respect I don't think I have the right to call you by your real name"- Says Clay in a respectful way. It was actually, the most formal tone his voice could adapt.

-"Why not? You are older than me, aren't you? "- That's true, Tommy is 18 and Clay is 21. There wasn't a very big gap between their ages.

There's no need for Clay to treat him as the other employees do. But even if he's the third prince, it doesn't matter what he thinks because that's not the problem here and Clay knows it.

It goes way beyond that..

-"I am, but you have a higher status and figured you wouldn't like to get your name being tossed around by someone like me"- Tommy closed his fists and pulled out some of the grass below him before throwing it at Clay.

-"That's so dumb! I don't care about that!"- Clay remains silent for a second.

-"Just call me by my real name, is not that hard!"- Is the boy's honesty that causes Clay to open his eyes in surprise.

-"My real name is Thomas, b-but on second thought you can't call me that, Tommy is fine!' It'll be less awkward if you just call me Tommy"- Clay was about to laugh again but decided against it, knowing it could upset Tommy, so he held it back

-"Okay...Tommy"- The blonde one smiles and Clay knows he said the right thing.

-"Good"- Tommy drops his whole body onto the grass again. He seemed way happier than before and had a look of victory written all over his face

-"Wait! Are you gonna lay down again!?"- Clay lets out that question as Tommy rest his hands under his head in a more relaxed position

-"Don't panic. My piano classes start at 10:00, we still have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves"- Says Tommy with a smirk.

He definitely was in a better mood.

-"Hey Clay, lay down with me."- Tommy pats the spot beside him in a welcoming way.

Clay accepts and lays down very carefully, not wanting to crush any flower around them.

The sky was blue and the sun was sweetly warm. The only sound they could hear was the birds and the movement of the branches.Wind twitching their skins and moving the trees as if they were dancing. It was a fresh feeling of freedom and peace.

-"It's nice isn't it?"- Tommy closes his eyes again and enjoys the sound of nature.

-"It is, indeed"- Clay looks at the clouds moving and shapeshifting above them.

-"This is my secret place. Not even Tubbo knows about it."- Clay turns his head and looks at Tommy, to his surprise he was looking back at him with those tender blue eyes of his.

-"You saw him yesterday. You know, the cute-brown-haired guy, Mr. I love the bees"- Tommy mocked Tubbo and then laughed at his own joke. Clay still thinking about the "cute"..part.

-"He is my best friend, Ranboo's boyfriend, and Schlatt's son. God, I hate that guy-Anyways!' I come to this place every time I am feeling stressed or want to be alone. It helps me forget about the bad things and makes me feel less sad."-

Clay starts feeling guilty, this place was very important to Tommy, and he just profaned it like it was nothing.

-"Sorry, I invaded your special place, didn't I?"- Asks Clay with such repentance.

-"Yes you did and you should feel ashamed about it! But I gotta give it to you, nobody has been able to find this place in years. You're quite impressive, big man"- Tommy smiles while showing his perfect teeth

-"I know"- Tommy's smile completely disappears. His expression being completely readable from up close.

-"You are also a dickhe*d"- Clay chuckles and their state of peace comes back. But only for a few seconds before a growl is heard

-"You hungry?"- Clay asks in a sympathetic way

-"N-no"- Tommy looks away in embarrassment

-"Come on, you gotta eat something. You haven't even had breakfast yet"- Clay sits up

-"Fine"- Tommy does the same and both of them stand up. Tommy looks across their heads until he spots a red and juicy apple. Clay notices.

-"Want me to get it for you?"- Tommy puffs before walking past Clay

-"I can do it by myself, thank you very much"- Without any warning, Tommy jumps and wraps his whole body to the tree-like if he was hugging it

-"Tommy! Whoah What-What are you doing!?"- Tommy starts struggling while climbing the tree, he looked like a koala.

-"What does it look like I am doing!?"- Tommy's tone was full of sarcasm

-"Oh my god, Tommy, don't fall!"- Clay gets close to Tommy as he sees him from below.

-"I am not gonna fall"- Tommy mocks Clay's voice. He tried reaching for the apple but before he could touch it, his foot slips.

Clay gets to him on time but the weight of Tommy's neck bending back caused the two of them to end up on the grass. Clay grabbed Tommy's head before landing.

-"T-thanks"- Tommy was breathless, not only because of the hard climb but because of the position he was with Clay right now.

-"Seriously, you gotta be more careful."- Clay was above the other, both of his hands were each at Tommy's sides.

For some reason, having the blonde in that position made Clay feel in control of the rebellious kid, almost like an achievement hard to get. Tommy didn't dislike it either, but his pride wouldn't allow him to stay in that position any longer.

-"Clay? Can you like-you know, move?"- Tommy was the first one to break eye contact, slightly pushing Clay away, as a way of telling him that he wanted him to let go.

-"Oh, yeah...sorry"- Clay apologizes and frees Tommy from the body above him

-"I'll get the apple for you"- Clay cleans the dirt off his pants and runs towards the tree before kicking it with one of his legs, boosting him just high enough to get the apple.

-"What the f*ck!? How did you do that!?"- When Clay landed he could see Tommy's surprised look towards him.

-"It's an easy jump"- Clay adjusts his clothes, tapping his boot against the dirt -"Here"- Clay polish the apple before offering it to Tommy.

-"Maybe it is for you"- Tommy takes the apple before biting it while Clay just looks at the sky

-"We gotta go, you don't wanna be late for breakfast"- Tommy starts walking towards the castle, leaving Clay behind

-"Don't treat me like a kid"- Clay follows and Tommy just continues his way back home

-"Oh, and...thank you, for the apple"- Even though the only thing Clay could see was Tommy's back, he knew Tommy was smiling. He knew because he was too.


The next chapter would probably take me more time to write, I have classes online and I passed a whole night without any sleep just to finish this chapter. And if you see any grammatical errors don't worry I'll fix it over time but right now the only thing I want to do is sleep. I have classes tomorrow, so bye!

Chapter 3: Melodies


It's time for more interactions between Clay and Tommy.

Chapter Text

30 Minutes before Tommy's classes started he went to the big dining room where his father and brother were waiting for him.

-"You haven't started without me, have you!?"- Tommy forced the big door open.

-"No, we were waiting for you. Please take a seat."-Tommy does and Clay stays still. The dining room was giant.

There was a big rectangle-shaped table with a lot of gold chairs on each side, but only 3 of them were being used. The table cloth was white with red designs.

Each plate was filled with a portion of vegetables, potatoes, and steak. There was bread to the side, little cups of yogurt, and a big jar full of fresh juice.

-"Where were you, Tommy? The maids said you weren't in your room.."- Wilbur's question leaves his mouth as he cuts his steak. Tommy freezes on the spot.

-"Um-I...I the-um... well"- Tommy didn't know what to say, his special place was a secret, and nobody could know about it or else they'll take it away from him. He needed to say something, anything!

-"It was because of me your highness."- Clay's mention surprises everyone else in the room, including the maids who were standing at each side of the table.

-"I got lost on my way to the prince's bedroom, he just assisted me. We were late because I held him back."- Tommy wasn't expecting any of that.

-"Is that true, Tommy?"- Philza asks, the third prince felt completely relieved. Clay lied for him, he lied to cover him!

-"Yeah! Definitely! that's what happened!"- What Clay said was totally convincing, he was really good at making up credible excuses out of nowhere and Tommy didn't overlook that fact

-"If I hadn't shown up he'd still be wandering for the corridors, all scared and sh*t!"- Clay gave Tommy a look but went unnoticed for because of his mask.

-"But, Clay, I showed you the whole palace yesterday...If you were lost you should have told me"- Clay was about to answer when the blonde interrupted him

-"Yeah...well, maybe you didn't do a good job the first time you explained it to him"- Says Tommy before he starts to fill his mouth with potatoes. He was starving.

-"Tommy don't speak with your mouth full"- Wilbur gets a napkin and starts cleaning his brother's cheek

-"Either way, I'm glad you helped him. That's very nice of you."- Philza puts his cutlery away and looks at Clay

-"Clay, this is your first day as an official can get exhausting or a little bit challenging but I know you are a diligent person, so do your best"- Philza smiles, and Clay nods

-"Yes and don't worry if you can't memorize the castle. I can give you a map if you want"- Wilbur speaks up from over the other side of the table.

-"That won't be necessary. I already did"- You could see a discouraged expression on Wilbur's face

-"Yeah Wilbur, nobody wants your useless maps!"- Before anything else could be said, Philza holds a laugh. His son was way too funny for his own good.

-"Oh, yeah? Maid! please bring more vegetables to the child's plate..."- Wilbur shouts politely and Tommy shows a disgusted face.

-"No...Wilbur more vegetables!"- The two siblings started quickly arguing. It wasn't something new to watch, they do it every day. Even though it was an amusing thing for Clay to see, it still gave him a nostalgic feeling.

-"You get used to it eventually..."- Philza whispers to Clay while drinking his glass of juice really calmly.


After breakfast, Tommy left the dining room and went straight to class. He could not hear footsteps behind him so he had to look back just to make sure Clay was there.

And he was, Clay was following behind him at an appropriate distance, Tommy can clearly see Clay is trying to give him some space and not overwhelm him with his presence.

He was thankful for that. But Clay was extremely quiet, Tommy knew Clay wasn't a very talkative person but rather precautious.

It was getting awkward for Tommy, he could not handle not talking. He had the skill of making a conversation out of every topic and fill in the silence whenever he wanted to but this time he didn't want to bother Clay. It will be bothersome for him, right?

He wasn't sure if Clay would be comfortable with that but in the end, he decided to give it a shot and multitask by asking something he wanted to know.

-"Why did you cover for me? You didn't have to lie for my own sake"- Tommy didn't even look back or stop his movements while saying that

-"Well, you are already grounded so I didn't want you to get into any more problems"- From what Clay could hear, after the incident with Tubbo, Wilbur decided to forbid Tommy from seeing him that often and concentrate more on his studies.

He also said Tommy wouldn't get any dessert for a whole week and he would have fewer breaks between his classes.

It wasn't that big of punishment, but for a prince like Tommy who had a very tight itinerary, it could affect his productivity... and.. it could only mean he would have to work harder.

-"Is that really the only reason why you did it?"- Tommy stops his steps, forcing Clay to do the same

-"Yeah.... what else would it be?"- That comeback was unexpected coming from Clay's side, but the blonde kept going.

-"I don't know! What about using the information you got about my secret place to your advantage! You could have easily gotten more points with my father if you just tell him the truth!"- Tommy suddenly snaps, turning his body in Clay's direction in order to face him

-"What? Tommy, I would never do that"- Clay's tone was genuine but Tommy couldn't help but consider the possibility of him lying, after all, from what he saw in the dining room, Clay was really good at hiding the truth. The blonde couldn't even tell the difference.

-"You could! We literally just met yesterday and I wasn't that nice to you would you care!?"- Tommy admits he wasn't that polite with Clay at first, but that's just who he is. He actually can't act any different than that, and everyone knows that, he just hopes Clay understands it as well.

-"Because you told me how important that place was for you.. and I ....I-I just wanted to help you. That's all, I promise."- Tommy blushes at Clay's kindness. Did he really just want to get along with him?

-"Ok, I'll believe you..."- Tommy says while turning his back to Clay.

-"Thank you.. for not giving my secret away.."- The older smiles

-"You're welcome..."- Even if Tommy couldn't look at Clay's real face, he was feeling embarrassed enough to avoid that smiley mask of his.

-"I guess that makes it our little secret then.."- Tommy starts playing with his blond hair for no reason.

-"Yeah...I guess it does.."- Clay grabs the back of his neck awkwardly as he looks at Tommy's back, not ready knowing why though.

-"Oh, and Clay?"- the mentioned stops touching his neck and looks up

-"Yeah?"- Tommy turns around

-"You don't have to use a formal tone when you are with me."- Clay chuckles to himself

-"So you figured it out, huh?"- Tommy nods

-"It just feels kind of forced, or at least that's how it sounds to me. Dad and Wilbur probably didn't notice though..."- Clay's formal tone was good, it was above average but Tommy could still feel something off about it like Clay was trying too hard to blend in.

He knew because he had to do it too. Every time there was an important person to impress, his father would always beg him to try and sound more like a proper prince, he hated it.

-"I understand, but I can't just start talking in any way I want to. I'm supposed to work here"- the blonde knew that of course but he wanted to do something about it.

-"Then just speak normally when it's just you and me. It shouldn't be that hard."- That caught Clay by surprise

-"I won't laugh, punish you, or anything so it's fine. It'll be less of a pain if you do that."- Tommy still couldn't bring himself to look at Clay, he had to calm his heart from beating that fast.

-"Then I'll take your nobly offer into consideration"- Tommy laughed at that

-"Okay, you polite and honorably dickhe*d"- They both laughed before continuing their walk, Tommy didn't stop talking until they got to the room where he'll be taking his piano classes. It was a way for the prince to calm himself and Clay was good with it, he liked Tommy's voice.

-"I'm glad you could make it, now take a seat and let's start with today's lesson"- Clay stayed still once again, standing and resting his back on the wall behind him. He wasn't that near to where Tommy was sitting, but wasn't exactly fair either.

The music teacher is Puffy, a nice lady who cares a lot about Tommy. At the start, she was correcting Tommy's minimal mistakes but afterward, she remained silent while the blonde continued playing.

He had amazing skills and seem really concentrated on what he was doing.

Clay liked his music, but the prince didn't seem to have any fun with it, his expression was null like if he wasn't feeling anything while playing. Clay didn't want to see the blonde like that, it didn't suit him.

Tommy could feel Clay's gaze on him, so he stopped playing just to look back at him.

The knight got startled a little by that, but Tommy's sudden smile made him melt in a way.

-"Do you want to play?"- Clay visibly shoulders got strained.

-"I-don't know-how"- It sounded pitiable now that Clay admitted it out loud. He wasn't trying to make Tommy feel sorry for him in any way but it was true that he'd never tried to play any instrument before, still, he wouldn't dare to say he didn't want to.

-"Then I'll teach you"- Tommy announces his bright idea, trying to convince Clay to walk up to him, which he does.

-"But Tom-Prince. This lesson is for you, you're the one that's supposed to be learning, not me."- Tommy was about to say something about Clay calling him prince once again, and reprimand him, but then he remembered Puffy was in the same room, watching them interact in silence to pass unnoticed.

-"Stop being such a wimp Clay, I've been playing this song for years, it'll just be for a moment and you are okay with that, right Puffy?"- The lady nods

-"Even so, you shouldn't be wasting your time on teaching me"- the green male finally got beside Tommy, admiring the view of the big brown- wooden instrument before him

-"I'm not wasting it!"- Clay couldn't help but blush when Tommy grabbed his hand as he wasn't paying attention, leading ing him to sit beside him as he squeezed in with him.

-"Place your fingers like this and imitate me"- Tommy started playing slowly and Clay did the same, following his steps. It wasn't that hard and in a couple of minutes, Clay was playing the whole piece.

-"Holy sh*t! you're a faster learner!"- Clay tried his best not to deconcentrate while looking at Tommy, the blonde had a gift to steal Clay's attention whenever he was in his range of vision, especially when their shoulders were pressing against the other.

-"That sounded so good!"- Tommy praised Clay, he could not help but smile. Tommy was really excited and Puffy was happy to see that

-"I just did what you told me to, you're a good teacher"- Tommy liked it when people acknowledge his abilities

-"Yeah! I am!, I'm the awesome one!"- Tommy shouts full of pride.

-"Let's do it again!"- Clay could feel the smoothest the sound was getting, he never thought music could be so much fun.

They both continued playing really cheerfully, their fingers colliding with another. At first, Clay was feeling uneasy, but he forgot about that when he saw the happiness in Tommy's eyes.

They just kept going until Tommy lifts his hands from the piano and stops playing. Clay just saw how Tommy closed his eyes and started singing.

Clay couldn't believe the blonde's voice, it was beautiful....he hadn't heard anything like that before.

Puffy was holding back her tears in the background, she didn't want to interrupt Tommy in any way.

You could feel how Tommy was singing with all his might as he means it.

The song repeated itself so Clay didn't have any problem playing on his own. It was a lovely combination. And when they stopped, Tommy's cheeks were a light pink, and was slightly sweating, it was very attractive for Clay to watch.

-"That was amazing you two."- Puffy clapped and Tommy's face got red.

-"T-thanks Puffy, I guess I got a little carried away"- Tommy scratches his neck, looking to the side and downwards.

-"It was beautiful Tommy, you're b-" Clay stopped himself before saying anything else. Tommy was just glad Clay used his name once again without worrying about Puffy's judgment

-"Come on Clay, it's time for my next class"- Tommy stood up and said his goodbyes to Puffy before leaving. Clay was about to do the same but Puffy stops him

-"Sorry to interrupt you Mr. knight ...but before you leave I would like to thank you"- Clay was confused about that, he didn't do anything other than accompanying Tommy with the piano.

-"Thank me?..... I don't understand, what for?"- Puffy walks towards the window

-"For making Tommy sing again"- Puffy was looking outside while Clay was watching her from behind

-"I have never seen him play so enthusiastically.. not since..."- Puffy makes a pause and turns her head towards a desk where there was a frame with a picture. Puffy takes it into her hands and lifts it up.

-"Since....his mother died"- Puffy passes her fingers through the picture.

-"When he was a little kid he used to play the piano all the time. But after the incident, he stopped doing it outside of the class."- In the picture there was a little Tommy sitting in his mother's lap, playing the seemed he was having fun because they were both smiling

-"Anyways....thank you very much for bringing that smile to his face once again..."- Puffy lets the picture on the desk again

-"There's nothing to thank me for. It's my duty to take care of him, so I just tagged along with him"- Puffy turns her head towards Clay

-"Are you sure that's really it? Because from my perspective it seemed you were enjoying it too"- Clay could feel his face heat up, but it wasn't even that hot. The temperature must have changed... somehow. He just stood there with a loss of words until Tommy's shout got him out of his own thoughts.

-"Clay, hurry the hell up!"- The green male bowed his head toward Puffy before going after Tommy.


Chapter 4: Bonding


Each character has a role in this story. I'm pretty sure you weren't expecting another update this quick but here it is.
Enjoy :)

Chapter Text

It was time for his riding lessons. Tommy changed his attire into his riding clothes that were much more comfortable but a little bit tight.

He and Clay both went to the barn, where the instructor was waiting for them.

-"Your helmet sir."- The one in charge of teaching Tommy was Fundy, a young man with orange hair whose job was to look after every animal in the palace (especially the horses).

-"Thanks, Fundy"- Tommy takes the equestrian helmet and puts it on. It was completely black and matched with his white clothes

-"Remember to ride with precaution, we don't want Prince Wilbur to worry every time you fall"- Fundy pulled out a horse from the barn and went to where Clay and Tommy were standing.

-"But it's not my fault! These horses hate me!"- Tommy says as Clay holds the horse reins while Fundy go get the saddle

-"Sir, you need to treat them with patience and affection. Only then, they may listen to you"- Once he is done with the saddle, Fundy takes the horse outside, it was a white steed with blonde hair.

Such a stunning being.

-"But I am the alpha male here, they must follow my orders by nature!"- Tommy says trying to defend himself and Fundy knew he had just lost the argument

-"Well, let's take it slower this time."- Fundy passes his hand through the horse's neck and palms it

-"If you don't want King Philza to change his mind and forbid you to ride a horse as he did with the sword practices then I recommend you pay extremely attention to today's lesson"- Tommy went incredibly quiet after that. Clay could see how that had clearly upset him because of the way the blonde squeezed his knuckles.

-"Now let's begin"- Tommy frowned while looking at the horse who was staring at him like if he could see his soul. It was so scary. Tommy gulped.

-"Do you need any help?" Fundy offered a hand to Tommy which he quickly refused to take. Tommy was about to reach the horse's back when some hands held him from the waist and helped him up.

At first, he thought it was Fundy and was about to complain until he saw it was actually Clay.

-"Be careful..."- Tommy groans falsely and snickers

-"I will"- Clay got out of the way and the lesson started. It was hard for Tommy to stay calm when the horse was constantly trying to toss him down. What was wrong with this horse!?

-"Don't slouch! Straighten your back"- Fundy's directions weren't helping at all, it was just getting worse and worse!

-"I can't help it, you know I have a terrible posture!"- Tommy glares at Fundy, it wasn't his f*cking fault! this horse must be defective or something because the blonde couldn't get it to move where he wanted to.

-"Hold the reins tight. You should be the one guiding the horse not otherwise"- The horse was doing whatever he wanted to and Tommy was getting more and more frustrated.

-"I'm trying!-" The horse snorts and Tommy startles, pulling the reins even harder than before. The animal just shakes his head trying to make Tommy let go.

-"He's not listening to me!"- Tommy accidentally kicks the horse and it seems he didn't quite like it f*cking stood in two legs while a loud neigh got out of his mouth, he was pissed. His movements were agitated and violent.

-"You made him mad!"- Fundy rushes to the front of the horse and tries to get him on all fours before anything else happens

Tommy's grip on the reins loosened and he didn't even try to grab it again until he felt a hand in his back and saw another one hold onto the reins.

-"Clay!"- The green male slightly pushed Tommy forward to get him to sit correctly once the horse went back to his posterior position

-"It's okay.....I am here..."- Clay passes his hand for Tommy's back as a way to calm him down

-"Excuse me...perhaps I could help"- Clay glances towards Fundy

-"If you have an idea, go ahead...As you can see we are kinda out of options right now..."- As Fundy finishes, Clay jumps towards Tommy and sits behind him

-"W-what are you doing!?"- Clay puts his hands over Tommy's and grabs onto the reins

-"I'm riding with you"- Tommy could sense Clay's breath in his ear. That mere feeling caused him to twitch.

-"Yeah, I can see that! but why!?"- Tommy's face was a complete tomato, he was thankful Clay couldn't see his expression right now. But Fundy could and was very confused by it.

-"So I can help you. It'll be easier this way."- Clay got closer to Tommy but the blonde just pulled his whole body to the front. Clay's sudden petition made his back shiver

-"Come your back on my chest"- Clay asks and Tommy starts feeling.....trapped. The blonde doesn't move an inch.

-"B-but you are too close"- Clay blinks a couple of times under his mask

-"It can be a little uncomfortable at first but this is the only way to correct that posture of yours"- Clay's tone was clueless and it only made Tommy sight in frustration

-"Okay! Fine!"- Tommy gives in and gets back rather harshly. Clay shocks for a moment as he can feel Tommy's blonde hair tickles his nose

-"Is this what you wanted!?"- Clay could smell Tommy's scent, he smelled good. His aroma was hypnotizing

-" that..."- Clay had to move his face to the side for a second so he could regain his composure. His cheeks quickly lighted with embarrassment at the thought of sniffing Tommy's hair.

-"Now, The first thing you need is confidence. Look in the direction you want a go and keep your eyes on the road ahead."- Tommy couldn't pay enough attention. He wanted to escape from Clay's touch as quickly as possible, it made him feel....weird....

-"Don't lower your head..."- Clay use one of his hands to lift Tommy's chin up and the blonde hits his hand out of the way

-"T-Then stop touching me so d-deliberately!"- Clay's face reddens as Tommy makes very clear he doesn't like that type of touch.

-"S-sorry..."- Fundy didn't know what was happening. He used to ride with Tommy when he was little and the blonde never acted that way before. What's gotten into him?

-"Don't pull that hard or you'll hurt the horse."- Tommy wasn't doing it on purpose, having Clay behind him and being able to feel his breath above him was distracting him.

-"Be gentle with the reins"- Clay guides Tommy with patience

-"But I'll fall if I do that!"- Tommy was still trying to stabilize his own body, his back being completely straight because of Clay's figure behind him.

-"You won't I promise..."- Tommy hesitated but did as told only to start feeling the urge to put a lot of force into his stance so his body doesn't move to the sides.

-"I-I feel like I'm losing balance, I'm not sure about this!"- Tommy was starting to panic but Clay was there to remain him that he wasn't riding alone

-" me"- Clay's voice resonated with him in an instant. That's right...Clay was with him, he wouldn't fall even if he wanted to, he had the green male backing him up. The sudden realization cause all anxiety to disperse from Tommy's body.

-"...Ok..."- The horse moves at a slow pace and Clay directs Tommy, doing his part by taking the lead until Tommy feels confident enough to ride on his own.

-"You are too tense.....Relax....stay in control..."- Tommy was starting to feel more secure while following Clay's instruction. His own movements becoming more carefree

-"Move at the horse's rhythm, sync with him, and don't resist"- The horse was feeling more comfortable, his moves were smooth, not like last time.

-"But Ain't I the rider?"- Tommy asks without allowing himself the chance to move his gaze away from the trail

-"Of course, you are the one in charge but you should never ignore your horse's wishes"- Clay moves his hands and rest them on Tommy's wrist giving him more freedom to ride on his own

-"Riding is something you and your horse should both feel, Don't let the horse do all the job and cooperate with him.-" Tommy didn't notice until he saw himself riding without Clay's help.

-"Clay, I'm doing it! I'm doing it!"- Tommy shouts in excitement

-"Yes, you got it"- Tommy smiles widens

-"Fundy look at me! I'm riding a f*cking horse!"- The orange-haired male was touched, Tommy improved so much in only one lesson.

-"Good job, sir!"- Tommy continued riding until the lesson was over, getting down the horse with Clay's help. Fundy took the saddle off and left for a moment in order to put it out.

-"Tommy give me your hand"- The blonde gave Clay a confused look

-"It'll just be for a second"- Tommy rolled his eyes playfully but gave the green male his (in Clay's opinion) soft hand

-"Not many people know this but the best way to connect with a horse is to greet him. This way he'll stop acting nervous around you."- Clay guided Tommy's hand to the horse's forehead then move it to the side of the neck.

-"His hair is very bushy...He'd never let me pet him before..."- Tommy had lost his fear when riding. He now was thinking what a beautiful creature the steed in front of him was. He couldn't see his beauty before.

-"Horses are precious creatures, it's important you establish a good relationship with them first. So, next time....ask for his permission before you ride him."- You could see the horse's muscles and jaw more relaxed. They were smoother and not too tight.

-"You are pretty knowledgeable about this. Where did you learn that?"- Tommy glances at Clay

-"Somebody taught it to me..."- Clay rests the horse's forehead on his own. The steed accepts it.

-"Hey Fundy! What's the name of this horse?"- Tommy asks while looking at Fundy who just raises his head and meets Tommy's eyes before looking at the horse

-"I believe it doesn't have one...would you like to name it?"- Fundy looks at Tommy again and smiles

-"Yes! I'll name it Henry"- Tommy hugs the horse and hears a laugh behind him

-"What!? Henry is a good name!"- Tommy defends

-"Oh..yeah, so good"- Clay says

-"Don't be sarcastic to me!"- Tommy threatens while trying to hit Clay but the male just evades all his punches

-"I was not!"- Clay was laughing while Tommy was still chasing after him

-"Yes, you were!"- Tommy keeps shouting at Clay who just smiles


-"Sam! My friend!!"- Tommy runs towards the green-haired guy who greets him with a warm smile.Sam was the commander of the royal force of L'Mamberg. He was pretty strong and knew Tommy since he was born, they were really close.

Sam would always look after him like a father would. He was riding while being followed by his crew of soldiers, the gates were open and he was just about to leave when Tommy spotted him.

-"Hi, Tommy...and...this must be your new knight, am I right?"- Sam looks over to Clay

-"Greetings commander, my name is Clay..."- The green male bows and Sam laughs in a friendly way

-"Awesomedude, but call me Sam"- The guy had red eyes and was wearing a mask covering his mouth. From what Clay could see his armor was heavy, one of the heaviest in the whole kingdom.

But the red-eyed guy seemed to be able to move very freely with it.

-"Where are you going? Another expedition outside of the castle?"- Tommy asks and Sam looks at the open gate before him

-"I'm afraid not. There've been a lot of disturbances on the outskirts of L'Mamberg since Lord Technoblade left orders of the King Philza we are now directing to investigate them."- Clay didn't overlook that kind of information

-"By any chance, the disturbances wouldn't happen to be occurring near The Badlands area?"- Sam seemed surprised about that question

-"Yeah, that's actually one of the many locations we received claims from...How did you know?"- Clay looks to another side

-"No reason..."- Clay says and there was an awkward silence that Tommy filled in a flash

-"Being a commander must be hard, next time take me with you! We can have fun like old times!"- Tommy smiles and Sam does too

-"I'll think about it...But you'll have to convince your father..."- There's a pause before Tommy starts mumbling something that neither Clay nor Sam could get

-"Yeah....about that...I don't think is happening..."- Sam just laughs at that

-"Tommy, you're gonna be late for your class.-" Clay whispers into Tommy's ear, and the blonde just widens his eyes

-"Oh sh*t! You're right!"- Tommy starts running but soon remembers he was just talking to Sam. The commander seems to understand and just waves his goodbyes

-"Take care kiddo..."- Sam says while mobilizing his horse once again

-"Bye Sam! And I'm not a child, remember that!"- Clay gets to Tommy's side and they both look Sam go

-"I'll keep that in mind"- It wasn't that long until the whole crew disappears through the front gate. Clay still thinking about what the Commander said...

Chapter 5: Connections


I guess this chapter is a little longer. But I hope you like it.

Chapter Text

After a few days, Wilbur lifted Tommy's punishment because of his "apparently" good behavior.

Once he was allowed to see Tubbo again he didn't miss the chance and they both went to the library.

It was a huge and quiet place, they were on the second floor, sitting on a rounded table.

Tommy was sitting across Tubbo. They were surrounded by gigantic shelves that reached the ceiling and every single one of them was filled with books of all kinds.

The lighting was perfect because of the big window behind them and Clay was standing really close without any apparent desire to talk or read anything. He was just there for Tommy.

-"What about a plant? Ranboo likes plants, I can give him a flower"- Tubbo had his hair all messy of rubbing it constantly and grabbing his head too much while trying to think of an idea for the "perfect gift."

-"Ranboo isn't that crazy about plants like you Tubbs, I mean he does have his room filled with the ones you gave him last year but that's just because he loves you"- Tommy felt sick at talking about Tubbo's romantic life but his friend wanted his help. So he stayed.

Although, he wasn't being of much help and he knows it.

-"Please Tommy I need your help! Our anniversary is tomorrow and I haven't even picked a present yet"- Tubbo rested his head on the table and extended his arms all over in a defeated position.

-"Why are you asking me though? Wilbur knows more about these things than I do. Princess Sally knows it!"- Tommy's older brother was engaged to Sally, the daughter of the king of Kinoko Kingdom, the neighboring kingdom.

It was actually closer to L'Mamberg than Pogtopia.

The lady is nice and very refined but she and Wilbur still haven't chosen a date to marry.

Tommy hoped for them to wait a little bit longer, at least for a couple of years before they even decide that marrying each other is the right choice for them and arrange a f*cking wedding.

He didn't want to be left out at L'Manberg on his own. He wasn't ready, not yet.

-"And what about Clay? you can ask him. Also, he is standing right in front of us."- Tubbo looked over at the green male. He wasn't making any sound neither was moving and that made him wonder how could Clay be stood like that for large periods of time. The blonde was used to his behavior already but not Tubbo.

The herbalist apprentice didn't know him that much, and he must admit that he was a little intimidated by the knight's presence.

Even though he knew Clay was not looking directly at him but Tommy, he still felt watched.

-"Because you are the only one I can talk about this kind of stuff without being awkward"- Tubbo sits straight again and looks at Tommy in a desperate way.

The prince still trying to get to the next paragraph of his book.

-"Well ...I don't know about you but it's definitely awkward for me"- Tommy lifted his head from the book so Tubbo could only see his eyes. The rest of his face was still hidden behind the cover of the book

-"Gosh, Sometimes I don't know how Ranboo handles you"- Tommy keeps reading and Tubbo extends his arm and body, grabbing the edge of the book and moving it away from the blonde's face as he uses his elbow as support

-"Tommy you are not helping!"- Tubbs forced Tommy to look at him. The blonde frowned and slammed the book quite loudly on the table before closing it

-"Tubbo, Listen to me. You had months to think about this. Don't you have something!? Anything!"- Tommy puts his hands on the table, leaning his body to the front of his friend's face from the other side, just like Tubbo did before.

Tubbo's silence made the blonde lost all hope. He decided to take that as a "no."

-"Ok! ok! Do you want my advice? I'll give you some advice!"- Tommy moved his wheeled-chair away from the table and turned his body to the shelve behind him, putting the book back on place without standing

-"It doesn't matter what f*cking present you get him! I'm sure Ranboo would like whatever sh*t you give him if it's you who does it!"- Clay thought that what Tommy just said was true but he still remained silent.

-"That doesn't really narrow my options that much"- Tubbo titles his head and Tommy sighs.

-"Clay, any suggestions?"- Tommy rests the back of his neck on the chair as he looks at his knight, asking for a solution.

-"About what?"- Tommy didn't know if Clay was just messing with him or if he really had no idea what was happening. When he saw the green male's smile, he opted for the first option.

-"Alright...hypothetically speaking, and it's important that you remember this....ok?-so, hypothetically speaking. If you had a boyfriend..."- Tommy backtracks, trying to change his phrasing. He was embarrassed about asking all of a sudden.

-"O-or a girlfriend. I mean, if you had a girlfriend what would you give her as a present?"- Tubbo was too worried thinking about Ranboo to laugh at Tommy's weird reactions or even point them out.

-"I guess I'll give him something I know it'll show how much I love him"- Tommy ignored the fact that Clay used "him" instead of "her". The blonde gave him the option to choose, so maybe-just maybe....that was his preferential liking. Either way, who was Tommy to judge anyway?

-"There you go Tubbs! That's good advice, use that!"- Tommy's voice brought Tubbo back to reality.

-"Ok... but I don't think there's something I can give him that shows just how much I love him."- Tubbo scratches his head

-"My love for him is infinite"- Tubbo said it so naturally that Tommy actually got a little surprised by it. But he quickly covered up his astonishment.

-"Ew, that sounded so cheesy, I don't like that kind of phrasing. Clay do you?"- Tommy didn't know why but he wanted to know Clay's opinion. Unfortunately for Tommy, Tubbo spoke first

-"When you have a boyfriend you'll understand"- the prince got startled by that and almost falls off his chair

-"Wh-What the hell Tubbo!?"- the mentioned was looking at his shoes but quickly moves his head in Tommy's direction

-"What? You have never been in a relationship before, you don't know what it's like.."- Tommy crossed his arms with an e-still, shocked face. Clay almost scoffs at seeing him like that

-"Excuse you! I have a lot of girlfriends...and wives!"- Tubbo shifted in his chair, facing Tommy, who was still recovering from what his friend had just said to him.

-"Tommy, you have never been in love with someone. I mean.....Have you ever considered being with a boy before?"- Tommy couldn't help but glance at Clay for a moment, returning his gaze to his friend before the knight noticed

-"Not happening. I love women and they love me, I don't have time for men. I hate men!"- Tubbo looks at Tommy but doesn't answer.

-"Isn't that right Clay?"- Clay could see Tommy's pleading eyes looking at him. Almost like the blonde wanted Clay to agree with him

-"Right.."- The knight answered, not that convinced.

-"Well, moving on, we still haven't figured out what Ranboo would like as a present"- Tubbo stood up, trying to stretch his stiff legs while walking to the window behind him.

-"He's your boyfriend man, you know him better than anyone...Isn't there's something he'll like to receive in particular?"- Tubbo hesitates, puts his hand on his chin, and starts walking in circles. Tommy looks at him, letting some air escape from his nose.

-"What about a dessert?-" Clay just said one of the many things Tommy never thought would hear coming out from his mouth

-"Hey Tubbs, does Ranboo like sweets?"- The blonde asks and Tubbo's lips go upwards

-"Yeah! He does, We can bake something for him!"- The prince's friend runs towards Tommy, almost tripping over with his own feet.

-"Wait-Whoah, whoa...what do you mean with the word *we?...*- the blonde uses both of his hands to stop Tubbo from getting anywhere closer to him and before he even gets to crash his own forehead with Tommy's

-"Of course, you two you'll help me...."- Tubbo let's go of Tommy and smiles.

-"But why!? Is your present, Clay and I have nothing to do with it!"- Tommy was not mad but he didn't want to deal with this kind of troublesome stuff.

He rather keeps reading his book than cooking. He sucked at it. He knew because he has tried it before in secret but didn't want anyone to know.

-"I wouldn't mind helping..."- Tommy bristles back into his chair while listening to Clay. Has he heard right?....

-"Thanks Clay, you are too kind"- The blonde looked at Tubbo, then Clay, and vice-versa.

-"Oh my f*cking god! Are you serious?"- Tommy brought his arms up and let them fall until reaching to the armrest of the chair

-"It'll be alright, We can ask Nikki for advice.."-Tommy starts spinning on his chair at that mention, staring at the ceiling. Letting out small groanings.

-"When you say Nikki, Are you referring to the baker of the castle?"- Asks Clay, getting closer to the table and leaving his "statue" position behind.

It was the first time Tubbo actually saw the man move like a normal person. Not that he paid too much attention to the knight during the tree incident, he was far more concerned about Tommy that day.

-"Yeah, she is a friend of ours and she'll be most likely to help if it's you who ask her Tommy!"- Tubbo walks to Tommy and stops his spinning

-"I don't know Tubbs..."- Tubbo grabs the armrests and gets into Tommy's face.

-"Please~"- His friend was trying to manipulate him and the blonde was aware of that. Every time Tubbo put that baby face of his, the prince couldn't resist or even dare to turn him down. Even though Tubbo was older than Tommy by one year, he'll always unintentionally make it look the other way around.

-"Ok, ok. Fine, But Clay! I want you to know this is all your fault"- Tommy points at Clay with his finger and the older male just raises his shoulders in an intent to make it look like a confusing stand.

-"What are we waiting for, let's go!"- The herbalist grabbed both of them by the wrist and started running downstairs until they reached the kitchen


Nikki explained the basics and provided all the materials needed like aprons and gloves. At first, they couldn't decide what to bake, but in the end, they opted to make cupcakes.

Cakes were more for birthdays and ice cream would melt really fast so it was the most logical option.

Nikki helped bake the cupcakes alongside the kids and then taught them how to decorate properly and in any way they preferred.

She then left alongside the other chefs. They had a meeting with the king so it was Clay's turn to be the mature and responsible one enough to make sure neither Tommy nor Tubbo could make a disaster in the kitchen

-"Clay you stay there, I'm sure Tubbo and I can handle some cupcakes.."- Clay didn't say it but the looks of Tommy wearing an apron with his hair tied up in a small ponytail were very desirable to him. Wait....where did that thought come from?

-"Ugh, I don't like pink. Why can't I wear the blue one?"- Complains Tommy as he helps Tubbo tie his "blue" apron.

-"Because you look good in pink"- The blonde tightened Tubbo's knot, making him yelp.

-"Shut up Tubbs"- after some laughs they both started the process.

-"This is harder than I thought it'll be"- Nikki had been really helpful at choosing the right colors and flavors, but Tommy wasn't exactly the most artistic person to make it look pretty enough

-"It's kinda fun. I just hope Ranboo likes it"- Tommy looks at Tubbo and uses his hand to swipe the flour in his cheek.

-"I'm sure he will."- Somehow Tommy was managing to keep his clothes nice and clean, he was a prince after all and had to keep his good appearance but Tubbo had sugar and glaze all over him, especially his hands.

He'll have to take a shower afterwards.

-"Wait a minute! How does yours look better than mine!?"- Tommy looks over at Tubbo's cupcakes, half of them were red and the other half was green but all of them had white sparkles. Tubbo was just finishing decorating his third one.

-"I don't know... Oh!-And don't forget to add raspberries! Ranboo loves those..."- Tubbo continues to give his cupcake color and Tommy puts both of his hands on the sides of his waist

-"Clay, don't just stay there! Come here and help me!"- The knight comes right away to Tommy's side

-"I thought you didn't want my help"- Clay teases

-"Yeah- well..I-I changed my mind!"- The older male chuckles before rolling his sleeves up, he heard Nikki's explanation earlier so he knew exactly what to do.

-"Would you like to help me with the frosting?"- Tommy takes the filled pastry bag and hands it to Clay with a grin

-"It'll be my pleasure.."- At first, Tommy had only made 2 decent cupcakes, throwing the ones that he thought weren't good enough. But thanks to Clay he had finished 5 cupcakes

-"Good. We are gonna beat Tubbo for sure!"- Tommy's commentary almost causes Clay to lose grip of the mall offset spatula he is grabbing, using it to level the frost of the cupcake.

-"Tommy this is not a competition..."- Says Tubbo, trying to choose which ribbon would be a better match for the bag where the cupcakes will be..

-"Oh, it is. It is and I'm gonna win."- Clay peeps at Tommy's work

-"Tommy are you sure you are doing it correctly?"- The prince huffs playfully

-"I am! Don't you worry"- The blonde keeps working in silence, he was really focusing on what he was doing and Clay decided to take advantage of that.

-"Wait, Tommy what's that on your nose?"- Tommy got a little scared by Clay's tone, but when he turned his head, he saw a big hand pass across his nose, leaving some glaze behind. The cold substance made the blonde flinch and close his eyes.

-"Wha"- The teen didn't understand at first, but when he did, he chuckled. Clay enjoyed seeing that expression on Tommy's face. He slookedemed funny.

-"Oh, you f*cking dick!"- The prince tried to get Clay's dirty too, but the knight stopped him and grabbed both of his wrists. He didn't put much effort into his strength but he still made sure to hold back so he wouldn't hurt Tommy

-"Come here you prick!"- Clay was laughing, he liked to see Tommy mad. He wonders how many reactions he could get from the teen.

-"Don't be mad, You look cuter that way"- Tommy stopped all of his movements with a pinker face than before. And Clay knew it wasn't because of the glaze.

-"V-very funny, Clay.."- A normal Tommy would have sworn, but this time the blond just bit his tongue and moved away from Clay.

Tubbo was starting to feel like the third wheel, which was weird. Usually, Tommy is the third wheel when Ranboo is around

-"You guys are really close, then did this happen?"- Tommy semmed to be comfortable with Clay's company, it was actually very surprising.

-"I don't know what you are talking about.."- Answers Tommy and Clay uses a napkin to clean his nose for him. They looked like a couple from Tubbo's perspective but he says nothing about it

-"You two get along very well, when did you and Clay become friends?"- Tubbo just takes a moment to look at them before washing his hands

-"He's not my friend"- Tommy responds almost inmediately, and Clay gasps dramatically

-"Oh, I'm hurt Tommy. You shouldn't say that to a friend."- The older male ruffles the prince's hair and the teen blushes again.

-"Shut up"- the blonde smacks Clay's hand out of the way, it was a little loud but the knight didn't seem to mind. In fact, he didn't mind at all!

He didn't seem bothered about it and Tubbo could see something in his expression.

A very familiar feeling came up to him.


𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙣......𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚𝙙.


𝙃𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩... 𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠...𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣?


-"Now, I'm gonna add chocolate sparkles out of rage"- Clay laughs and lifts one of the cupcakes up

-"We should try at least one of them. You know, to check the flavor."- Tommy nods and then grabs Clay's hand, getting it closer enough to bite into the cupcake he was holding.

He let's go of Clay's wrist as fast as he grabbed it.

-"It's good. It's all good. I'm not a big fan of blueberries but it tastes just fine"- Tubbo had to rub his eyes to believe what he was seeing.

Tommy was acting so casually about it, he didn't mind doing that kind of stuff with Clay? What he just did is something only couples do.

He glanced at the knight one more time, it seems as though that Clay is not as innocent as Tommy, he knew what it meant and didn't dislike it

-"Then I guess it was a successful mission after all"- The green male was blushing too, Tubbo could not see it that clearly because of his mask but he was certain about it.

-"Good for you Tubbs"- The prince's friend was way too shocked to even say a word. He knew what was happening.

As he looked at at Clay and Tommy interact he couldn't stop thinking of him and Ranboo. It was a resemblance of when they started liking each other. If that was the case then....


...."𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?"....



-"Ranboo!"- Tubbo rushed to his boyfriend, who was just watching the sun slowly faint from the sky.

-"Sorry I'm late.."- Tubbo arrived at their according place. He had zoned out more than he had expected in the kitchen and had to speed up his bath too.

He only made it because Tommy and Clay were constantly shouting at him that it was getting late for his date

-"It's okay, I just got here."- His boyfriend was absolutely beautiful.

He had heterochromia. His right eye was green and his left one was red. His hair was black and his skin was pale.

He couldn't believe how lucky he was of having him.

-"Tubbo Are you okay? Your face is all red.."- Ranboo places a hand on the other's forehead

-"Oh, I guess it was all the running. I'm fine don't worry."- Tubbo knew Ranboo was concerned about his health but he was feeling completely fine

-"Would you like to rest?"- Tubbo denies as Ranboo stares at his still a little wet hair.

-"No, it's fine. Let's go for a walk"- the herbalist apprentice guides Ranboo onto the bridge over a little pond and he does not complain about it.

-"What a beautiful day..."- The sky was an orange tone mix with yellow. The sunset could not be more romantic

-"Not as beautiful as you.."- Tubbo says as he stops walking

-"T-thank you. I think you are beautiful too"- As soon as Ranboo stopped, Tubbo stands on his tiptoes, wrapping his arms around Ranboo's neck to give him a kiss.

Ranboo was too tall and his boyfriend was very small in comparison, so he had to lean forward and curve his back to the front in order to put his hands on Tubbo's waist, lifting him up even more.

Good thing he had very long arms....

-"Do you now?"- Tubbo asks as soon as the kiss finishes

-"Yes of course. If I didn't you wouldn't be my boyfriend"- Ranboo could feel something hanging from Tubbo's hands and hitting against his back.

-"That makes sense."- Honestly, at this point onwards Tubbo had forgotten about the gift he had. I it hadn't been for Ranboo asking him about the purse he had, the day would have ended with him not giving anything at all

-"Oh, right. I have a present for you... come here"- The brown-haired guy leads Ranboo to the closer bench he could find

-"I also got you something. Would you like to go first?"- Tubbo sits beside Ranboo, giving him the little-knot pouch in the process as a way to answer his question nonverbally.

Ranboo grabs the yellow bag with his big hands and takes the ribbon off very carefully.

-"Tommy, Clay and Nikki helped me make them today .... do you like it?"- What Ranboo could see when he opened the little bag was a bunch of cupcakes, every single one of them with all kind of colors, and probably flavors too.

Honestly, they looked very appetizing.

-"I do. Thank you, I appreciate it."- Tubbo leans in and Ranboo wraps his arm around him.

-"But there's so many, I could use a little help at eating them"- The heterochromatic guy gives the pouch to his little blue-eyed and baby-face boyfriend

-"I volunteer myself to help you!"- Tubbo raises a hand in the air like a little kid would.

He has a tendency of acting more babyish and silly towards Ranboo. He's never acted like that with anyone else except Tommy, not even in his father's presence.

-"Couldn't ask of anyone better"- As they hand out two cupcakes, both of them took a bite. At first, Tubbo was worried about how they'll taste like, but all his insecurities eased when he saw Ranboo glance at him with a tender look

-"So, about my gift..."- The herbalist gests closer to Ranboo until their shoulders touch

-"Well, I thought about what to give you and I finally decided on this."- The black-haired male puts his free hand into his right pocket.

He was looking for something and when he found it, he smiled and showed it to Tubbo

-"Matching rings!?"- Upon his surprise, Ranboo gives Tubbo his ring. This one was certainly the smaller one, you could tell, but they were both golden. If you payed attention you could see that their names had been carved on it.

-"Is it too much?"-

-"No!"- Tubbo's sudden tone was higher than he expected and it startled both of them, but he didn't want Ranboo to think that he didn't like his gift.

-"I mean.. no, I love it! Thank you.."- You could say that both Tubbo and Ranboo nailed it with the gifted they gave to each other This will be a moment they will always remember.

-"Happy anniversary my love"-

Chapter 6: Loving you


This chapter was a bit more longer than the other ones but I hope you like it.
Quackity x George. These two have kind of a toxic relationship but it's worth it.
More characters introductions, Enjoy :)

Chapter Text

The Badlans is an area with a lot of population. It's ubicated outside of L'mamberg and is the only village near the castle.

The ones that live there are not exactly a part of the kingdom and are not considered their people but the king still cared for them.

He sent Technoblade in order to guard and protect the people of the village. His mere presence was enough to scare anyone that wished to cause any disturbances. He was their protector for a very long time, but when he left, everything changed.....

The ruler of the village is and it's always been Eret, some people tend to forget about him but he is a selfish baron that does nothing but steals from the lower class.

Always rising taxes whenever he wants and keeping the majority of the money to himself.

The place was dying because of his actions and the people disliked him a lot but they never complained.

There was nothing they could do about it, the king had abandoned them so they decided to give up and continue with their lives.

But, there was a rumor. Bandits and thieves, becoming even more current in the village. Getting rob it was slowly becoming a common thing. The village was getting more dangerous out of the king's sight. The nobles under the baron's command were disappearing one by one.Eret didn't care about those "filthy dogs", he could always replace them whenever he wanted to, but the people were uneasy.

For an outsider, the village looks fine and normal but only the citizens of The Badlands area know there's something wrong with it. They were just....scared to raise their voices and ask for help, "𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩?"

But, there are two mysterious habitats that know exactly the reason behind all the mysterious disappearances. All of them were caused by one man, and they didn't know how to stop him.

-"So, how's that armor coming out?"- George and his boyfriend Quackity were sitting on the bar of their favorite canteen, each one of them had a beer in their hands. It sure was an odd date.

-"Not good, I'm still forging it, and honestly, I'm running out of metal." -George said in a defeated tone. He had a bad headache and looked really exhausted.

-"Can't you just ask for more?"- Quackity asks after drinking and wiping the foam from his mouth

-"I already did, but the shipment is late....they won't make it on time."- Geroge takes off his glasses and starts massaging his temple with his eyes close.

-"Damn..."- Quackity gave the waiter a signal to bring more beer. His boyfriend is gonna need them.

-"I think I'm gonna lose my job..."- George says in his usual cold tone. He wasn't a very expressive person but it was easy to notice when he was feeling down or upset.

-"Don't say that. You can't lose your job, you are the only blacksmith this village has. They need your creations."- Quackity tries to cheer his boyfriend up but Geroge was stubborn and very pessimistic

-"I wouldn't be too sure about that. The Baron already threatened with closing the store if I don't pay my debts."- Says George, letting out a frustrated sound of his mouth at the end

-"For real!?"- George just proceeds to drink his 3rd beer. While he was drinking, Quackity could see his red hands, full of blisters. Why was this happening to him? He was good at his job and would always try really hard on creating a decent armor or weapon, it just wasn't fair.

-"Don't listen to him, he is an ass!"- Quackity returns to his own beer as George ignores his swearing.

-"I'll just improvise something on my own."- As George lifts his glasses up with one of his hands, he stares at them very thoroughly

-"How much does he want?"- George didn't look at Quackity when he answered.

-"You don't wanna know"- His tone was mordant and vitriolic. He was getting annoyed..

-"Sorry I asked...."- Quackity shows an offended look. George sighs at that, closing his eyes and putting a hand on his own forehead.

-"Listen. I'm tired. I need a distraction, not a reminder. The last thing I want to talk about is my job"- George was exhausted and Quackity was aware of that. He shouldn't have gotten him out of bed just because he wanted to hang out.

-"You're right, I'm sorry."- Quackity's voice came out deeper than he expected, almost nasally.

-"Let's talk about something else.."- George suggested, putting on his glasses again.

-"Okay then, do you know what the f*ck is happening to Sapnap lately?"- George rolled his eyes.

-"Seriously Quackity? This conversation, again!?"- George turns away from Quackity, looking at nothing in particular.

-"What?... You wanted me to change the subject, so I did!"- Quackity tries to get into George's range of vision so he can look at him, but fails.

-"Well, change it again. Sapnap is probably just busy doing his own stuff, like he always does, so don't bother"- George says again while holding his head. Sometimes Quackity could be so overwhelming.

-"You mean those messy and bizarre errands he runs?"- George hides his head on his beer and intentionally slurps while shrinking on himself.

-"For real man, sometimes I wish you hadn't told me the truth about you and Sapnap. Is so much to take in."- George sighs, hunching over.

-"Sometimes I do too, but I told you the truth because I trust you..."- George grabs Quackity's neck, he was pressing his thumb against his neck bone while caressing it.

-"What about Karl? I just don't think I can keep hiding the truth from him anymore.. he deserves to know."- Quackity could feel George's fingers move against his skin.

-"Quackity, we have talked about this. If you reveal the truth to him, you know it'll crush his soul, especially if he doesn't hear it from Sapnap's mouth"- George moved his hand higher, reaching the space under his boyfriend's ear

-"That's not the only reason why you want to keep it a secret. I know you are doing this for Sapnap, not Karl."- Quackity lowers George's arm until he stops touching him.

-"I am doing it for both of them. I like Karl as much as you do, he's cool but he is too naive. If he opens his mouth, Sapnap may go to prison"- Quackity was still grabbing George's arm.

-"I still think you should talk to Sapnap and try to convince him to stop before it's too late. I know you can bring him back to his senses"- George moves to the side and Quackity lets go of him.

-"I doubt it. Sapnap doesn't care about what I think. My opinions worth nothing to him."- George looks at his beer, observing the water drops from the glass of it.

-George scoffs- "They never did.."-

-"So what? It doesn't matter, because Sapnap is a... f*cking assassin, an-

Quackity raises his voice but George places his hand on his mouth to block his words with a harsh clapping sound.

-"Shhh, lower your voice"- George could see how a couple of people glanced at them before returning to their own tasks. His boyfriend aggressively moves his hand away from his mouth.

-"Listen George, if we keep allowing him to do whatever the f*ck he wants, he'll lose it and start hurting innocent people! We gotta do something about it!- George would rue the day he decided to tell Quackity about Sapanp's true profession

-"Quackity stop. I won't do it, okay!? I won't betray him!"- George said without thinking, his mouth moved faster than his brain and Quackity deplores what he's seeing.

-"Betray him? What the f*ck are you talking about!?"- Quackity protests but George didn't seem to have any intention of answering.

-"Oh, I see, this isn't just because of Sapnap, it's because of that Dream guy... isn't it?"- George was griefing, now it all made perfect sense.

-"Don't mention his name.."- George tries not to shout and keep his voice low, otherwise it would look suspicious.

-"Please don't tell me that he still hasn't got over the fact that Dream left.. Come on, just get over it already"- George was exasperating, so he looked at his boyfriend dead in the eyes and said....

-"Quackity you weren't there. Dream's departure destroyed Sapnap and I would not do the same thing to him." - George seemed tick off and Quackity chew on his lip from the inside

-"Fair enough.."- He said and both of them returned to their drinks. They weren't talking, both of them knew they had to say something. George took the first step...

-"Our life was hell, you know..."- George was holding his beer between his hands and taping the glass. His dark and dead eyes weren't concentrating on anything physical anymore. He was having a flashback, and not a good one.

-"I never had the strength or courage to kill as easily as Sapnap. I was a failure."- It wasn't likely for George to open up with anyone. Quackity was the only thing normal about his life and he didn't want it to be gone, but he felt bad for not telling his boyfriend everything. He deserved to know.

-"I couldn't help the feeling of wanting to throw up every time I saw a corpse, but he was okay with it. When he was punished, he would just sit there and take it, I would even dare to say that he enjoyed it."- George chuckles humourlessly.

-"That's because you are nothing like him. He is f*cked up and delusional, we have to stop him before it gets him further."- Quackity tried to reach out to George, but the other evaded it

-"You don't know Sapnap like I do! He is strongly attached to that nasty life we used to have and doesn't know any better."- Of all the possible answers Quackity could think of, he analyzed all of them while trying to say the right thing

-"I get it, you want to be a supportive friend, but trust me, this is not a healthy way to do it!"- George stands up, grabs his jacket, and throws a golden coin to the table

-"I'm not doing this."- He says heedlessly, putting on his jacket in a rush.

-"Wait-George!"- Quackity follows his boyfriend out of the cantine but hesitates when George suddenly gets back to him and holds him from the shoulders quite firmly

-"Quackity I'm serious, you better stay out of it. Or you'll get hurt and not even I will be able to save you."- George shook his boyfriend a bit, trying desperately to convince him to back out

-"Please, just pretend this conversation never happened, and continue with our date... I don't want to spend the rest of the day arguing about something meaningless"- Quackity couldn't believe what he was hearing and George caught disappointment in his look.

-"Fine! I'm not saying anything. But I am not doing this for you! I'm doing it for Karl, he needs me."- Quackity moves George's hand off him and shrugs

-"That's enough to me."-

They continued walking for quite a lot, it was a nice silence but George was worried, wondering where their previous conversation had left them

-"So, are we good?"- George asks with the SAME neutral-like tone he always uses.

-"What do you mean?"- Quackity was looking at the street they were walking on but George gets in front of him, blocking the sun and obliging him to stop

-"Do you still love me?"- the longer George had to wait for an answer the most nervous he was getting. When Quackity scoffed, he let out all the air he had in his chest

-"I wish I didn't"- Murmurs Quackity -"But I do, and I hate me for it"- George scrambles away. Both of them enjoying the heatwave they were getting from the sun.

-"Do you remember the first time we met?"- With that question George chuckles

-"I remember, you were always chasing me, It was annoying..."- George didn't have to look at his boyfriend to know the face Quackity was making.

-"But you still fell in love with me.."- Quackity hits his boyfriend's arm with his own

-"Yeah and I still don't know why. I mean, you are not even my type."-

-"Whaat!?"- George smiles at his loud reaction.

-"I'm kidding. It was a joke."- George says trying to hug his Quackity who just ducks and runs away from him.

-"I don't think I believe you."- George took Quackity hand and got him closer.

-' can I prove it to you?"- Quackity desperately grabs George's collar and pulls him down until they're almost at the same height.

-"You know how"- George already knew what his boyfriend needed but he decided to wait until Quackity stopped talking to finally kiss him on the lips.

-"Do you believe me now?"- George says in the middle of the kiss."-

-"I don't know. I could use a second one, you know?...just to make sure."- George willingly allowed Quackity to pull him back again. This time the kiss lasted longer

-"That's better.."- Quackity touches the other's chest

-"What do you say we go home and continue this made-out session in private?"- George drags Quackity, leading him to the way their home was.

-"I like that idea...."-


Clay didn't know what was wrong with him, he felt different every time he was with Tommy.

He found himself getting a little too distracted when the prince was near him or close to his range of vision. When Tommy was by his side, Clay would always feel better and complete, forgetting about everything else.

Tommy was very amenable and cheerful. He was actually the only person that could easily break down Clay's barriers and get the knight to trust him without any second thoughts.

No matter how hard he tried he could never get the blonde out of his head and would talk about Tommy all the time, without even realizing it.

-.."𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠?"....-

-"It's love!"- Clay had zoned out thinking about his relationship with Tommy but Ranboo's voice brings him out of his thoughts

-"L-love?"- Clay stammered, glancing with awkwardness towards where Tommy was before reducing the tone of his voice.

-"Yeah, that's the same thing I felt for Tubbo the first time I saw him."- Ranboo and Clay were sitting over the edge of the central fountain, watching how Tubbo and Tommy both crouched to look at the ants below them.

They were having their own conversation but Clay still had his doubt that they could hear them from that distance.

-"Are you sure is not a mistake?"- Asks Clay with a little more quietness than before and feeling embarrassed of to where the conversation was turning.

-"Iam sure. I don't think even you realize how much you love him."- Ranboo responds with his legs closed against the other and both hands on each knee. A very dainty way of sitting.

-"Oh, god.."- Clay sighs. If he wasn't wearing a hood, he would have tousled and rubbed his own hair roughly.

-"You don't seem too happy about it..."- Ranboo dictates the obvious as he sees the man beside him take some air and straighten his back once again.

-"It's because I am not."- Clay repines

-"Why? Is it because he is the prince? Would you rather not have that kind of feelings towards him? "- Clay agitates his head to the sides

-"It's not that."- Clay looks over at Tommy and feels a knot in his stomach the moment he sees the blonde smile at Tubbo

-"Then, what is it?"- Ranboo turns his head to the direction the knight was looking, spotting a certain brunette and smiling unwillingly

-"I'm supposed to be his knight, nothing more, nothing less. At some point this feeling inside me will start to judge my judgment, I can see that." - Clay presses his hands together very hard. "Besides, I don't think he feels the same way about me, much less sees me in a romantic light, which I don't blame him for."

-"He does."- Ranboo responds in a rather secure way.

-"And how do you know?"- Clay looks at Ranboo, trying to analyze his expression, which was very predictable

-"I just do."- Ranboo shrugs as if what he was saying was the answer to everything.

-"Is that so..."- Ranboo laughs with awkwardness at the knight's mention. Clay noticed his head twitch as his blinking eyes moved to the side until they finally landed on the floor. He was getting nervous.

-"I mean, it's pretty obvious."- The knight widens his eyes under his mask and throws his arms to the side in a rigid and surprised pose

-"It is?"- He asks in disbelief and Ranboo nods, lifting his gaze towards Tommy this time

-"Yeah, the way he looks at you, how his face lightens every time you are around. Don't you notice how different he acts when you two are in the same room?"- Clay could literally feel his face get warmer than before

-"I guess not."- The knight grabs his hood and lowers it, covering his forehead. Clay was absolutely embarrassed.

-"Tommy loves you. He's just not aware of it yet"- Clay could hear Tommy's laugh at the distance, it was reassuring.

-"So.. what do I do now? Do you think I should just...go for it?"- Clay was uncertain about what to do. He'd never been in love before and didn't want to screw it up, especially with Tommy. "Or what if I just don't do anything? I mean, I don't have to tell him now, right? My love towards him is still something I can suppress" Mentions Clay dubiously, feeling that he is saying something wrong between his words

"Do you really think you can keep your feelings hidden for much longer?"

"Of course! I'm not that desperate am I?" The look Ranboo gives him makes him realize that he doesn't believe his words. Realization strikes Clay as a bucket of cold water when he finds himself starting to waver as well.

"Am I?" Clay adds as a whisper, more as a question to himself than to Ranboo. "Do I look desperate?" Just by hearing how his voice came out was enough to answer his own dubiety. If he wasn't hasty before then he for sure must be getting there by now.

-"Clay, You gotta confess to him. Believe me when I say that if you don't, you'll regret it forever-" When Ranboo's eyes get back at Clay, he places a hand on his back in a carefree way. That was definitely a keyed up to move coming from Ranboo

-"What do you mean I'll regret it?"- Clay's firm tone caused Ranboo to instantly let go of the knight's absurdly stiff body.

-"Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like a threat."- Ranboo was strained, and not being able to see Clay's expression just made him feel more threatened by him.

-"Go on..."- Clay says in a taunted way

-"What I'm trying to say is he is your first love. So is most likely that you'll never feel the same for any other person that is not Tommy"- Clay wasn't used to physical touches.

Tommy was the only one that was allowed to put a hand on him other than his superiors. He preferred Tommy though.

The blonde's touch was different than anyone else, it was welcoming and approachable. Rather than make Clay more violent it would always bring him peace

-"This feeling is something it only happens once, that's why it is so special and you must treasure it"

Clay obviously didn't like Ranboo being so touchy with him before, so Ranboo didn't even dare to try to do it again.

-"Hey, guys! Stop being boring and come hang out with us!"- Tommy's voice suddenly changed the atmosphere between them.

-"Coming!"- Ranboo shouts and speeds up away from the fountain. The knight follows him to where Tubbo and Tommy were.

-"What were you two talking about?"- Tubbo asks after running towards Ranboo, hugging him and rubbing his face against his boyfriend's clothes

-"Nothing, just...catching up."- Ranboo disordered Tubbo's hair. Clay kinda wished he and Tommy could be like that

-"That's sus..."- Tubbo shows a pouting face and Clay felt Tommy's hand on his arm, so he turned his head towards the blonde

-"What's wrong?"- Tommy's concerned face caused Clay's heart to beat even faster. .

-"Nothing. Everything is fine."- It was ridiculous the impact Tommy had on Clay, it was better if he didn't know though. The knight didn't want the prince to know the power he had over him.

Tommy and Clay both looked at each other for a long time. They forgot about Tubbo and everything around them until Ranboo cleared his throat.

-"I have an idea! Why don't we go on a double date!"- Tubbo jumps and raises his arms at Ranboo. His boyfriend lifting him up without any effort.

-"DoUbLE- W-WHAT!?"- Tommy was perplexed.

-"Wait a minute! I know you two are dating but Clay and I aren't even together!"- Tommy states in a high pitching tone.

-"Oh, you are right... I forgot about that part, I guess" - Tubbo was now sitting on Ranboos' shoulders. He could see everything and felt so powerful in that state.

-"WhAt Do YoU MeAn yOU FoRgOt!?"- Tommy would have lost his sh*t if Clay wasn't there to calm him down. Placing a hand on his shoulder

-"Tommy it's fine, we'll just accompany them like friends..." The blonde blinked a couple of times. Clay looked at his own hand and as if he had noticed something, the knight moved it away from Tommy's shoulder rather too fast.

-"I-I mean if that's okay with you of course.."- Clay's tone ended up sounding awkward and uncommon for him. Tommy's skin tensing up on the spot the knight recently touched, he could still feel it.

-"I-if you insist. Let's do that then."- He said and the four of them walked off from that conversation.


They were actually having a great time as a group. Feeding birds, picking up flowers, and talking about various themes.

During their walk, Ranboo and Clay got closer while Tubbo and Tommy both couldn't help but smile with their accomplice's faces.

-"You two are too slow! Hurry, the garden is this way!"- Tubbo shouts before speeding up, leaving Clay and Tommy behind.

-"How do they have too much energy? I'm tired already..."- Tommy decides to take a little break and lean towards the wall for a moment.

-"Do you want me to carry you too?"- Tommy gets startled by Clay's sudden voice. He wasn't expecting the knight to stay behind for him, he could clearly keep up with Tubbo's and Ranboo's paces but it seems as though he decided to stay with Tomm instead.

-"Hell no! I think I feel better now! Let's move!"- Clay holds in a laugh and keeps going, trying to ignore the voice in his head that continues to tell him to use this as an opportunity to hold Tommy's hand as they now walk side by side.

His eyes got stuck watching Tommy's palm swing backwards and forwards as they followed Ranboo and Tubbo.

But the possibility of upsetting Tommy was enough to push that feeling away and make him stop as something catches his eye, something shiny.

-"Clay, what are you looking at?"- When Tommy noticed Clay's absence he walked back, spotting the knight crouch to see some flowers that were being illuminated by the sun.

-"This flower, kinda reminds me of you"- Tommy gets closer and joins Clay, tracing his eyes to the exact plant the knight was staring at

-"It's yellow, small, delicate, it has a nice aroma and it shines almost as bright as you"- Clay smiles, and Tommy's cheeks were suddenly burning

-"You-you can't just say those things to me!"- Tommy knew that Clay wasn't a guy that would complement another man like that, out of nowhere. But for some reason, he would always find something sweet to say about Tommy.

-"Why not?"- Clay rips off the flower and spins it with his fingers as he holds it up towards the sun.

-"Because is embarrassing! What is wrong with you!?"- Now, this time Tommy's face was an absolute tomato.

-"Are you embarrassed?"- It took a time for Tommy to respond, but at the end he chose honesty...

-"Yes!"- Clay hummed, getting carried away by how stunning Tommy's flustered face looked. In that moment, his eyes unfocused

-"That's cute..."- The words slipped out the moment he got lost observing Tommy's figure. He witnessed the moment the blonde's expression changed, exploding as a new crimson color adorned his cheeks.

-"S-stop it man! Stop saying those things out of nowhere, we are in public!"- Tommy starts beating Clay with his fists, the knight stopped his movements

-"Tommy, we are the only ones here..."- The blonde looks at the sides and Clay was right, there was nobody except for both of them. Tommy awkwardly hides his hands behind his back

-"Alright, fair point.."- Clay took another look at Tommy. After making sure the teen rattle had passed, he went for his hand and took it

He did it in a slow and smooth manoeuvre so Tommy wouldn't flinch away and when he did, the teen didn't reject the touch

-"Open it"- Tommy didn't protest and did as told, just to receive the golden flower into his hand.

-"What do you want me to do with it?"- Clay stands up and whispers into the blonde's ear

"𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐭"


Sapnap knew exactly what he was doing. He is an assassin that would constantly receive offers to kill and get rid of somebody in exchange of money.

And just now he got a very promising one.

He prepared his weapons and walked until reaching his destiny. He had a paper with the address, the place he was looking for was an abandoned house. When he founded it, he hid.

Sapnap jumped and sneaked through the window of the second floor.

It was an office-like room. There was no light and Sapnap couldn't see anything at first, but when his eyes got used to it he started looking at the whole place until his eyes stopped on the chair behind the desk that was so casually facing the wall.

-"I know you are there, why don't you do me a favor and show me your face?"- Sapnap walked fearlessly towards the desk.

-"How rude of me. You are a guest here so I should treat you with courtesy"- When the chair turned, Sapnap just snigg*red.

-"You? Hah, I am surprised. I didn't expect for the great Baron to call me here"- Sapnap said, sounding really amused. The man before him was Eret. He had his legs crossed and his hands were intertwined

-"Hello Nick, or must I say Sapnap? I heard magnificent things from you so my expectations are just as higher"- Sapnap had an uninterested look on this face and he just crossed his arms while connecting his eyes with Eret, still paying attention to his surroundings.

-"Flattering would get you nowhere. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it"- Eret laughed and shifted on his chair

-"There's no need to rush, we have plenty of time to discuss that"- Suddenly the door opened and Sapnap alarmed. He grabbed the knife that was attached to his hip but Eret clicked his tongue in disapproval.

-"Calm down. Foolish is just here to bring us some tea."- It took a few seconds for Sapnap to put away his knife and see how Eret whispered something into's his servant's ear before he left the room.

-"Sorry about that, please seat down"- Sapnap did. "Quite loud for Eret's taste though."

"You see, I regard myself as a man that searches for loyal and promising allies. I despise those with a strong will and independent behavior but you are different. Very different from that."- Sapnap stopped looking at the door and returned his gaze to the man in front of him.

-"Get to the point"- He said in a demanding way.

-"I have a good ear so I have heard about a man that does nothing but damage my followers. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that bonehead that keeps bringing problems around my property? Would you?"- Sapnap grinned just to open his mouth very slowly and say...

-"Who knows?"- Eret smiles falsely and half closes his eyes

-"You are really shameless young know that?"- Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows

-"What's that supposed to mean?"- Eret puts his elbows on the desk and leans towards Sapnap in a dangerous way. You could hear the wood slightly creaking.

-"It means, you are a liar. A fool I assume for thinking that you could trick me"- Sapnap had to admit that the man before him was pretty scary.

He was trying to act unaffected by Eret's words but on the inside, his instincts were screaming at him and begging him to stay away from the Baron as soon as possible. Sapnap didn't listen.

-"I know it was you. Wouldn't you like to admit it? "- Sapnap tensed up a bit but his words didn't faltter

-"That's confidential. I won't talk no matter what you do to me"- Eret laughed and to Sapnap's relief he backed up

-"Oh, no. I won't ask who ordered you to mess with me. I am not mad, I knew you wouldn't confess if I said bad things about you. So you can say I was just playing with you"- Sapnap shook slightly and faked a disappointed face.

-"So what? No torture?"- Eret looked back with an un-surprised look

-"I don't think it'll be necessary. I wasn't really fonded of the fellas you killed. They were mere pawns, manipulable puppets for my own entertainment."- Sapnap's grip on his own arm tightened. It hurt but he had the urge to punch something really badly.

-"Are you aware of all the sh*t that's coming out of your mouth?.."- Eret snickered in an unamused grin.

-"I can see you have a filthy mouth, we can fix that"- The door opened again and Sapnap forced himself to look away from Foolish as the quiet man entered the room driving the tea cart inside.

-"Tea?"- After that question Sapnap squeezes his eyes for a moment in a way to calm down his impatience.

-"I don't drink tea"- Says Sapnap in a bitter way.

-"Suit yourself..."- There was silence in the room as Foolish served Eret a cup of tea. It didn't last long but Sapnap was obviously very annoyed by that.

He glanced over Eret a couple of times as he saw how the man drank his tea very slowly. Eret knew what Sapnap wanted so he looked over to Foolish with the cup still in his hands.

-"You can leave"- Sapnap was tapping his feet on the floor as a sign of displeasure as if he was counting the seconds for Foolish to abandon the room and close the door as soon as possible. Thankfully, he did.

-"Listen, dude, I don't hate you. I understand your motives but your stupid face is making me sick so let's get over this already before I start breaking sh*t..."- Sapnap threatens and Eret puts down his cup very calmly.

-"Very well"- Eret opens the drawer of the desk. Sapnap was expecting him to take out a weapon but was surprised when he saw it was just a pile of papers.

-"You see this?"- Eret asks before spreading the papers all over the desk

-"What about it?"- The assassin could feel Eret's shoe hitting against his leg. He was touching it on purpose. Of course, Sapnap found that action very disgusting but he tolerated it.

-"This is a file that contains all the information I need to know about you"- Sapnap immediately stands up, throwing his chair backward.

-"Have you been spying on me!?"- Sapnap could feel his blood boiling up

-"Oh, please...don’t get that worked up for these mere details, I just have someone who is very good at extracting information from the ones that I am interested in"- Eret starts going through the papers he had in his hands but Sapnap slams his open palm on the desk, not allowing him to continue his reading.

-"Cut the crap old man! Tell me what you're really after.."- Sapnap spits out

-"I don't know what you are talking about.."- Eret says in a spurious tone.

-"Come on, I am not stupid! A guy like you doesn't need me at all. Anyone would be willing to commit any crime for a couple of bucks. I am sure you have a lot of people lining up to pick up your sh*t, so why I am really here!?"- says Sapnap, barring his teeth.

-"I am so glad you asked! I knew you'll notice"- The baron cackles with laugher.

-"I am extremely aware of your capacities and the brilliant work you've done so far. You are a crazy motherf*cker and I love it!"- Sapnap tsked in annoyance

-"You are so upon your own ass. I'd like to see things from your point of view and see if you even have an excuse for that ego of yous"- Eret observed Sapnap with an unsurprised look, smile never disappearing from his face.

-"That's the kind of attitude I like, that's why I choose you, I strongly believe you are adequate for this mission.."- Eret says with a vivid tone

-"That's funny, I don't remember accepting anything from you."- Sapnaps shows a co*cky grin and Eret stands up

-"Oh, trust me. You do not want to decline this kind of offer of mine"- Eret sat on his desk, resting one hand on his own thigh and the other one using it to support his whole body.

-"We'll see. Show me what you got smartass"- Sapnap gives Eret a challenging look

-"Bring it guys"- Eren says while cleaning the dust beside him

Foolish came in again but this time he wasn't alone. Behind him, there were guys coming one after another, and Sapnap's jaw dropped as he saw what they all were holding on their hands.

Sacks full of pure gold. They were all bigger than his head and Sapnap could literally hear the golden coins tingling with each other as they were being transported directly to the man's desk.

-"Is this enough?"- Eret asked in a sarcastic tone while resting a hand on one of the sacks. Sapnap hated the confidence the guy showed.

Of course, the baron knew Sapnap was gonna accept since the beginning, he was just messing with him. There was no way that somebody in his right mind would decline this unique offer!

-"Is there something wrong?"- Sapnap wanted to beat the sh*t out of him and erase that f*cking smile on his face but he restrained.

Shutting his mouth as hard as he could while scratching his own hands to hold himself from hitting the man in front of him. Eret could swear he heard how the boy's teeth grind.

-"No....sir"- Sapnap balked an adequate response. He swallowed all of his pride to blend one knee to the front, crouching to the floor as he lowers his head

-"I am now officially under your command. What are your orders?"- Sapnap hits his fist quietly on the floor but he was pressing his knuckles very strongly against the wood beneath him that he could feel blood come out of it.

-"How surprising! I didn't expect you to accept this quickly. You must be really desperate for this money. What a greedy boy..."- Sapnap snaps his neck with a trenchant expression"-

-"Don't push your luck, just tell me who do I need to kill"- Eret gets down from the desk with a little jump

-"Well, the plan is simple..."- Eret walks towards Sapnap. Heavy and marked footsteps approaching him.

-"I want you to kill the prince of L'Mamberg"- Sapnap lifts his head up

-"What!? you want me to kill prince Wilbur?"- Eren looks down at Sapnap

-"No, not that boring man, I meant the prince Tommy, the real prince"- Well, that certainly wouldn't be an easy task to do.

Everybody knew the king was very overprotective over his third-son. You could clearly see that the prince's safety was his most important priority..

-"I want you to eliminate him. And do it fast, I wouldn't want King Technoblade to step in my way"- Eret turns away from Sapnap and he catches the hint...

-"Whatever you say...boss"- Sapnap jumps over the window but just as he was about to cross to the other side, Eret talked...

-"One thing before you leave"- Sapnap stops all of his movements and turns his head back to the baron

-'"You must succeed, no matter what. I don't care what or who you have to sacrifice."- Sapnap lifted an eyebrow

-"Is that an order?"- Sapnap asks

-"Absolutely. If I wasn't clear enough, perhaps would you want me to rephrase it?"- Eret turns around to face Sapnap, who immediately avoids his eyes.

-"No need. I'll obey"- Sapnap looks out, peeking and making sure nobody was close enough to notice him.

-"Don't fail..."- Eret grabs his tea again and hears how Sapnap huffs

-"I never fail"- That's the last thing Sapnap says before disappearing. Eret just took a slurp from his tea and "ahhed" in delight.

"𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱"

Chapter 7: Changes

Chapter Text

As the day passed, Karl stayed taking care of his shop. He liked being a shoemaker, not because is the only thing he thinks he has the capacity for but because he loves making people happy and get them to wear his own creations.

Quackity was at ease with that, he didn't want Karl to do anything dangerous and put his life at risk. He's always being an overprotective older brother while Karl was just a big softie.

Karl knew Quackity was able to risk everything in his life for him and he honestly hated it. He hoped his brother would share his own insecurities with him instead of hiding them. Karl just wished he could be of any help.

When they were growing Karl let Quackity handled anything without having any clue of what was really happening.

Every time he tried to ask, his brother would always say "You're not made for this kind of conversations, they are too serious for you" or "Everything will be okay, I'll make sure of it"

But the one that hurt the most was the iconic phrase of "You don't have to do anything, just stay there and smile. I like it when you are smiling"

Karl thought he was too stupid to be useful, and because he knew his brother had his hands full with everything else, so he just followed his lead and did what he told him to.

That way he would be less problematic and not be on his way.

The bell of the door brought him back to earth

-"Welcome, what can I help you with- He froze the moment Sapnap entered. Closing the door behind him

-"Sapnap?"- The other one smiled and his heart twisted

-"Where have you been!? Do you have any idea how worried I was!?"- Before he could get to Sapnap the other male captured him with a hug, leaving no space for more arguments.

-"I missed you so much"- Sapnap said with his face on Karl's chest

-"A-are you okay?"- Karl asked a little concerned.

-"I just wanted to see you. I had to"- Just as he whispers that, Karl continues with the hug.

-"You are so soft"- Murmurs Sapnap as Karl starts rubbing, patting the other's back

-"Sapnap are you drunk?"- He tries to ask but Sapnap continues to shrove against him, wanting to feel the other's heat.

-"No"- Karl had the urge to ask again and know if Sapnap's return had to do anything with his "secret job" that he would never talk about. But he also wanted to forget about that and just chill with him

-"Well, You definitely seem kinda different. Did something good happened?"- Karl could hear a covered chuckle against his clothes. Feeling the vibrations of Sapnap's voice.

-"Yes. I'm hugging you"- Karl let's out an amused laugh.

-"So you are telling me that this smile is because of me?"- Karl moves Sapnap so he can see his face

-"It's always been.."- With that said, Sapnap gives a little peck to Karl

-"I'm happy to hear that-woah!"- Sapnap wrapped his arms on Karl's tights, lifting him up over the counter.

-"Hey, what do you say we get out of here?"- Just after that question, Karl swings back until he is sitten.

-"And go where?"- Karl wraps his legs and arms around Sapnap

-"Wherever you like. Once I finish with this job I'll quit and take you to see the world"- Karl looked intrigued, assuming it was a joke.

-"Really?"- Sapnap puts both hands above the counter and beside Karl's body

-"Yeah, I'll give you everything you want, you just have to name it"- Sapnap leans in, feeling his boyfriend breath against his nose and skin

-"What about more kisses?"- Karl starts playing with Sapnap clothes and he just laughs

-"That I can do"- The kisses heated them both. Tongues moving into each other's mouths, but when Sapnap started using his hands, Karl decided to stop him there.

-"Sapnap I can't. I have work to do. I need to finish this for tomorrow"- It sounded more like beg and Sapnap just sees how Karl gets down of the counter

-"You are not mad at me are you?"- Asks Sapnap, waiting for Karl to deny it like he always does, he just wanted to hear him say it.

-"No Sapnap, I'm not mad. I just wish you had come back sooner"- Karl states

-"I'm sorry. It won't happen again"- Karl blushed but he didn't bother to hide it from Sapnap.

-"Apology accepted"- Karl smiles and could see Sapnap blush too

-"I guess I'll get going then"- Sapnap hides his face and starts walking toward the door.

-"See you at home"- As soon as Sapnap opens the door, he closes it without even going through it.

-"Actually..."- Sapnap stops his walking, going back to Karl.

-"Do you know where George is? I really need to talk to him"- Karl blinks a couple of times.

-"Uh, I think he is at the canteen"- He says, and Sapnap smiles

-"Got it, thanks babe"- Sapnap gets close enough to kiss Karl's head and then leave.

-"Don't forget about my brother. You had him over the edge this time"- Sapnap chuckles

-"I'll go see him. See ya."- Karl just watches his boyfriend go. Something wasn't right but realistically there was nothing he could do about it... even if he wanted to... (and he didn't want to) .


-"Sapnap what do you want?"- The only thing that Geroge knows at this instant is that he got dragged out of nowhere and he was now in the bathroom with Sapnap. He just wanted to die .

-"I need your help"- The other says without meeting George's eyes

-"With what?"- Sapnap just kept looking at the door, making sure nobody was listening. He didn't know why he was being so paranoid, everyone was drunk to pay attention to their conversation anyways.

-"Oh my gosh Sapnap what did you this time!"- George took Sapnap's silence as a bad signal.

-"Shh, Relax. It's not what you think"- Sapnap continued to do the task of checking every single cabinet of the bathroom, just to be sure.

-"Then what is it?"- This time, Sapnap faced George.

-"I have an important job to do and I need a partner"-

-"No."- George response was fast and concise.

-"George, you don't understand. The money that is involved in this is insane. We have to do this!"- States Sapnap as George remains still with an annoyed look on his face.

-"I don't care how much money they offered to you, I'll not be a part of this"- George was about to leave but Sapnap stopped him

-"Please, you don't know what you are talking about. This is a unique opportunity, we can't let it get away!"- Sapnap was pleading like a kid. George could feel in his voice how important this was to Sapnap, he couldn't let him down, could he?'

-"Whos the objective?"- George resigned himself and asked

-"Prince Tommy"- Everything fell down upon that cognizance. He wasn't expecting that answer.

-"Let me see if I got this straight, they want you to kill the prince?"- Rather than a question it sounded more likeif he was just repeating the statement that still wasn't fitting in his head

-"That's the plan"- Sapnap's tone was calm, almost as if he was discussing something completely normal.

-"And you agreed to this?"- George certainly could not believe Sapnap's reasons and just how far he was willing to go for completing a job

-"Of course I did! There's money on the line"- Sapnap said casually.

-"You can't be serious"- Sapnap wasn't joking at all and George couldn't help but grow more worried.

-"Why are you so upset! I don't get it!' You didn't care when I killed the big bosses of the village!"- George took a deep breath before resting his back and hands on the sink

-"Sapnap, it's not the same"- Suddenly, after that, George could feel eyes snapping at him.

-"What, because they were bad guys!? Because you didn't know them!?"- Sapnap stepped forward. Punching the wall beside him with his hand.

-"Their deaths were for the common good, that's why I approved you to do it"- George admitted, trying to stay serene as possible.

-"You didn't approve sh*t!"- Sapnap snarled and George froze.

-"You just want to believe you have some sort of control over me, but guess what? You don't!"- Sapnap had posted his cool and George just looked away.

-"Even if you didn't agree I would have done it anyway!"- George could feel Sapnap's spit on his face as he shouted. There was no reason for him to stay anymore.

-"I don't have to listen to this."- George responded easily

-"You can't run away George, not from this one"- Sapnap got between George and the door, blocking his only way out.

-"Sapnap this is your job, can't you handle it by yourself?"- After saying that, Sapnap grins.

-"I don't have to, because you'll help me. You would even sacrifice yourself for my freedom if it comes to it"- Sapnap says without thinking twice

-"Why would I do something like that?"- George asked lowly

-"Because you don't want to see me through the bars and you'll do anything to keep me sane, isn't that right?"- Sapnap says jokingly but George didn't find funny what he was saying

-"It's always been you and me against the world so don't you dare turn your back on me now. It's too late to do that."- George couldn't neglect that fact. He was starting to tremble under Sapnap's hurtful words.

-"Unless....of want to follow on Dream's footsteps"- George could feel his stomach twist at the memory of Dream's stupid mask, his voice, everything...

-"He and I are nothing alike. I am your friend, he never was!"- George blurts out

-"Say whatever you want but we both know that you are only one step away from becoming him, whatever you like it or not"- There was no room for more excuses, George couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried.

-"I'm nothing like him!"- George tries to push Sapnap away but instead he is the one being pushed. Feeling his back hurts as he hits the door behind him.

-"Then prove it"- Sapnap says simply

-"Just-Let me think about it"- George just wanted this to get over it, he'll think of what to do on another occasion.

-"I'll be waiting"- Sapnap moves George out of the way and leaves him there, all alone, by himself....

The nausea coming back to his body...


After getting out of the bathroom, George noticed how Sapnap was sitting on the bar. So casually drinking as if nothing happened.

If he didn't know Sapnap he wouldn't even be able to tell what happened earlier. Sapnap looked like nothing happened, he was just his usual self.

Sapnap smirked at him from afar and George tries to look away and get out of there.

-"Hello handsome"- Quackity greets George at the door. George's look strained.

-"Oh, hi"- George pulled Quackity outside, trying not to look too suspicious.

-"How's my beloved boyfriend doing?"-George forced a smile that Quackity caught as false

-"Is everything okay? You look pale"- George didn't know where to watch. Eyes moving to the sides in a desperate way.

-"Um, I-It's nothing....Sapnap, he is inside."- Quackity's eyes widened

-"He came back!? Oh, I have so much sh*t to tell him."- before he could step a foot inside the place, George pulled him back

-"Wait!"- Quackity showed a half-shocked and confused face to George. He just got away from the door.

-"Sorry, um....he is just in a bad mood so take it easy and....don't upset him?"- George had chills. He couldn't tell if it was the wind or something else that was causing his skin to tremble like that

-"Wait, is he really?"- Quackity asks. Looking behind him and at the front door.

-"Yeah, very"- George couldn't help the quiver in his voice

-"Did he do anything to you?"- Quackity asks in a restive way

-"No, he didn't."- Quackity furrowed. George didn't want Quackity to be involved in this. He wanted to keep him as clean as possible.

-"Are you sure? Because if he lays a finger on you I'll beat him up, you know that right?"- George approaches and places a hand behind Quackity's back.

-"That's exactly what I don't want. You'll just worsen up his bad behavior"- Quackity snorts

-"George, he is not a kid anymore. He should be able to control his anger"-

-"I know, but if it's you who talks to him, I think he'll listen."- Quackity sights on defeat.

-"I'll see what I can do"- George liked that response. He seemed calmer than before but everything changed when he looked up. Feeling colder than before

-"Uh, that's not good"- George murmured

-"What?"- Quackity looks up, seeing grey and dark clouds approaching and covering the skies.

-"A storm is coming"-


Tommy's been really tired lately. Headaches and cramps. He hasn't gotten a lot of sleep lately with all his classes and lessons.

After Mr. Slimecicle got sick and asked for a week off, the blonde has been struggling a lot with math and science.

Good thing he had Clay with him. The knight offered to stay awake with Tommy and helped him out with any doubt or problem he had.

Turns out, Clay was very good with numbers. Tommy was not even surprised by that, I there's even something this man can't do? It's just not fair.

After a couple of lectures, Clay figured the type of learner Tommy was. The blonde would never ask for help. Instead, he'll just keep trying by himself, in silence and without any clue about what he was doing.

He was clearly ashamed of having to ask Clay to explain to him over and over again and still don't understand it. The knight was very patient with him

Tommy would never admit he was clueless, but Clay convinced him that it was okay if he needed more time to figure out the equation. If he required Clay's assistance, he should tell him instead of keeping it from him. He was here to help.

Clay wouldn't deny that Tommy was a slow learner, but as he started doing things at his own pace, the blonde was slowly finding his way to understanding more and more.

Once everything got cleared up, everything started to work out for both of them.

-"So how's the equation going?' Feel confident enough to do it on your own?"- It was past midnight, the maids were all sleeping, but the knight still made his way to the kitchen and prepared two coffees.

He preferred it black, but Tommy liked it with milk, sugar, and a lot of creams... so he made it that way, just as he likes.

-"I'm already at it big lad, just watch me"- Clay places Tommy's cups on the table and drinks his own.

He wasn't feeling sleepy at all, but he wanted to accompany Tommy with a drink.

The windows were trembling heavily because of the wind, giving its way to the rain that followed. Clay just focused on Tommy's writing.

-"Don't rush and take your time"- As he says that, Clay watches how Tommy bites onto the pencil and wrinkles his nose. He knew that look very well.

-"Don't worry about me, I'll gladly stay with you all night if you need me to"- Tommy chuckles. Even though he was sitting right beside the fireplace, the boy was still trembling.

Clay approaches from behind and covers the blonde with a warm and comfy blanket.

-"Better?"- Tommy gives a bright look to Clay.

-"Yeah, thanks big man"- One of Clay's hands was still over Tommy's shoulder, so the prince rested his hand over his. That action made Clay want to take his gloves off and leave his own hands uncovered too, only to feel Tommy better.

A new blush appears in Clay's face as Tommy starts fondling his fingers with such smooth hands. Clay stifles his breathing at the feathery sensation, tensing up as he is finally able to make contact with Tommy's skin.

-"I finished, check it out"- Clay agitates his head to the sides and sits up, leaving his shock behind. He starts looking into Tommy's work, smirking right after it.

-"Yup, you got it right"- Tommy lifts both of his arms as victory

-"You see!? I am actually getting better at maths and it's all thanks to you!"- Tommy elbows Clay and starts drinking his coffee. Delighting himself by the taste of its hotness.

-"Oh come on, give Charlie a little bit of credit"- The prince puffs before putting his cup down

-"No but I am serious. How do you know all this stuff?"- Clay shifts his body slightly

-"My father taught me"- Clay's hidden expression went from soft to cold. Still keeping a calm and friendly tone.

-"No wonder you are this awesome! He must be a very brilliant man, just like you!"- Clay's heart fills with warmth at Tommy's praise, but just by mentioning his family, he started feeling different.

He stares at the table, listening as the echoing sound of the trembling windows gets louder because of the wind outside.

Rain and complete darkness, it brought him back to memories..

-"He was.."- Tommy's face went from a smile to a serious expression. He knew almost instantly what Clay meant by that.

-"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know" - Tommy felt immediate empathy for Clay. After all, he had a dead parent too...

-"It's okay. It was a long time ago, so is not like it matters anymore"- There was silence until Tommy decided to move his legs under the table and get a little bit closer

-"Of course, it matters! Don't you want to talk about it?"- Even though Clay was hiding his face from Tommy, the blond knew the knight was very conflicted about his response.

-"I wouldn't like to bore you with my past"- Clay's voice becomes unenthusiastic as he grabs onto his coffee as a way to shake off his discomfort.

-"But I want to know"- Clay looks at Tommy, more energy coming back at him (and not because of the caffeine)

-"You do?"- Asks Clay, sounding almost amused.

-"Of course I do. Clay, I literally know nothing about you. So I want to learn more. If possible everything."- That sentence made Clay's heart take a flip.

-"But-It's a long story..."- Tommy places a hand on Clay's tight and gets closer, staring at that white mask of his. Clay's eyes travel towards the blanket, slowly falling to the side and leaving the teen's shoulder uncovered as he moves forward.

Tommy's mouth opened but Clay didn't hear anything of what he said, his brain stopped working at the moment he was touched by the prince in such ways. His mind starts to wander and his heart races, wondering if the teen was aware of his own actions

-"We have time and none of us have another place to be"- Clay admires Tommy's boldness. He's always been so direct in the most important moments.

-"You also said you'll stay with me the whole night, so don't chicken out now or I might punish you..."- Clay's chest blasts as he is filled with emotions, his face reddens by the minute.

𝙃𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩...

-"A-alright, you win"- Clay feels shivers run through his spine and almost whimpers as Tommy grabs his chin, daring him to look back at him.

-"And for the record. I'm not going to think different of you when you tell me about your past if that's what you are worried about"- Clay smiles dumbly as the teen touches him so freely and carelessly.

Is not enough. He wants more...

Tommy continues to put pressure on Clay's tight, marking his open fingers over the dark fabric of his pants as he supports his weight, without knowing how much he is difficulting Clay's self-restriction.

If Tommy was so good at reading people, how come he was an open book through Clay's eyes and vice-versa. Guess they are vulnerable to each other in a way.

"Okay, Okay, I'll tell you...but- you may want to take your distance though"- Clay didn't have the heart to move Tommy away, mostly because he didn't want to, so he tried to make the blonde notice the short distance that separated them. And it worked

Tommy blushed really hard, realizing he was just a centimeters away from Clay and he quickly backed off with clumsy moves.

The moment he saw Tommy sit far away from him, Clay regretted his decision, missing the teen by his side already...

Still, he took a moment to organize his thoughts and put away Tommy from his mind. He closed his eyes, letting his memories flow through him and suddenly his eyes were not smiling anymore.

-"Everything started with my birth. I was born in a rich family, my father was a duke"- He explained slowly and calmly

Now it all made sense. Clay's perfect knowledge about topics that not everyone knows about, the interesting facts he would spill out from time to time, and that crappy-formal-like tone he always used. It was all because of his wealthy origins.

-"They gave me everything. Starting from language classes, swordsmanship, math, and history"- Clay's eyes moved directly to the fire in front of him, focusing his memory on the flames ahead and concentraining on it as if he was reliving it.

-"They loved me so much and we were a big and happy family, until 'that' happened..." Clay heard the raindrops outside more clear than before. The water sound clashing against the floor.

That night was raining too...

-"Bandits burst into our home and threatened my dad with hurting me and my mother if he didn't give them what they wanted"- Clay's voice deadpanned.

-"What did they want?"- Tommy asked, seeing how gloomy Clay had become all of the sudden

-"Money, gold, jewels, and more useless stuff I can't recall"- Tommy got chills, so he grabbed the blanket from before and kept it closer to his body until he was completely wrapped inside it.

-"I remember being so afraid I couldn't even move. My dad was stabbed to death and my mother died protecting me"- His ears hurt, he would never stop hearing the cries and heartrending screams of his parents. Telling him to run and escape.

"We'll be fine, don't worry about us"

"Don not fear, everything will be okay"

Those false smiles, that instead of reassuring him just provoke more fear and anxiety. It was a dark part of the story he decided to omit for Tommy's own sake.

-"I cried and just stared at their lifeless bodies, until I heard the leader say they'll take me with them"- Clay started to feel grossed out from his own words.

The blood tinting his unused shoes that his mother had bought him for his birthday, leaving them in a not reversible state of shame. How the fresh blood splashed into his face got mixed with his own tears. The walls and floor getting painted into a new and stinky color. And before he noticed, all of the room became red

He could still feel the mud from the outside, the smell of wet grass surround him as his hair got soaked wet the moment they brought him out against his own will with a gag, forbidding him to scream or shout and only allowing him to struggle against the tight ropes.

His clothes were ruined and stung for weeks. The vomiting sting that made him throw up on the spot and sensation that toured his stomach is something he would never allow himself to forget..

-"Take you?' Where?"- Tommy's voice was not as clear as before, it was distorted but he could still tell what he was saying and it was enough to reduce his sorrow.

-"To their hidden base. He said something about me having great potential or whatever"- Clay was losing himself... Tommy could see it.

Remembering all that painful experience that he once tried to forget was filling his mind with negative thoughts and emotions.

-"Starting from that moment, my life turned upside down"- Tommy got surprised at how sad and somber Clay's countenance had become. He could literally see the darkness around him.

-"First, they locked me up so that I would not try to escape. I had to follow their rules and convince them that I was obedient so they would free me."- Clay took a pause.

He seemed thoughtful about something, Tommy could tell...

-"I met a lot of kids like me and all of us were trained in the same way. They manipulated us to do the dirty job and work for them."- Tommy started to feel sorry for Clay, who could possibly do that to a simple child?

The answer was cruel but obvious and simple, the same reason he didn't even dare to ask it out loud.

-"If we didn't do it correctly we would be punished and left to starve until we learned our lesson. Not all of them made it..."- Clay continued digging deeper into his past.

He hadn't thought of it for years but, they really f*cked him up, didn't they?' He was messed up and broken, meeting Tommy just made him forget about it.

-"I must have been a horrible student because the training and pain never stopped."- Clay's face was blank, literally. Tommy didn't know how to feel about it.

-"I spend almost my whole life under the shadows, following orders, killing, and stealing. There was a moment I thought I was going crazy but then something great happened"- The firewood cracked and the sound made it into Tommy's and Clay's ears.

-"Just before I was named the new leader, the boss died."- Clay's agitation went away, he was soothed now.

-"But-how!?' Did somebody murder him?"- Clay didn't move and responded without any care

-"It was a heart attack. Just a simple and miserable reminder of his old age. I felt so lucky when it happened"- Tommy felt disturbed and uncomfortable at the small laugh at the end.

-"Long story short, I ran away, changed my name, and started know the rest"- This time, Clay turned his face to Tommy. Finally looking at him...

-"Wait, so you are a former assassin?"- Clay nodded

-"Pretty much, yeah"- Again, responding without any care.

-"Then why did you go straight here?' To a castle full of guards and laws."- Tommy asks, totally imaging what Clay's situation must have been back then.

-"I didn't give it too much thought then. I just saw an opportunity and I took it and I am so glad I did"- Clay says unworried.

-"Why?"- Tommy asks under his breath in an exasperated way.

-"Because I got to meet you"- The change in Clay's tone made Tommy's heartbeat increase.

God-He always blushes so easily.

-"I wouldn't exchange any second with you for anything in the world"- This time, Clay decided to be honest with his own feelings.

-"You mean it?"- Tommy asks as Clay's gets closer to him.

-"I do."- Clay caresses Tommy's cheek, moving his blonde hair at the back of his ear.

-"Tommy, you are the best thing that's happened to me"- The prince could feel Clay's eyes intensity through his mask. Passion flowing all over him.

-"C-clay you are too close"- The blond tries to shove Clay off but the knight grabs him by the waist. His hand caressing the skin of his face

-"Am I not allowed to?"- Clay looks deeply into those kind-blue eyes of Tommy, incapable of looking away.

-"That's not it"- Tommy's eyes glanced at Clay's lips, the only part of his face that was still visible to him. If Clay noticed, he didn't mention it because he wanted the exact same thing

-"Are you scared of me?"- Tommy shook his head to the sides.

-"I would never. I trust you"- There was such kindness and security in Tommy's voice that Clay couldn't help but smile sweetly.

-"Even after everything I said?"- Tommy lowers his head shyly, his ears heating up.

-"I can't judge you for what you did in the past. It wasn't your choice, but this is"- Tommy yanks onto Clay's hoodie. His hands still shaking.

-"You are right. That life is over, right now I am with you and I couldn't have asked for a better company"- Clay grabbed Tommy's both arms, lifting them up and resting them above his neck from both sides, without letting go. Tommy felt as if he could pass out as time passed by.

The blonde's body was trembling, he was anxious and nervous.

-"Are-are you being serious right now?' How do I know you're not just messing with me"- After making sure Tommy's arms were in place and not moving, he grabbed the prince's thin waist... being able to almost intertwine his hands around it.

This is the closest he has ever been to Tommy. He wanted him, He needed him, he desired him so f*cking much.

-"Tommy, I'll never play about something like this"- The prince is getting dizzy as he listens. Fearing Clay would be able to hear his heartbeat.

-"If you still have any doubts, then I'll show you just how serious I am"- Clay leaned in, giving Tommy enough time for him to dodge or move away, but he didn't. He instead closed his eyes and waited for it.

But it was then when a thunder hit the ground. Lighting makes a loud noise and illuminates the outside for a second.

The prince jumped and hugged Clay, hiding his face on the knight's collar. Suddenly, the storm got louder for both of them.

-"Tommy are you scared of lighting?"- Tommy's grip tightened as he shut his eyes close

-"P-please do-don't tell Tubbo, he'll laugh at me"- Tommy's voice quivered, and was at the edge of tears. Clay just held him, shushing him.

-"It's okay, you are safe with me."- Clay patted the prince's back and gave him a smooch on the forehead, leaving it at that.

-"I am here and I would not let anything happen to you"- Soon they were both out and slept hugging each other.

At some point, Clay woke up and carried the blonde to his bed, putting a blanket onto the boy and staying close to keep an eye on him

Tommy never letting go of his hand

Chapter 8: Stay with me


The only thing that he wants is Tommy...

Chapter Text

When the light reached his face, Tommy grumbled. He shifts and lays on his back instead of his stomach. He feels so tired and wants to sleep more but suddenly he hears a creak and feels a weight over him.

"Tommy, wake up" It was Clay's voice... he started to agitate Tommy's shoulder slowly, whispering...

"I wanted to let you sleep more but it's late and you have a class to attend to, remember?" Tommy groaned.

Of course, he remembered.

𝙒𝙖𝙞𝙩, ....𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧?.....

Tommy forced his eyes open and spotted Clay. Suddenly, the memories of last night came up to him.

𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 ...

𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨...


He remembered it all and his face redden up with embarrassment.

"Clay!? W-what are you doing here!?" Tommy hid under the blankets, not wanting Clay to see his red and flustered face.

"What do you mean? I always come here to wake you at the same hour" Clay was right, that was a stupid question coming from Tommy, but right now he wasn't thinking straight.

In that moment he felt a hand over him...

"OK, OK, FINE! I get it, just get the hell off me!" Tommy wanted his space so Clay moved, setting the blonde free

"G-give me a second, I just-n-need to get ready and pick out some clothes" Tommy got off the bed from the opposite side Clay was standing, he wanted him as far as possible.

"Do you need my help?" With that said Tommy stopped all of his movements

"Wh-" Tommy almost asks in disbelief. Has he heard right?"

"Clay, I beg your pardon?" Clay walks towards Tommy, who just ducked to avoid his incoming hand, confusing him.

"What? I just want to help you with your clothes..." Tommy recoiled at the mere thought of having Clay touch his body. He blushed really hard...

-"ABSOLUTELY NOT! We are not on that f*cking phase yet! Y-You f*cking weirdo!"

"T-tommy? What are you talking about?" Clay sees Tommy grab the doorknob of his walk in-closet. His breathing getting bigger.


-"What!? I-I didn't- ... you-y-you said-..." Clay takes a deep breath. "Listen, Tommy I didn't mean it like that.."- As he tries to explain, Tommy cuts him off.

"No! You listen to me, pal! I don't know what are we but you are clearly going a little faster with this. So don't talk to me until you get your own sh*t figured it out, you dirty bastard! " Tommy was about to go inside of his wardrobe when Clay startled him, raising his voice at him for the first time.

"Tommy, is not what you think! I just wanted to fix the collar of your shirt and help you choose your clothes, that's all!"


Well.. that makes so much sense now.

Tommy just turns around, facing at the wardrobe's door, adjusting the crooked - neck of his white and long sleeve shirt.

"I-I don't care just leave!" Tommy's voice was lower than usual, he was shocked. He had never heard Clay talk that loud before.

"What? Why?" Clay asks in a confused tone.

"Because I don't want you to see me changing my clothes. Now leave!" Clay noticed the blush that Tommy was so determined to hide. He was so beautiful.

"Okay-I guess I'll be waiting outside then.." Tommy's shoulders tensed at the sound of Clay's footsteps behind him.

"P-please do!" Tommy fled away, without looking back and closed the door rapidly.

Now, he was completely alone. Tommy just rested his back on the door and slid until he was sitten on the floor.

His heart getting faster and faster, Clay was going to kill him from a heart attack.


Tommy spent almost the whole morning trying to escape from Clay, only to realize that Clay would follow him everywhere he went.

The only times he was by his own was in the bathroom, he knew Clay wouldn't lose sight of him.

No matter how much Tommy wanted to run away from the embarrassment, he couldn't do it forever. He was being so obvious and of course, Clay noticed his odd behavior and weird gestures.

"Tommy are you mad at me?" Tommy doesn't reply, he felt that if he opened his mouth only a half-choked sound would come out of it.

His mouth was dry and didn't want to have a voice crack in front of Clay, he wouldn't even be able to cover up his agitated self.

"Tommy?' is it something that I did?" Clay held back a whine, has he upset Tommy in any way?

He didn't want that, he didn't want Tommy to hate him, that thought was enough to fright the knight.

"I'm not angry, I'm fine! Perfectly fine!" Tommy said out loud. He knew that his tone had just given him away but it was too late now. He just hoped that his response was convincible enough for Clay to not care.

"No you are not." Clay shifted and paused in front of Tommy, not letting him continue his walking.

At first, Tommy thought of diverting his path and think up a way out of there... but you know what?


Clay didn't understand at all how he was feeling, he was being inconsiderate and thoughtless, or at least that's how Tommy thinks he's acting.

In the back of his mind, it kind of made sense and his most recent realization about his true sexuality wasn't helping at all.

"Clay, move." Even Tommy himself got started by how serious he sounded, his senses were heating up too quick for his mind to catch up.

He didn't want to show Clay that he was nervous or scared, so he just decided to act though, in front of him, even after knowing that he would never be able to deceive him.

"Not until you tell what is going on" Clay was not an idiot and could not be fooled that easily. Tommy just gulped and squeezed the side of his pants in frustration.

"Clay, I order you to step aside and leave me the f*ck alone!' Not asking again! " Tommy spitted in a venenous tone, he didn't know if he was just pretending to be angry or if he actually was mad at Clay.

"Just... tell what I did wrong and I promise I'll fix it, but please, talk to me.." Clay grabbed Tommy's hand, and the blonde blenched.

All of his recent confidence completely disappearing and leaving him with just doubts and insecurities. He closed his eyes and tossed his arm across Clay's face.


Clay backed away at the hit, feeling how his mask flew across the air, landing on the floor beside him.

"sh*t! ...I-I didn't mean to do that..." Clay fell on his knees, looking away from Tommy as he covered his face in panic.

"Clay, are you good?" Tommy gave a step forward, only for Clay toextend his arm towards Tommy's face

His open palm forbidding Tommy to get any closer.

"Don't worry about it, just.. don't look at me, okay?" Tommy felt hurt. Clay just reached for his now cracked mask, tying it and covering his face once again in a hurry.

A little white piece had fallen off of it and Tommy felt terrible about it. He didn't know what to say, the words weren't coming out and just got stuck inside his throat.

Clay was just glad Tommy had not seen a thing about his appearance.

Still, he had to admit it. If it had been anyone else, Clay would have destroyed the one responsible for breaking his mask and leaving his face uncovered. But he realized that it was okay because it was Tommy who did it.

He would allow Tommy to do anything to him and still not complain about it. He couldn't get mad at the teen, it was just impossible for him...

There was an awkward silence where nobody talked. Tommy stared at the ground.

He couldn't bring himself to look up at Clay, he was ashamed of what he did and as soon as he opened his mouth to apologize, somebody called his name.

"Tommy! There you are, I need to talk to you..." It was Wilbur, coming from behind.

"Oh! Hi, Clay... I didn't see you there. What are you two doing in the middle of the hallway?" Tommy tensed up but he soon pushed the feeling of guilt away.

"Nothing to worry about, just ignore it!" Clay felt a little disappointed by that and Wilbur just analyzed both expressions with a suspicious look on his face.

"If you say so.."

"What did you want to tell me, anyway?" Tommy changed the topic, if only he had done it before, nothing of this would be happening.

"It's about Dad.." Wilbur said and Tommy just showed a confused look to his brother.

"Did something happened to dad?.." Wilbur reacted slowly to that question, he was waiting for Tommy to instantly realize what his words meant, but after a moment of silence, he gave up and decided to be more clear.

"No, it's not that... but.. he invited Deo over" Wilbur explained.

"He did what!?" Clay widened his eyes at Tommy's reaction. He seemed rather panicking about something.

"He is waiting in the dining room, we are all having breakfast together..." Tommy sucked on a breath.

"Y-You didn't tell me he was coming! I haven't seen him for months, what I am supposed to tell him!? Hmmm?.. Tell me! " Clay could feel Tommy's nervousness and rapid breathing, he got worried.

"I don't know, but I must say he looked very excited to see you. Dad thinks this is a good opportunity to strengthen your relationship with him."-

"I'm sorry, who's Deo?" Clay asked, receiving two different types of stares from Wilbur and Tommy.

"Oh, right! You weren't here when the announcement was made so you don't know." Tommy's hands started sweating, he didn't like where this conversation was going...

"Deo is the prince of the SMP Earth kingdom and he is also Tommy's-"

"WOah! WOah! Hold on right there, Clay doesn't need to know that!" The older prince got interrupted by Tommy's hands all over his face, making him close his eyes and mouth out of instinct

"Know what?" Clay asked in a rather demanding tone, sounding more annoyed than he really was.

"Well, it's a little bit funny but Deo is actually-" He started again, and now he didn't have any intention of shutting up

"No! No!, Wilbur stop!"

"He is Tommy's fiance..." Clay tensed up, feeling his heart twist painfully..

"Our father and his dad are friends of life. Their engagement was planned before they were even born and they also assisted us when our mother passed away" Wilbur said in an innocent way, being completely clueless and unaware of the mess he had just created.

"It- Is not that important, we just happen to be childhood friends, I-I mean we are not even thaaat close..." Tommy says in a high-pitched tone.

"What are you talking about?' You two are inseparable. Always holding hands and flirting with each other.." Tommy's heart stopped.

"W-we don't f*cking flirt! We don't Clay, we don't! I swear!" Clay looked away and his face twitched into an inevitable frown.

"You don't have to explain anything, is not of my business, so I don't care." Clay shoved Tommy away with those simple words. His harsh and cold tone hiding the fact of how riled up he actually was

"That was a complete lie and you know it." Clay didn't respond. The silence showing an invisible tension build up and increase between them

"So, that's how this is. Okay, I get it now! I can play the same game and act all sad and sh*t, but I won't because I don't want to. It'll just be f*cking lame." Tommy crossed his arms and looked to the other side.

"Of course you would say that.." Clay murmured to himself. It was almost amusing just how much he had gotten to know Tommy in just a matter of weeks... He knew exactly what the boy would say next.

"And for the record, it is kind of your business, so... yeah, sucks to suck." Wilbur looked at both males in front of him, catching up on the tension these two had.

"Are you two okay?" Wilbur asks rather concerned. He had never seen Clay lose his cool like that, was it always like that between these two?

"Yeah, we're perfect! Just thinking about some insignificant sh*t." After hearing that, Wilbur notices the knight's hand squeeze, closing it in a hard and painful grip.

"Oh, so that's what you think it is. I mean, it's fine. Doesn't have anything to do with me anyways" Clay declares, showing just how displeased he was.

"Shut up man! stop acting like a big baby and pull your sh*t together!" Wilbur knew Tommy very well and he could tell that the teen was burning up, looking ready to punch and stab something, or someone in particular.

Tommy and Clay were both pushing each other's buttons, provoking the other without even noticing.

"Whatever...." Clay mutters and Wilbur could literally feel the air tighten around them, it was getting awkward to watch

"I don't understand, Tommy I thought you'll be happy to see Deo again" the blonde jumped, getting drawback by that statement.

"No, I am!.. That's part is fine, I like Deo-I mean, he's cool, he's really cool!" Clay was about to get vocal and let out a heavy groan he had stuck in his chest, but he kept it in. Still thinking of how unnecessary it was for Tommy to emphasize the "cool" part. He didn't have to repeat it two times.

"Then what's with the long face?" Tommy didn't even know the face he was making, he really has to work out how to hide his emotions, huh?

"I- just don't think that I'm ready to get married yet."

"Well, it's not like you two are gonna marry now. You are too young for that." Wilbur said and Tommy's past anger was now getting fully replaced by nothing more than hesitation

"I know, but I am still not sure that's what I really want" Clay glanced at Tommy.

Was his face showing terror?....

Did Tommy didn't want to marry this Deo guy?

"Oh, don't be silly .. you don't have to worry about that, just let me and dad handle it." Wilbur patted Tommy's back and pushed him to the dining room.

This will be a long day...


"Tommy! Is nice to see you. I missed you so much.." Deo hugged Tommy close. The blonde reacted late... not really knowing what to do with his hands..

"I missed you too, Deo." Tommy smiled and Clay just rolled his eyes under his mask, being thankful that his expression was covered.

"It's been a long time since we talked like this, just the two of us." Tommy laughed

"You mean us and our knights behind us?" Tommy states, feeling Clay's gaze on the back of his neck..

"Wait, are they still here?" Deo looks back, completely joking about it.

"Yup, Clay never leaves my side. He's always here." Tommy tone weakens at the end of his sentence, almost wincing in the process.

"The same goes for Purpled. I would say he is my best friend." Tommy trips at that, but thankfully Deo is there to keep him balanced. Because, of course..

"Hey! I thought I was your best friend" The sudden raise of volume just caused the knights to pay more attention to both princes and Tommy immediately started regretting his loud behavior as soon as Clay's gaze glued towards his direction.

"And I thought Tubbo was yours..." Mentions Deo, spitting out facts..

"Well, I can have two best friends if I want to, can't I? " Deo snorts at that

"You can, but not with me. After all, I don't see you as a friend anymore" Tommy stops walking, making Deo stop too.

"What!? Why not!? am I not your friend?" Tommy shouted out of instinct one more time, good thing that everyone else around him was used to it already.

"No Tommy, You are my fiance." Deo explains "I'm basically your boyfriend right now." He added...

"You-you are right.. Guess I didn't think of it like that" Tommy started to sweat heavily, feeling Deo's hand over his

"I know we haven't really made it official or anything but I like you, Tommy. I've always had." Tommy is flattered but everything just feels so wrong about this, feeling as he wasn't supposed to be with Deo but... with someone else...

"M-me too Deo... me too..." Tommy didn't have any other option than just go with it, answering in a doubtful way.

'𝙊𝙧 𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙄 𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤𝙤'

𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘵, 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 did... 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘋𝘦𝘰..

"Is it okay if I keep holding your hand?" Deo asks with a small blush and Tommy looks back to where Clay was, rapidly ignoring how the knight looked right back at him.


Clay didn't like any of this, the odds seem to be against him....

Tommy's family spend the whole morning praising Prince Deo and talking about how awesome he was, he was basically part of the family now and the king seemed to trust him a lot...

And now he was stuck with this other knight whose armor was pure purple. Eyes matching the same color.

"I'm Purpled by the way" The knight dares to introduce himself again, even after being ignored by Clay for two complete hours.

"I know, you said it like three times now." That's all he says, not wanting to continue with the conversation and making very clear he was getting annoyed by Purpled presence...

But that didn't stop Purpled from trying..

"I haven't seen you before, how long have you been a knight for?" Purpled asks after a moment of complete silence...

"Not long." Clay was clearly not in a good mood, he tried to give Purpled all the signs possible but the knight still decided to talk to him.

"Sooo... What do you like to do in your spare time?" Purpled pats simultaneously his tight, waiting for a response

"I watch after the prince" Another short answer.

"Anything else?" Clay sighs

"No." Clay doesn't look at Purpled, trying to make him realize that his questions were meaningless

"Okay, that's cool..." Silence again.

Purpled was running out of ideas, he needed to continue with the small talk but this time it took him longer to formulate another interesting question

"Listen, about prince Tommy..." Clay immediately looked at the other knight. Purpled was surprised at how quick he got Clay's attention just by mentioning the Prince's name.


"What do you make of him?" Clay glances at Tommy. It wouldn't be easy for him to describe Tommy without rambling, but he'll try to keep it short and be as subtle as possible

"I think he is funny, and... very energetic. But he has a tendency to rush into the unknown and always talks without thinking." Clay smiles.. remembering moments he's spent with Tommy.

He hopes he can spend more time with Tommy in the future and create new memories with him. Even if his love for the teen is unilateral, forbidden or impossible.... he wishes he still gets allowed to stay by his side, for the rest of his days

The teen was really something else and right now he could not think of anything or anyone that's wasn't him

"Well, Prince Deo is nothing like that and that's actually why he's such a good pair for him." Purpled hears a little growl coming from Clay.

"Do you disagree with it?" Purpled asks curiously

"Yeah, I totally disagree with you."- Clay states, and Purpled shrugs

"It sure sounded like it."

This situation wasn't easy for Clay to handle, he could feel his possessive side taking over his mind.

He was jealous, very jealous. Clay just wanted to take Tommy with him and get him away from the other prince as possible.

It was taking all of his strength to stay in place, he wanted to run towards Tommy and claim him as his but he couldn't do that.

Because that would be wrong and... Tommy wouldn't want that, right?...

"You know, I have been watching after Prince Deo since he was fourteen and he and Tommy have always being an iconic duo." Clay hasn't been paying attention to Purpled's talking before, but now he can clearly say that he hates the man's voice..

Can't Purpled just let Clay stare at Tommy in silence? Why does he has to force his way in like that? He may be young, but he also has a job to do!

"I mean just look at them. Don't you think they look good together?" Clay narrows his eyes towards the par, hearing giggles from the distance that almost make him take a few steps back to get away from the sound

"I don't know, it's hard to tell when I am just looking at their backs..." Clay's voice is grim and Purpled can only imagine what his expression must be in this exact moment

"That's... understandable..." Purpled balances himself to the side and starts to whistle in order to fill in the uncomfortable silence.

He stopped when an idea popped into his mind..

"You want to know something?" Clay didn't say anything but after seeing how Purpled didn't continue, he was forced to use his words and formulate an appropriate answer.

"What?" He repeated and Purpled whispers into Clay's ear.

"They may have grown on height but none of them have changed at all." Purpled says between a laugh and points at both of the princes standing a couple of meters away.

"I still remember when they used to play together. Prince Tommy was always clinging onto Deo and following him around, it was funny to watch." Clay's shoulders shift.

"I'm sure it was.."

"They've known each other since forever. I don't know what it feels like to have someone like that by your side but ...I mean, it must be great" Clay clenched his hand. Gripping tightening on his sword

"Yeah...great..." Clay answers, sarcasm all over his words..

"Alright, that's it, am I missing something or why do you sound upset about what I just said? " Purpled asks teasingly, trying to get a reaction from the knight.

"I'm not just upset about what you just said now, I've been upset about everything you've said previously since you showed up.." It's actually concerning that the guy hasn't realized this from the very beginning, it seems that his position as a knight doesn't makes up to his level of intelligence

"Why, though? Is it because the prince is looking at someone that is not you?" Acid flooding from Purpled words, was Clay really that obvious about his feelings?' Was Purpled trying to provoke him?

How can he possibly suck at reading the room but be astute about something almost invisible to plain sight?

"Okay, now I can clearly see just how much their courtship is bothering you..." That's it. Clay was now on edge, there was no point of keep pretending.

The anger is getting to him and he can't afford to hide his emotions anymore. Especially when they are about Tommy...

"So? What's your point?" Clay asks in a defensive tone

"I don't have one, but you want my advice?..." It sounded like a question but it wasn't and Clay knew that

"Don't get too close. Because it doesn't matter what you or I think, nobody can change the fact that those two are getting married." Clay's posture got rigid after that...

"Your voice will never reach them, so if you don't want to get hurt, the easiest thing to do is to stay quiet and just watch from afar. " Purpled rests his hand on Clay's shoulder

"Only act when there's danger, that's what I have been doing all these years and the only thing a knight like does can do."

Clay returned to gaze at Tommy. He couldn't stand the fact of someone else touching Tommy, his Tommy.

He knew exactly what he was feeling and didn't know how to control it. The pain in his chest hurt like it never did before.

"It doesn't has to be" Clay mutters, removing Purpled's hand from him. He didn't want to lose him to another person so before he knew it has body was moving and started walking towards Tommy. A walking that suddenly turned into sprinting.

"Wait, C-clay? What is the meaning of this?" Tommy asked at the moment Clay stepped between him and Deo.

"Tommy, we are leaving" Clay's tone was unusual and more irritated.He grabbed the blonde's arm and pulled him along. Tommy struggling a little out of mere confusion.

"Hey! Hey! Wait! You can't just take him!" Deo took Tommy's other arm, keeping him in place.

"Let go." Clay said with a low tone that sounded almost like a whisper, but Tommy was the only one that heard it, growing even more concerned than he was before.


"I said let go, now!" Clay growled, he was definitely angrier than before.

"Excuse me?" Deo was somehow intimidated by the man in front of him but to Clay's dismay, he still refused to let go.

"How dare you speak to the prince like that!" Purpled approached. He placed one hand on the case of his sword that was on his belt, debating if he should draw it out or not.

"I'm sorry, but you can't have him. I won't allow it, I can't" Clay pulled Tommy close, chest pressing against the other. Tommy's face grew redder

"And who are you to decide that?' He is my fiance!" As soon as Deo said that he looked at Tommy, trying to get a hint of what was happenin,g but all he could notice was the way the blonde observed Clay.

Eyes shining and pink cheeks decorating his face

That's when he finally understood...

"With all due respect Prince Deo, you don't need him as much as I do. You may not realize it, but I can assure you that I want to be with him way more than you do." Tommy took a glance at the guy holding him. He felt loved, and needed. Clay needed him.

"He's everything I have. So please, don't take him away from me" Deo widened his eyes at that plead, noticing a hint of sadness on the other's tone and maybe a bit of distress. Clay's was about to walk away until he heard the sound of metal from behind Prince Deo

Tommy tried to alert him, but the knight was already aware of it and didn't even flinch when a sword was dragged to his neck.

"Know your place knight! If you don't shut up, I'm gonna chop your head off" Clay smiled abruptly, starting to laugh as he moved closer to the pointing object, making a slight cut to his own neck as a thread of blood appeared.

"I would like to see you try" Purpled hesitated. He had the upper hand but it seemed that the guy in front of him was not afraid of dying, almost as if he was used to feeling pain

"Wait, stop!" Deo lowered the sword with his open palm and moved it away from Clay's neck.

"Purpled, put away your sword.." The knight tsked and Clay just hugged Tommy tighter, putting his hand on his as a way to reassure him.

He was fine, but the blond still gave him a worried look. Clay's cheeks become pinker as he ruffles the golden hairs in Tommy's head.

"You can go, just... take good care of him for me. Because if you don't and I find out you made him cry, I will report you with the king inmediately, understood? " Clay nods, disappearing from his sight and dragging Tommy along with him.

"Sir, why did you let him leave?" Purpled asked as he looked for answers in Deo's face.

"It just felt like the right thing to do.." Deo says in a docile way, still looking at the direction Tommy had just taken off to.

"That man disrespected you and took prince Tommy with him. You can't just allow something like that"

For one moment Purpled started to wonder if Deo was ever serious about wanting Tommy. His lack of spirit and commitment was not normal. When the word coward crossed his mind, the prince's genuine laugh erased that rude thought of his head.

"I'm sure Tommy will be fine. From the way he looked at his knight I can tell they have a strong bond between them. He really likes him.." Deo's tone was gently but it wasn't miserable or low as Purpled's expected

"Then what about the engagement?"

"I gonna call it off. If those two love each other, who am I to tear them apart?" Purpled follows the prince out of the room.

"But sir, I-I thought you loved the prince" Deo sights, not speeding up nor slowing down. Every single one of his moments stayed constant, just like his voice

"I do, but if Tommy is happy with him then that's enough for me" Purpled knew that Deo was heartbroken, but he was so humble that he still was willing to sympathize with Tommy and Clay.

Tommy liked someone else and that wasn't Clay's fault.

Deo is a good person and would never blame it on Tommy for loving another man that wasn't him.

He wouldn't go that far to say that Clay was the wrong person for Tommy, after all, he's always been looking at the blonde and knows exactly what he needs.

He can be really stubborn when he wants something. It's such an irreversible causality he can't just simply avoid, so he needs someone that can easily accept that fact and stay by side by all means

Clay is that person for sure

"We shall explain it to the King. I am sure he is going to need some explanations.." Says Purpled, already knowing that King Philza would accept the news much better than Deo's father. They'll need his help and support in order to explain it to him and avoid upsetting him more.

"Then we better get going"- Deo knew exactly what to do next. He smiled at the thought of him teasing Tommy, the teen would definitely owe him one after this...


Tommy was being dragged outside by his own knight. He tried to stop his steps but Clay was so strong that he felt he would fall if he stopped.

"Clay, where are we going?" Clay was slightly trembling and Tommy felt the grip on his wrists tighten. He hissed.

"Clay stop, you are hurting me!" Tommy couldn't hold his ground because of the firm grip that Clay had on him.

"Stop, I SAID STOP!"- Tommy used all his strength and pulled backward. Clay gasped before letting go, balancing himself.

"W-What the f*ck was that!? Do you have any idea what you have done!?" Tommy grabbed his slightly red wrist with his other hand. Clay held in a whimper at the sight

"I'm sorry.." That's all he said. His voice broke and turned into a whisper.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, so f*cking explain. Why the f*ck did you just do that?" Tommy wanted an explanation, so he demanded it. Steadying his feet as he sees the knight slouch, lowering his back so he is the same height as Tommy'

Even when there were only 2 inches of difference, being finally eye-leveled with Clay provided him enough grit and helped his self-esteem.

Tommy had to wonder if it was done on purpose, but then a sudden murmur stopped his train of thought.

"B-because I love you," Clay managed to say, evolving them and creating a bubble around them. A strong sound of his own heartbeat hitting against his eardrums was the only sound Clay could identify.

For Tommy, it felt as if he had been transported into another universe. Their surroundings became foggy and distant. Clay's head became heavy with thoughts and possibilities as he looked at everything, except Tommy

"I... I know I am being selfish but ...I just couldn't hold back anymore.." Tommy blushed, if his pulse wasn't increasing before, it sure was now. Now, he can even feel it without putting a finger on his artery.

"Watching you laugh at Prince's Deo jokes, watching him touch you... watching you smile at someone that is not me.. it got me so wound up." Clay knew it wasn't good enough, couldn't even formulate a valid excuse.

But it was the truth.

His blood was boiling just minutes ago, there was nothing he could do... but he still blames himself for all the chaos he caused. Tommy's reputation may be ruined, and it's all his fault.

"Please, don't hate me" Clay responds with repentance of his actions. He feels ashamed of his behavior, and the uncertainty of how Tommy would react to his words grows as the teen's silence prolongs.

When the blonde bends his knees inward and his mouth trembles before he can even speak, Clay worries.

Every possible bad outcome replays in his head without stop and all of his fears manifest as one entity before his eyes

"Clay... what are you saying? I-I don't understand you, I don't understand you at all!" Maybe he didn't want to understand, he had convinced himself that it would never work out between him and Clay.

But after listening to the knight's confession, Tommy just can't help to have a little bit of hope..

"Tommy, look at me," Asks Clay in a loving tone, raising his eyes bravely towards Tommy as he waits for the blonde to direct his attention to him.

The teen didn't want to realize that what was happening between them was real, but when Clay begged for him to look up, he did. Dragging his gaze all the way up from his shoes..

"Listen, what you are feeling is something neither you nor I have experienced before, so it's normal to feel anxious and scared. I am too, but I don't want my fear to take control of my actions." Tommy's fond gaze went instantly back to his shoes, before shutting his eyes.

"Shut up, just shut up! ..stop talking you f*cker! " Tommy held his head with one hand, trying to cover his ears with the other and escape from this new building-feeling that was getting too heavy to bear

But it was too late to stop what was growing inside him and Clay had accepted it already.

"You can't stop me. Tommy, I love you and I'll say it over and over until you get tired of hearing it" Clay grabbed Tommy's forearm and the blonde lurched back by the sudden move, opening his eyes once again.

"I love you more than anything and I am going to prove it to you, right here, right now." Clay pinned Tommy to the wall behind them, lifting his mask over his nose.

He wants to prove himself, show that he is worthy of Tommy and his company

"W-what are you doing?" Clay moved his hands through Tommy's arms and then shoulders, leaving a trace of warmth behind his fingers.

"Something I should have done since the beginning" Tommy opened his mouth to complain but was startled by Clay's face getting closer.

From his point of view, it looked as time was slowing down around them. He didn't move, refusing to dodge and closed his eyes ...accepting Clay entirely.

And then it happened...

Tommy felt sweet lips over his. At first, he stayed still, not knowing what to do. But after a few seconds... he kissed back, getting trapped into the moment...

Clay deepened the kiss, adoring Tommy's unexperienced and undecisive lack of response, seeing it as an opportunity to take the lead

As Clay narrowed the space between their bodies, Tommy showed more commitment and did the same, moving his face to the front.

Their lips connected gracefully with the other like a puzzle, as if they were made for each other

Tommy let Clay guide him during the process, liking it more and more as it happened .. but unfortunately, his need for air made him be the first one to pull away.

Tommy's eyes were shining, face flustered, red-cheeks, and cut off-breaths over the other.

"I have been wanting to do this for weeks.." Confesses Clay as a murmur, hiding his face on Tommy's neck, but pulling his own weight back to not hurt the teen with his mask

The blonde hangs firmly onto Clay's hoodie, feeling his legs shake. Clay's strength was the only thing keeping Tommy standing, preventing him from slipping to the ground.

"M-me too. I never really had the courage to say anything or do anything but I do love you, Clay, I really do" Tommy said with a sudden burst of confidence and Clay hugs him closer, stepping away from the wall so the blonde can lean on him.

Tommy heard a relieved sigh "I am so happy to hear that..." and then a heavy breath as Clay's grip got stronger around him

"I was so worried things would change between us, but now, ...I am just glad I confessed in time" Clay's voice was shaky and Tommy smiled, feeling his eyes watering.

He is so tired of denying his own attraction for the knight. I mean, who is he kidding?..

He f*cking loves that green bastard and is happy to know that Clay appreciates him enough to go against another prince and save him from an arranged marriage.

He is his hero and only savior.

"If only I could keep you all to myself..." They are face to face again as Clay starts cleaning Tommy's tears with his sleeve

"Since when did you become this bold and awkward?.... You weren't this soft and affective before.." Tommy teases, still sniffing with red eyes..

"I'm just like this when I'm with you. I didn't know love could affect a person this much, but it did. Tommy, you changed me.." the mentioned blushes again,now realizing why Clay rested his head on his neck earlier, doing the same and hiding his own face into the other's chest.

This was all too much. A clear embarrassment was all Tommy showed at the moment. A little expression for all the mixed-up emotions he was experiencing per second

His last tears managed to wet Clay's hoddie, but the knight was fine with that. If that's what it takes to receive a hug from Tommy then he'll gladly take it.

"Does this mean we are dating?' A-are we together now?" Tommy asks with demur against Clay's clothes.. and the knight smiles as he has never done before

"We could be, would you like that?" Clay's voice was fast to give away the happiness that was flooding him. Is good to know that Tommy isn't the only one trying to regain his composure.

Now that he finally can, Clay rests his chin on Tommy's head, inhaling deeply into the blonde's complete scent. He smelled like sweet apples..

"Of course I want that, you dickhe*d!" Tommy gave simple words of affirmation, and Clay was already kissing his boyfriend's cheek. Boyfriend, huh?.... It sounded better. Tommy was now his boyfriend.

Both chests were pressing against the other, that way Clay was able to feel Tommy's accelerated heartbeat.. It was so similar to his....

"I love you..." Tommy mufflers and Clay holds back from stealing another kiss from the teen's red lips, realizing is now possible and not out of his reach as it was before.

This is like a dream. Clay can't believe that Tommy loves him. The boy is in his arms and he could not be feeling any luckier than he is now.

After everything that happened, the day got better and it only took a hug and a kiss from Tommy to turn Clay's head upside down and his frown into a big smile.

He'll make sure to treasure the teen and protect him, no matter the cost...

Even if he has to sacrifice his own life, he rather die knowing Tommy is safe than living with the guilt of not being able to protect him.

Tommy's life is worth more than everything else. He's his number one priority. And when the time comes, Clay will make sure to keep the boy ALIVE, even if it is against his own will.

Chapter 9: Heart of Stone


As light rises up, darkness gets stronger.
"Who would be on which side at the peak of this eclipse?"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

There was no written law that claimed that a prince couldn't date his own knight, but Tommy and Clay assumed it wasn't allowed so they decided to keep it a secret.

Only kissing and cuddling when nobody was watching. But Tommy was reluctant, I mean he is literally sitting on Clay's lap with the man's chin resting over his head while Ranboo and Tubbo are on a sofa, in front of them.

Clay literally had no shame in hiding it from these two. He even liked to tease Tommy about it, getting extremely close to him when he had the chance despite Tommy's quiet glares.

"We already knew, I'm just glad it didn't take you longer than two months to make it official," The brunette spoke, making Tommy forget about the fact that Clay was rubbing his face against his cheek.

"Wh-but how!?" Tommy asked without giving himself time to think first. The answer was behind him and his name was Clay. The man had his arms wrapped around him, hands interlacing just below his ribbercase.

In this position Tommy couldn't glare at Clay, he tried to move but the knight hugged tighter, humming to himself.

On his head, Clay just hoped he could have more privacy with Tommy. Longing to snuggle more with the blonde and warm him up...

"I mean... we could kinda tell. We are in a relationship too so we noticed instantly" Ranboo nodded alongside Tubbo, but then a thought came through the back of his head.

"Wait, were you actually not planning to tell us?" Tommy and Clay look at each other before answering

"Tommy wanted to keep it a secret. I am just going with what he wants" Clay's hands get lower until they reach Tommy's waist. The teen welps silently.. being Clay the only one that heard that beautiful sound come out of his mouth..

"He's the boss around here" Clay adds up to Tommy's sudden happiness, working as an apology for being too touchy with him

He was trying to get extra points, so Tommy would let him do what he wanted. But Clay knows it won't last long. Still, it was worth a try.

"I understand that, but if you really didn't want anyone finding out, you wouldn't be holding him like that" Ranboo chuckles as he sees Clay shrug. He got no excuse now.

"That's what I said!' See!' Ranboo gets me!" Announces Tommy, tilting his head to the side and forcing Clay to move away from his neck.

"Yeah, what do you have to say about that Clay?" Tubbo asks in a mocking way, supporting his best friend. Now Clay had 3 judging eyes staring at him.

"I just want to keep Tommy close... is that a bad thing?" Asks Clay in a lower and repentant tone as he hides his face behind Tommy. The blonde felt an instant stab of guilt, feeling how his boyfriend hugged him even more.

"I-is not a bad thing but you gotta admit you are being clingy as f*ck, just ask Tubbo ..he knows about that stuff" States Tommy, diverting the attention from Clay to Tubbo. His boyfriend was grateful for that.

"That's true, he does." Declares Ranbbo, backing up Tommy's statement.

"YEAH.. I DO" Says Tubbo, accepting the truth with a proud stance and a strong voice

They continued with the pleasant conversation. The four of them had basically become really good friends.

Clay seemed to like Tubbo and Ranboo even more, and as time passed by he started to get fond of both of them, making Tommy extremely happy about it.

But the talking stopped once the warehouse's front door got wide open, letting a familiar silhouette step in. Tommy quickly stands up from the sofa and moves to the other extreme, almost tripping in the process. Clay doing the exact same thing.

"Dad, you are here, I thought I wouldn't see you until eight" Tubbo jumps out of the sofa and runs to hug his father, who tries not to falls backward by the impact

"Well, it has been a rough day but Charlie is completely cured so now I am finally free to take care of the warehouse" Tubbo's eyes shine expectantly

"Really!?" Tubbo asks excitedly as he giggles

"Yeah, now we can work together as we always do.." Schlatt ruffles his son's hair... being completely unaware of the presence beside them

"Hi Jschlatt, how's it going?" When he hears Tommy's joking voice, Schlatt looks around, noticing the prince

"...Oh, it's you prince. I didn't know you were here..." Schlatt immediately lets go of Tubbo and Tommy grins at him

"I'm not gonna lie, it's very awkward watching you act like a real father. I knew you were just a big softie" Schlatt huffs at that, unbuttoning his suit

"I don't want to hear that from a young man who's always slacking" Tommy's fixed him with a glare, hearing Schaltt's iconic laugh

"You- I am not slacking!' But if I were, Clay would try and convince me to stop, and then I'll say 'no'- Schlatt stops his laughing and gives the boy a confused look

"Sorry, who?" The man narrows his eyes and fixes his gaze to the side, noticing the green male who was previously and very conveniently out of the frame

"Oh yeah, your knight.. I forgot you had one..." Clay nods in the man's presence

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Schlatt" The herbalist raises an eyebrow, seeming slightly surprised by the respectful tone he was getting from one of "Tommy's friends.."

"Mr?" Schlatt repeats in disbelief. His face turning into a smirk

"I like this guy. Finally, someone young who has manners and the decency to respect me." Tommy exchanges glances with Tubbo, who just nods and hugs his dad once again.

"Dad, I respect you.. Ranboo does too" At the mention of that name Schlatt's turned into stone

"Aren't you gonna say hello to him? don't forget he's my boyfriend" Schlatt hesitantly searches with his look, noticing the guy with that stupid smile that Tubbo apparently liked.

"H...E...Y, ...R...A...N...B...O...O" Schlatts lengthens every letter as his frown gets deep and rough

"Good day sir, it's nice to see you" Ranboo waves enthusiastically, trying to push back his nervousness.

"Yeah.... SAME." Schatt forces a smile, scaring Ranboo as his knuckles close in an instant. Giving signs that he was restraining himself.

"Don't be like that, I thought you had gotten over the fact that he mispronounced your name once. Ranboo is a good guy, you know?" Jschlatt hissed at that and Clay decided it was time to go

"Prince you have english class, so I think it'll be better if we leave" Clay pokes Tommy's shoulder to make him stand up.

"Yeah... good call. Come on dad, let's go cut out the bad weed..." Tubbo pushes his father from behind, moving him slowly away from Ranboo.

But the man never took his eyes out of the teen, not even once.

"Oh, that's exactly what I am gonna do" Mentions Schlatt with a deadly stare that caused Ranboo to gulp

"OK! That's our cue to leave...see ya guys!!' bye, bye!!" Clay and Tommy were far gone by now. Disappearing from the possible chaos that was about to begin inside the warehouse.

"He really does hate Ranboo, huh?" Tommy looks back for a second.

"I think he just doesn't like the idea of some guy stealing his son from him. Especially someone who's taller than him" With that being said the two sped up their pace, they were already late and Tommy didn't want Jack to go bollocks on him because of that

"Ayup Jack" Tommy greets the other, stepping into Jack's office. But the guy seemed really busy trying to pick up papers that were spread all over the floor

"Hey bestie, sorry about this balls-up mess. I am too knackered to clean up." Jack's tone was agitated and Tommy just sat down on a chair, looking as Clay tried to make his way through the mess

"That's alright, don't get your knickers in a twist, and let's just finish this so we can both take a kip" It was time for English class.

Normally there'll be assignments or some writing to finish, but this time the only thing Tommy had have to do is be the most British he can be with his good friend Jack.

Tommy loved his accent. Wilbur and his dad had it too but they would always talk in a neutral way to not confuse other people.

Techno was the only brother in the family that didn't speak like that, mostly because of his mother's origins. He wasn't British like his father so the entire family would always avoid using complicated words in his presence.

"Brilliant!' so how are you mate?" Jack asks and Tommy holds back a laugh.

Even though it was fun for Tommy to leave his British side loose, Jack's accent was stronger and more complex than his, which meant he'll have to really get into it, even more, than he normally would

Meaning that Clay wouldn't be able to catch everything he said, and that fact saddened them both. Feeling like there was a language barrier between them.

"I am alright. But you probably heard the wonky news about my, you know..." Jack sits down in front of Tommy, opening a book and starting to write on it..

"I did. It certainly's been shambles this past fortnight. You kind of co*ck up the whole situation." Tommy paused for a split-second, thinking on what he would say next

"Yeah, I did" Jack stops his writing and looks back at Tommy.

Tommy waits for the other to talk, but instead of that, Jack starts playing loudly with his pen, pressing the button a couple of times as he stares at nothing..

If Tommy didn't know any better, he would say that Jack was thinking or rather fantasizing about something

"f*cking hell, ...that man was a good minted bloke who knew his onions. A good one if I say so myself" Jack overacts his tone and Tommy just groans, sliding through the back of the sofa

"Oi! don't whinge on my sofa" Jack states, pointing at the prince with his black pen

"Piss off, I am grieving!" He knew Jack was joking but he still knew that he had f*cked up at some point.

"Listen, I get that, but you are being a complete wazzock. Put yourself together pal" Tommy went silent after that, rubbing his face as Clay looked worryingly at him. If only he knew what those two were talking about.


"Hey, If it makes you feel any better I am actually surprised that you were able to skive from that fella just like that." Tommy thinks for a moment. How many people had he let down by canceling his marriage?

Tommye has always been the younger child, nobody had any expectations on him, to begin with, always thinking he was not enough to fill in his role as prince. He was starting to wonder if he was actually a failure...

"I bet they your family didn't expect you to throw a spanner in the works like that too soon." Jack's humorous tone was back.

"Sod off Jack Manifold! You are being a complete wanker!" Jack laughs, it was always intriguing to guess what Tommy would say next and how would he do it. The prince was really intriguing

"Bee's knees, that's actually what I was trying to do you bloody daft-cow" Jack gives Tommy a playfully stare, and Tommy can't help but smile

"Just you see, I'll clart you" From that moment onwards the atmosphere changed. It was all jokes and teasing threats coming from both mouths. It was a refreshing feeling...

"Listen, I know you are gutted about what happened but I know you'll find someone fit to chad up very soon" Jack winks at Tommy, whose face turns into a dark blush

"Don't talk tosh or I swear to god I'll make you redundant!" When the class was over, Tommy said his goodbyes. But not as a student would do to a teacher but rather as a close friend..

"Cheers for coming, and don't forget to wear a coat today, it's brass monkey's outside!" Jack starts packing up his stuff and getting ready to leave

"Bye bud, I'll give you a bell." With that being said, Tommy and Clay were off. The knight seemed to be wanting to say something but was hesitant about it

In the end, Tommy didn't have to ask as Clay finally spoke up

"What was he saying to you?" Tommy figured his question was out of mere curiosity so he didn't give it too much thought when he answered

"Nothing important. He is just stupid." Clay shrugged his shoulders awkwardly.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself" Clay's tone had changed, but again... Tommy didn't give it too much attention.

"That's because I love people with accents and Jack is one of them. I just missed talking with him... that's all" As he finished his sentence Clay grabbed Tommy's hand, leading him into the wrong way.

"Come here." Without any warning, Clay began rushing all the way from Jack's office to Tommy's room.

"Where are you taking me? We have to go to art class.." Clay looked to both sides before opening Tommy's door and closing it, still being alert in case somebody has heard them.

"Art class can wait..." When Clay turned his attention back to Tommy he pushed him into the bed, getting on top of him

"W-What's gotten into you!?" Tommy asked a little bit panicked, but when Clay grabbed and started kissing his hand, ..he calmed down.

"You know I don't like it when I don't understand you" Clay purred against Tommy's palm

"Don't obsess about it. It was nothing, really." Tommy thought of pulling his hand away but he really liked the contact.

Every Clay's touch was filled with sweetness and care, not wanting to do anything the boy didn't like

"I still want to kiss you." Clay laid down, kissing Tommy's lips, and causing him to smile in the middle of it.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine with that." Clay went for Tommy's neck, kissing and sucking into his pale skin.

"You are really neddy all of a sudden." Says Tommy pretending to be displeased as he moves his head to the side so Clay has more access.

"I can't help it. I want you all to myself." Tommy chuckles, rounding his arms around Clay. The knight got closer as a response, supporting his weight on his elbows. Each of them on Tommy's side.

"Clay, we literally made out in my room just before we went to talk to Tubbo." Clay looks down at Tommy.

"That's true, but I didn't get enough of you." Clay rests a kiss on Tommy's forehead before starting to leave kisses all over the boy's face

"Oh my god, you are impossible." Tommy murmured and Clay mocked a heartbroken whine at his complaint

"Come on, are gonna tell me you don't like this?" Asked Clay, brushing Tommy's hair with his bare fingers. Being careful not to hurt the teen

"No, I do. I want it as much as you do, but what if someone sees us?" Despite Tommy's complaints, Clay still whispers into the boy's ear.

"They won't, I promise." Tommy grumbled from below and Clay felt the blonde's grip loosen, stopping the embrace.

"Fine..." Clay whined with sadness, getting off from above the prince and sitting beside him.

"You do know that if my father finds out about our relationship, we are dead, right?" Clay sighed at Tommy's warning look.

"I get it. but I hate not being able to kiss or hug you whenever I want to." Clay looks down in a defeated way.

"Me too. Trust me, there's no one in this world that wants to touch you more than me, but you saw how dad and Wilbur reacted when Deo told them about calling off the wedding" Admits Tommy, feeling impotent about the whole situation...

"I am just thankful Deo was there to support us. If it wasn't for him, Wilbur would still be bombarding me with questions about how I managed to f*ck everything up." Clay hummed

"You're right. Purpled seemed really mad during the assembly ...he'll never leave me live in peace after what I did" Tommy stares at Clay with a critical look

"To be fair you did terrify Deo quite a lot with that threatening voice of yours and even challenged Purpled in the spot"

"Oh come on now, I did it out of love" Tommy rolls his eyes

"Yeah, yeah... I still can't believe you made a scene in the middle of a room where anyone could just walk in" Clay cracks Tommy a smile

"I did it to prove a point ... I just wanted to show Prince Deo you weren't his" Defends Clay, showing no apparent remorse about his actions

"You are such a dickhe*d" Tommy complains playfully

"I love you too, Toms" Clay manages to get a hold of Tommy's waist, pulling him closer once again to his body.

"Call me that again and you'll never hear the end of me" Tommy slightly pushes Clay's chest and the knight responds to the touch by holding the blonde's wrist.

"Are you threatening me?" Clay raised an eyebrow, smiling at Tommy and getting the same smile in return

"I might as well be" Clay grins, wanting to get another taste from the blonde, but Tommy was faster, connecting their lips in a way deeper kiss.

It was unexperienced and sloppy but Clay didn't complain. After that, they both laid on the bed, hugging each other and feeling their hearts beat at the same rhythm

They stayed like that for a minute. Clay still thinking about something that can't get out of his head

"Listen, Tommy, if your father or brother find out.." Clay started but Tommy cut him off

"They won't" Tommy responds immediately, lowering his voice as he talks" They can't find out by any means" He added and Dream paused his thoughts before continuing.

"I know you don't like the idea, but Tommy... we have to consider all the outcomes possible to be prepared, just in case ... something bad happens.." Tommy shifts so he can look at Clay

"Something like what?..." Clay goes dead silent after that and Tommy frowns.

"Clay if you got something on your mind spit it out. There can't be any secrets between us... you know that." Clay sighs heavily

"I am just scared" Tommy blinks confusedly, trying to imagine what Clay's expression must look like.

"Scared? of who?"

"Of your father... he'll probably think that I'm taking advantage of you..." Tommy sits up, bringing Clay with him

"WHAT!? NO! my father would never think that!" Clay bits his lip, wrinkling the sheets of the bed

"Well, I'm sure somebody in this kingdom would." Clay knew that the blonde was confused and didn't understand, so he decided to explain.

"Just think about it, the new knight seduces the little prince, they marry, he gets all the riches, stays with the throne and the whole kingdom." Tommy thinks for a moment, widening his eyes right after realizing the truth behind Clay's words..

"Well, it does sound really bad when you phrase it like that but we both know that's not the case..." Clay cups Tommy's face in his hands, staring at his eyes through the mask

"Exactly, is not." Clay's tone was dead serious, so Tommy didn't break eye contact, even though all he could see was a painted smile

"Tommy, I didn't fell in love with you because you were the prince. I'm not interested in the throne. I just want to be with you." Tommy melts into Clay's touch, grabbing the man's wrist in a delicate way

"I know. I believe you..." Clay smiles sincerely at those simple words, giving a fragile kiss on Tommy's nose. The blonde wrinkles because of that.

"That's all I needed to hear." Tommy could feel Clay's happiness when the man patted his head.

"There's no reason for me to prove anything to anyone, I only care about what you think of me..." The prince puts his hands on Clay's shoulders, using them as support so he can get into the man's lap.

"Don't worry, if it ever gets to it I'll convince everyone that you are with me out of love and nothing else..." Tommy's knees were on Clay's thighs. The knight didn't want Tommy to fall backward and hurt himself, so he grabbed the teen's back safely.

"How?" Tommy's posture faltered a little bit but he soon regained his (not that convincible) determination back.

"I don't know yet but I'll do something about it." Clay wheezed, holding the back of the blonde's head with his hand and resting it on his own shoulder to get closer to his ear..

"You are so adorable." Tommy's face turned into a rosy tint, almost forgetting for a second that complementing each other was a normal thing to do between lovers

He's still got a lot to learn about how to be a proper boyfriend..

"And you won't be doing it alone... I am your boyfriend so I will do anything in my power to make you happy" Tommy nodded very fast and in a very enthusiastic way. At that sight, Clay felt his heart bump out of his chest for a second

"You said it Big C, let's get out of this room before someone suspects!" Tommy got down from a jump and ran outside. Clay followed, closing the door and leaving no trace behind.

"Ok, but don't call me that" They both knew there will be plenty of time in the future to think and treat this issue in the correct way, and when the time comes, they'll make sure everyone approves..


In their opinion, the day passed so fast before his eyes.

The night was already upon them so everyone decided to get into their best clothes, go out and spend more time together by going to their favorite bar where they used to reunite every night... that was until Sapnap stopped coming

"It's been a while since we all got together. It feels so nostalgic.." Announces Karl as he reposes his head on his lover's shoulder, it felt too unreal for him..

"Hopefully this time Sapnap can stay longer.." Quackity loudly complain gets lost and mixed up with all the noise of the place. Most of the people vibing with the music being played in the background

"Don't worry guys I will. I promise this is the last time I disappear without telling you" Says Sapnap as he pokes his boyfriend's nose.

"I f*cking hope so, I thought you were dead or something" Mutters Quackity just to be startled by Karl hitting the table, almost spilling all the drinks in the process..

"Don't joke about that stuff Quackity." To get scolded by his younger brother caused Quackity to shrug in his seat and lower his beanie. Sapnap and George carefully looking at Karl

"I was scared, so please don't do that again." Karl begged in a melancholy way, grinding against Sapnap's face as a cat would do.

"I won't babe, ...just don't cry or you'll make me cry too..." Karl nods, holding back his tears. Suddenly the table got into a gloomy state, exasperating Sapnap

"Okay, you know what, this round goes all on me so drink up my friends!" Quackity raised his head in an instant

"Wait, for real?" Sapnap lifts his chin up proudly.

"Hell yeah! The night is young and we have to make the most of it!" Everyone cheered. When they got out from that glum state, they were easy to pick up the smell of alcohol.

Their noses getting filled by that warm atmosphere it was creating itself around them.

"Let's celebrate!" Karl raises his beer at the level of his head. He hated drinking but his boyfriend asked him to do it so it should be okay

"For Sapnap's return" Karl shouts, expecting everyone to follow him. His brother is the first person to join him

"FOR SAPNAP'S RETURN!" Everyone drinks and laughs, even sing from time to time. Still, being completely oblivious of the fact that there's one quiet individual that doesn't seem too content with the whole celebration

"George are you okay? You seem a little off today" Of course Quackity notices, he knew George wasn't a big fan of parties but his troubled look was enough for his boyfriend to know that he wasn't okay

"I am just tired, that's all" George lied, getting back into his thoughts as he bites his nails without noticing

"Do you wanna head home? ...I can take you if you want" Quackity offers himself to help, but Sapnap noisily stands up, leaving Karl alone in his seat.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. I know George as the palm of my hand and I can assure you he is fine" Sapnap shoves Quackity with an apparent intentional bump.

When he does, he purposely breathes on Geoge's face, letting him without any fresh air left and replacing it with his alcoholic breath instead

"I'm sure you can drink more, right George?" Sapnap pats roughly George's back, almost making him hit his face with the table by using his mere strength on him.

"I don't know... this beer is too strong and-" George didn't get to finish when Sapnap grabbed his own beer and started pouring it through his friend's throat without any care.

"Don't be a stupid bitch and drink up, It'll make you feel better, come on!" Sapnap forced George's mouth open, moving the vase close to him so he couldn't escape. George could literally feel his insides burn at the taste of it.

His gag reflects started to tick in, closing his own throat by the amount of liquid it was being purred into his mouth.

Tears started falling through his eyes, trying to cancel the heat of his body. The feeling of throwing up becomes imminent but thankfully someone pushed Sapnap away from him on time.

"Hey, What the f*ck do you think you are doing!?" Quackity shows an alarmed look as George falls from his chair and ends up on the floor. Drool and the rest of beer spilling from his mouth

"George are you okay?" Karl kneels with him, without really knowing what to do. It seemed urgent but the only thing that came up to his mind was to clean George's face and chin with a napkin, so he did.

"What was that!? You almost choke him, ..what the hell is wrong with you!?" Quackity hisses with an irritated look as Sapnap stares at his empty glass, mainly disappointed that he couldn't finish his task

"What? It was gonna go to waste, besides he seems more awake than before" States Sapnap, excusing himself in a fraudulent way

"Sapnap you crossed the line... you could have killed him!" Quackity suddenly felt a desperate hand grab his leg, dry coughing knocking him out from his anger and transforming it into concern

"I'm okay, it wasn't his fault... I should have swallowed it when I could" Whispers George, speaking with difficulty but getting interrupted by his own itching throat. The pain was starting to get to him..

"Let me get you some water" Sapnap watches the useless efforts from his fiance to assist George and snits.

"He doesn't need water, he is exaggerating." Quackity ignores him as he strokes George's back, getting Sapnap extremely miffed from that image

"George I knew you were desperate for attention but this is enough, stand up!" Sapnap riles up, going for George's arm but Quackity shields his boyfriend before he gets to him.

"Don't touch him" Quakcity shouts at Sapnap and George removes his dirty glasses, cleaning his tears as a way to hide his vulnerability

"I knew this will happen, every time you come back you mess everything up!" Karl gets back with George, offering him a glass of water before taking a glance at his brother.

"Quackity chill, I was joking. This is how George and I mess with each other" Sapnap said nettled

"Not anymore." Quackity words were tremendously pestering Sapnap

"It's fine, he can handle it. He is a man, after all, aren't you George?" The mentioned flinches, hearing Sapnap's voice get directly at him

"Sapnap stop, you are being rude!" Karl looks at his fiancé with sorrowful eyes and Sapnap clicks his tongue

"No, it's okay, I'm just gonna go to the washroom and wash my face" Announces George with a sore throat, speaking with difficulty and standing on his own feet as he denies any intention from the others to help him..

"Oh, In that case, I'm coming with you. I wouldn't want you to fall." Says Sapnap, his tone sounding nasty and no longer hiding his annoyance.

"I don't think you will, Sapnap. I'll sit down if I were you" Karl's boyfriend showed a bored look, Quackity wasn't a threat to him so he could do whatever he wanted.

"I am going with him but you are staying here" Sapnap discreetly licks his own lips

The remains of the wine in his mouth losing his taste and getting grosser and grosser by the minute.

"Is not that big of a deal, I am just going to take a piss.." Sapnap made very clear that his excuse was just a farse.

"Then you're gonna have to wait until George comes out, because I don't think he wants you near him right now" Karl precautiously moved in between the two, knowing that if he didn't intervene nobody would..

"Guys please calm down, Sapnap said he didn't mean to do that so I am sure it was just an accident, right?" Sapnap smiles falsely

"Of course, I will never hurt George... or you for the record" His tone was spurious and unreal but Karl believed him anyway.

"See? It was a mistake, so can we just forget about this and be good friends again?" Quackity couldn't believe how easily his brother was being fooled by a man that wasn't worth it. Love really is blind, huh?

"I'm sorry Karl but I don't believe him. I am leaving with George" Karl's hopeful smile broke completely.

His sadness was very clear. That thickened off Sapnap, he planned on going after Quackity but Karl forcefully grabbed him

"Sapnap just sit down, everyone is staring at us and.. I don't like it .." Karl could sense Sapnap's bad intentions, he didn't like attracting attention from strangers ..especially when it was from a negative source..

"Go ahead Sapnap, you better do what my brother says" Quackity shouted from the distance, stepping into the bathroom and disappearing from Sapnap's sight.

"I-I'll just pay for more food. Would that be okay with you?" Karl asks in an attempt to soothe Sapnap...

Karl knew that Sapnap had a temper and a bad attitude. It was easy to make him mad but that was never a problem for him.

Even so, Karl never felt unsafe or scared while being with Sapnap. His love went beyond all of that. So when Sapnap lightly pulls out his cheek, he knows everything will be okay....

"Sure babe, let's do that"


You can see the parallel between Dream and Tommy's relationship with Sapnap's and Karl's relationship. They are complete opposites, while George and Quackity are kind of in the middle.

Chapter 10: Together


This chapter completely focuses on Dream and Tommy, they are the only ones that are in it.

Also, sorry for the grammatical errors ( If there are even errors, I don't know) but I promise I'll fix it as soon as I can

Chapter Text

The end of the weekend was finally here. Tommy and Tubbo had a lot of plans for these 2 days without responsibilities, but the absence of a special someone made the blonde walk on his own and get out of his comfortable room..

Tommy started looking on the insides of the castle, asking whoever he bumped up with about his knight's whereabouts. He had never had any of these complications before, nor even had to worry about it. Clay was always the one who followed him around so to not have the knight nearby caused distress on him.

He recalled this feeling from the moment Techno became distant from the family and left, leaving him behind.

The teen was aware that Clay's love for him went beyond limits, nobody would ever love him like that. As he thought about it, his mind started to ramble at the mere thought of someone else abandoning him.

The urge of seeing Clay grew as the minutes passed, he never considered how scary it was to never see the knight again.

His charming smile, the complements, his flirty lines... he even missed the comforting contact Clay would always give him. It was during one of these realizations that he started calling out his name, shouting it to the sky... hoping for a response that it never came.

However, he didn't want to show any weakness in front of anyone, so he lowered his calls the moment he saw guards pass by.

Those looks at the edge of worry shutting him out, causing him to shift his face into a happy one. A forced smile and a simple nod always doing its purpose to greet and shoo others, stopping them from coming his way and ask questions... But even so, nobody missed the concern in Tommy's eyes.

It was because they knew how much the teen hated unnecessary attention that they ignored it. Seeing the prince laugh loudly at their way, forming an excuse about his search for the knight, and joking as a way to lower its importance.

Suddenly he was outside. No maids or butlers nearby. The scarcely light of the sun, the sudden shift of the temperature... he didn't feel any of that. It was then, when he got closer to the back of the yard and heard a low grunt, but loud enough for Tommy to run towards its source.

He came to an abrupt stop as he turned around the corner of the building. When a green figure appears in the corner of his eyes he sighs, calming himself.

Tommy leaned towards the wall with one hand and peeked. If Clay heard him coming towards him, he didn't think of comment it. In fact, he fastened his movements, presenting himself as more energetic and active than before. You could see his marked muscularity through his clothes, making him look more robust. The sudden change was odd, but Tommy didn't have time to judge it, as he found himself getting too distracted by the way Clay moved.

In seconds, the man started working out with such eloquence, that was very uncommon of him.

Tommy had never seen the green male move that much, but the more he stared the more amazed he felt.

Clay's moves were very fluidly and elegant, but fast and also effective. His past worry transformed into amazement as his eyes shifted towards a newly spotted and never seen golden spot above Clay's head. His hood was no longer covering him, letting his dark blond hair go loose and move along with him. Tommy holds in a gasp

To be able to tell how skilled he was out of a mere training session just had Tommy wonder to what extremes Clay could go when fighting seriously. Would he show another side of him that Tommy hasn't seen yet?

The small moments where air left Clay's mouth, his muscles tightening and the drops of sweat flying across his arms as his sleeves were over his elbows. Tommy couldn't stop looking as he moves away from the wall. Clay's breath catches on the moment he sees the most beautiful person he knows come right at him. He smiles, grabbing a towel to clean his forehead and neck.

"I'd give you a hug, but you look so pretty that I don't want to mess it up with my sweat" Tommy huffs, walking at a rather slow pace toward his lover

"Thanks for the kind consideration, I am flattered" Clay laughs as he sits on the bench below a tree, taking his time to hydrate himself and prepare his throat for a jovial conversation.

"Now, you're gonna tell me why were you staring at me?" Clay spits out in a taunting way, missing how Tommy's face changed into a bewildered look. His movements completely paused before he could even bend his body to sit down. He doubted before deciding to accompany Clay on the bench. When he didn't answer, Clay decided to continue.

"I saw you rush in with such enthusiasm, that I had to wonder if something was off" The man jokes lightly.

"Well, excuse me sir, but you can't just disappear and expect me to not go out looking for you, and above all, I saw your hair! I didn't even know you were blond!" Tommy turned his whole body to the other extreme of the bench, stopping at the very edge that it looked as his left half-side was floating. But he wasn't quick enough as Clay noticed him blush. His smile getting wider.

"I mean, I'm not complaining... I love it when you look at me" Announces a flirty Clay, closing the distance in a second. His knee bumping with Tommy's on purpose.

"And I'm sorry for worrying you.. I didn't think you would miss me that much.." For Clay, the moments when Tommy's attention was completely directed at him were his favorite. And to know that there are times that Tommy finds Clay's self appealing is enough to make his heart rate increase unconditionally

"Oh, shut it. How did you know it was me, we didn't even make eye contact" Clay smirked. In his defense, he had already memorized Tommy's patterns of movements. The sound of his clothes hitting against the other, the pressure below his footsteps, the change of pace when he was walking or running.

And not only him, he knew what sounds would everybody he had interacted with make, turning each individual even more distinctive.

"Of course I knew it was you, why wouldn't I recognize my favorite boy?" Tommy pouted at that, and Clay's instincts kicked in, leaning forward so he could give him a peck without much contact,

Tommy sensed Clay smile between the kiss, giggling as he pulled back

"I was actually about to finish and go back, but your piercing eyes were looking at me in such a dreamy way that I couldn't help but showoff" Clay's teasing tone makes Tommy growl quietly

"I knew that couldn't be you. The Clay I know always gets things done effortlessly, no wonder you were moving so excessively extravagant" Another laugh came out of Clay's mouth.. his wheezing sounding endearing to Tommy in a sense...

"You still liked it though" Clay mentions briefly. Tommy abruptly stands up, evading Clay's hand coming his way to grab him by mere coincidence.

"The only reason I was trying so hard is because you were watching." Explains Clay, his face blushing the same way Tommy was... but of course, it was still hidden... maybe one day he'll show it...

"Just forget about that and stand up! I have a request to ask you" That interested Clay, staying in place just to tease Tommy, but failing as the teen didn't show any disturbance by his actions.

"Is something wrong? What is it?" As he encouraged Tommy to continue, the blonde was debating himself whether he should ask or not. But it was too late now, Clay was expecting something from him to say out loud, and he couldn't take it back. He didn't have any backup questions planned, showing how unprepared he was

So, when Clay tilted his head to the side, waiting in the middle of the silence, Tommy had no other choice but to get on with it.

"Well, when I was watching you I was thinking of something. You know, you are actually quite talented, so I was wondering if you could maybe.. , just maybe... give me some lessons? .." Tommy started playing with his fingers, a signal of nervousness that fades away as he feels Clay tenderly look at him.

"You want to know how to use a sword, is that what you are asking?" Clay grabs the wooden sword he was practicing with and Tommy stares at it, a little shaken by it.

"Well, n-no. I already know the basics, Techno taught them to me when I was a kid, but he stopped doing it..." Tommy wasn't being very clear, but Clay didn't push further.

It was a little confusing at first. Tommy didn't mention that he had thought about it before and that it just happened to come back to him the moment he saw how good Clay managed himself with a sword.

This was a great opportunity for him, but he kept most of his thoughts inside... refusing to convey them into words

Clay ties the strings together and stands up, not showing how troubled he was by Tommy's problematic request

"I don't know Tommy, this all sounds too sudden for me, is there even a reason of why you want me as your teacher?" Tommy felt something grow into him as his leg started trembling

"O-of course there is a reason! And is not-is not sudden as you say, I've actually being thinking about it during the past few days!" Tommy snapped defenselessly, showing his disappointment.

"In case you haven't noticed, everyone in this castle seems to treat me like some helpless child. They underestimate me and I want to change that. Maybe that way they'll finally think of me as an adult.." Clay listens as the boy announces just how much he seeks everyone's acknowledgment, seeming unbothered by the misdirecting flint of anger Tommy showed.

Clay asks no more questions and he just hands Tommy his sword. The teen frown decreases

"Tommy you are not helpless, believe me, you are great as you are right now" Tommy looks at the sword, eyes flicking from Clay to the weapon before grabbing it with a frail grasp...

"You are only saying that because you love me. I am sure deep down you also think of me as a looser-

"I don't." Clay interrupts, a little offended that Tommy thinks that about him, implying that he is not good enough when in reality he has an unmatchable worth

"No, I mean it." Clay corrected himself in a more passive way

"I am not doubting you, Tommy, I think you are very capable of taking care of yourself, but..." Tommy looked up at the sudden pause

"But?" He repeated, hating how weak and pathetic his voice came out. Clay grabbed his chin, lifting it.

Tommy expected a kiss, a vague solution to shut him up and change the subject. It looked like it was gonna happen, but suddenly, Clay stopped.

He stopped just a mere centimeters away from Tommy's face

"But.." He continued. Genuineness and seriousness at his maximum tone.

"I am your boyfriend, meaning... that your life is more important to me than it is to you. So, if I showed any signs of hesitance, I did it because I know my heart won't be able to take it if you get hurt!"

Tommy must admit that he is starting to feel really bad right now, because he knew from the start that it was all very true.

He shouldn't have judged Clay or try to measure the love the knight had for him as if it was an object. The prince didn't move, as he started to lean more into Clay's grip below his lips. He deserved the lecturing, so his eyes stayed still..

"And just so you know, the sword lessons are not the reason I am worried." Tommy blinks and lifts an eyebrow

"Wait-Is it not?" Clay closes his arms against his chest

Tommy almost facepalms, feeling dumber as never.

"W-what is it then? Because you were clearly dubious about something! So tell me, did you just think it wasn't a good idea? If not, what's the reason behind your concern?" Clay shrugs at that question but does not hesitate with his answer

"If it involves you, I don't need a reason. I am always gonna be worried about your safety" Tommy's heartbeat hits against his chest more strongly.

As Clay talked, he was also keeping Tommy attached to the ground. This time, his mind didn't get a chance to ramble and did not miss any word..

"And I know I am being very apprehensive right now, but is my job to do so! Iam supposed to be worried... so don't expect me to just agree and give you a sword that easily!" His tone was too sweet for Tommy to not melt along with it. But just as Clay was about to talk again, a new question popped into Tommy's head and he was fast to ask it

"So-Wait, is that a no?" Clay sighs, already awaiting a question like that

"I didn't say that..." Tommy's eyes shine and the knight does his best to not fall for it.

But he soon gives up as he watches just how happy the teen looks

"For now I'll agree to it, but next time don't just assume I undervalue you, and remember that our relationship is greater than that of a knight and a prince, you understand?" Clay groans slightly as some air leaves his lungs the moment Tommy impacts himself with his stomach, hugging him with such endeavor that he reciprocated in an instant.

"Thank you and I am sorry for snapping at you. I don't know what I was thinking, It was not my intention" Clay pets the prince's head, with a pattern that calms them mutually

"I know" Clay meets Tommy's eyes. It was then when the teen closed his eyes, standing on his tiptoes. Clay caught the hint and leaned down, giving him a short but tender kiss

"Alright, let's get started.. I kinda want to see what King Technoblade taught you" The knight walks to the sword stand that laid to his side and grabs a substitute wooden sword.

Now that Tommy thinks about it, he had never seen that stand before in the trainning room, which meant that those belong to Clay.

Did he trained that much daily? If so, why does Tommy has never seen him practice before today?

He would always hear whispers and rumors of how Clay wakes up early in the morning to help with extra duties that he is not even responsible for. Disappearing from everyone's sight and returning 2 hours later to wake Tommy up. People say he never fails to show how dependable he is. Showing kindness and being friendly but also being cautious and keeping his distance from others, especially when he is by himself.

Sometimes Tommy wonders how did he even get to Clay's heart? Why does he love him so much out of everyone else?

His bubble of thought got destroyed the moment Clay placed a cold bottle of water to his face, the temperature getting to him in an instant as he draws himself away from it with a jump

"Ay! What the hell, man! That's cold as sh*t!" Clay stood still, tingling the bottle with a smirk

"Sorry.. you zoned out too much that I had to wake you up somehow" Tommy grabbed his face, the recent area being the only part of his body feeling numb

"Yeah, yeah of course! I am sure you enjoyed what you just did to me!" He shouts, feeling his hand hot against his face. "Prick... " He adds up boldly to his complaint

"Mmm... maybe a little bit" States Clay, as he walks again to put the water away from over the bench they were just in.

"Just get this over with already, the longer it takes, the less time we'll have to meet Tubbo!" Clay sighs, not caring to hide his protest

"Okay, fine! Not that I share the same enthusiasm though.." Tommy grins, eyes half-closed as he sticks out his chest with pride

"What? You jealous again?" Clay blushed at that, losing grip on the bottle until it lands and rolls on the ground (Thank God it was closed)

"Is not jealousy! I am not a jealous person!" Tommy nods in falsely acknowledgment as Clay tries his best to believe the lie he just said

"Whatever you say man, now come at me with everything you got!" Tommy hasn't used a weapon in years but the sensation wasn't that far gone.

"You know I can't do that.." Tommy ignored him, passing his fingers through the smooth texture. The smell of fresh and half-unused wood captured him. He felt as the length had gotten particularly smaller than he remembered. It was less heavy than his old self could carry. Sudden excitement fills him up. Clay waiting with a quick stretch.

"Then I guess I'll have to make you." Tommy's grin grows dangerously bigger, bending one knee to the front with a position that already informed Clay about his intentions. He was ready to fight.

"Careful there, don't tempt me" There were many ways Tommy could take what Clay just said, the meaning still unclear as he slouches his back before straightening his whole body

"You are going down bitch!" Bringing one foot forward, Tommy charged towards Clay.

His movements were loud, that even a blind person could tell his approach. Clay didn't change his posture because there was no reason to do so. He knew just by eye and ear the way Tommy was planning on attacking. A basic and simple sword thrust.

Clay waved his sword.. waiting for Tommy's strike...

"You are gonna have to try harder than that" Clay gives 2 steps to the right without rushing, dodging in time as he felt an invisible force run past him. Tommy didn't stop in time. His sword hitting the ground in the rowdiest way possible and just where Clay's figure was a minute ago.

It took a moment for the blonde to realize what had happened, but when he did, he lifted his weapon with all his force and turned towards Clay once again. Clay bent his whole upper body back when Tommy's blade moved horizontally towards his neck and chest. He supported his weight on his heels before returning to his former standing in an effortless transition.

Tommy got taken aback by that, moving his sword the same way but in the opposite direction. Clay jumps backward, not moving that much as he stood 6 feet away from him.

The teen tried again, only to pass beside Clay as the knight moved.. disappearing from his sight in an instant.

Sudden uncertainty and panic grown in him as he heard something coming from behind. He couldn't do anything as Clay stopped just in time before he could hit his back. The knight showed him a grin and Tommy glared, before escaping and running to his front.

He turned his body to face Clay once again, trying to mobilize himself and go forward, but he didn't get far.

His legs gave in and he fell to his trembling knees. The green pasture getting soaked with few dots of sweat that were starting to drip from his face. Suddenly he saw a shadow in front of him get bigger until some brown boots appeared in his vision.

He heard nothing but rather felt something hard poke his head to get his attention. Tommy looked up to see a wooden sword getting away from his face.

"Okay, I think I have seen enough... you did good but let's make a pause for now..." The blonde could hear Clay's subtle laugh under his words as if he couldn't hold it back after teasing Tommy with his weapon.

Clay extended his hand, which after a few breaths Tommy decided to take. Clay moved towards the bench and Tommy laughed silently. He cleaned his current wet face, already sensing the rising heat of it...

"Not a chance" Tommy murmurs, looking at the sword he never let go of. The exercise wasn't supposed to be anything serious, yet. But the easy defeat felt like a wake-up call, screaming at Tommy that if he tried harder he would get results. No more messing around, no more child plays... it's time for the real deal...

"Oi! bitch!" Clay peeped his head up but didn't look back. Tommy took advantage of that, running towards his direction

It wasn't a sneak attack, even if it was Tommy's former intention, he had already messed it up the moment he announced his determination with his scream. The knight hears him from behind and puts the water down, getting ready to evade... until he decides to give the boy a chance.

Wanting to see the teen happy caused him to do the unimaginable

Tommy almost cheers the moment he sees Clay raise his sword for the first time against him, even though he only uses it to block. The sound of wood hitting echoed through his ears

"Now, that's not very polite of you" The blonde jumped back, and just when Clay thought that was it, Tommy charged again but quicker

"Wh-Tommy!" The prince untangles his sword from Clay's, spinning his body before attempting to lay a kick that Clay blocked without even looking from where it came from.

"Come on Big C, let's fight for real this time!" Tommy does a signal with his hand, taunting Clay to get closer.

"Don't push yourself too hard, this is just a warm-up exercise" Says Clay, shaking off the sensation of the kick from his arm.

"Come on, don't be scared of hitting me and teach me something. Show me that determination that made me fell in love with you!" Judging from Clay's body language, Tommy had succeeded in motivating him with his words.

"Alright.. so that's what we are doing now..." By the way the knight reacted, vigorously reinforcing his muscles, he knew he had gotten to him.

"I told you not to tempt me.." Chills get to Tommy's skin just by hearing Clay's changed voice, putting pressure on his upper lower body, squeezing his sword.

Clay had been fighting all his life, he is an expert in deceiving his enemies, playing dirty, and manipulating others. But this time, he wanted to go easy on the teen, feeling that Tommy already had the upper hand over him just for making him consider that thought as a validate option.

Then he rasped as Tommy almost gets him

"Oh sorry, did my beautiful face distracted you?" Clay didn't think of answering, but the fact that it was true made it more embarrassing for him.

When their blades meet, Tommy already knew who would win in dominance, before he gets pushed back. His trembling limbs shaking even more as he stumbles with his knees. Clay didn't want to hurt Tommy in any way so he restrained himself...

He pushed Tommy by the impact, denying to use his whole strength against him, but he didn't expect Tommy to almost fall because of that. Clay instinctively reached for the blonde's hand, anxiety rushing in an instant of the mere thought of leaving Tommy fall.

But to his surprise, Tommy rolled over, knees vented before he pointed his sword upwards and attacked again.

"I appreciate you wanting to help me, I just wish I could do the same for you" Tommy's sword hits Clay's, managing to stay in place and throwing his body in a defensive mode as he counterattacks rather weakly this time and with a breathless tone.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a break?" Even if it didn't sound like it, Tommy knew that Clay was saying it because of him.

The knight was perfectly speaking, breathing normally. It discouraged Tommy a little, but it's not that he is bad at fighting... he just happened to pick up a fight with the toughest opponent he could find.

Still, if there's something he hates more than losing, is not trying. So he just denies with his head vigorously

"Not until I beat you.." That wasn't going to be easy.

The boy was getting tired already, having to use both of his hands to support his attacks, getting harder for him to lift the wooden object higher than his chest and later his hip.

For Clay, to watch the teen try this hard made his chest fill in with butterflies.Tommy's face was completely red and Clay could almost see the hot vapor and steam come off his body, feeling the warmth in his face every time Clay secretly allowed him to get close enough to almost breathe on him.

They were both having fun in their different and unique ways..

But then, he noticed Tommy's movements became more desperate. Tommy's breathing was uneven and uncontrolled as he fought against Clay's sword, which was threatening to touch his forehead.

His always perfect hair had gone wild and Clay stopped pushing, making the blonde trip forth by the sudden lack of force against his stand of defense. The teen's face ended up in Clay's chest and a hasty embrace trapped him in the spot.

"Let go off me!" Tommy tried to scream but his throat was dry and burned in a way he was already used to feel from all of his screaming and speaking

"I don't think I will..." Clay purred, rubbing his chin against Tommy's hair.. feeling the poor struggling from the blonde, looking for freedom...

"If you say 'Clay you are the best, I love you' I'll let you win" Clay's voice was calm and collective as if he wasn't in the middle of a combat.

Tommy felt the knight's hands go lower down his back before going up once again. He was teasing him without weakening his grip.

"f*ck off.." Tommy manages to say in between breaths.

Clay wanted to stay like that forever, but that would include angering Tommy, so he freed the blonde... receiving a wimpy punch that lost speed, dying against his chest before he could raise his hand to block it.

"You look so cute when you are out of breath" Blurts out Clay, making Tommy blush just enough for him to almost drop his sword

"Just give in to me, I don't want you to hurt yourself" Clay's hand traveled through Tommy's arm until it reached his sword, caressing the blonde's hand to weaken him and make him open it.

That's when Tommy broke out of the spell, not letting go of his sword and grabbing it stronger than before.

"Stop flirting with me, and attack me!" Clay did as told, giving him what he wanted instead of keeping up with his idea of getting into the blonde's head

"Just remember, you asked for it" Tommy didn't appreciated Clay's warning.

Tommy moved a lot during their fight, he couldn't stay in the same place.. needing to do unnecessary jumps and knee bending that were always rigid and noisy. Clay knew he was only tiring himself by doing that, wearing away his energies more than he should. He was taking note of the blonde's attempts, it would be good to point them out later and start from scratch by fixing those bad habits that were only slowing him down.

Tommy was reaching his limit, he had done good, but the fight was almost over.. they could feel it

"Watch out for your footing." Warns Clay before sticking his foot between Tommy's leg, causing him to lose balance too easily.

But this time the fall was perfectly calculated, sticking inside Clay's plans perfectly. He grabs Tommy's wraist and back, accompanying him to the ground and cushioning his landing. Tommy yelps as he sees the enormous figure above him, trying to release himself until he felt Clay's knees on his sides.. making it very clear he would not let the blonde escape this time

"Do you give up?" Asks Clay to a worn-out Tommy

"Never" Tommy grabs Clay by his collar, pulling him down and towards his face.

Clay widens his eyes as he feels Tommy's lips over his own.

He felt like melting, it was very clear it was nothing but a trap, but when he tried to pull away, Tommy grabbed the back of his head, keeping him in position.

Tommy felt unsure but kept going, and Clay tried to fight it with all his might.

So, when Tommy stuck his tongue out, targeting Clay's lower lip.... he couldn't resist it anymore.. opening his mouth willingly. Their tongues danced gracefully. Clay was losing himself under the warm sensation and suddenly his strength left him.

How Tommy knew how to kiss like that was a mystery. Maybe Ranboo or Tubbo gave him some advice.. or Wilbur taught him without really knowing what was the reason for Tommy's curiosity.. Even so, Clay didn't care.

His eyes unfocused as he stopped thinking, too flustered to care about Tommy changing positions. The prince was on top now and Clay's sword was no longer in his hand, instead, he was now grabbing Tommy's hips to keep the kiss going

It was Tommy's victory and when he saw how steamed up Clay was, he showed clemency. Taking a quick breath of air just to kiss him again.

Clay hummed as he sank more into the ground below him, choosing to cup Tommy's face this time. When it ended, the teen raised his arms into the air, collapsing on his back beside Clay.

"Yeah bitch! This is the art of deception! Ha, ha, ha!" Tommy laughed madly, he had won.

It was training, sure. Did Clay hold back the entire time? Yes, but who cares?

They both got what they wanted, so it was a win-win actually if you think about it

He was so proud of himself, but just when he was about to rub it more into the knight's face, he hears Clay laugh.

"I must admit, that was a filthy move coming from you... I didn't think you would do me like that" Clay's tone gave hints that he was on the verge of collapsing, trying to calm down his urges of tackling the boy back down..

Tommy smiled lordly and Clay closed his eyes, accepting defeat ..

"Well, it distracted you didn't it?" It was certainly true and Clay agreed with a nod, smiling.

"But only because you got me off guard, it won't happen again." Both Clay and Tommy knew that was a lie, but ended the conversation there.

It would be awkward for Clay to admit that he was thinking of kissing Tommy himself during the whole combat. But Tommy was probably aware of it, who knows?. He is not going to ask anyway...

The only secure thing was his daydreaming. Getting loose whenever Tommy did something beyond his expectations...

Clay sits up, resting one arm on his raised knee. Tommy moves too, but hisses, feeling a pain in his ankle that causes him to go back to the ground

"What happened!? Are you hurt!? What's wrong?" Asked a worried Clay, you could hear the panic in his voice

"I think I hit my foot when I landed.." Says Tommy, grabbing the affected part of his foot and pressing slightly to know exactly where the pain is.

"Well, is that, or I am just paying the price for not have done any exercise for the past 10 years" Tommy's playful tone was mostly to calm Clay more than himself. He didn't like the fact that the knight was right about Tommy hurting himself, but to be fair.. it was to be expected

"That's too bad, I wouldn't like to leave any bruise on that pretty skin of yours.." Clay ducked and Tommy had to give him a "look" before pulling the fabric of his neck down, revealing rounding and red marks that were starting to get purple.

"What about the bite marks you left on my neck yesterday?" Clay blushes as he stares at the blonde's neck... feeling embarrassed but satisfied with the illustrious marks he left in Tommy.

"That's different, they have a meaning, and I also made them intentionally" Tommy was about to mention how hard it has been for him to hide those marks from his dad and brother, having to wear tight clothes with large sleeves and high necks.. but then he hissed again.

"I am sure it's fine but if you are worried about it I can always take a look" Clay starts pulling the edge of Tommy's pants and the blonde stiffens

"No!" Clay got startled. Unknown regret filling his chest because of his careless manners.

"I- I mean no... I am okay, it doesn't even hurt that much..." Tommy's words died mid-sentence, losing volume in an attempt to regulate his voice and not raise it on accident.

"You sure? we don't know if it's something serious. It can worsen the damage if we don't treat it properly" Clay was concerned, what if he had hurt Tommy so bad that the blonde was scared to admit it?

"I don't think is too deep, besides I can handle a little bit of pain." That was the trigger that caused Clay to put his hand over Tommy's, so the boy would move it out of the way..

"I am sure you can but I don't want you to get ill because of me, so let me help you..." Tommy reluctantly removes his palm out of his injury, giving Clay complete permission to have a look.

"Okay, but you may not like what you see" He left his words fly in the air at the same time Clay lifts the edge of his pants and gasps.

"Tommy... is this?" The blonde nodded, knowing exactly what Clay was looking at but still refusing to do so himself..

"Those are the scars I got from the fire 10 years ago..." He explained much to his displeasure.

"The doctors were able to treat the wounds in time so it didn't affect my walking or slow down my movements, but they still hurt from time to time..." The look Clay gave him was something he had seen before. A plain show of pity.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.." Tommy huffs annoyingly as he hears a bottle getting upped.

"This may hurt a little bit, so hold on" A simple pop and a transparent liquid was being poured into his foot, making Tommy close his mouth, even more, to not let out any kind of noise that could show how much it burns..

"Your foot looks good, a little bit of icing and it should be good by tomorrow" Clay always has a healing potion in his belt, ready to use in case Tommy needs it.

He was relieved the injury wasn't a grievous harm, but the doubtful silence was... unsettling..

"You think they are nasty, don't you? That's why you are avoiding the topic and not saying anything about them.." Tommy was on the verge of tears and not only because of the strong smell of the potion or his healing properties making its effect.

After the pain reduces, he cleans his tears, and Clay blinks in disbelief... wonder what he did wrong, until..


How can he be so stupid?

It was Clay's lack of reaction that pained the blonde. He trusted Clay to check on his leg, revealing something that is nothing but a memory of a horrible experience and Clay didn't say a word to show that he cared. Tommy's always avoiding complicated themes to talk about when they are only about himself, so Clay didn't realize until now just how fearful he had made him feel by saying nothing and avoiding it instead. ..

A sudden memory passed right in front of his eyes, of something he had said Tommy before.

"I only care about what you think of me...'

At the sudden realization, Clay was quick to deny Tommy's suspicious..

"Not at all... I just didn't want to sound intruding but... I think they are beautiful..." Tommy opens his mouth, closing it as he processes the knight's words.

' Did he likes his scar? ' 'Was it for real or was he just trying to make him feel better? '

Whatever it was, it worked and caused all his angriness to fade away in a blink

"May I?" Tommy was slow to understand what he meant but nodded. Clay proceeded to touch the burning skin in such a delicate and slow way. It was thin and faint that Tommy had to look at it to be sure Clay was touching him...

"Are these all of them?" Tommy nodded again. Clay didn't know what his answer was until he took off his eyes from the blonde's leg, that he realized the way the teen's head was moving..

"Is this why your father made you quit your training?" The question invades both minds as Clay realizes that the scar is not only covering Tommy's foot but rather his whole right leg

"After it happened, Techno blamed himself for my injury and mom's death that he became colder. I had to rest for a long while until it was safe for me to get back at running, even though it didn't hurt anymore" Tommy's mind was gone, as he remembered every detail of that horrendous night.

The fire spreading like a deadly poison, infecting his lungs and blocking all oxygen.

Everything starting from the sound of a closing door.

His mother would always tell him to never close the doors as he played by himself, it could break or get stuck and leave him trapped. The lock wouldn't allow him to get out and nobody would know where he was until his absence was too much to not notice...

Tommy's behavior was even more rebellious back then, but he still obeyed his mother in everything she would say. How funny that the only day he ever broke her rules,was the one she died...

Dying with such a worry for the well-being of herfamily, but mostly Tommy.... her little treasure..

It was supposed to be a prank. A hurtless and innocent prank... but in the end, nobody laughed. There were just tears and mourning...

He remembers it as clear as day. That day Wilbur was too busy to play with him and watch over his little brother, getting into an argument that ended up with Tommy leaving and running until he slammed the door of his room. A stupid and childish mistake that almost costs him his life, only to get the attention every spoiled kid wants.

He felt trapped. Wilbur's tone did nothing to calm him when he realized that not even his brother knew what to do. His parents were nothing to be found, and to hear Techno who was always serene and confident get scared and panic, only made it worse. The red fists he got from hitting the wooden door over and over healed, his salty tears disappeared, his lungs recovered.. but the scar and the small deformity it caused in his skin stayed with him.

When the window broke, he heard nothing but silence. His eyes were glued to the flaming arrow that came after the rock that broke the glass. He couldn't look away from the beautiful but dangerous light that landed before him, spreading the heat and death around him.. the intense burning feeling his one leg suffered, fading out into dry screams and leaving him with a sore throat.

"But, let's stop talking about me. Big C, you got any scars you want to show me?" That maybe wasn't the best question to ask but he wanted to talk about something else.. something it wasn't about his own life and poor misfortunes.

Clay can still see it... more clear than before. The heavy burden the prince carries, being her mother's death the finest and most recent memory that he has of her. The only one he will never forget and remember the most, keeping it craved in his brain... forever..

It will never disappear, but maybe. If Clay shares something of the same amount.. the pain will soothe.

"Actually I do.. but I warn you, they are not as beautiful as yours.." Clay moves his shirt upwards along with his hoodie, leaving his stomach and part of his pecs at sight

A lot of scars to count and all of them were as deep and big as the others. They looked lumpy.

"Does it hurt?" The rigged skin didn't seem to be mottled or melted like Tommy's, these were mostly made by whips, hits, and cuts. As Tommy looked to the side he noticed some uncommon ones.The biggest one was a claw-shaped on the center of Clay's back.. a scar made by a powerful scratch of a wild animal.. but the prince didn't dare to say more

"Nah.. the pain stopped a long time ago.." Tommy's eyes wander off Clay's abdomen and his hand moved in its own.

When he felt the contact, Tommy jumped on the place and out of his thoughts, ashamed of what he just did.

"Sorry! That was wrong of me! I didn't mean to touch you! I-I mean, didn't mean to touch them!" Clay heard a muffled 'f*ck' after that, shifting to grab the younger's hand, guiding him

"It's okay.. you don't have to be shy about it, I am practically yours and that also includes my body.." The knight caressed Tommy's hand as he lifted his shirt, even more confidently than before.

"That's sweet, but I still want your permission. If you wouldn't mind..." Clay smiled authentically, showing his back to Tommy as he looks to the other side

"Go ahead." The teen moved his bare fingers through the edges of each scar, not pressing and doing it at a low pace. Clay liked it, he had never let anyone see his scars, nor even touch them.. but with Tommy doing it.. he felt as if it was no longer a big of a deal

"You know, when I first got my scars.. my father said 'these are the proof that you survived, so stand straight and raise your head proudly... because right now you are one of the luckiest people in the world.'

Tommy could almost watch himself as a kid.. as a haunting ghost by his side, standing in front of his father with red eyes because of all his crying ... But now, the tears his younger self was showing were not out of sadness or pain, but out of happiness.

When did it change, and how? Tommy couldn't tell..

"Those are some powerful words.." Mentions Clay at the moment Tommy stops touching him. His hoodie covering him again

"Yeah, I didn't understand them back then, but I think I do now..."

Chapter 11: Outside the castle


The so awaited Festival - Part 1 -

"Would it be all for nothing?"

Chapter Text

The day of the festival had finally arrived. It was held every year inside the L'Manberg's territories and was not to be missed. It was a very special tradition for every habitant and non-habitant of the kingdom to enjoy.

Back in the day, it used to be considered a big festivity, where the villagers had the opportunity to have closeness with the royal family, sharing the joy of the event as they walked the same streets alongside them. If they were not bowing at its majesty, they were giving them humble gifts out of pure kindness.

It was the only day of the year where they could stand close to the king and queen without that many knights guarding around, hinting with their looks that they were intruding or acting inappropriately towards royalty.

But after the queen died, the festival was sadly left to the side by the king. Tommy didn't remember much of those days. He was so young during that time that he couldn't put a finger on the reason behind such even. But he knew it was important and that even his brother held such positive memories of it.

He was even able to recall the smiles of his parents as they greeted everyone that looked their way.

The reason behind his father's decision to never celebrate such festivity ever again was for his people to forget about its existence, just like his wife's absence, but nobody did. For him it was like a tormenting trigger of a painful memory, too livid for him to ignore.

Still, nobody lost hope. The festival stuck into the people's minds for so long... praying in secrecy for it to come back. It made Tommy wonder just how much fun it must be, for it to matter that much.

It has cost him years of pleading and so much begging. He even asked for Wilbur to be cooperative so he could convince his father to renew the tradition once again. It wasn't easy, and it took a lot of promises for him to get it...but after showing how much he wanted it to happen, the king finally acceded, much to his dismay.

That's why today he feels excited, body trembling due to the thrill that comes from the unexpected. Phil may have allowed him to go, but on the condition that he brings at least two companions. Wilbur seemed happy for his brother, but not happy enough to attend himself if the big pile of papers on his desk was something to intuit into.

Tubbo and Ranboo were the chosen ones for the task and Tommy did nothing but show Phil the appreciation he had towards his decision multiple times on the spot.

But that was not all, Clay would also be coming with him. Others may just look at it as a necessary security precaution that the knight must fulfill to protect the prince, but Tommy knew different.

Clay acknowledges the fact that he has never gone anywhere outside the castle with Tommy. In fact, he has never shown the teen anything that didn't have any "royal lesson" label in between.

He wanted to show Tommy the world and teach him the beauties of it, but how was he supposed to accomplish that if all he knew was the bad side of it?

Nobody other than Tommy knew that Clay was once like him, trapped inside four walls. The difference was that he wasn't as communicative or outgoing as the teen, being his nearest servants and relatives his only closer friends. He felt as a reclusive in his own home, thinking it was his status that was to blame for his inability to be social.

But when he abandoned his house, Clay realized that the problem was him, seeing how his restraints only took another shape around his wrists.

He was certain that at some point he was granted the maximal freedom an assassin could get from their boss, but even so.. it still wasn't as close to being considered a decent amount of privilege that an average person with a normal life should have.

The terms under which he was put under were worse in comparison to people with lower status. Because of his background as a former rich individual, he knew better than the unhuman regimen he was obliged to put up with.

With the pass of time, he stopped comparing the two sides of the coin and left his weakest side to rot, considering it the only way that would help him endure the dark moments he was going through.

But at the time he came in contact with the prince, something was born inside him.. a fire that felt so new but familiar at the same time.

A side that he thought was dead for so long came back alive, making him feel like a kid again. All his compassionate, generous, jovial, and sensitive self reappeared once again. Such a miracle that he knows won't happen again.

Being that the reason why he wants to do it right this time. Tommy is someone that's destined to follow the path of light. So, if Clay wants to stay with the teen until the end of his days, then he must walk on the same track as him and make sure he doesn't divert from it.

He would do anything in order to be with the blonde... and no matter where he goes, he will always follow him.

"Woah! Look at that Clay, isn't it cool?" Clay rolls his eyes with a smile as Tommy pulls off his arm and then sleeve, encouraging him to match his pace.

Tommy had put on a large and black cloak that reached his ankles. The hood covered his blond locks and hid his face so only his mouth was visible. He knew he couldn't risk being recognized on the open, but out of all the times he visited the village wearing a disguise.. this was by far the most exciting one.

Of course that Tommy liked open places, but the festivity made the village look smaller and crowded with the number of people that were on the streets.

At first, he had felt too overwhelmed by it, getting in between Clay and Ranboo as he feared to get seen. But hearing his friends fool around and make jokes with an easy-going attitude made him feel completely insouciant that he soon took the lead, guiding the rest further into the cheery festival.

The teen's head moved from one stand to another like an owl, making long pauses every time he needed a moment to decide where to go next.

"If you keep moving your head like that you'll hurt your neck" As he gets no reaction, Clay is certain that the teen must be feeling very astonished by everything he is seeing, not being able to catch up or process any kind of information.

From time to time Tommy looks up, his icy blue eyes sparkling and turning into a shade of lighter turquoise under the several lanterns tingling above him. The ambar-lights were closer to one another in linear ways, being held by very long ropes that were crossed above their heads.

They were extended all over the village, too up high to see to what they were attached to and from where.

The night was getting more prominent as time passed, the sun hiding from one side of the wide sky, letting the moon perk from behind the clouds. It all added up more to that nocturnal ambiance that made it look even more magical and mystical. It was all so beautiful that Tommy couldn't believe he was there.

People talk to each other as they laugh. Some of them even group as they make their own conversations, reuniting in front of one stand to either buy something or just take a look. All kinds of voices were being heard from anywhere, it was loud but not annoying.

And let's not forget about the colorful decorations that were impossible to miss, as the small touch of adding up plants to the central plaza, makes the place feel more lively.

At some point during their walk, Tubbo and Ranboo decided to go off on their own and split into two groups, saying it would be better to cover more area and take a better look at every marveling the festival had to offer. Tommy voted against it, as he wanted all of them to be together for multiple reasons.

He didn't get the reasoning behind Tubbo's logic and didn't straddle to share it with the group. But Tubbo shoved away from his dubiety with a plain mention.

"What's the worst that could happen?" And with that, he found even more complications to comprehend why Tubbo had winked at him with a smirk on his face before leaving alongside Ranboo.

Tommy knew the brunette was onto something, he just couldn't figure out what it was.

For Clay, the rest of their time was being very enjoyable. At some point, he had given up on the thought of considering this little trip as his first date with Tommy, thinking the atmosphere around them was closer to being nothing but similar to going out with friends or family.

He had begun to get used to this type of closeness, appreciating that a tall and serene guy like Ranboo was watching after Tommy and Tubbo with him. Even taking into account his jumpy nature, he trusted him enough to help him look after the boys.

But, he wasn't counting on Tubbo's mischief to come out to the fore, taking Ranboo with him just so Clay could be alone with Tommy. The silent elbowing Tubbo directed to him before he went to hug Ranboo's arm, dragging him away makes him think that the boy's easiness to read into lines was something he must be cautious of.

It was very obvious that the boy primary's goal was to spend time with his own boyfriend too. That's the reason he even did this in the first place. The fact that his idea of splitting into pairs also helped Clay get what he wanted was a real strike of luck.

Even so, he'll make sure to thank Tubbo later when they reunite again.

Just as they moved to the left side of the center, Tommy got closer to a lonely stand, eyes completely focused and lost on a wide set of shiny brooches.

He must have spent minutes without moving because he just happened to notice the old man in front of him. His heavy and loud breath was the only sound he was making. Eyes completely white and unfocused, giving hints of his possible blindness. Wrinkled and uncolored skin hanging from his face and a lush gray bear, all hairs appeared to be completely densely.

Tommy felt uncomfortable because of the unmobility of the man. So, when a hand rested on his shoulder, he turned to the side. Before his face bumped with the knight's, Clay pulled back.

Apparently, he had been calling his name, multiple times, but Tommy didn't listen...

"Sorry...what were you saying?"

"I asked if you like them." Clay moved his head as a way to point towards the objects that had Tommy so captivated.

"I don't know, they are kind of pretty though" Tommy looked down to his right where there was a slight separation between the brooches. His eyes fell right into the green gem on top. It had the shape of a water drop, the edge surrounding it was thick and full of small circled-gems that shinned just like platinum.

"But that one's better. Has a nice color too" Clay took a second glance. He wasn't an expert on all the types of green shades a gemstone could have, but this one was particularly certain. The ends of it were greener, as the center remained almost translucent

"That's a green mint tourmaline, the most valuable of its kind" The old man spoke out of his silence, "It comes in all colors of the rainbow, but this one's the most popular in the market due to its magical properties." He said with a raspy voice.

It was weird to find someone selling magical objects in a place like this. It wasn't illegal and the man didn't seem to have any hidden intentions due to his lack of enthusiasm.

"Sir, how many of these are enchanted?" The man pointed with his shaky finger directly to the corner in front of Tommy, exactly from where he found the tourmaline.

"How much?" Clay asked as he inspected every stone, trying to find anything out of the ordinary that could maybe give a hint that they were different from the others.

"It would be five golden coins per each" In a quick maneuver, Clay grabbed one of the many brooches and Tommy took sight of the little bag in his hands full of coins to spend.

"I'll take this one" Tommy didn't expect Clay to not choose the green one. Instead, he grabbed a red ruby with the shape of a rhombus. The edge covered in gold.

"Do you want any?" Tommy wouldn't be the one to admit it and Clay wouldn't be the one to say it, but when he saw the teen go from cheerful to quiet in a blink, he knew how much he had gotten attracted by the gem. Even if Tommy tries to hide it, Clay can see it as clearly as the day.

"Fine then! I want the green one" Clay nodded before paying, putting the rest of his money away.

Without losing time, Clay fastened his brooch to the left side of his chest, but Tommy took his time to hold his very carefully and with both hands. He got it too close to his face, eyes tracing as he noticed something unusual. Depending on the angle he was holding it, the gem would change its hue. Turning from light green to blueish-green and then yellowish-green.

"This is sick" The teen held it high above his head... Positioning himself so the lantern light could pass through it. He watched from below with one closed eye, looking as tiny particles moved inside it, meeting at the center of the gem in a clean repetitive pattern. A phenomenon that he doubts can be seen easily.

"You want me to fasten it for you?" The teen looked at Clay and nodded, handing it to him. As the knight kneeled, Tommy went still. He felt skillful hands just below his windpipe until a clipping sound was heard.

"Thank you" Clay smiled, taking Tommy's hand and resting his chin over it. Tommy's ears went red as Clay looked down, kissing it in an elegant and graceful way.

As they continued, the intensity had lowered down. They kept it quiet as they held hands.

Clay's fingers were longer and thinner than Tommy's, but also colder. As their intertwined them, Tommy's warmth spread to Clay's hand. Without the need for words, it was by far the most intimate moment they have had on the entire day.

Even with all the types of sound that were rumbling inside his head, Tommy's ear caught on a piercing sob. Clay was surprised the teen could hear something he didn't until he remembered how good of an ear Tommy had. He recalled it from the first time they met, and the day Tommy found him training behind the castle.

It was then when Tommy got ahead of him. A few more steps and Clay was able to hear it too. A little boy was sitting on the floor, beside an empty stand. His arms tugging around his legs, face hidden with his knees as he cried lowly on a dark corner, so far away that the lights were only able to reach his shoes. Clay moved to the front, checking around just in case there was someone nearby.

Upon hearing a sound, the kid raised his head up. Red eyes, swollen face, and nose completely wet with a mucous substance falling from it. Clay felt watched and looked down at the child from above, the light behind him doing him no favor as the half-hidden smile on his mask and his tall proportions made him look completely sinister. The little one widens his eyes with fear and backs up further into the alleyway.

Clay got alarmed and raised his hands in the air in an apologetic stance.

"Woah, Woah... it's okay... there's nothing to be scared of" The moment Clay advanced forward, the lower lip of the infant petted before it started to quiver, ready to cry.

"No, no, no... don't cry. You are safe, I'm just here to help" His words were deprived of their usual volume, lowering his tone to not scare the kid away. But instead of soothing him, it did the exact opposite.

His little face crumpled and burst into tears. Guilt was imminent in Clay's system, feeling responsible for the meltdown he had caused. As his last resource, he attempted to shush the boy as if that would make the tears disappear. After his endeavors ended being a complete forlorn, Tommy palmed his arm to switch places.

Discretely, the teen ducked and took off his hood, displaying the small one the brightest smile he could show.

"Hello little man, I'm Tommy... what's your name?" The kid heard him, snacking his snot back up. He laid his eyes on the fluffy golden hair of Tommy, and then his big blue irises. The prince kept his smile going, making sure to don't exaggerate it.. otherwise, it would look creepy. He concentrated on not moving an inch, staying completely still in front of the little creature... waiting for an answer.

"Sheldon" The kid blurted out. Eyes peeking through his turquoise hair.

"Okay, Sheldon do you know where your mommy is?" A small shake to the sides and Tommy knew the answer was no.

"Where was the last time you saw her? Is there anything you can remember?" Tommy made sure to keep his questions as simple as possible for the kid to understand.

"A red big mushroom above the door" It wasn't such a big clue, but Tommy would take what he could get.

He looked back at Clay, who was grabbing his chin with his thumb... thinking back of all the places they had been in and narrowing his options down in case the image of a mushroom rang a bell.

"I think there's a restaurant downside the village that's famous for their fungus soup, it's worth taking a shot" Tommy nodded, turning to Sheldon once again.

"I bet your parents are also looking for you, so why don't you come with us? We may be able to find them if we work together" Tommy ruffled the kid's hair, moving it out of his face. Clay smiled fondly at that sight.

"Okay..." The kid clung onto Tommy, rubbing his eyes with a short yawn. As he started to get drowsy, he dropped the whole weight of his body over Tommy, proving that he was heavier than he looked like.

"I don't think I can carry him all the way, Clay could you?" The knight hesitated. He was disinclined to do so, implying his uneasiness in his response.

"I don't know. Do you think is a good idea? He doesn't seem to like me, may get scared if I touch him" Tommy could see where Clay was getting at. He looked hurt, darted to try and approach the kid again only to fail miserably. It was so uncharacteristic of him.

"It'll be fine. Is not your fault that the kid was in a fragile spot when he saw that ugly mask of yours, so don't let it beat you" Clay chuckles but flinches when the infant nuzzles against Tommy's neck, mumbling something that couldn't be considered as words

"Look, he's dozing off against my shoulder, once he is asleep you can take him without concern" Tommy shifted Sheldon, grabbing his head with caution as he rooks him in his arms. Maybe he'll slumber faster like that.

"Alright, if you say so" Clay finally agrees to it as he watches Tommy lean his back against the wall, using it as support to match the body full of heaviness that he was carrying.

"I must admit I'm impressed. I didn't know you were good with children" Tommy raises his head with pride towards Clay.

"That's just how awesome Iam" Both of them hold their laughs. Sheldon's breaths got longer and more audible until that became the only thing they could hear from him.


They reached one of the ends of the village, coming to a close with a zone Tommy had never seen before. The corridors in between the houses were not by any means narrow, but the streets were not as spacious as the main area.

Every sound from the distance had disappeared, and it looked deserted. Most of the habitants had left to cluster in the area Clay and Tommy came from, getting passed by them on their way here. The abrupt change from loudness to quietness didn't pass unnoticed for, stumbling upon the most peaceful place they could find during the festival.

Observing the whole neighborhood is how they reached the spot they were aiming for. A big red wooden-like restaurant.

The chimney on the top was made of red sandstone bricks, that you could see it was on due to the smoke coming out of it. The stool below the windows was full of little flowerpots and there was a cost-way chalkboard menu on the side of the entrance.

If you followed the smooth stoned path it guided you to a roofless open area, enclosed by a black fence made of metal. It had rounded tables with closed umbrellas in the middle.

Tommy signaled Clay to look at the door and the big sign of a mushroom, promoting their new specialties. It was hanging by a thread with the help of a screw over the dark frame.

When they got inside the sound of a bell tingled through the whole establishment, notifying the owners of their arrival.

Clay and Tommy exchanged looks after hearing mumbled noises from the distance. Footsteps rushed from the other side of the door that lead to the kitchen, getting open by a short guy with a disorderly appearance, light-brown hair, exaggerated pale skin, and noisy keys on his hand

"Sorry, we are closed, please come back later when-" He froze, adjusting his glasses as his face turns from shock to relief.

"My goodness, Sheldon!" Tommy pulled the front of his hood lower as the man ran towards Clay, checking out the boy in his sleep.

"We found him on the streets and decided to bring him back home" Clay didn't know how the man would react if he told him that his son had walked to a location too far away from the restaurant, having taken almost an eternity for him and Tommy to get here from where they were, but he omitted that.

"Oh thank you so much for finding our son, when it happened we didn't know what to do or who to reach out to" As the knight passes the kid to his father, another guy comes from the kitchen. Brownish black hair, dark tanning skin, and cobalt blue eyes. He was wearing a winter coat, with a crooked scarf as if he had been getting ready to gout ready to go out

"Is Sheldon okay?" The blue-eyed man rests his hand against his son's cheeks. As he felt the heat from his skin, his mouth left out a breath he was holding.

"I'll take him to his room, you two make yourselves comfortable" It sounded like a command more than a petition. But once he left, the other guy returned his attention to Tommy and Clay.

"I'm so thankful for what you've done for us. I would like to repay your kindness, so why don't you stay and let us cook something for you in return?" After all the commotion and the roller coaster of emotions, the man looked calmer. The worry he had before was still fresh in his mind, making his green eyes crystallize.

"You don't have to do anything for us, we just wanted to get your son back safely." Says Clay before Tommy starts pulling his hoddie from behind.

"Please, is the least we can do to show you how grateful we are" The knight sighs as he feels Tommy pull harder, almost frantically.

"Well, I guess we can stay a little bit longer." The man looked content by Clay's change of mind, tightening his apron and giving them their menu cards in a docile way.

"Feel free to sit whatever you want, and take your time to decide." That was the last thing he said before returning to the kitchen

The duo took a seat on a rectangle table of the corner beside the window, sitting on each couch and facing each other.

"Thanks for that, I really could use some food right now... I'm starving." Tommy soon grabbed the menu, opening it swiftly.

"I figured that much after you almost tear my uniform apart. But you are right, it wouldn't hurt to take a break" Clay joked with a smile, crossing his arms against his chest, looking out the window even when there was not much to see.

"Tubbo and Ranboo would like this place, it has cozy seats." Says Tommy as he slouches, hiding more behind the menu. The prince chortles as he sees a funny muffin cartoon holding a gigantic spoon on the bottom of the page.

"I'm sure they would, it also looks rustic .." Clay looks at the inside decorations. Welcoming pictures over the walls, empty tables completely cleaned, and each chair in its rightful spot.

"How long do you think it would take for Tubbo and the others to get here? We are already settled, could at least use this opportunity to have dinner together." Clay tries to look at Tommy as he speaks but is all in vain when the only thing he can see is the big menu card in front of him.

"What time is it? We all agreed to meet at the fountain at ten..." Clay glances at a shaped-like cat clock on the wall, marking the exact 9:50 with its pointy needles.

"sh*t! I forgot about that!" Tommy jumps on his seat, but Clay is already standing up.

"If I run I may be able to get there on time" Clay leans down, pulling his mask higher as he kisses Tommy's crown. "Stay here, don't go anywhere without me" Tommy has to give Clay a look before he leaves.

"As if I could do something like that" One second after the bell is heard again, the green-eyed man with an apron steps out and directs to the one that still remained. This time wearing a black cap with red and little devil horns.

"Where did your friend go?" The man had a pen in hand and a small notebook on the other, feeling the breeze that had just got it.

"He'll be back. Clay just went to find our friends, I hope you don't mind" Mentions Tommy at the same time the man sticks his pen behind his ear.

"Well, you know what they say, the more the better" Tommy smiles, being careful to not show much of his face as he does it.

"Great. But let me tell you I'm the good one in the group. All of them are crazy.... except Ranboo, he is okay" The man giggles. "Is that so?" Tommy nods, moving the menu to the side to rest his arms and elbows over the table.

"Yes, But don't worry, I'll make sure to keep them in line" The teen closes his hands together, feeling the heat of the restaurant over his uncovered skin.

"I don't think I asked you what your name is, how silly of me... What should I call you?" There's a brief pause before a name is mentioned.

"Tommy, but you can call me Sir or Big Man if you want." He said in an intrepid way. Even if he was known by the plebeians as Prince Tom, he still didn't like people recurring to that name that often. As an alternative to that, only the ones that were closer to him called him Tommy. Using it as a private nickname.

"Is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Darryl, but please call me Bad. I'm currently the owner of the Rat Cave" The man directs a hand to his chest as he introduces himself.

"Wait! Rat Cave?" Tommy repeats incredulously "Did you seriously just named this place The Rat Cave?" Bad's lips turn into a straight line.

"Um.. Yeah, what's wrong with it?" Tommy was perplexed, finding a hard time articulating as he lets out incoherent sounds before transforming his jibberish into words.

"A lot of things actually. Why did you even named it like that?" If Bad was being serious and the name was real, then he needed to know why "Rat Cave" was his final choice.

"Simple. I used to have a dog named Rat when I was five. He played a big part in my childhood, so I decided to honor him somehow" Tommy adjusts himself.

"That's so basic. Are you sure you didn't lose a bet or some sh*t?" He asks, not meaning to sound hostile as he shows an honest reaction to Bad's argument.

"First of all, language, and second, is nothing like that. I bought the rights of that name legally" Tommy's tongue ties. Bad looked like a genuinely nice person but was very obnoxious. After hearing all the incoherency he was spilling out, the teen felt his mind puzzled.

"Isn't it counterproductive to name your business after your dead dog? Nobody other than you knows the context behind it, don't you think it will scare away your customers?" Using his logic, Tommy spits back, hoping he hasn't disrespected Bad by saying too much.

"I understand what you mean, Skeppy said the same thing to me when we bought this place" Just as he says that, Bad looks up at the ceiling... reliving memories inside his head that Tommy didn't know of.

"Then maybe you should listen more to this Skeppy person" Bad laughs in a dainty way.

"You saw him earlier. He is my husband, and I'm sure he would be happy to hear what you just said about him" The image of the brown-skinned guy with dark hair and a grimace expression appears in the teen's mind, alongside a bigger and most important doubt.

"Wait, if you two are together, then where does Sheldon comes from? Isn't he your son?" Bad inclines his head to the side.

"He is, we adopted him a couple of years ago. Skeppy and I always wanted to have kids, so when he came into our lives, it felt like a blessing" As he says that, Bad shuffles his foot out of embarrassment, scratching with his finger the bridge of his nose

"Well, he is a good kid I can tell you that much. Better keep him away from bad influences or he'll turn out to be a wrongen. And we don't want any of that" Bad's teeth beam, rising his hand as he intends to cover his mouth from laughing, letting a copper ring come into view.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice" With an expression full of friendliness, Tommy grins. Making sure Bad sees it through his hood.

"Anytime, Bad"

Chapter 12: Don't look at me


The (not) so awaited Festival - Part 2 -
A short chapter that paves the path for new relationships to get built and old ones to rise up.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Quackity was hoping to spend some quality time with his boyfriend. George had been very stressed lately, he could tell he was distant, especially towards him. He knew his insistence on Sapnap, and endless questions were at fault but his intention had never been to piss off his partner.

If George wanted a moment of peace, Quackity would give it to him...that was his initial thought. It had been a while since the last time the two of them were in the same room without arguing or sharing hurtful glances.

His beloved boyfriend has always been a pessimistic person, but since the subject of Sapnap become their daily reality, it had caused George's physical condition to get worse due to the sleepless nights he knew he had spent and how less he has eaten.

But so little did Quackity know about what was not spoken.


Everyone can attest that the view is magnificent, their environs appear out of this world. Both individuals too centered on the beauty that could be seen by mere eyes and expected nothing less from what was still yet to come from ahead.

It was a long road to travel and George believes it's very reasonable on his part to not want to relive any of it again. Quackity’s incompetence had caused them more misfortunes, ones that he knew could have been easily avoided if his boyfriend was not as dull as a brick, casualties that George would have ignored if they had really been out of his control.

Of course, he was not happy about it, not one bit. George believes he had made his anger very clear since their departure, not that Quackity could pick up on any of that if he had not told him straight.
One would think that as his boyfriend he would be used to it by now, truthfully he wasn’t and still hated that dumb part of his.

Hearing over and over Quackity’s meaningless apologies after seeing his deep frown didn’t help at all to make up for sinking the little good mood he had, still, he knows Quakcity had noticed his strange behavior.

He can admit that he hadn’t been really subtle about anything, reaching to the point of faking a hassle just to excuse himself out of the room.

There was no way George could tell him the truth, reveal that he has been distancing from him on purpose to not cause more discontent.

But now, what really hurt was to be aware that Quackity believed everything was his fault, pursuing George as a lost puppy would do. It was immoral.

To know that Quackity had been purposely attempting to not leave his side at any moment was the catalyst for Sapnap that settled things in motion. It led them to this day with an important goal to fulfill, or rather a goal that Sapnap had on his own and was now forcing into George’s head…as he always did.

Such bad influence that George had kept near even after accepting that nothing good will ever come out of it, but still needing it as an addictive drug that he hasn't the courage to let go of.

Either he gets disposed off or he dies along with it, being the only freedom he can get being granted by the same person who took it away.

Nervous was a faint word to describe what was eating George alive as he matched Quackity’s rapidness. He looked way too chirpy as he strolled on in complete ignorance of the true purpose that domain George’s heart.

Cause there was a deception lying under this trip that Quackity had organized to bring calm to both of them, refresh their relationship, tie their bonds back together, mend his errors. A time meant to make them forget about everything else. All, nothing but a big lie organized by their common friend

“Hey, George aren’t you hungry? You haven’t eaten anything on the whole day” What a point to make after everything Quackity had bought for him on each stall. Just going from one to another to waste money and then indulge George when he really didn’t want any of that.

“You already know that I’m a light eater. Furthermore, I don’t need it” Not the first time he had pushed away Quackity’s thoughtful offers, but even though they were good intended it was becoming annoying to repeat the same thing over and over again.

But at this point, George wouldn’t be too harsh about it, the rising guilt won’t allow him to be mean to his boyfriend after the accumulative negative and crappy attitude he had forced Quackity to put up with.

“You say that, but this is a special occasion. Would it hurt you to try out one of the things I bought for you?” George balks internally. This is the most mutinous he had seen Quackity since his indifference had increased towards him.

“I’ll eat it when I feel like it” The brown-haired of the two responded

“Or you’ll stuff it away and instantly forget about it” George overlooked that comment, refusing to hearken it.

It would be better to not have another argument after the many they had and the ones he knew were still to happen. But of course, Quackity just could not accept his words in silence, could he?

“Are you even listening to me?” George sighed, wasn’t it tiring for Quackity to behave like that? The fact that he always had issues when it came to accepting a no for an answer was proof of his immaturity.

“I’m listening.” George responded plainly, expression kept as blank as possible.

“Okay, Okay, That’s it!” Another burst of energy came from Quackity, yanking the bags out of George’s hands.

“What are you doing?” The brunette lours in question

“Just you see, I’ll take you to a place where you’ll find some quality food you won’t be able to refuse” George didn’t let himself look conflicted, but he tipped his head to the side when a great number of people were trying to pass through and noticed that they were in the way.

“Fine, have it your way. But please let’s keep moving, we are blocking the path for all these people” Quackity took a leap upon noticing, apologizing.

After that, Quackity didn’t make any other fuss. He didn't seem discouraged but if he was, it could be understandable. It was almost impossible to find something George liked, he didn’t have that many preferences and enjoyed nothing which was the reason for his lack of laughter or joy.

If there was anything that attracted him, George didn't know.


Fewer people were in view as they reached the other extreme of the village. The wind had gone stupidly stronger, making it difficult to walk in the direction it was blowing into. The weather getting somber, rebelling against what had been expected for this day.

Luckily for them, they had entered through the slums, managing to find the place Quackity remembered from the last time he was there, already encouraging George by saying how incredible service they served.

As dark clouds started to cover the moon, they got inside. A bell rang over their heads. The door closed and a man with glasses hails at Quackity with very informality to not be considered a close friend of his.

“Hey Bad! Table for two!” Quackity announced loudly, raising his arm in the air and making a two-finger salute towards the man that he had known for years.

“Well, hello mister, it’s been a while since I last saw you here.” The owner spoke and George greeted him with his head. As Quackity got closer, George followed behind him, eyeing the place with examining eyes until they landed on a lonely and hooded individual sitting by himself on a table by the window.

Though covered, he could tell that the guy’s eyes were staring at him, or maybe saying that he was staring at Quackity was more accurate, following with the angle his head was turned to.

“George, come here, I want you to meet Bad” As he kept his quietness, George got closer, finally focusing on the man Quackity was talking so freely with.

“Is he perhaps your boyfriend?” As Bad asked, Quackity pulled George to his side.

“Yeah, that’s right. I told you I would introduce you one day, so here we are” So far George kept his quietness, not really knowing what to say or add to the conversation. It sure was a surprise that he didn’t know that Quackity had any friends out of the village, much less such an old one.

“He had never come this far from the land we live but I was able to convince him to come for the festival,” Quackity said very smiley.

“Pleasure to meet you” George commented shortly, lacking the motivation and energy to participate in the conversation, but feeling as if he should at least be polite to the guy in front of him. Still, part of his attention kept him bothered by the sitten guy’s presence.

“It is a pleasure, Quackity has told me so many things about you”

He had?

What an unexpected thing to discover.

“Has he now?” Bad nodded as George looked for answers on Quackity, only for him to smile very proudly before his friend.

As Bad and Quackity exchanged jokes, George kept an eye on the other customer. The feeling of two holes being craved on his back was too imminent that he just wanted to get away from the stranger’s look and ignore him on the move. Such a blatant way of looking at them and without designing caused him to pass from talking to the other two, not that they needed him to say anything either.

George looks away but the other’s stare was very surreptitiously for being passed by unnoticed any longer and do nothing about it.

“Can we sit down already? We’ve been walking for hours and is getting really warm in here to just be stood up” George said, very tired of waiting and interrupting the other two, shutting them up.

“Oh, r-right, sorry, please come with me” Bad hurried himself to walk them to a table. Both of them following from behind. “George, that was rude. Why did you say that?” Quackity talks into his neck and near his ear with a glare, grabbing him by the arm.

George hit his hand, smacking it away.

“I didn’t come here to talk. If you wanted to have a good time you should have invited someone else” The other man flinched at that, lowering his head as he hunches up his shoulders. “I just wanted you to meet one of my friends, that’s all”

“Such an important friend he must be, one you never told me about” Quackity opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, admitting how true George’s words were.

George turned away from him, and as soon as they were passing beside the other’s guy table, he stood up. “I think I know you” George looked back to where Quackity had been stopped, not being able to see his boyfriend anymore due to the other person’s height.

“You are Big Q aren't you?” Quackity’s ears picked upon a marked accent, knowing he had heard that voice before.

“Huh? I haven’t heard that name in a long time, don’t tell me you are-” He didn't get to finish as the mysterious individual lifted his hood just enough to make eye contact, and Quackity’s eyes lighten up.

“Thomas! Is that really you?” Quackity was nigh to scream when he recognized that milky skin and golden hairs that belong to the person he remembered to be smaller the last time they saw each other.

“Of course it f*cking is, can’t you see! Don’t tell me you have forgotten me already?” Tommy joked as Quackity embraced him with strength.

“How could I ever forget you. How are you, man?” Tommy laughed slightly at the other enthusiasm.

“I'm good, I'm good. It’s nice seeing you, didn't know you were going be here” The prince slouched as Quackity looked up, being him the only one that could see his face. Such young features.

"Do you two know each other?” Bad chipped in with a flounder expression as did George. “That’s right, we have been pen pals for almost two years now” Quackity still remembers how worried he was when Tommy had stopped writing him letters. He will never ask why, but seeing him here now was all he needed to know that he was okay.

“I had no idea you wrote letters,” Bad said, probably still amazed that he knew both him and Tommy but from two different sources.

“Yeah, neither did I....” George murmured and Quackity knew by that tone that he was angry. The situation getting worse with him was just escalating.

“And you must be George, am I right? You look just as Big Q described” Tommy sits down again, glancing at George up and down. “Definitely shorter than I expected, but hey, who am I to judge?” Tommy laughs and George takes offense at that, looking daggers at Quackity. He was so screwed.

Then, when the iconic bell rang once again Tommy turned around with an expectant look on his face.

"Clay!” The blonde moves away towards the entrance and George can't get any time to recover from that previous event or even prepare beforehand.

“Tommy!” Upon hearing that, George's ears picked up the noise of quiet steps, quickening towards his direction. The tip of his fingers went numb, the sensation of them getting lost as a burning feeling took over his extremities.

It frightens him.

The disembodied voice carried a careless familiarity, growing evil breeds inside the back of George’s mind. A part of his brain telling him to stay alert, warning him and switching over his senses, soon encountering himself unable to divert his focus from it. He blames his own mind for retrieving recognition he couldn’t ignore, recalling its essence behind it and associating the voice with a face from the past.

Both his mind and body have not forgotten who’s the voice belonged to, persisting in George’s darkest memories against his own will.

But, how was this possible?

Why, here?

Why, now?

It couldn’t be real but a nightmare instead. It had to be, He didn't want to acknowledge it, he couldn't.

Incapable of closing his fists, George lowered his face and looked away. Praying it would be enough to cover him.

He could only stay immobile, looking just as small as he felt in that situation… almost like a prey, lying there and waiting to be eaten by its predator.

"Let me introduce you, he is Quackity, a friend of mine …" All the figures started to move further and away from George's recognition. If he wasn’t wrong, the guy that Quackity knew was talking to


His throat swallowing thick and unstoppable spit forming, his subconscious already giving in to the incoming man that tightened the air around George, suffocating him.

The feeling so similar to that of awaiting an imminent ambush, led by hundred men, both situations already advising George of his inevitable defeat, knowing it before it even happens.

"Oh, is that so?" The tone was calm and kind, in a way George had never heard before.

Is he really the man that George thinks he is?

"Hey Bossman, we're already here!" More people entered the restaurant, a duo.

Suddenly he felt exposed as his shoulder bumped into another. It happened as fast as lightning when a tall body passed beside him to reach the blonde.

"Hey, you look pale" Quackity ducked to face George. His vision was too foggy to see and his ears too saturated with white noise to decipher his words, but he sounded worried, even more, preoccupied than he always was, and, why wouldn’t he be?

He must be in a terrible state to only hear a ringing in his ears, almost drowning in his own sweat. George felt like liquefying, knees beginning to fail him.

But, if Quackity had his attention directed to him, then that means-

Before realization, George’s eyes went bigger, fogging his glasses as much harder his breaths came out.

They were looking, right? All of them, they were looking at him, at his misery… they had to be. He must look so pathetic right now, weak before their eyes. It’s only a matter of time until he also-

"You.." Everything stopped. Only emptiness craving through his inner core. The culprit of all of these sensations had finally noticed him, probably staring at him with the same shock George had.

Though looking at the ground, he saw leather booths come into his range of vision, standing right beside him with not that much personal space in between.

"It’s you.. but, I don’t understand, h-how?" That strike of awareness from the other’s side had dislodged George entirely. His name hadn't even been mentioned but he knows who he is.

Was it the googles?

Was it his short height?

Whatever it was, there was no turning back now. He didn’t move, didn't dare to look back.

“G-George.. it’s really you. It's been so long..." Every muscle in his body tensed and jerked upwards. To hear his name being called again in such a way was unbearable.

A name everyone use to call him, something that belongs to him and is his alone..but somehow had a special shade when Dream said it.

Now, is almost sweet and full of sadness, getting cast to the air like a whisper with such frailty that only George can hear, that only he wants to hear.

Then, a firm hand enveloped his shoulder, small but stable, one that had touched him on multiple occasions.

It was none other than Quackity who moved him away from the ghost he thought he would never see again, pushing him backwards in the opposite direction and getting in the middle.

The more he backed up, the widest grew his range of vision. Only then George dared to look over Quackity’s head, his eyes meeting a white object that made his gaze last longer than he intended to. Green and tall, just as it was back then… but his mask was not the same. There is a smile he had never seen before, but it did indeed recall something old and almost forgotten.

Suspecting another word coming, George sprints towards the door and forced it open with such constrain that the bell didn’t ring as it was supposed to, but rather crashes, staggering as the sound distorted.

Exposing himself to this freezing humidity, he knew his legs wouldn’t last long, so he sprinted as fast as he could in a straight line. Aspirating cold air with his mouth and removing his wet goggles at once. With a dense twist, his stomach grew heavier and George knew he couldn't hold it in much longer, closing his mouth and silencing his breaths.

As he supported his weight with a hand on the nearest wall, everything that had been stirring his interior came out at once, alongside with what little he had eaten in the day.
His head started to hurt from the sudden force that he collapsed to the side. A gruesome and bitter taste remains inside his mouth as his eyes close, letting the salty leftovers escape from his retinas.

He doesn’t make a sound, just silent tears flowing in the coldness of the night. Letting the wind and blowing dust be its only witnesses.


Tommy didn't understand a thing. What happened and was happening right now made him bewildered. As Tubbo was shoved to the side by Ranboo when the other brunette ran towards the storm that was forming.

Clay appeared to be carrying a throbbing feeling as Big Q opened the entrance door only to be pushed back by a tremendous burst of wind that Bad had to catch him and straighten him back again. The image of the whole sky getting disastrous attracted everyone's eye before the door slammed itself closed once again.

"A tempest is coming, on the way here we got told to get inside and wait till it passed" Ranboo was the first to talk, sensing the chilly sensation from being too close to the door

"What? But it wasn't that long since we came in and it was fine. How did it get like that so quick?" Says Quackity as he is helped up by Bad.

"It seems to be coming from the west, you may have not noticed. I know we didn't" As Tubbo says that, Tommy looks up at Clay.

He hadn't moved at all since Big Q's boyfriend left, he looks really affected by the guy that appeared before him if his frigidness is something Tommy can insight into. But he did say that he knew him...

"I gotta go after him. That idiot is not thinking straight right now, so I better knock some nerve into him before he gets himself killed"

The door almost hits Big Q's face when he opens it because of the force of the climate outside. When Tommy stood up, he was already out of range.

"We need to help him, he won't make it on his own" Tommy hurries to catch up and Clay breaks out of his dazzle state. Breath cuts in as he tries to grab Tommy, falling short as the teen evades him.

"Tommy, wait!" Clay feels racked for his ineptitude of having let go of Tommy that easily. He grabs his head with one hand and clenches his hood, languishing for his dumb inefficacy. He must arrange his thoughts before they get into his way of taking care of Tommy.

"You two stay here and don't go out by any means" He instructs Tubbo and Ranboo, walking with pronounced strides toward the exit.


"No buts, do as I say and wait right here!" Clay's uptight order left no place for arguments, making the bell chime ruthlessly before leaving. This time falling and crashing onto the floor.


You may notice some slight changes to a couple of details in the story. If you want to see them, I suggest you read the whole piece again since I added a little more explanations, but nothing that affects the narrative. I just wanted to increase my writing quality and depth, so I did.

Is not necessary to check it out, so you don't have to, but you can if you want to.
See ya on the next chapter :)

Chapter 13: The prey in the dark


Now that the festival is over, the prince has gotten separated from his lover and from his group. The storm is not merciful, and neither is the past.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tommy sat down over a big pile of straw with a heavy thud, some of it flying over due to the sudden movement.

A loud sigh came out of him, hugging his knees together. He could hear the wind outside, howling as the wood creaked all around him.

-“Great, this is just great”- Tommy let out in annoyance. Although his tunic was designed to survive the winter, he couldn't keep himself from shivering at the cold that the thin walls couldn't block.

Luckily, Tommy had gotten further from where the storm was forming, but he knew the tempest would reach him in no time.

Some time had passed since he was outside, but he still had no idea how he would get past this storm. As he found himself taking cover on the insides of the old windmill during the chaos, he realized he needed help.

His insides started to grow regret and guilt now that he had taken a moment to calm down.

In his desire to help, he had left Clay behind just after he straightly told him to not go run off on his own or go anywhere without him. It wasn't a promise or anything sworn upon, but he still felt like he had violated something serious and very dear to him. Wait to go, Tommy.

When it happened, he didn’t give it too much thought as it seemed like the right thing to do, when in reality it was the heat of the moment that blinded him, not considering the consequences of it. But that was always his problem wasn't it?

Still, he could have sworn he heard Clay shout after him, but he ignored it. Now, he felt awful because he knew Clay was searching for him out there in the cold.

Don’t get him wrong. His worries about Clay's safety were unfounded, this man could do things he never imagined himself capable of.

But if there was something in this world that could blind Clay's mind and judgment, it was Tommy. He could, or probably is, searching furiously right now in the rain like a maniac, without caring about anyone or anything except Tommy, and would not rest until he makes sure the prince is safe.

Tommy was always Clay's top priority, even above himself. That was what Tommy was so concerned about, knowing that Clay must be losing his mind right now just because Tommy is the one who is lost, not Tubbo, not Ranboo, but him.

Even if Clay was hungry, thirsty, tired or freezing, he would put all of those needs aside and just focus on what he considered was more important in his eyes, Tommy.

It was obvious that during his search, he wouldn't necessarily put his life at risk, since that would be counterproductive. It would slow him down or obstruct his progress since Tommy was what came first.

It’s always been like that and there is no doubt that it will remain that way forever. Tommy was aware of that habit of his, but that didn’t mean he was okay with it.

There must be some serious worry going through Clay's head right now, and that made Tommy feel even worse.

It wasn’t his intention to leave Clay and the others hanging, he just wanted to be of some use to a friend, that’s why he rushed out in the open without thinking twice.

He let himself get carried away by the situation and now he was stuck in a f*cking storm, not knowing where George or Quackity went.

There couldn't be anything worse than this. Oh, how he wished Clay was here with him.

His thoughts were interrupted as the door was forced open by a sudden noise. Tommy took cover on his knees, bracing himself against the bursts of wind and hiding his face on his tights.

A small part of the straw that was close to the entrance got wet, but the door re-closed as quickly as it was opened.

Tommy heard squishy steps as the person that got inside tried to wipe off the water dots from his black hair.

-"Hey, are you by yourself?"- Tommy blinked as the other asked, such a carefree tone considering the guy had come from outside and was soaking all over the floor.

As rain started to patter against the now closed door, Tommy nodded and the other smiled happily.

-"Sweet, do you mind if I take a seat beside you?"- The man removed his cloak, scratching his hair very loudly with his bare nails, starting to shake off his head as a dog would do to dry off.

-"Sure, man, It's not like I own it or anything"- The other smacked his lips as Tommy shifted awkwardly in his seat

-"Okay, whatever you say.."- As the other made his way towards him, Tommy made some room for the guy to fit and moved to the side.

The man sat own cross legged with a listenable thump, one knee sticking up higher than the other

There was a long pause between them, no words got exchanged and the only thing you could hear was all the rustling noise there was outside. It took a while for Tommy to realize that he was being looked at, flinching a little as they made eye contact

-“Hey, do you live nearby?”- The other spoke up swiftly

-“No, why?”- It was a little short to just say that. Usually, Tommy loved to blather, he could do some small talk and in other circ*mstances he would be the one asking questions as a parrot.

But, right now he wasn’t at his best moment. He rather be alone with his thoughts than being with a complete stranger. Of course, being with someone you know would be ideal, but he couldn’t have that now, could he?

-“No reason. I was just wondering, 'cause, why else would a child like you be inside this place?”- He said, completely satisfied with that assumption.

-"Wh- " Tommy said. It riled up something inside him, making him ireful.

-"I’m not a f*cking child, you twat!"- Tommy said in outage, making his irritation easy to catch

-"Really? Cause you sure talk like one.”- Okay, now it was on! He had just been insulted and Tommy couldn’t let that slide past him.

-“I f*cking don’t! Apologize right now! Just, who do you think I am?”- The other made a brooding face. Tommy did not know if it was real or fake, but it still made him angry.

-”A very bossy and rude kid?”- Now Tommy wanted to f*cking punch this guy in the face.

-”I’m eighteen and I’ll be nineteen next month, dipsh*t! In case you haven’t noticed, I'm here because it’s f*cking bitter outside and now, you're in the same boat as me!”- Tommy hollered back, he was boiling inside.

-”What a weird dialect you have, does everyone in Mamberg talk like that?”- Tommy hangs back, getting chopped off.

-”What. the. f*ck. did. you. just. say? ”- It came out as a crabby and fussy snarl.

-”YOU f*ckING BITCH!"- He screamed with all his might into the guy’s face, causing the wood to wobble. How dare this guy insult his country like that?

-”It’s L’Manberg you f*cker, not Mamberg as you say. Take it back right now or I’ll bite your arm off and then eat it!”- This may not be the castle but he will fight back if he has too. ¡f*cking dumbass!

–”Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Chill dude”- The other said, sitting Tommy down.

-”You are such a weird character”- Tommy wasn’t stupid, he didn’t know what this guy would do if he choose violence over words.
He is supposed to be going unnoticed, not causing problems. There would be too many consequences if he gave away his identity but this guy was not helping.

Wouldn’t anyone just punch a guy like that though? Even a f*cking baker would, no matter how considerate and sweet the man was, and that says much about the scum that he’s sharing his company with

-”Still, I doubt you can harm me. I mean, look at your arms.”- The other grabs Tommy’s lanky arm, waving it as if he was a toy

-”They’re so skinny that I bet if you go outside you could dodge the rain drops easily.”- It made Tommy flushed, yanking away from the man

-“On second thought, don’t do that. You might get blown away.” The man laughed at his own joke. A person he didn't know was body shamming him out of nowhere!

-“f*ck off, I’m not- I have some fat in my body!”- Now it was clear as day that Tommy sucked at staying quiet when someone disrespected him, even him wasn’t good at handling assholes

-”No, you don't, I've seen more meat on a chicken. It really is not the type of body I would expect from a rich kid.”-

-”Shut up, why do you”- Tommy halted

-”What makes you think I’m rich?”- That question made the other roll his eyes on him. How did he found out?

-”Come on, I can see the clouds parting now and the light falling on you.”- f*cking what? This guy was weird as sh*t.

-”What does that mean? I could be living on the streets, and you wouldn’t even know.”- This situation was not getting better at all. If he couldn’t take his hood before due to the weather, he certainly cannot take it off now.

-”Yes, you could, but we both know that’s not the case.”- This guy was so full of himself. Tommy was no poorling and no one could convince him otherwise.

-”First of all..”- The man pointed his index finger towards Tommy’s brooch

-”The price of it looks high, definitely too expensive to be affordable for someone on a limited income, don’t you agree?”- Tommy glanced down, identifying what the guy was referring to.

Oh right, he had forgotten about that. Something that shinny was probably preordained to draw too much attention

-”And also your boots.”- Tommy moved his toes instinctively

-”They are tall, made of extremely fine hand work and genuine leather. They would likely last longer than mine.”- Well, if that was true, Tommy didn’t know, but it was probably not that inaccurate. After all, all of his wardrobe was meticulously handcrafted by the most talented designers from all across the country.

-”You see, us, as peasant men, can only wear carved wooden boots that last about six months at most.”- Tommy was able to identify something from the other man’s tone. Jealousy

-”These are specially made out of animal skin but mine are longer to protect my legs and feet in very wet and muddy conditions.”- All of this new information was entering Tommy’s brain and he was getting nothing out of it. He wasn’t sure of where the guy was leading the conversation, but it gave him a bad feeling.

-”I made them myself, but you know what the problem is?”- Tommy shrugged

-”That it’s hard to wipe blood out of them.”- Tommy's breath hitched, flinching backwards. Okay, he was completely lost and he had understood nothing. This person was making all the bad signals go off and it made all his skin bristle having the other's eyes on him.

-”What the hell are you on about?”- The other lifted an eyebrow, making Tommy's nervousness tick off.

-”Is that really the right question to ask?”- Tommy didn’t get this man. He had gone from very chatty to being so subtle all of the sudden. Maybe he was missing something.

-”Now, getting back at the gem. Where did you get it?”- He changed the subject so impetuous that it made Tommy hide the gem with his hand, away from the man’s sight.

-”I’m not telling you. I don’t even know you.”- The guy was bad news, already giving him dreadful vibes.

-“Haven’t even told me your name.”- The laugh that came after was so misleading and unreal that it creeped Tommy out. Everything that was happening smelled fishy to him

Was he in danger?

-”I could say the same to you.”- And now the guy was on the defensive. f*cking great.

-”Come on, just let me see that for a second. It’s not a big deal.”- The guy was being so insistent, ignoring what Tommy wanted. He didn’t know how to put a stop to his rude behavior.

This was going the wrong way and might end up in something more violent if Tommy keeps saying no to him. Still, he couldn't give in that easily.

-”Maybe not to you”- That didn’t make him quit though, still trying to get into his personal space.

-”Back off, I said no”- The other clicked his tongue in annoyance, yanking Tommy by the arm towards him and getting closer himself.

-”Huh. That’s without a doubt a magical stone, a very powerful one too.”- Tommy tried to break free but the guy shoved him off as if he was nothing. Maybe that's what he was to him. But what frightened him more was that the guy was so goddamn strong, he genuinely could break his arm if he wanted to.

-”A soul bond, I suppose? You have a strong connection. However, it won't work without your star.”- The man was delusional, he had to run away. If he was after the brooch, Tommy wouldn’t let him have it

-”Don’t touch it!”- He gives a sudden squirm, trying to wriggle his way out. Tommy begins to turn and shift all his body as he is being held down.

-”Calm down, plucky. Don’t need to get all aggressive with me, just let me see it.”- Tommy twists his arms and torso, struggling as he is forced into the floor.

He was so screwed.

-”Wow, he was right. You really are a bratty and egotistical piece of work.”- As he said that, Tommy's writhes becomes less troublesome while the man keeps him in place with one knee over his pelvis.

-”But I bet you’ve heard that a million times, isn’t that right… Prince Thomas?”- The man jeers and Tommy’s breath dribbles.

-”Get the hell off me!”- He headbutts the other’s head with his own, smacking it with hardness as he finally frees himself.

-”Oh, now you’ve really done it. I’ve been very indulgent and patient with you.. but now…”- Blood runs down from one side of the man’s frons as Tommy recovers from the pangs his head was perceiving.

-”You better be prepared for what's about to come..”-

Tommy saw his opportunity, standing up as he ran to the door. He felt as a hand grabbed the back of his hood, being pulled back very firmly by the neck.

His throat suddenly was getting jammed with an immense pressure, closing in itself as more seconds passed.

The prince tried to move forward, gasping for air, but that made the pain worse. Small ragged gasps escaped his throat as the brooch squeezed tightly against his esophagus.

His air supply was getting cut off and Tommy couldn’t wriggle out of it.

Desperation to breathe overtook him, so he unclipped the brooch with a simple movement and untangled the knot of the cord that put the cloak together. The fabric flew over his head as Tommy fell to his knees, crispy coughs escaping his throat, hurting it.

-"I knew it"-The voice behind him said, on the verge of laughing.

Tommy wasted no time and stood up again. He opened the door with all his strength, not getting a chance to recover his breath as he was running again, this time through the rain.

The floor was wet and slippery as the whole sky was different shades of blue. Dark clouds over Tommy’s head and the whole city.

His terror mounted, making the water under his feet jump to the height of his knees with every step. His lungs ached, right hand continuing to squeeze around the gemstone.

What the hell was happening?

His entire hair, shoulders and clothes were getting soaked. Tommy’s heart was beating so quickly, it felt uneasy and for the wrong kind of reasons. It was panic, surging right through him.

Who was that guy?

Tommy’s legs were wobbly with fear but didn't lower his speed. His uncovered hands were cold and clammy.

He had to escape!

Not knowing where to go, he pants and looks in all kinds of directions. Tommy didn’t know if he should hide or not. He just knew he was being followed by someone who could really hurt him.

It was f*cking scary. He was scared for his life as he believed he was going to die if he stopped running. He couldn’t think, he didn’t have time for that.

Run away!

Tommy just had to keep moving, otherwise he would be gone forever.

He ran through the streets, the wind getting heavier the more time it passed. The moment he got to a gothic enclosure he knew he had gotten lost.

As soon as he rounded a corner, his feet slipped but he managed to keep himself from falling by pushing his body up with both palms over the floor.

He f*cked up. He is going to get killed!

It didn't put an end to his escape, though. He continued and gave a small glimpse backwards. There was no one there, the guy apparently not following him.

To be honest, Tommy would feel safer if he could actually see the guy behind him than not see him at all. Racing, uncontrollable thoughts were going through Tommy’s head.

Now, he didn’t even know where he was, looking in all directions in confusion.

Don't look back!

More water fell down his face as he suddenly felt nothing to step on.

And then it happened.

It's over

He could see himself fall in slow motion, rolling down from the top of the stairs, shrieking and banging his body at every step in front of him until he reached the edge of it.

Tommy bellyflopped flat on the ground, being able to avoid slamming his head into the stoned flooring. The pain was immediate, both knees and elbows were bleeding alongside the bruises in his arm and aching back.

He groaned, the world spinning around for a couple of moments before he noticed the water below him start tinting in red with blood. Tommy tried to pick himself up from the floor but couldn’t move, feeling a sharp pain instantly echoing through his whole body.

There was nothing else to do than rest his forehead into the floor, closing his eyes and taking a moment. Everything was still moving for him, ears practically ringing and breathing agitated.

Not now, this is not the time!

Anxiety boosted through him as he realized something was missing. The brooch. The f*cking brooch!

Tommy lifted his face from the ground and looked around him, until he saw it. The magnificent stone soaked in the unrelenting and interminable rain, right in front of his eyes.

You can do this!

Gathering all his remaining strength, Tommy found himself crawling past his wounds. He dug his extremities in the pavement, dragging his legs and carrying all his weight forward.

Don't give up!

You could see the affliction in his face, trying to reach out with his arm towards the item that conveyed all the love Clay had for him.

But, just as he closed his palm around the object a body came flying from the sky, letting his foot fall right on top of Tommy’s hand.

Tommy screamed in agony, clenching his teeth as he looked up.

-”Found you”- The other said, smiling in a cynical way as his face leaned closer.

-“Did you really think you could escape me, little prince?”- Tommy could feel his whole body quiver, goosebumps taking over him. The wind grew stronger and his teeth started to chatter, fingertips trembling as he found himself trapped.

-“Look at you all shivering, you have never experienced this type of danger before have you?"- Asked the man very sardonically.

-"I have to admit, you are very fast to be just a weakling"- The back of his hand was brushed through Tommy's cheek and ended at his chin, holding it firmly.

Tommy's face was forced upwards, rain-induced squinting as the guy took his time inspecting him from up close. Laughing halfheartedly, he began to speak

-“You have a cute face. If you were not my target, I would have asked you out.”- In a flash, Tommy gripped at the other's forearm with a trembling hand.

-“Move your foot”- Tommy demanded in a flat voice, gulping a very thick mass of spit with difficulty. Heart continued to pound as the other looked down towards his boot and then back at him.

-“Oh, you mean this?”- The man gestured with his head and Tommy found himself not being able to move, his body now under a total state of awareness, alerting him of the danger he was beholding as he tested the waters.

-“Nah, I don’t I will”- In a quick maneuver, the man removed Tommy’s hand from his own arm. He grabbed the back of Tommy’s head, pushing his face against the concrete in a brutal way.

He kept Tommy’s front against the hard surface, laying a better hold on blonde vellus hair that sprouts from his temples

-“You know what you’re feeling right now?”- Tommy felt his head getting lifted as the fiber of his hair got pulled, thick strain of fresh blood falling from his nose

-“Fear. You are scared and don't even know how to manage it.”- The man mocked, burying his eyes at Tommy, so he stared back, a long stream of red liquid getting past his lips and into the ground

-“I’m not scared of you”- Tommy spat viciously

-“Oh, you will be. I'll make sure of it”- A rawness feeling ran though Tommy’s skin as he heard that, clutching his fist and taking a deep breath.

He launched himself, connecting his mouth to the guy’s jawline, biting hard as an animal would. And even when he got pushed away, he maintained his teeth pressed together, tearing down a big piece of skin.

The man screamed, pressing his bare hand towards the bleeding and skinless area that was affected.

-“Motherf*cker!"-Tommy hugged the brooch closer to him, resting on his side and keeping it pressed against his chest with both arms.

He closed his eyes, waiting. Hoping for someone to come and save him. No, not just anybody.

-“That’s it! I don’t care if I'm supposed to capture you alive, I’ll kill you”- Nails dug into his shoulder but they disappeared as a burst of wind flew past him. He opened his eyes, seeing what had happened.

The man was almost kneeling, grasping painfully at his stomach and now very far away from him. He gasped for air, drawing out two daggers from his two leg straps that Tommy hadn’t noticed until now. Tommy glanced towards the source of all this action, he already knew who it was.

-“Clay”- Tommy whispered, gaining the knight’s attention. He was with him in a second, glancing from one injury to another in a frantic manner. Clay clenched his jaw.

-“What did you do to him?”- Clay’s voice was rough and deep, not screaming, but still making himself very clear.

Tommy had never heard him talk like that. It sounded as if he was restraining himself, baring his teeth towards the man that had dared to hurt him.

-“It’s none of your f*cking business, you"- When the black-haired guy looked at Clay, he froze. So did Clay, both of them stopped moving, chilled to the bone

-“What the f*ck are you doing here!?”- The man in black claimed in an incensed way and very freely, almost like he knew who Clay was.

Clay remained there, astonished as he heard his voice. He was speechless, hand over the sheath of his sword, not knowing what to do. The grip was firm but shaky, until he felt a hand over it.

It was Tommy's. He looked at the blonde for a moment, seeing his half-closed eyes as he denied with his head. Suddenly, all his anger vanished.

He didn’t want Clay to fight, not now. Tommy was trying to tell him and he couldn’t do something the blonde didn't wanted.

Tommy needed him right now more than ever. So, Clay recollected himself, looking back at Sapnap as he let go of his weapon.

-“I don’t have time for you”- The other widened his eyes, watching as Dream carried the prince over his arms, standing up.

-“Dream, you’ve gotta be sh*tting me”- As expected, he was ignored. Clay’s back was facing him now, not daring to look back at him.

-“You better leave, now!’ If you come after us again, I will not hesitate to kill you.”- He couldn’t say anything back, the guy disappearing into the rain. As he tried to follow him, the zone of impact ached again, making him groan.

As Sapnap spit blood into his palm, he realized that there was no more time to waste.


George leaned back at the wall, staring at the massive bell that was hanging before his eyes with a metallic structure supporting it. If it moved, you could probably hear it all throughout the city.

Now, getting back to him. Great drama ensued, he passed out.

Apparently, Quackity brought him in after finding him on one side of the bell tower.

It was empty, so there was no apparent issue besides the fact that the stoned building had four big squared-shape like hollows on each side, allowing some of the rain and cold to seep through.

That’s how the structure was designed, having an external cover and internal view made of brick masonry. The only glow they could find was a small lantern that Quackity struggled to light on as George judged him with his look.

George was found in the middle of his own vomit, covered in his own spit alongside his sweaty face.

As far as George was concerned, seeing himself in such an ugly light was humiliating. Until now, Quackity had not disputed or questioned him about the reasons for why he acted as he did.

He just handed him his own jacket so that George wouldn't catch a chill, leaving Quackity with a short-sleeved black shirt.

-”You look like sh*t.”- A spasmodic voice was heard at his left and George tried to hold in a sigh.

-”Thanks.”- Said George sarcastically, maintaining his gaze at his front.

-”Geez, when was the last time you slept?”- Well, that was certainly a question George simply had no answer to. It made him curious for a second, shifting his thoughts as he tried to remember when it actually was.

His contemplation went on but it didn’t last long, giving up very quickly as he realized that it wasn’t very important for Quackity to know. It wouldn't solve neither change anything if he did.

There's a reason why George doesn't sleep, the root of everything, and Quackity is aware of it, so he figured there was no need to latch more into that at the moment.

-”It doesn’t matter”- Quackity frowned at that from where he was standing. Apparently it didn't turned out to be the answer that he wanted to hear, but fair enough was one that he was actually expecting.

-”George, you are insomniac, of course it matters.”- Here it was, captain obvious again.

As annoying as it was, what he was saying was true.

George could have just ignored him and moved on, but the urge of wanting to come to terms with his condition won him over. This time, he actually had something to say back to him.

"I wasn't always like this..." He grumbled, making Quackity' s eye to soften as he shifted his gaze to the other way.

More minutes passed on silence, but the many questions inside George remained, surging one after the other. As more time flew by, it became less difficult for him to find something actually worth discussing. There was just something he needed to know and get out of his head.

He had to ask while they were still on their own and with no one disturbing them.

George wouldn't had this chance ever again if he missed it otherwise.

-”How did you meet Tommy?”- As he says that, George meets Quackity’s eyes, waiting for an answer. It was a little hard to see but they would have to manage with the poor lighting.

-”Like I said, we are pen pals. I had only seen him in person once, that’s all.”- Mentions Quackity and George agitates his head in confusion.

-”That can’t be right. There’s got to be something else about him.”- George composes himself, sitting straight.

-”Tell me the truth”- Quackity makes a face at George’s seriousness.

-”What do you mean? George, Iam telling the truth.”- He responds, only to be contradicted.

-”No, you are not. You are lying, you have to be, otherwise it doesn’t make sense.”- Quackity recedes at that accusation. Did he really not know anything else than that? if he did, why was he not admitting it to him?

-”Why are you so upset with me all of the sudden? I’m not lying.”- Says Quackity defensively as he tries to proclaim his innocence

-”Then how do you explain the fact that Dream was there with him!?”- That mention causes his boyfriend to stop in his tracks, getting silent.

-”You’re kidding. There’s no way that guy was Dream, are you sure you didn’t imagine it?”- Responds Quackity, not bothering to come up with a good reason because he already knew it can’t be true.

-”How would you know? You never met him.”- That statement leaves Quackity to withdrawn in a snit. As he covers his mouth with one hand, George does nothing but groan in frustration.

On the other side, all Quackity can do is grab the bridge of his nose with his fingers, shutting his eyes closed with his other hand over his hip.

-”Okay, okay, let's think and be real for a second." Okay, he definitely needed to find a way to phrase what he wanted to express without upsetting George or offend him in any way. He clearly was on a sensitive spot and he didn't want to worsen it up because of his lack of delicacy.

"George, you..." That seemed to attract the other's attention but Quackity rapidly backtracked. There's got to be a better way to say this.

"Alright, listen, you and Sapnap have been obsessed with Dream since the day that he left, so I think that maybe, maybe... it wouldn’t be too weird if you’ve just started seeing him everywhere”- Says Quackity, trying to find an explanation to all of this. If George was right, then, how was this even possible, and what does it had to do with Tommy?

-”I didn’t just see him, I heard him. That was his voice, he was the green hooded man, I’m sure of it.”- At this point, Quackity starts to reconsider any numbers and options of answering again. He can't believe what he is hearing, George sounds like he is nuts and lost his mind, which on his defense wouldn't be too crazy judging from what he had gone through because of his past. If he really had gone delusional, Quackity was no one to blame him or criticize him for it.

-"There’s no way in hell that Tommy has a connection with him. I may be wrong, but it just doesn't sound right to me"-

-”But, he does. Quackity, I’m not crazy. I know what I saw”- Quackity just chews at his lip, licking at it. He had never seen George this talkative about anything before..

-”Don’t you remember what he said to me?..”- Quackity thinks for a moment, and George sees the exact moment when it hits him, realization coming up to him. Quackity’s mouth turns downward, leaving it wide open as his eyes don't move away from George. He was in shock.

-”Then, if that really is Dream then that must mean…”- Oh, f*ck, he understands now. What happened at the restaurant, that weird interaction and exchange between them, it all makes sense now. He hadn't even considered it a possibility until now....

Maybe he was stupid after all

-”Oh god, so that’s why you ran away..”- Quackity stumbles backwards, hardly managing to keep his balance with the assistance of the wall against him. This was bad, this was really bad.

George may be right but that doesn't mean it's a positive thing. If possible, Quackity would classify it as something negative, a total disaster and big mess.

-”What 's wrong? Quackity, what is it?”- Seeing his boyfriend's odd behavior, George questions him. Of course that attitude wasn't normal on him, everyone would be able to tell that much about him. Now the big question is how to address the next issue under discussion without triggering a red flag. If he said the wrong thing it could all go to sh*t very quickly.

Not like it matters, though. At this point Quackity doesn't think he has a choice. They are screwed whatever happens. Revealing this truth may trigger red targets not only over his head but George's too. Still, Quackity believes this is something very important they must talk about instead to continue to hide it anymore.

Due to George's damn closeness with Sapnap, disclosing this information may cause it to fall into he wrong hands, but if he didn't say anything, was there really something he could do on his own about it? He doubts it..

-”There’s something I never told you”- The fact that Quackity has been hiding something from George isn't surprising to him. It's fair to say he has also hidden things from him since they met, so he doesn't hold a grudge against him.

-”Tommy, he—" The mention of the kid's name brings George's attention back to him, making his stomach flutter. His mouth was dry, thoughts racing one after another. He promised the blonde he would keep has secret hidden, that he would never give him away like this, but this was George. It's his boyfriend who he's talking to, he had to say it!

-”Tommy is the young prince of L’Manberg”- George benumbed at that, getting very still that it actually worried Quackity quite a bit. His feet began to twitch as the blood started to pound very loudly into his ears.

His head began to hurt, slowly starting to hyperventilate, vision disfigured.

God, was he having a panic attack?

-"George, you don't look so good. You need to calm down.”- But George didn't listen, instead he cornered himself against the wall behind him, gripping at the walls as his life depended on it.

He felt sick with an upset stomach all over again.
It was becoming insufferable just to be there, he couldn't breathe.

There was a voice in front of him, telling him something. He couldn't make out what it was saying though.

Was he having a heart attack? He must be. Otherwise his chest wouldn't be oppressing against itself. It's been a while since he had one of those "episodes". George didn't think Quackity would be the one to set him off this way.

-”Don’t worry, I’m here. I’m right here.”- In his arms were two hands, making George look up. Was that Quackity? He had to be...

George couldn't see entirely the person in front of him, vision was all blurry and fuzzy. He felt like dozens of needles were biting into him, churning his stomach from the very inside.

-”Just, breathe. Let’s do it together, look at me”- Okay, maybe he could do that, it was not the first time he had gone through this. He needed to focus and do it slowly. So, George matched Quackity’s breathing, his lens getting less foggy.

-”Did it pass?”- George bobbed his head. Quackity looked relieved to hear that, moving his arms away as if it was morally incorrect to continue touching him so deliberately. The contact was inevitably lost on George because of this, mourning about its retreat

In order to pass through, George moved Quackity out of the way, standing up. At the end, his eyes landed on Quackity again.

-”We have a big problem.”- Quackity huffs at that

-”You’re telling me?”- His answer sounded a little edgier than he would have wanted, but George didn't react, just looking around in case somebody was listening. He was already used to the tone Quackity shifts into when he is anxious, so it really didn't bother him that much anymore.

He doesn’t know if he should be doing this, but he didn’t have any more options

-”The person that Sapnap has to kill next, is ....Tommy.”- George let it drop as a bomb, as an immediate chill runs though Quackity’s back.

-”He- what!?” Now, there was the connection they were looking for. It's the piece they had been missing this whole time.

-"When were you planning to tell me!?"- Never is what George plans to say. He thinks it, but doesn't say it. Alternately, George gives a knowing look to Quackity, remaining silent in the very moment he should least be..

-”f*ck! But-why him!? Out all of the f*cking people there is, why does it has to be Tommy!?”- An incredulous look crosses George's face.

-”What do you mean why? He’s the rightful heir to the throne, there has to be a million reasons why.”- In a fit of rage, Quackity tugs at his beanie, threatening to take it off and throw it as far as his arm allows him.

-”No, he can’t. Tommy, he- he is my friend.”- The mood around Quackity turned gloomy as he shuddered. He seriously had the worse luck of this f*cking planet, it literally couldn't be any worse.

-”We have to stop him, s-somehow.. There’s got to be a way to help him” George was aware that Quackity was precipitating. However, how could he sound so dreary and yet so scandalous at the same time?

-”There isn’t, I ran the math. This is bigger than us.” As expected, Quackity refuses to believe George's explanation

-”George, we can’t keep our arms crossed and do nothing about it, not when our friend is about to get killed” George was quick to correct him.

-”Don't be mistaken, he’s your friend, not mine. I just met him today.” He won't dare to feel bad about this and some guy he bareley knew. That what he agreed to. It was a tragedy, sure, but it can’t be helped and he won’t add another thing to his list of remorses. Not today.

-”Whatever. You know what I mean—

-”Still, my answer is no”- A reduced reaction was the result of George's interruption. One moment later, George saw Quackity's face turn from one of desperation to one of disbelief, full of questioning

-”You can’t be serious right now.”- It came as a lower response from Quackity, with his eyes fixed on his boyfriend.

-”George, we’ve talked about this”- George denies with his head disapprovingly. He understand this must be new for Quackity, but it wasn't for him. Even so, it was very unfortunate that even after all the times this situation has been repeated for him that George still cannot get used to it. He had more experience but still was on edge about being involved into all of this

-”Don't you understand? I can’t do this.....”- Quackity gifted one accusatory finger at George to make emphasis. But lost his reasoning as his hand wavered in mid air, moving both arms opened in question towards his sides instead.

-”What the f*ck George? Does my name have to be Sapnap for you to actually listen to me?”- George rallied, something snapping inside of him.

- "Quacity, can't you see? - The raspy end of George's scream startled Quackity, finally shutting him up.

-”Have you ever seen a more powerless man in your life?”- Despite the loss of his voice beginning to slip, George continued self-assuring

-”Look at me! I’m useless.”- His boyfriend's expression turned into a wry face, full of disappointment.

-”You know what, you are right. You are f*cking useless and a sh*tty person, I’m not even going to deny it.”- Quackity assented, pretending that he doesn’t see how George’s eyes spreaded out slightly

-”But guess what? I couldn't care any less about that, cause I still f*cking love you the same way I did yesterday and the day before.”- George hadn't seen that coming, presuming something else as his ankles twitched.

-”How can you say that after everything I have done?”- Quackity looks George up and down before answering, all his dash hopes mitigating

-”Cause I believe you can still make the right thing. You have time, it's not too late as you think”- George presses a hand to his chest, crumpling his shirt in the process.

-”There’s nothing we can do to change what’s about to happen. Sapnap will never stop until he gets what he wants”- Quackity hides both hands in the pockets of his pants

-”After all this time, why do you continue to side with Sapnap? Am I not enough? Is that it?”- George lifted a hand to make Quackity stop. He was wrong, very very wrong. What he felt was a different type of love and he had to understand it, one way or another.

-”Is not that.”- George contravenes, moving his googles tot he top of his head as he hugged himself like a needy and little kid would

-”He’s like a brother to me. Just like you and Karl”- Says George, giving Quackity something he could relate to, even if it wasn’t exactly the same situation. Aside from being blood related, Karl and Quackity had a special bond between them, they loved and respected each other in ways that Sapnap and George would never reach.

-”Sapnap and Dream were the only family that I had back in the day, they still are. But it got torn apart, with me being the cause of it.“- George explained. He had never been this open about his beginnings, but for once he was trying, he was really trying to open up about it. The only thing he could hope for is for Quackity to see that this is hard for him too.

-”Dream abandoned us, so, Sapnap took it all on me, his anger, his frustrations, everything.”- Quackity buries down the question that he wants to ask the most and says nothing.

-“So, I spent the past years of my life hating Dream for what he had done to us. For what he had done to me”- George’s features twisted in a sore grimace

-“But what angered me the most was that Dream didn’t say anything when he ran away, didn’t tell us where he was going or why.”- Then, Quackity glanced towards the only source of light they had. Noticing that it was about to burn out.

-“He just disappeared, almost as if we didn’t matter anymore.”- It happened a long time ago but George still couldn’t forgive his actions, he was the one that suffered the most because of it. He has forgotten so many things about his life and himself, but the moments they spend together as a trio, whether they have been good or bad still remain with him

-“I thought we were a team, but Dream destroyed that, shattered it because he wanted to change me. And Sapnap was just the one that burned what was left of it so we didn't had to suffer anymore.”- George grabs his head with both hands very painfully, he had a terrible headache. A migraine as others say.

-“But it didn't work. He says that he is done with the past, but it's not true and I...." George pauses, taking some air.

"I-I just want all of this to be over with”- He mumbles, almost as a lament. He looked completely exhausted, so done with everything and everyone around him..

-“Dream hurted me in ways Sapnap never did. He broke my heart, my body and turned my love into hate.”- Of course he acknowledged that Sapnap had manipulated him to no need during all this years, but Dream wasn’t completely innocent either. Sapnap may have showered him with insults, degrading him to his lowest, but he has never, ever laid a finger on him.

Dream, on the other hand, did so.

-“Do you still hate him?”- Ask Quackity, intrigued.

-“There’s only one person that I hate right now.”- Quackity didn’t have to ask as George answered his untold question before he could even recompose himself.

-“Myself”- The flame died, making way for the darkness.

-“Then where does that leave me?”- George hears Quackity's voice, but can’t see him anymore. It frightens him not to know what expression he is making. It wasn't too hard to guess though. He sounded sad, very sad.

-“George, if we do this, you could finally be free from all of this!”- Quackity let the suggestion slide, the sound of the storm inundating them.

-“I was never free to begin with. I never earned it.”- Now that the heat is gone, George begins to feel the cold around him, picking up on the little smell the fire left behind.

-”That’s what a coward would say” That scoff from George’s mouth came out a little precipitate

-“Sapnap would agree with you on that.”- It was the first thing that came to George’s mind. He didn't realize he had said it out loud until Quackity started to shout profanities.

-”For god's sake! Can't you forget about Sapnap for a goddamn second?”- Quackity cursed into the air around them.

-”f*ck, George! Why do you care so much about what Sapnap thinks anyway? Can't you see that his bullsh*t is affecting all of us”- Everything he said came out as a cuss and George moved closer to the window so he could have something to see.

This conversation was getting too long and he wanted to get away from what he was hearing as much as possible, considering leaving the tower.

-”You wouldn’t be affected by it if you stopped sticking your nose where nobody calls you” It wasn’t meant to come out as an insult, Quackity knew it. That was just what George believed was the truth.

-”This isn't about me, it's about Tommy and everyone else in that village whose lives are in danger because we couldn’t handle our own friend”- Quackity wouldn't say he was Sapnap’s friend too more than necessary, but even he had to admit it at this point. They had been friends at some degree. He used to be, but of course, not of the same caliber as George or Dream

-”It's not my obligation to control Sapnap. And right now, I’m too emotionally and physically drained to pretend it is.”- Quackity followed the sound of George’s voice, standing right by his side.

-“You know, when I first met you, you were just a soulless corpse tracing behind Sapnap. To be honest, I had never seen a saddest man in my entire life, and I felt sorry for you”- Says Quackity, remembering those first days when his brother would ramble about the two new guys that had just moved into the village.

As he heard Karl's enthusiasm, he couldn't help but also get a little interested for their arrival.

-“I thought that if I could cause-just cause a little spark in those dead eyes of you, then I could do anything I proposed to myself” Back in the day, Quackity only knew George by mere sight, having never exchanged words with him.

At the beginning, using those big ass googles were a great impediment that blocked away how pretty his features were, making him look like a total weirdo with the eyes of a fly.

At least, until Quackity stumbled upon him in the middle of the street, broken pieces of glass ending on the floor, completely irrecoverable.

-“The fist time you laughed at one of my jokes, I knew I had succeed, because you were finally showing some emotion.”- You could hear a smile into his voice

-“And you want to know who changed it? Me! It was me, George. Not Sapnap, but me”- Declares Quackity very evidently.

-“I’m the one that loves you the most and I can assure you that I want to be with you way more than Sapnap does.”- Hearing that sentence pours George’s heart out, getting overcomed by more than mere superficial feelings.

-“Sapnap didn't make it better for you, I did. You are not the same as you once were, you came to life and I know it because I’ve always been watching you... ”- It was then when George felt something bother his eyes.

-“What part of me looks lively to you?”- The moon peeks out from over the clouds, making itself visible under the black night.

Both George and Quackity get illuminated by that silver light getting directed at them. Quackity smiles, having spotted something rather unusual.

-“Why don’t you touch your face and find out?”- A single tear rolled down George's cheek. He touches it, getting taken aback by the wet but warm sensation, intending to wipe them as fast as possible

-“The tears are a sign that you are conflicted. It hurts but that's what makes you human.”- Tears are streaming down his face and George rubs harshly, the spaces under his eyes reddish by the friction.

-“Leave it, everyone should be allowed to cry and that includes you”- Quackity grabs George’s upper arms, not allowing him to erase the disturbance in his lashes.

-“I-I don’t understand”- Quackity hugs him from the side, crossing one arm around him as his hand strokes just above his elbow

-“You’ll get it. Just stick with me and you can start understanding it little by little.”- As Quackity consoles him, George notes the secure and safe environment he has created around him.

-“You see, George, you have kept so much inside you that is overflowing. Even you can’t handle that much.”- It was a first for them to be this close without doing anything sexual and it was very comfortable to not cross those limits for once. The feeling was oddly familiar.

-“For me, that silence of yours has always been a clear cry for help.”- George remembers a lot of things, but crying isn’t one of them. It was new for him, but he can't say he completely dislikes the sensation

-“I’m not asking for help! If I did, I would only be proving Sapnap that he was right about me and that everything he said was true”- Says George between sobs, burying his nose on Quackity's manubrium despite himself.

-“And what's that?”- Asks Quackity, cheek pressed to his boyfriend’s forehead

-“That I’m helpless on my own”- He manages to say, sniffling between words. To try to hold in his cries caused a pressure inside his chest that made everything hurt even more, he had to let go. He couldn't handle it anymore...

-“So, what? Even if you were, it wouldn't stop me from loving you”- George’s throat closes up.

-“It’s okay to reach out to others when you are lost. And, if Sapnap said that it was wrong of you to ask for help, then he is the one that doesn't get it.”- Reveals Quackity to comfort George’s meltdown. If he needed support, then he would gladly give it to him, but only if he allowed it.

-”You can cry on my presence, don't worry. If he doesn’t want to take care of you, then I will. You don’t need him anyway”- Those eyebrows of George’s are aching up in the middle, trying to restrain his emotions, but his stiffness was trembling

-“Next time you feel sad or scared, instead of going to him, just come to me. I won’t judge you for that”- That’s all ever George wanted to hear, so he gives in. Weeping and bawling as a chant, getting empowered by what he wanted to let out.

-“About time you started feeling something.”- Now, he finally felt relieved.


I think this is the longer chapter I have written, but I owed it to you for the wait. It seems as though none of the members of the Dream Team can have a reunion that lasts more than 5 minutes at peace, sorry about that.

Also, do any of you mind to count the times Sapnap's name was mentioned? hahaha

Chapter 14: Falling by it's own weight


This chapter contains PTSD signals, unhealthy coping mechanism and trauma.
Read at your own risk.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Tommy woke up to a feeling of complete relaxation. He found himself recumbent on a large and comfy bed, surrounded by a soft blanket that kept him from doing any possible effort and freeing him from physical tension..

His body was still in a state of mental relaxation as his eyes adjusted to the light at his laterals. The lamps on each side being enough to wrap the entire room in a warm glow.

As Tommy lifted his arms, he noticed the bandages all around him, keeping his wounds from opening. His abdomen was covered alongside his legs and knees as another wrap was around his neck, not so tight but firm enough. The last one was on his forehead, hidden behind his blonde bangs.

The instance he sat up a sharp pain invaded his whole system, making him cry out with a hand pressed against his chest.

"Tommy– you shouldn’t sit up that abruptly, you're still recovering” His efforts to remain still were assisted by Clay who ran from the other side of the room just to get to him

"...Clay? ..." A feeling of drowsiness and disorientation weighed on Tommy as he spoke.

"Thank god you're awake... How are you feeling?” A kind hand was pressed to Tommy's face, as Clay looked down at him.

"Like sh*t. My back still hurts” While Tommy rubbed his eyes, he surveyed his surroundings in order to become familiar with this new environment.

"Where are we right now?”- Tommy asked, fighting against the urge to stretch out or move a muscle.

"An inn. I already paid the owner, so we’re staying here for the night” Said Clay, removing his hand from Tommy to lean on the frame of the bed instead.

"Wait- what?” That revelation made him lean up without thinking. He writhed, his body reacting accordingly and panging him without mercy as he was left with no strength to back down again. He seriously needed to stop doing that.

"Tommy, I already told you. You can’t make any sudden movements until you fully recover” The prince closed his eyes, focusing on handling the physical pain. He seriously needed to calm down, or this punishment will never be over.

"Sorry, it just surprised me. That’s all...” As Clay assisted him to lie back again, Tommy stuck his arms out of the cover. He was met by a color palette that he didn’t recognize. It wasn't the red he always wore.

"Hold on, these are not my clothes…” He looked to Clay in search of answers as the knight tugged him in.

"The ones you were wearing were soaked. They’re not completely dry so you will have to put up with them until tomorrow.” The fabric he was wearing was soft, but too light in contrast to the ones he’s used to. The fact that Tommy doesn’t remember changing himself, means that someone else must have done it for him…

His face heated, covering himself.

"Clay, you didn't strip me to change my clothes while I was asleep, did you?” The knight tenses himself, hunching his shoulders in surprise.

"O-Of course not. It was the owner who did it. She was worried you might catch a cold, and told me she would look for something that was your size.” Tommy’s nerves were replaced by a frown as he scrunched his nose and crossed his arms.

"What do you mean 'Of course not' You are my boyfriend, you are allowed to see me naked if you want to” spat Tommy very indignantly

"…I know that, but still..” Tommy groaned in exaggeration, stopping Clay from continuing at the same time he let himself slump back down, grasping both temples in his hands.

"God, I can’t believe a woman touched me before you did” A rush of blood races through Dream's body as he chokes on his words

"Tommy! You can’t just say that!” The prince blinks ludicrously for a few moments, appearing to be more interested in staring at the ceiling.

"But, it’s true! It’s not my fault you lost the opportunity like a total dickhe*d!” Clay’s determination to not pay attention to him makes him walk over to the table in the room, as he looks for something inside the wooden basket it was on top.

"The fact that she did it while I was unconscious makes this whole situation even worse and actually quite disappointing”

"Tommy-” A warning is given, causing him to cease taking caution into the wind.

"Alright, alright, I’m sorry. I’ll shut up...” Tommy zips his own mouth as Clay approaches him, holding a shiny bottle in hand.

"Here, drink this. It should help out with the pain.” Through the glass, the liquid appeared pink and translucent. Having seen it before, he actually knew exactly what it was.

"¿A healing potion?” Taking it, Tommy noted that it was very cold, which implies that it was not brand new, but one Clay had already attached to his belt.

“I already treated your wounds but it wouldn’t hurt to take one of these to help your insides to heal” And Tommy agreed with that, it is generally not common for individuals to know how to make magic potions, since they are very difficult to obtain or to even remember the right process to make them.

The current knowledge of its existence is only limited to those who possess the greatest capability to manage them without abusing its power, thus, it is not surprising that relying on them has a greater probability of success than mundane curative methods.

“Clay, that’s f*cking smart. As expected from my perfect boyfriend.” The man blushed, coughing into his fist in a pointless attempt to conceal it.

“J-Just drink it already” As requested, Tommy opened it up with a pop. He took a big gulp at it, but the tick and gruesome essence triggered his gag reflex as it was very unpleasant to keep drinking it.

“Tastes like sh*t! ...How can you tell me to drink this? You want me to die?” Announced Tommy, averting his gaze and pursuing his own lips. He felt so disgusted that he screw up his eyes, sticking his tongue out to prevent him from spatting the liquid

“It’s the opposite actually. When you are done with it and eat something I’ll give you a regen one then.” Tommy paled. If this is how a healing potion tastes like, he can’t imagine what the flavor of a potion of regeneration would turn out to be.

“You made this yourself didn’t you? Could have at least given them a better flavor..” Tommy may not know that if Clay added something to the potion that it was not supposed to have, it would not have the same effect as it normally would.

The boy is not an expert in potions as 'Mr. Perfect' here, but he could at least complain in the same manner that a child would if medicine were administered to them.

If he didn’t, then he wouldn’t be Tommy

“Next time add some sugar, maybe it’ll cover up the sour taste it has” Replied Tommy, as if he was an expert in the field of cooking. Clay knows he’s not.

“That’s not how it works, though.” Despite the sourness of the drink, Tommy finished it all, turning to the window to see that the sky was pitch black as it was still dark outside.

“Wait, does my father know we’re staying here? He’s old so I don’t want him to have a heart attack in my absence.” A chuckle escaped Clay's lips as he stowed the potion away and out of Tommy's reach.

“I sent the palace a letter explaining the situation. The homing pigeon will take care of the rest.” Says Clay, taking a last look outside before closing the curtains completely.

“Huh, It's good to know you’re still a precocious man.” In the midst of relaxing against the headrest Tommy remembered something that caused his back to stoop forward, not quite hurting as much as it had previously due to the healing properties already flowing through his body.

“Oh-f*ck. No, wait…” Tommy bursts out as Clay eyes him carefully.

"Clay…? " Tommy’s voice had changed from how it was before, this time more quivery.

The knight turned his way, but the teen said nothing in exchange.

He opened his mouth just to close it again. Clay deduced that he wanted to ask something, becoming unbelievably impatient with himself as he tapped the hollow of his cheeks…

"Did- did she? how...” -Tommy stammered, closing his eyes and opening them again as Clay took a step forward

"Clay, does the woman you mentioned knows who Iam?” As Tommy stared at him with fear, the man sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

“Tommy, I need you to calm down before you listen...” With his heart in his mouth, Tommy took a deep breath, nodding with impatience. Clay took his time, but eventually, he responded.

"It was an emergency, so I had to tell her, otherwise she would have freaked out on her own while changing your clothes” The moment Tommy heard this, he immediately pushed himself backwards.

It became very impossible for him to think, his agitation causing him to move without meaning to

"...Oh, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck…" Through his anxiety, Clay patted his head reassuringly, causing him to pause.

"Don’t worry, everything's taken care of. I give you my word '' Despite the tears threatening to spill from Tommy's eyes, he resisted the urge to cry, keeping them contained.

"How can you be so sure of it?” Clay’s mouth became a thin line as he pulled something from his pocket that resembled the potion he had given to Tommy, but was also different.

The color was gray rather than rosette, and there were no sparks to be seen.

"What is that?” In an effort to gain a more thorough understanding of the potion, Clay held it up in the air for Tommy to examine.

“An unblessed potion of amnesia’” Stated Clay dryly.

“She will forget all the knowledge she has gotten in the past twenty-four hours, alongside with some confusion afterwards” Tommy's mind comes to a jarring halt as he stares at Clay

“Wait, twenty four? Does that mean she’ll forget about today's day, the festival?” Clay's silence provided all the confirmation that he needed as realization dawned down on him

“That’s horrible” Tommy blurted out almost automatically.

“I didn’t have a choice” Amidst Clay's rueful disquiet, Tommy relented.

“No- I’m not blaming you. It 's just that...” He slowed down with a sorrowful face

“This outing was supposed to be a secret, so... I’m very sorry you had to do that.” Clay could only nod after that.

“As much as I regret what I did, it is something that had to be done.” Tommy knew that Clay was not proud of his actions, but it was too late to back down now and the effects of it were irreversible.

Clay wasn’t the one in fault, he on the other hand was the catalyst of every disgrace that had occurred today.

“Your life could have been lost tonight, forever. Do you understand that?” Says Clay sternly, as Tommy tries to not recoil at those words.

“Of course I do, even I’m able to see how much I have f*cked up this time” Tommy is revealed to be filled with guilt as he’s being scolded, creating an emotional reaction of sadness.

It was in that moment that he felt a sudden twinge on the back of his head, being that one of the many areas he impacted while falling down the stairs. Tommy touches it, shutting his eyes closed tightly and lowering his eyebrows.

“Does your head hurt?” After Tommy confirms it, he feels the brief stabbing pain disappear in a degraded and painfully slow fashion

“Alright, look, we’ll talk about it when you feel better. For now, you have to eat something, are you hungry?” While Clay's tone was filled with solicitude and sincerity, it did not improve Tommy's spirit.

It did not matter if Clay had spared him from discussing what he did not wish to discuss, the gates were already open, and his thoughts could not be stopped.

This was supposed to be a good day, a day for celebration not f*cking penitence!

“Not really. I don't have that much of an appetite” During Tommy's reflection, his stomach suddenly became upset, it ached, making him feel ill.

He laid down for one last time, losing a significant amount of energy in the process.

“Well, you have to eat something. Is there anything in particular that you would want?” Tommy denied, looking down.

"...Anything is fine. Whatever you find will do" Tommy felt ashamed to ask for more after everything Clay had to endure because of him. Rather than create more problems and be a nuisance, Tommy decides to not be greedy this time or bother him again.

Clay didn’t seem too content with that answer but he accessed anyway, kissing Tommy before leaving.

Upon his departure, Tommy let out a long, heavy sigh, which he had been repressing from Clay. He believes he may have overdid it with his jokes and exaggerated quite a bit, but he had to do it, otherwise Clay would have noticed his constant rolling anxiety.

Tommy didn’t have the ability to believe what had happened, feeling very detached from the current situation. For him, the incident was so fresh in his mind that he did not think it was over. While the experience felt surreal to him, he could still recall the pain and aggravation he felt under Sapnap's hands.

He just thought that if he pretended that he was okay then Clay wouldn’t care enough to address what happened. Tommy wasn’t ready to talk about that just yet and if he had the chance to forget it, he would.

But, he couldn't

The phantasm feeling remained with him

Just like the fire incident...

Without warning, a voice rumbled in his mind, seeming to belong to the person he just met an hour ago. Sapnap, reverberating fiercely inside him, shattering his mind beyond stability

“You are scared and don't even know how to manage it”

It infuriated him, leaving him feeling nothing but powerlessness in his entire being.

However, the worst part was not what he suffered personally, but what he had forced Clay to do as a result of his own negligence.

There was no blame to be placed on the woman, she just became entangled in this situation and unfortunately, her memory was compromised as a result.

Until Tommy entered her life and ruined everything for her, she was just having a usual day. In the span of one hour, the woman had been sacrificed without the opportunity to have a voice in an issue that didn't even concern her.

For Tommy, losing the experience of a special event he had not seen for years would make it all the more difficult to cope with if he was in her shoes.

It is, however, Clay's part in all of this, which makes him feel the most remorseful.

The thought of whipping the memory of an innocent and defenseless civilian must have been incredibly painful for Clay. The code of chivalry of all knights is to be a shield to protect the weak and defenseless, but he broke it for him.

Even though he did not deserve it, he did it to protect him. All of these factors make Tommy's situation even more difficult and burdensome.

He was a despicable human being. It was all his fault.

With a lost look that hid his inner overwhelm, he turned around and hid his face into his pillow. Anguished and agitated with anger, he screamed, letting all his despair escape his throat.

Tommy was filled with fury that mirrored his piercing voice that he hoped only he could hear.

His hands remained clenched, clinging to the bed frames firmly, oblivious to the pain getting afflicted to his vocal cords.

His nails, threatening to rip the fabrics of the bed, but not doing it with the fear of leaving any evidence that this even happened at all.

As he ran out of voice, he began to hit the bed hatefully with both clenched fists, banging his forehead and sinking it even more that he struggled to breathe.

When he felt tired, he stopped, totally exhausted. His face was tinted in an abrasive red color as he curled into a ball, ignoring the suffocating loneliness around him

He felt so miserable and hated everything about it.


In the clearing rain, Sapnap climbed the highest tower as he waited impatiently for the clouds to part and the storm to subside. His heavy cloak was removed as he crouched on the top of the structure, watching over everything from above.

As he once learned, water drops make sounds travel faster through liquids than on a typical dry day. Due to the humidity in the air and its density, black noise is produced, which cancels out other background noises.

When the air increases, it is possible to hear sound at great distances at night or after a rainstorm. So, Sapnap stays focused and quiet, keeping his ears open for any possible noise he recognizes while blocking out the rest of the world. He ignores all kinds of distractions and hunches his nose at the small scent of wet earth and mud.

Everything had gone quiet all of a sudden. He remains on his position, trying to perceive that individual and characteristic smell that he knows so well. It would be possible for Sapnap to locate George as long as he paid attention.

If George had got caught under the wetness, then the smell of dirt and sweat on him would only get stronger with the weather. He watches his compass in his hand. The arrow has been pointing in only one direction for a while, which meant that George was not moving.

Sapnap would have to mobilize in order to get to him and then wait for the sky to clear up. Getting closer to the floor would not be a bad idea to track his objective more effectively. And, who knows, George might know something he doesn't about the prince's whereabout or even Dream's.

The cool atmosphere made him hiss though the newly generated tearing of his skin. That damn kid, he'll make sure to give him hell when he gets his hands on him. He'll regret having done this to him when he ends up on the floor without limbs and begging for his f*cking life!

In a trice, a feeble gust of air passes behind him, giving way to a faint presence on his back. Sapnap doesn't even have to turn around to know who it belongs to.

"Do you have to spy me everywhere I go? Can't you just let me do my job in peace?" Says Sapnap as he breaths in the cold air of the chilly night.

"It's merely a security measure, to make sure you don't betray us or reveal any information that might compromise us" A clean voice responds to him

"It would not benefit me in any way if I screwed up the mission for nothing" Sapnap countered, his voice at the edge of annoyance without taking his eyes of the city below.

"Take it as a motivational reinforcer, then. With everything at stake, we cannot afford to let you fail miserably before our very eyes..." The overfriendly faked tone the man adapts makes Sapnap snarl in return.

"I won't fail, so back off and let me do my thing" lashed out Sapnap with irritation.

"Don't worry I'll make sure to keep my distance if you engage in a combat of some sort. Letting my presence block your path, would only be counterproductive" Said the guy with a certain type of tone that made Sapnap cognize that he was smiling, without having to see him.

"In other words, you will not interfere with my task, but you won't help me either? Such henchman you are, where were you when I was getting attacked down there?" The man huffs with amusem*nt.

"The task of capturing the prince is not mine, but yours, since you stated that you were capable of doing so on your own..." The other mocked with such a bad-mannered talking. If he could, Sapnap would have chopped his head already just to shut him up.

"And I will, otherwise I wouldn't be here exposing myself, infiltrated in a country I don't give a f*ck for" Declared Sapnap viciously, taking out his spy glass to watch something as he had detected some movement

"Oh yes, we are all very aware of the sacrifice that you are making by coming here, you don't even need to mention it." Sapnap's grip tightened at those sugarcoated words full of sarcasm. His first thought was to throw the telescope to the floor and smash it, but he knew if he did that, he would regret it afterwards..

"Careful there, while you are just stood there doing nothing, I'm actually trying to get some work done." After saying that, he clicked his tongue, seeing a random person appear though his glass of vision to subsequently returning it to his bag.

"Are you sure about that?" Sapnap's nostrils flared at that, face contorted with rage as he stands up and turns his head around.

"Yes, I'm f*cking sure! Or, what? Are there any more comments you would like to make about me?" The other sneered, taking a few steps closer until he had Sapnap trapped between his own body and the border of the roof. His hair was ash blonde, wearing a white vestment and a mattered golden armor.

"Well, you bring that up at the right time, because there is indeed a matter that must be resolved as soon as possible." Sapnap tensed as his heel touched the edge of the building due to the sudden rapprochement. The man smacked his lips, hands hidden very far from Sapnap's vision.

"I'll be direct with you. Do you a partner working with you?" Punz's voice was dark, just like his desert eyes. Sapnap rolled his shoulders back.

There was no point in pretending now.

"What about it?" A delusive cackle exploded from Punz's mouth, contrasting with his empty expression.

"It's funny you didn't deny it, because as far as I'm concerned, this beloved partner you've just disclosed to me wasn't mentioned or brought up when you made the deal. It's safe to say that his existence and role on this operation have just become news to us." With an inert sight, Punz exanimates Sapnap, face functioning in a very robotic manner.

"So, that brings up the question, why you never mentioned him before?" He let the question sink in with heaviness, but Sapnap waved it off in an indiscreet way as a man with no scruples would.

"No reason. I just didn't thought it would be relevant" His shameless cynicism was not passed over by Punz, who pressed his chest against his, purposely staggering him into the void behind him.

"Sapnap, you know the rules. In a contractor-client relationship, everything is relevant." The moment he whispers into his ear, Sapnap pushes him out of the way.

"Who cares? You don't know him, he's not really that interesting as you make him sound like" The moon in the distance grew larger, the puddles reflecting the stars above as more people came out of the indoors, unmindful of what was happening in the heights

"Whether he's important or not doesn't matter. The problem here is that you should have discussed it with us first before telling him everything you know." Sapnap rolled his eyes with irritation

"f*ck off! He doesn't know everything, therefore he is not a threat to you..." Punz ceased his accusations, savoring how Sapnap's expression changed in the after-heat of the moment. He had said too much, and they both knew it.

"Maybe, maybe not. In any case, I do not make the decisions around here." Sapnap was aware of the implications behind that and he did not like it one bit.

"Anyway... the boss will address this confusion personally one way or another when you return..." His skin chilled, spreading his feet. If Punz wouldn't be the first to retire, then he will.

"I don't have to stay here and listen to you" With throbbing veins he walked past Punz, purposely bumping his shoulder with his. After that, he jumped down and dived toward the next building..

"Well, since you did your part, I'll make sure to do mine..."


When Clay came back, Tommy welcomed him.

He didn't shared the fact that he had washed his face multiple times with cold water to boost his circulation, calm his nerves and most importantly, clear his mind to relieve stress.

After all, Tommy hadn't done anything wrong, in fact, he was better now. His anxiety had disappeared and he was very alert, so there was not a real reason to tell him.

Upon entering, the knight closed the door, leaving a wooden box on the table. Tommy focused more on the basket from around his arm.

Even as he lifted the handkerchief that covered its content, Tommy could already smell a sweet aroma that reached his nostrils.

"Here, this one's for you." Clay placed the basket beside him, containing two big pieces of homemade bread, freshly hot off the presses. They came alongside a small jar with cream and a bottle of apple cider.

"You can grab what you want, but be careful not to burn yourself" Tommy puffed some air.

"I can handle a little bit of hotness." Said Tommy, reaching up for the bread that was closer to him. He quickly backtracked as it began to burn just by mere touch, throwing it into the air immediately after.

His hands juggled with it a bit before finally tossing it into his mouth, like a circus sea dog

"Is your hand okay?" Clay laughed despite himself, removing the lid from the jar.

"Yeah and don't laugh at me. It wasn't even that funny" Tommy grumbled, dividing his bread with easiness in two just to shove one half into the other's face, surprising Clay entirely.

Seeing that the knight did not take the bread, Tommy opted to leave it in his open palm, thing that confused the man even more.

"Tommy, this is your food, I brought it just for you" The boy chewed on the bread, pulling it out of his mouth before swallowing.

"I know, but I would prefer if you eat it with me.." Clay blushed slightly, crunching the bread between his fingers

"Then, if you excuse me..." He dipped his finger into the cream, covering both slices with a generous amount. Both of them took a big bite that send their senses to a wonderful journey.

The richness taste of sweetness coming from the cream, being added up to the bread made it's texture softer and added a luscious flavor that they both accepted with delight.

"I almost forgot, I bought you something else" From his position, Clay reached the previous box he had gotten, opening it up for Tommy to see. The prince's face lighten up at it's content.

"You once told me that you liked to knit, so I got you some material if you want to occupy your mind with something" Inside there were new and unused pieces of cloth, a tiny cushion with three pins on it, a ball of yarn and the traditional knitting sticks. There were also small buttons and other types of decorations to add, all very well organized.

Clay really had given it a lot of thought to make sure Tommy liked it.

"Thank you Clay, I really appreciate it..." Seeing Tommy's smile made Clay happy, feeling as if he had done something right for once, so to speak.

"Your welcome, Tommy"


The king remained in the confinement of his desk, reading reports and signing documents of top priority as he faced the opposite direction to the huge glass window that reached the ceiling. Since he was in charge of the government and the military forces of the kingdom, as the ruler, it was his job to maintain discipline and accountability

Techno was the one that kept a close eye on their underlings, alerting him when he saw something out of the ordinary. It was his responsibility to attend every topic with time and attention, depending on the level of urgency that they needed.

The pile of papers his assistant would provide him every single day had been moderately decreasing and that had brought some relief to his psyche.

He had been by himself on the quiet for a long time, that is until one of his messengers came forcing the door open.

"Your majesty, we received a letter from Sir Clay, it appears the prince and his companions were caught by the storm" Philza widened his eyes, adjusting the glasses he used for reading as the man hectically handed him the letter. Consequent to reading it back and forth, he gave his order.

"Arrange a carriage for departure at the early bright. We must systematize a certain time and place to retrieve them safely" Announced Phil sternly. The guy saluted him, bowing him with courtesy.

"Write Clay back as soon as possible and let Mr. Jshclatt know about the situation" The thought of the kids being with Clay would be enough to calm the herbalist. Still, they must bring them all back promptly.


Next chapter will have some action, I promise you that and maybe something more.... NO SPOILERS THOUGH!

Also I made some changes to the previous chapter in case you want to check it out and read it again since it has been a while since my last update.

Chapter 15: Inside the shadows


Sorry. Everything got too real all of the sudden.

Chapter Text

As George made sure Quackity was actually asleep, he let his mind wonder.

He and Quackity had never slept together on the same bed, as George had requested his own room when they looked for an apartment. This closeness felt different in comparison when they had sex.

Because of George's struggles with insomnia, he made a habit of dodging Quackity at night, mainly to avoid fielding endless inquiries about his sleep patterns.

Neither of them could afford to replenish his medication, so George kept around the same empty bottle from the one time they managed to buy it, all the while deceiving his boyfriend.

Pretending to take his meds, he'd stay awake until dawn, insisting he preferred to have them with breakfast, knowing Quackity would be furious if he discovered the truth.

Unlike the usual chaos, Quackity was now quiet, not screaming or complaining. His serene demeanor was endearing, casting a sense of calmness that rarely surfaced while he was awake.

It was a moment of unexpected tranquility, with Quackity close by, the distance of an arm's length.

He had to admit it was kinda nice, to get this approach without any sexual interaction involved.

But Geroge also knew that this couldn’t last. And his suspicion was confirmed as a sudden sense of foreboding swept over him. In the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Sapnap, perched ominously on the fence railing through the bell tower.

Of course, he was not alone. "Sapnap? How did you?—"

"There’s no place that you can go where I wouldn’t find you," The intruder replied, his expression unreadable as he gazed back at George. Danger emanating from him, a palpable sense of menace that made George's skin prickle with unease.

Sapnap's struggles to get through the fence were evident. He dropped his weight over it, breaths coming in ragged gasps, the sound harsh and labored against the backdrop of the night.

Finally, with a frustrated grunt, Sapnap let himself fall back onto the ground, his body hitting the floor with a dull thud.

As he struggled to sit up, Sapnap cast a wary glance towards George, his expression a mixture of frustration and resignation.

He took in Sapnap's disfigured jaw, the sight of dried blood marring it, "Who did this to you?" he asked, fear coursing through his veins like wildfire.

"That little sh*t of a prince," Sapnap growled. "He slipped up from my fingers at the very last moment because Dream was there with him,"

George felt a cold sweat break out, "He is his f*cking bodyguard or some sh*t."

After he said said, George tensed involuntarily.Sapnap scrutinized him, and he knew that wasn't all.

"Judging from your face, I guess you already knew." Sapnap's voice cut through the tense silence, and George's world came crashing down around him

"Listen, I-I was going to tell you, but it was so sudden and then—"

But before he could finish, Sapnap's voice became a deafening scream, causing George to whimper in fear. "So you screwed up again, huh?" His words settling like a heavy stone,

"I should have known better, you never do anything right." Meanwhile, Quackity stirred from his sleep, his eyes snapping open with alarm as he registered the commotion.

Panic flashed across his features "sh*t! what the hell, why are you here?"

He struggled against the fog of grogginess, making a feeble attempt to push himself upwards, but his limbs felt like lead, and he only succeeded in rolling over, disoriented.

As Sapnap watched this, his lip curled in disdain, annoyance evident in his expression. "Oh great, him again," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with irritation.

"Shut up asshole, we were great until you decided to show up out of nowhere," Quackity, attempted to sound intimidating as he spat out, but it didn't seemed to work as much as he wanted to.

"Listen, I’m not here to fight. I just came here to get George, that’s all," Sapnap stated.

Quackity, however, wasn't about to let Sapnap have his way. "Well, forget it. Cause he’s not going with you,"

Sapnap rolled his eyes, clearly growing impatient with Quackity's interruptions. "I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to him,"

Quackity bristled at the dismissive tone, "George doesn’t need to hear anything coming from your mouth. You've made him suffer just enough,"

Despite his attempt at confidence, George seemed to lament that response, understanding that it was for his sake, but knowing it will help him in absolutely nothing.

Cause it was clear to him that Sapnap wasn't in the mood for Quackity's barbs.

"Hurry the hell up, George, you are wasting my time," Sapnap said, his impatience boiling over as he stood up "Come here. We're leaving," he addressed George, tugging at his arm.

But he remained rooted to the spot, motionless despite Sapnap pulling him harder.

"George? Didn’t you f*cking hear what I just said?" Sapnap's voice grew more insistent.

Unable to bring himself to say anything, George pressed his lips together, biting down hard in a grimace. He could sense the oppresion lurking just beneath the surface, a constant reminder of the power Sapnap held over him.

"God, you’re so useless. Why do you have to make me yell?" George's eyes darted nervously between Sapnap and Quackity.

"Don't you speak to him like that," In that moment, George felt a sinking sensation. Nothing would go right from here on out.

"Oh, so we’re doing this again. You defending George. This is getting really old." Sapnap's tone turned even more caustic as he berated Quackity.

"Don’t you get it? George doesn’t want anything to do with you and neither do I," Sapnap's smirk twisted into, and George trembled. He knew that look.

"Poor little Quakity," Sapnap's voice crackled, full of didain, "I pity you. I really do." He said, tone dripping with mockery

"You think you're tough sh*t?" He scoffed, his laughter echoing through the air, "Ha! What a joke."

Despite the looming bomb that was incoming, Quackity wasn't known to be someone who could actually stay quiet when needed, provoked or not, "If you want him, you’ll gonna have to go through me."

Sapnap scoffed at Quackity's bravado, "Is that supposed to be a threat?" he sneered. The weight of him gaze bore down on Quackity, heavy and suffocating, as if daring him to deny it.

But he didn't Quackity squared his shoulders and Sapnap licked his lips with intention while the standoff developed. And even before he said it, George knew it would be the wrong thing.

"Take it any way you want."

Sapnap moved like a striking snake, his hand snaking around Quackity's neck with a vice-like grip, lifting him effortlessly off the ground.

George watched in horror at the sudden violence unfolding before him. "You guys are so annoying. Why do you have to make a deal out of everything?" He retorted with venom.

Quackity's face was turning a sickly shade of red, veins bulging in his neck as he let out choked gasps and rasping wheezes. "Let... me... go"

It made Sapnap's face twisted into a sad*stic grin, his eyes alight with a sickening delight as he tightened his grip. "Why should I listen to you? You're nothing but a weakling."

Every gasp for air from Quackity seemed to fuel Sapnap's enjoyment, his satisfaction evident in the cruel curve of his lips and the gleam in his eyes.

"What's the matter? More mouth than muscle?" Sapnap taunted with a vicious smile, "Now you see how cheap talk is,"

It was clear that Sapnap relished the power he held over Quackity, and not just him, everyone else that was nothign compared to him. He was enoying it with every single crushing squeeze.

Quackity's legs flailed wildly, kicking and thrashing in a desperate attempt to break free and George felt a surge of panic flow through him.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

Such brutality was almost too much to bear, but George refused to look away.

From his vantage point, Quackity's movements were a chaotic blur of motion. George's palms grew clammy, his breaths shallow as he struggled to comprehend the unfolding events.

The scene was a nightmare unfolding before his eyes.

As his consciousness flickered back into focus as he met Quackity's desperate gaze, his limbs lashing out with a frenzied energy.

"" With every ounce of willpower he could muster, George managed to push past the invisible barrier that had held him captive.

It made him realize that he could still move, he could speak – he was free from Sapnap's influence, if only for a fleeting moment. He was alive and well. There were no more excuses.

"Sapnap, stop this! Let him go!"

For a moment, Sapnap seemed surprised, but it didn't last long, "If you think you can't stop me, you're even stupider than I thought," his words were laced with scorn.

George was about to reply but Sapnap cut him off with a simple glare.

"What? You think this is the time for you to start acting like a real boyfriend to him?" His tone was biting and George's body tensed as he prepared for the worst.

"I'll do anything, just please... don't hurt him." George said, as he watched Quackity's struggle intensify.

"Oh, I know you will," Sapnap's response was dismissive, "You'll do whatever I ask anyway, George. You always do,"

Despite George's attempts to negotiate, Sapnap remained unmoved. It was as if George was nothing more than a mere afterthought in his grand scheme. And maybe he was.

"There's nothing you can offer me. You're just like the rest of them, always bending to my will." Sapnap's attention remained fixated elsewhere as he says that, making George feel smaller and more insignificant with each passing moment.

But even as doubt clouded his mind, he couldn't afford to give in to self-doubt now, not when Quackity's life hung in the balance.

So he insisted, "Please, I can help you. Just give me a chance."

Sapnap lowered his arm, allowing Quackity's tiptoes to touch the flooring.

"A chance? What makes you think you deserve one?" Sapnap asked with rejection, "You have nothing of value,"

"You're wrong," George reached into the inside of his boot. Sapnap spared him a minimal as the other retrieved his pocket knife and pressed it against his own neck.

The sharp blade grazing his skin. He couln't allow himself to be distracted by Quackity's reaction, tunning it out.

"Pathetic," Sapnap let out, though his grip faltered, "Threatening to off yourself? Real brave, George. Real brave." His voice shook with suppressed emotion.

"I'm not bluffing. If you don't let Quackity go, I'll do it. I'll end it all right here, right now." Sapnap attempted to maintain his facade of indifference, but George saw through him.

He knew that Sapnap cared more than he let on, that beneath the tough exterior lay a glimmer of humanity.

"If I die, you lose more than just a pawn," He reminded him. "You lose a part of your past, of your family, and a part of yourself. No one knows you better than I do, Sapnap and no one ever will."

Upon seeing George's gambit, Sapnap hesitated, "You wouldn't dare."

George initiated a silent challenge with his stance, a defiance that belied the fear churning in his gut. "Try me."

There was a flicker of something in Sapnap's eyes, as he contemplated.

For a moment, it seemed as though Sapnap might relent, his grip loosening ever so slightly as he pondered George's offer. In that fleeting moment of uncertainty, George held his breath to stop hismelf from trembling.

He drew a thin line into his skin, a bead of blood forming. And Sapnap let go, allowing Quackity to collapse to the ground in a heap. "I always knew you were a coward, George, but I didn't think you'd sink this low."

Relief washed over George in a flood. No matter how much he wanted to rush to Quackity's side and ensure he was alright, he had to hold his ground and stay rooted in place.

On the other side of the room, Geogre waited for Sapnap's attention to shift to him. And it did.

It made George's gaze drop to the ground as he resigned himself to the inevitable. "If you want to know where Dream is, I can’t help you,"

The weight of Sapnap gaze bore down on George, heavy and suffocating, "So? You think that I will just comply with that?"

George's voice wavered slightly as he stated, "It doesn't matter, Sapnap, I’m not going with you either way," retrieving his knife back from where it came from.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" George directed a look at the fallen form of Quackity, crumpled and vulnerable as Sapnap stood over him.

"I’m staying right here, with Quackity," he declared, a newfound and stray sense in his tone.

"Don't be stupid, I told you to come here for a reason," Sapnap's voice rose with each word, "Is keeping your ass here and doing nothing the best you can do?" His threats escalating to new levels.

"Answer me right now you f*cking piece of sh*t!" he bellowed and drew closer to Quackity's prone form, his movements predatory and menacing.

"Or I swear I'll make sure he f*cking pays in your goddamn place!, you hear me?" his voice echoed off the walls of the bell tower as he unleashed a devastating kick that sent Quackity spiraling into the ground, headfirst.

"Make your choice George, and make it quick," In that moment, George knew he had to act. He couldn't allow Sapnap to harm Quackity, not again.

He can do whatever he wants to George, but not Quackity. If he was ever going to stand up for himself, it had to be now, for someone else's sake. Quackity deserved as much.

With a newfound sense of purpose, George launched himself at Sapnap, his body colliding with him with bone-jarring force.

Both of them staggered backward, crashing against the fence from which Sapnap had climbed.

The metallic clang reverberated in the stillness of the night. It reverberated in the stillness of the night as George pushed against Sapnap. With a final shove, he sent Sapnap tumbling over the fence, their forms disappearing into the darkness below.

They landed on another structure below, a shed's roof with George hitting the surface first.

As expected, his body ricocheted, spiraling to the side until he slid down, coming to a stop at the edge.

Desperately, he clung to the border, his entire frame hanging precariously over the edge. Looking down, a wave of nausea swept over him as he realized the sheer drop below, too high to survive it if he let go.

In that moment of weightlessness, a hand shot out and seized him. While he was pulled upwards, he knew whose hand it was.

George had no choice but to comply, no matter how much it terrified him to do so.


Clay’s hand rested under his chin as he looked directly outside the window. He was currently wearing a scottish ghillie kilt shirt with long sleeves and pants that resembled the same color. While Tommy was under a pleated Victorian white shirt and capri pants ankle banded.

Both gifts from the kind lady she herself provided.

The sky was as dark as the coal itself, hours had passed by and Tommy was still in the same position.

His hands kept repeating the same pattern, stitching over a little piece of white cloth with all his focus directed at it. The design was simple, a path of red flowers following a straight line around the edges.

He knows Tommy well enough to sense that this isn't just about keeping his hands busy—it's a deliberate attempt to shut out the world and avoid confronting the situation they're in.

As he watches Tommy stitch, his frustration grows. He hadn't retrieved the knitting tools so Tommy could escape into his own world; they were meant to provide a brief distraction and soothing moment, not a means of avoidance.

Clay knew he couldn’t leave it like this, he had to say something, anything. Even if he knew Tommy would not like to hear it. If he did nothing, the teen was assured to keep going until the sun rises, and he couldn't have that.

"Tommy—" The teen cringed at the mention of his name, hands twitching a little

"Yes?” His voice quivered and he kept his eyes fixed on the cloth at hand. But his focus was no longer on it, but on Clay himself. And Clay knew him too well enough to realize that.

“It's getting late. Why don’t you go and try to get some sleep?” Clay suggested from his seat, a very antique red wooden sofa.

From over the bed, Tommy continued to move the needle with skill, not sparing one look to Clay’s direction

"I’m not tired. If anything I think you should be the one to take a nap,” Tommy replied making a disregarding signal with one of his hands

"That won’t do. I won’t be able to rest properly until you are safe and sound,” Clay said seriously, taking notice of the way Tommy’s grip on the needle wavered a little, inclining himself forward, blocking the light from the bureau with his body.

"Come on, Clay. You can't cut off a man in the middle of his sewing,” The younger joked, but his face showed no smile, still undistracted from the task he had appointed to himself.Clay sighed, standing up and rounding the bed.

"Tommy, I’m serious, you have gone on it for hours. If you don’t get a breather you are going to make a mistake,” Tommy flinched at how stern Clay's voice sounded directed at him.

But the teen recovered quickly, agitating his head a little and puffing out his chest as he shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about. You know me, I don’t make mistakes, but when I do they are made on purpose,” Tommy replied without even making eye contact as he tries to block out Clay's words.

"Now, we both know that’s not true,” Clay’s response was almost automatic and it made Tommy's grip on the needles tightened, before glancing up.

Judging from his expression he was surprised, lip trembling a little before dropping his eyes again with a sad smile. Still, he kept his voice steady as he responded.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I just like to pretend otherwise,” A dry response followed, his eyes tired, but filled with emotion, clouded by pain and avoidance.

Clay's heart aches at the raw honesty in Tommy's words, the pain etched into every syllable. He reaches out, aching to offer comfort.

“Tommy…” But the prince shakes his head, his gaze distant as he retreats further into himself, his walls rising higher with each passing moment.

“Don’t.” Clay recoils slightly, but the prince takes a slow, steadying breath, trying to rein in his frustration. “Just, ignore what I said, okay? That sh*t doesn’t even matter”

Clay's brow furrows, his concern deepening as he registers the strain in Tommy's voice.

“It does matter, Tommy.” He takes a step closer, his eyes pleading for understanding. “Your well-being is important, so don’t try to downplay it, cause I'm not gonna let it pass just like that.”

Despite Tommy's efforts to put Clay's words aside, his focus slips. In a moment, his own hands betray him, and the needle pierces his finger with a sharp, painful sting.

"Ow, sh*t!" Clay’s s eyes widen in alarm at the sight of Tommy's injury. He rushes to his boyfriend's side, concern etched into every line of his face.

“Show me your finger.” Clay says, his voice urgent and serious. Tommy pulls his hand back and shakes his head adamantly, his pride wounded almost as much as his finger.

“It's fine. Just stings a little,” With a resigned sigh, Clay's insistence leaves him with little choice but to reluctantly comply.

“Show me.” Clay insists and Tommy's shoulders slump as he reluctantly extends his injured hand towards Clay, revealing the small but bloody puncture wound.

“See? I told you. Doesn’t even hurt that much,” Tommy continues to resist, but Clay says nothing as he assesses the damage.

Suddenly, he takes a surprising and intimate action. When Tommy's stubbornness intended to spark a daring impulse, Clay brought the affected finger to his lips before the prince could utter anything else.

Tommy's eyes widen in shock as he feels the warmth of Clay's mouth enveloping it entirely. Clay's lips wrapped around his finger, a warm glow emanating from the movement.

A gasp escaped him as he felt Clay's wet tongue press against the wound.

When Clay withdraws Tommy's finger from his mouth with a pop, a string of saliva connects them. His finger shimmers, but is missing the red spot it had previously.

“Better?” Clay asks and Tommy is silent at first, retreating his hand and pressing it to his chest after Clay wipes the saliva off him with a cloth.

A simple response is all he offers instead of an answer. “You didn't have to do that.”

The volume of Tommy's words was lower than usual, almost muttering them out, but Clay heard him perfectly.

“I wanted to,” He responded gently and Tommy couldn't bring himself to force even a strained smile. This time, Clay's concern for him was too much to bear.

As Clay watches his lack of reaction, his mind races

“What's wrong?” He asks and Tommy’s expression falters, a pang of guilt washing over him as he realizes the depth of Clay's worry.

“N-nothing! I'm fine, just let me be” He let out the words quickly, almost ramming them out of his mouth.

“Tommy, I know you better than that. Something's clearly bothering you, and I want to know what it is.” The teen's unrelenting behavior is countered by Clay's measured response, but the teen shows no signs of relenting.

If anything it actually kicks something up inside him, something Clay instantly notices as annoyance

“Clay, I stand by what I said and I don't need you to tell me otherwise.” With harsh and hurried movements, he begins stuffing away his knitting supplies.

In uncertainty, Clay prepares himself to speak, he wonders whether he should broach the subject or not. He understands that it might be a sensitive topic for Tommy, still raw from recent events.

But he is als aware that it's a conversation they can't avoid indefinitely, He needs to know what happened in his absence, what went wrong and how if he wants to help Tommy at all.

Of course, it's a delicate balance, navigating the fine line between giving Tommy the space he needs and providing him with the information he deserves. From experience, Clay knows that the teen won't be able to move forward until they've confronted the truth together.

“Is this all because of what happened?” Clay treads carefully, voice tentative, as he gingerly brings up probably the one thing that weighs heavily on both their minds, "Of what Sapnap did?"

Tommy's breath catches in his throat, the question piercing through his defenses and laying bare the turmoil within him.

He is just there, grappling with the overwhelming torrent of emotions, a sudden memory claws its way to the surface of his mind. It's vivid, too visceral—a flashback that grips him with a vice-like intensity, transporting him back to a moment he'd long tried to forget.

Hands clawing at him, restraining him with an iron grip. The sharp pang of pain as fingers tighten around his throat, squeezing the air from his lungs. His heartbeat thundering in his ears as he struggles for breath, his chest constricting with suffocating dread.

A foot presses down on his hand, crushing his fingers beneath its weight, sending shards of agony shooting up his arm. He cries out, a sound muffled by the hand around his throat, his vision swimming with tears of terror.

Then, those eyes—eyes filled with nothing but hatred and malice, boring into him with a chilling intensity that freezes him to the core. They're the eyes of his tormentor, the face of his nightmare, looming over him like a specter of inescapable terror.

In that moment, Tommy is paralyzed, trapped in the grip of his own memories. But even as the memory threatens to consume him whole, a small voice in the back of his mind whispers at him.

“Tommy? Are you okay?” The sound of Clay's voice grounds him, pulling him back from the brink of his nightmares. With a shuddering breath, the teen forces himself to focus, avoiding the other’s eyes upon him for the time being.

“Are you—"

“Just... give me a f*cking minute, okay?” He yells out with residual fear, so Clay waits, standing by Tommy's side, ready to offer whatever comfort and solace he can.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Tommy's tension slowly begins easing.

“I can’t bear this anymore,” Tommy's voice crackles with frustration, his hand pressing firmly against his temple “Clay, why are you always like this?” His voice rises, a mixture of exhaustion and confusion.

“Wha-I don’t... what do you mean?”

“You ! … it's just... I don't get why you are being so... nice to me,” His voice trails off, a sense of longing evident in his words

“I...I can't explain it, Clay. But, for me, everything just feels wrong,” There is a rawness to his admission as he struggles to express the turmoil that he is experiencing.

“Listen, I care about you. That's all there is to it,” Despite its simplicity, Clay’s words are sincere, as if he knows what he's saying.

“No, it’s not that simple. I know it's not,” He says, his inner conflict threatening to overtake him. “You should be angry with me, not acting like this. It's... it's confusing,” Clay's expression softens at that.

“I don't understand. Tommy, I don't want to be angry with you,” The way Clay speaks, in a paused way. He made it very clear that he's confused, trying to make sense of what's happening...

“Well you should,” Tommy snaps “Maybe if you were, all of this would be easier,” He admits firmly as he smashes his fist over the mattress at his side.

“That way at least I'd know that I deserved it. That maybe I really am as bad as I think I am,” Clay's brow furrows in confusion, a pang of hurt flashing across his features before he regains his composure.

“Tommy you are not a bad person, you're just going through a tough time..” As he talks in a subdued tone, the sadness and honesty in his words evident.

“Let me finish,” Clay stays still, a sense of resignation settling over. Tommy takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

“If you were angry with me, it would just confirm everything I already believe about myself.” His tone is heavy, betraying the fatigue gnawing at him.

“But you being so kind, it's like... it's like you're seeing something in me that I can't see in myself. And that scares me,” Clay listens intently and reaches out, gently squeezing Tommy's hand in a gesture of comfort and solidarity.

“I understand it might feel that way.” His words are filled with warmth and understanding but Tommy denies with his head, sorrow in his expression.

“No, you don't understand.” His voice cracks with emotion. “And I really... really need you to..” He trails off, his voice trembling.

“Tommy, breathe. It’s okay, you’re okay.” But Tommy's doubts continue to gnaw at him, his body tensing at the contact as he brushes his hand away.

“This is definitely not okay, Clay. I feel like I'm falling apart, and I don't know how to stop it,” Tommy's desperation spills out in a plea.

“Please... Just be angry with me. Scream at me, tell me I'm wrong. I need it…” Tommy's frustration bubbles beneath the surface.

It's as if Clay's compassion only serves to amplify Tommy's own sense of unworthiness, a bitter reminder of the gulf that separates them.

As Clay continues to offer his support with a gentle tenderness that Tommy can't fathom, a wave of guilt washed over him.

He should be the one apologizing, the one begging for forgiveness for his sharp words and defensive demeanor.

But instead, Clay stands before him, a pillar of patience and understanding, offering nothing but love and acceptance.

How can Clay be so calm and collected, so forgiving, when Tommy himself feels like he's drowning in a sea of self-loathing?

That simple thought is chipping away at his already fragile sense of self-worth. He doesn't deserve Clay's kindness, not now, not when he's pushed him away time and time again. And yet, there Clay stands, his eyes filled with nothing but concern and compassion.

It hurts, more than Tommy cares to admit, to be on the receiving end of such unwavering love when he feels so undeserving of it. Every soft word, every tender gesture only serves to deepen the ache in his chest, a painful reminder of his own shortcomings.

And even then, Clay's heart aches for Tommy, his own frustration mounting as he struggles to find the right words to ease his pain.

“I’m sorry Tommy, but even if I wanted to, I could never be angry with you,” He lets out, his own inner turmoil mirroring Tommy's “I won't hurt you like that.”

Clay’s voice is filled with unwavering compassion, a steadfast refusal to add to Tommy's pain. The prince just presses his eyelids shut in anguish.

“You could, and maybe it would be better if you did,” Clay shakes his head and Tommy's shoulders sag

“Believe me, it wouldn't be. Because even in your darkest moments, you're still the person I love.” Tommy opens his eyes, now glistened with unshed tears and his frustration continues mounting.

It's a rejection that cuts deeper than any physical wound, leaving Tommy feeling exposed and vulnerable.

“It's hard to believe that sometimes. Especially when I'm the one standing in my own way.” His admission is tinged with a sense of defeat, and Clay's heart breaks for him.

“Tommy, you shouldn't feel this way about yourself. It’s not healthy,” His voice is gentle, but Tommy recoils, his body tensing up.

Clay watches helplessly, as the weight of his emotions threatens to drag him under, pulling him into the depths of despair.

“Please…don't tell me how I am supposed to feel,” Tommy says, his words tinged with resentment, choked with emotion as he turns away, unable to face Clay.

Clay's brow furrows in concern, hurt flashing in his eyes before he composes himself.

“I just want you to see the truth. In my eyes, you're worth so much more than you realize.” He counters.

“You're stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for.” Tommy's throat tightens.

“Well it f*cking doesn’t look like it now, does it?” His voice is strained, his trauma pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

“Maybe not, but I still want you to see yourself the way I see you.” Tommy huffs and lets his head drop forward, a bitter smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“But what if I can’t huh?” Clay's heart aches at the pain etched into Tommy's features, his palms clammy against each other.

“Tommy, I promise you, this will pass. Everything will be right again. I'll make sure of it ”

“Stop saying that! This isn't just a phase I can snap out of, so don’t pretend it is!” Clay freezes, as Tommy avoids his eyes with resistance.

“You always act like everything's okay, like you have all the answers. But the truth is you don't.” He spats at Clay, words strained in a way that belies his usual spirited demeanor.

“So, for once be honest with me instead of giving me false hope.” Tommy's admission weighs heavily in the air and Clay winces at the barb stinging with a mix of resentment, a thinly veiled jab at Clay's attempts to offer support.

“That’s not- I didn't mean to... ” he rails off, uncertainty creeping into his words.

The silence between them stretches on, thick with unspoken emotions and unresolved tension. Clay searches for the right words, but they elude him, lost in the complexity of Tommy's pain.

With a heavy heart, he speaks, tone laced with genuine remorse.

“Forgive me,” Tommy's eyes soften, a flicker of surprise crossing his features at Clay's unexpected apology. But he still remains defiant and sighs heavily, a weary expression crossing his features as he watches Clay's struggle.

“You know what, Clay? Forget it.” Tommy finally says, carrying the weight of their own shared struggle “This isn’t going anywhere, so let's just… move on” His tone is weary, a hint of defeat creeping into his voice as he gestures for Clay to drop the subject.

“Move on?” The repetition is accompanied by unbelief on Clay's part,

“Tommy you’re hurting. I can't just pretend that what you went through never happened, and neither can you, ” His voice rises in a cacophony of disagreement, his own sense of helplessness mirroring Tommy's.

“If there's a problem, we can't leave it at that." When he said that, Tommy's shoulders sagged a little, but he wasn't about to allow himself get pushed around just yet.

“I was the one that brought it up so I think I can change the subject if I damn want to” Tommy’s tone matches Clay's intensity.

“Not this time. I won’t stand by and watch you struggle alone.” Clay responds, wanting nothing else but to grab him and pull Tommy into his arms and shield him from everything that was damaging him.

“I’m worried about you, and ignoring what's bothering you won't make it disappear.”

Tommy's eyes flashes with anger at that, he turns towards Clay with a ferocity that takes even Clay aback.

“Don’t do that,” He lets out, eyes fixed upon him. “You don’t get to lecture me right now. That’s the last thing I need from you” Clay freezes, as Tommy shows resistance.

“I told you I’m fine already, so take my word for it and drop it,” The weight of Tommy's words hit him like a punch to the gut, his mind remaining turbulent.


“Enough, Just... enough!” Clay recoils slightly as he watches Tommy's outburst unfold. “I can't deal with this sh*t right now, what part of stop did you not understand?”

“Tommy, I'm just trying to...” But before he can finish, Tommy's voice cuts through the air like a blade, sharp and unforgiving.

“Trying to what exactly? Make everything better with advice you've never bothered to apply to yourself?” His voice reverberates off the walls, echoing with anger and resentment as he unleashes his pent-up frustrations.

“Newsflash, it doesn't work like that.” Clay's heart sinks, his own frustration mingling with a deep sense of hurt.

“I’m trying to help,” He finishes, looking at Tommy's eyes clouded with pain and avoidance.

“Well, you can't!” Tommy explodes, his fists clenched at his sides as he stares down “You can’t, so just leave me alone”

Clay chest tightens as he struggles to find the right words. His determination is clear and gaze unwavering as he meets Tommy's defiance head-on. Instead of moving back, he steps closer.Tommy's shoulders tense as he approaches him, darting away.

“I said leave me alone, Clay!” Tommy lets out “I don't need you suffocating me with your damn concern so save it for someone else!” His words hang in the air like a heavyweight, filling the room with their intensity.

And as Tommy's furious gaze drops meets his, filled with a mixture of anger and anguish, Clay can see through the facade, the strain evident in Tommy's clenched fists and furrowed brow. It makes his own worry fuel his determination to help even more.

Knowing he cannot back down now, he clenched his hands at his sides and stood straighter.

“No” Tommy's facade cracks for a moment, a flicker of vulnerability slipping through his features

His shock is evident, eyes widening in disbelief as he struggles to process Clay's unexpected refusal.

“Huh? What did you say?” Clay's heart aches at the pain etched into Tommy's face, but doesn’t allow himself to let it show

“I said no,“ Clay says assuredly, “You need me just as much as I need you.”

“No Clay, get the hell out! That 's an order.” But Clay's expression remains resolute, unmoved by Tommy's attempt to assert his authority.

“I’m sorry, but I can't do that” Clay steels himself to respond despite the hurt prickling at his heart.

Tommy's frustration mounts, his voice tinged with disbelief and frustration as he tries to assert his authority.

”What do you mean, you can't? I want to be alone, you have to listen to me!” Clay's gaze softens with understanding, his voice carrying a rare edge of compassion.

“Not like this I don't,” Tommy's mind races as his voice trembles with a mixture of confusion.

“You... you can't just say no.” He says, hesitating “You're my... my…” His words falter as he struggles to articulate the depth of his shock and disbelief.

“I’m your boyfriend” Clay's response is unequivocal, his tone carrying a rare edge of sternness as he stands firm in his decision, “And as your boyfriend I choose to stay”

Tommy's shock quickly turns to frustration, his fists clenching at his sides as he tries to regain control of the situation.

“I don't care! I don’t want you here right now!” Tommy screams, his tired eyes flashing with defiance. Clay reaches out to Tommy with unwavering compassion.

“Well, I want to be here. And I'm not leaving you alone, even if it means saying no to you.” Clay stands his ground and approaches him slowly, his footsteps soft against the floorboards as he kneels beside Tommy's trembling form.

Tommy's anger ignites like a wildfire, letting his emotions spill out unchecked as Clay braces himself for the onslaught.

“You stubborn dickhe*d,” Tommy's patience wears thin as he tries to physically force Clay away.

“I'm not going anywhere, Tommy. Not now, not ever.” His words are a silent promise, a vow to stand by Tommy's side through the storm, no matter how fierce it may be.

Tommy's attempts to physically force Clay away become more frantic, his voice hoarse with rage as he continues to push against Clay's unwavering presence.

Clay doesn’t even bulge and wraps his arms around Tommy in a tight embrace, refusing to let go despite Tommy's struggles.

“Let go! f*ck, let me go!”

But Clay holds on, his grip unyielding even as Tommy's blows rain down upon him. Tommy’s curses and insults turn into desperate pleas as he struggles to break free.

“Get off me, Clay!” Tommy fights against Clay's hold, his screams of frustration echoing through the room as he lashes out with his fists and feet.

His curses and insults turn into desperate pleas as he struggles to break free.

“I won't." The prince's tirade continues as he unleashes the full force of his pent-up emotions.

And as the echoes of his screams fade into the night, a sense of catharsis washes over him, filling the room with a palpable tension that hangs heavy in the air.

“I can't... I can't… do this”

Clay holds him tighter, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears as he whispers words of comfort and reassurance. In that moment, their embrace becomes a sanctuary, a refuge from the storm raging within Tommy's tormented mind.

His boyrfriend's chest heaves with the force of his emotions, his breath coming in ragged gasps. “Clay, please!” The knight’s heart lurches at the sound, his own anguish mirrored in his eyes as he watches Tommy's agony unfold before him

With each passing moment, Tommy's resistance begins to wane, his sobs replacing screams as he finally surrenders to the overwhelming weight of his emotions.

The minutes tick by, each passing moment marked by the ebb and flow of Tommy's cries.

“Tell me what you’re feeling.”

Tommy's response is laden with anguish, "Sad and miserable... ” He can’t escape the feeling of heaviness weighting in his chest, dragging him down.

"My throat burns, and I'm so f*cking jumpy. I'm tired of feeling this way."

Then, his tone grows even darker, "And the worse part is —”

Clay waits, listening to the soft hiccups escaping from Tommy

“I can still see him,” He began...

“Every time I close my eyes... He's there, staring at me with that look of hate and disgust. I can't shake this fear, and it's eating me alive." he confessed, his voice wavering with the weight of his terror.

"I—I'm scared." Clay nodded understandingly

With gentle hands, Clay embraced him, pulling Tommy close as if trying to shield him from the world's cruelty.

“You're not alone, Tommy" he whispered, his voice a vow of solidarity. "And no matter what happens, you never will be. So you don’t have to suffer all by yourself,”

Tommy hugs him together, burying his face against the side of his neck

“I believe in us, we'll get through this together.” A muffled sigh escaped Tommy's lips, his breath hitching with emotion as Clay continued to held onto Tommy.

“Trust in me, in your friends and most importantly...” Clay pulls back slightly, “Trust in yourself, like I do.”

His hand cups Tommy's cheek, drawing his face closer to his until their lips meet into a kiss. Their hearts find a fleeting sense of peace, a reassurance, a silent promise to stand by each other’s side no matter what challenges lie ahead.

There's a profound sense of love and protectiveness that swells within Clay, driving him to hold Tommy closer, to savor every moment they have together.

So they clung to each other as if their lives depended on it, finding solace in the simple act of being together.

The prince and the knight - GIG_10 (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.