References for reports (2024)

References (CC)

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Karvonen, T. POS-028051. Closure design freeze 2018 - Initial state of the closure. PROJEKTI-1697-x/2018, January 2019. / 4432

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Kasa, S. 2011. Results of monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2009, Foreign materials. Working Report 2010-46, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 35 p. / 2432

Kasa, S. 2013. Tutkimus räjähdysainejäämistä onkalosta otetuista kivinäytteistä (Research about residuals from explosives in rock samples from ONKALO). Internal memorandum. ONK-113194. / 5633

Keto, P. (ed.), Dixon, D., Holt, E., Hassan, Md. M., Sjöblom, V., Rinta-Hiiro, V., Loimula, K., Juvankoski, M., Hellä, Kumpulai-nen, S., Kiviranta, L., P., Schatz, T., Karttunen, P & Rautioaho, E. 2018. Backfill Design 2016-2017. Olkiluoto: Posiva. POS-027449 / 4308

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Kiuru, R. 2018. Arvio Olkiluodon kivilajien termisistä ominaisuuksista - Versio 3. Muistio. Document name: memo_termiset_v3. 8.5.2018. POS-026832. Rovaniemi: Geofcon. 12 p. / 4283

Kiuru, R. 2018. Arvio Olkiluodon kivilajien tiheyksistä. Muistio. Document name: memo_tiheys_koko_tilavuus. POS-026832. Rovaniemi: Geofcon. 3 p. / 4282

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Kumpulainen, S., Kiviranta, L. & Korkeakoski, P. 2017. Effects of density, salinity and bentonite type on the swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity. In: The 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. 24 – 27 September 2017, Davos, Switzerland. / 4448

Kumpulainen, S., Kiviranta, L., Pintado, X., Adesola, F., Hassan, Md. M., Leino, T. & Schatz, T., Composition and properties of alternative buffer and backfill materials 2011-2015. PRJ-010078 In Material selection. THMC properties of alternative buffer and backfill materials, measurement uncertainties, and quality control aspects. POS-029969. / 4274

Kupiainen, P. & Nummi, O. 2017. Simplified transport modelling of a disposal system and doses using probabilistic methods. POSIVA 2016-01. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy, 166 p. / 4576

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Lahdenperä, A.-M., Palmén, J. & Hellä, P. 2005. Summary of overburden studies at Olkiluoto with an emphasis on geosphere-biosphere interface. Working Report 2005-11, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 85 p. / 2627

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Lambeck, K. & Purcell, A. 2003. Glacial rebound and crustal stress in Finland. POSIVA 2003-10, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 84 p. / 2643

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Lamminmäki, T., Iraola, A., Font, J., Trinchero, P., Sampietro, D., Roman-Ross, G., Molinero, J., Gustafsson, E., Nordqvist, R., Ahokas, H., Vaittinen, T., Karvonen, T. & Pitkänen P. 2021. Evaluation of the Buffering Properties and Capacity of the Bedrock against the Infiltration of Acidic and Oxygenated Water at the Olkiluoto site – Final Report of the Infiltration Experiment (INEX). Posiva Report 2021-14, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy / 5014

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Nordbäck, N. & Mattila, J. 2018. Brittle fault systems of the ONKALO underground research facility. Working Report 2018-20. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 80 p. / 4373

Nordbäck, N. 2013. Tunnel Crosscutting Fractures (TCF) in ONKALO chainage 2300-3910. Working Report 2013-13, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 50 p. / 3092

Nordbäck, N. 2014. Tunnel Crosscutting Fractures (TCF) in ONKALO© (chainage 0-4986). WR 2014-58. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4895

Paulamäki, S. Paananen, M. & Elo, S. 2002. Structure and geological evolution of the bedrock of southern satakunta, SW Finland. POSIVA 2002-04, Helsinki, Finland: Posiva Oy 128 p. / 3212

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Paunonen, M., Nummi, O. & Eurajoki, T. 2016. Waste management of the encapsulation plant. Working Report 2015-51, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 66 p. / 3215

Pentti, E. 2020. Update of Baseline Head in OL-KR Drillholes in Olkiluoto. Working Report 2020-17. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy, 428 p. / 5672

Penttinen, T., Partamies, S., Lahdenperä, A.-M., Pitkänen, P., Ahokas, T. & Kasa, S. 2011. Results of monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2009, Hydrogeochemistry. Working Report 2010-44, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 296 p. / 3247


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Pimenoff, N., Venäläinen, A. & Järvinen, H. 2012. Climate and sea level scenarios for Olkiluoto for the next 10,000 years. POSIVA 2012-26, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 72 p. / 3264

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Pitkänen, P., Ahokas, H., Ylä-Mella, M., Partamies, S., Snellman, M. & Hellä, P. 2007. Quality review of hydrochemical baseline data from the Olkiluoto site. POSIVA 2007-05, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 134 p. / 3288

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Pitkänen, P., Partamies, S. & Luukkonen, A. 2004. Hydrogeochemical interpretation of baseline groundwater conditions at the Olkiluoto site. POSIVA 2003-07, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 159 p. / 3286

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Pitkänen, P., Partamies, S., Lahdenperä, A.-M., Lehtinen, A., Ahokas, T., Hirvonen, H. & Hatanpää, E. 2007. Results of monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2006 - Hydrogeochemistry. Working Report 2007-51, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 243 p. / 3287

Pitkänen, P., Partamies, S., Lahdenperä, A.-M., Lehtinen, A., Pedersen, K., Ahokas, T., Penttinen, T., Lamminmäki, T. & Hatanpää, E. 2008. Results of monitoring at Olkiluoto in 2007: Hydrogeochemistr. Working Report 2008-24, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 212 p. / 3289

Pohjola, J., Turunen, J. & Lipping, T. 2012. Statistical estimation of land uplift model parameters based on archaeological and geological shore level displacement data. Working Report 2012-86, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 41 p. / 3299

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Posiva 2012. Safety case for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto – Description of the Disposal System 2012. POSIVA 2012-05, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 166 p. / 1136

Posiva 2012. Safety case for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto – Design Basis 2012. POSIVA 2012-03. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 173 p. / 1110

Posiva 2013. Olkiluoto Biosphere Description 2012. POSIVA 2012-06, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 292 p. / 3334

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Posiva 2014. Safety Case for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel at Olkiluoto - Data Basis for the Biosphere Assessment BSA-2012. POSIVA 2012-28. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 1084

Posiva 2016. Safety evaluation for a KBS-3H spent nuclear fuel repository at Olkiluoto - Description of the Disposal System. POSIVA 2016-04, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 126 p. / 3374

Posiva 2017. Canister system description (LO1-2). Memorandum P.272 (2017). POS-012788, ver. 4 / 4438

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Posiva 2018. Olkiluodon monitorointiohjelman (OMO) toimenpiderajat. Posiva Oy. POS-008123. / 5268

Posiva 2019. Konfiguraation hallintasuunnitelma. Posiva Oy. POS-016027. / 5270

Posiva 2019. Posiva's safety critical functions- Use and control of safety classified materials for research and use in the repository area, in Finnish. Posiva Oy. POS-024620. / 5262

Posiva 2020. Havaintojen raportointi ja käsittely. Posiva Oy. POS-000054. / 5269

Posiva 2021. Buffer, Backfill and Closure Evolution. Working Report 2021-08. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 5237

Posiva 2021. Canister evolution report (CER). Posiva Working Report WR 2021-06. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 5241

Posiva 2021. Olkiluoto Monitoring Programme - 2022 (Olkiluodon Monitorointiohjelma – 2022, in Finnish. POSIVA 2020-02. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 5260

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Analysis of Releases (AOR). POSIVA 2021-03. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4289

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Design Basis (DB). POSIVA 2021-08. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4284

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Low and Intermediate Level Waste Repository Assessment (LILW-RA). POSIVA 2021-07. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4286

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Models and Data (M&D). POSIVA 2021-04. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4288

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Performance Assessment and Formulation of Scenarios (PAFOS). POSIVA 2021-06. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4287

Posiva 2021. Safety Case for the Operating Licence Application - Synthesis (SYN). POSIVA 2021-01. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4291

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Posiva 2021. Source Terms for the Safety Case in Support of the Operating Licence Application. POSIVA 2021-11. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 5242

Posiva POS-011202. Canister system description (OL1-2). Memorandum P.271 (2017). POS-011202 v. 4. / 4437

Posiva POS-012789. Canister system description (OL3). Memorandum P.273 (2017). POS-012789 ver. 2 / 4439

Posiva POS-014425. Buffer System Description. Bentoniittipuskurit, järjestelmäkuvaus P.277 (19.4.2018). POS-014425 / 4442

POSIVA POS-014532. Closure of other openings system description. Memorandum P.452 (28.09.2014). POS-014532. / 4456

POSIVA POS-014540. Plug structures of other openings system description. Memorandum P.146 (28.09.2014). POS-014540. / 4455

Posiva SKB 2017. Safety functions, performance targets and technical design requirements for a KBS-3V repository. Conclusions and recommendations from a joint SKB and Posiva working group. Posiva SKB Report 01. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 116 p. / 3377

Posiva. 2021. Sulfide Fluxes and Concentrations in the Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository at Olkiluoto – 2021 Update. Working Report 2021-07. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 5238

Poteri, A. & Muuri, E. POS-029194. Parametrisation of the fracture transport classes for use in AOR. Memorandum. 17 September 2019. 80 p. / 4618

Purhonen, T. 2014. State of the art of the welding method for sealing spent nuclear fuel canister made of copper: Part 1 - FSW. Working Report 2014-22, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 98 p. / 3382

Raiko, H. 2013. Canister Design 2012. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. POSIVA 2012-13. / 1105

Raiko, H., Sandström, R., Rydén, H. & Johansson, M. 2010. Design analysis report for the canister. Technical Report TR-10-28, Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) 79 p. / 1116

Ranta-aho, A. 2020. Burnup credit methodology in the criticality safety analysis of final disposal canisters. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy, TVO Memorandum 188356. Restricted / 5259

Rantataro, J. & Kaskela, A. 2010. Acoustic seismic studies in the sea area close to Olkiluoto, 2008. Working Report 2009-122, Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy 32 p. / 3437

Rantataro, J. 2001. Acoustic-seismic research in the sea area near Olkiluoto in the year 2000 (in Finnish with an English abstract). Working Report 2001-11, Helsinki, Finland: Posiva Oy 62 p. / 3435

Rantataro, J. 2002. The estimation of sedimentary rock covered areas as well as supplementary interpretation of acoustic-seismic research in Olkiluoto area (in Finnish with an English abstract). Working Report 2002-38, Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 17 p. / 3436

Rautio, P., Latvajärvi, H., Jokela, A. & Kangas-Korhonen, P. 2004. Forest resources on Olkiluoto Island. Working Report 2004-35. Olkiluoto, Finland: Posiva Oy 109 p. / 3447

Riihiluoma, N., Follin, S., Suikkanen, J., Heikkinen, E., Kantia, P. & Mustonen, S. 2021. EDZ Study Area in ONK-TKU-3620: Integrated Modelling. Working Report 2017-58. Eurajoki, Finland: Posiva Oy. / 4465

RKTL 2011. Ammattikalastus merellä 2010 - Yrkefisket i havet 2010 - Commercial marine fishery 2010. Statistics 3/2011. Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL), Helsinki. 60 pp. / 1093

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