[PDF] Account Contract for Card Acceptance - Free Download PDF (2024)

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Account Contract for Card Acceptance This is an Account Contract for the acceptance of debit cards and credit cards via payment terminals, on the website and/or by telephone, mail or fax. You enter into this contract with Paysquare SE and Stichting Third Party Fund Paysquare Foundation. This foundation will hold the funds intended for you separately before paying them to you. In this contract you will be asked to provide a substantial amount of information, including details about your company and your business operations. This information is required in order to comply with the stricter laws and regulations and with the requirements imposed on us by the card schemes. In addition, we feel it is important to be able to provide you with personal information and advice, as this allows you to benefit from the highest-quality services as well as remain up-to-date on payment trends. In order for us to create an account for you, you must complete all sections of this Account Contract, and the requested attachments must be clearly legible and include clear, high-quality pictures. You will be able to use the required payment methods to accept payments quickly and easily. The contract is divided into 4 sections: 1 Information about your company 2 Payment terminal acceptance 3 Acceptance on the website 4 Terms and conditions and signatures Please note: You must in any event complete sections 1 and 4, and, depending on your requirements, you can additionally complete section 2 and/or 3. PaySquare SE • Eendrachtlaan 315, 3526 LB Utrecht, the Netherlands • Postbus 30600, NL-3503 AJ Utrecht, the Netherlands T +31 (0)30 283 73 33 • E [emailprotected] • www.paysquare.nl

Section 1 Information about your company Paragraph 1.1 Your company Trade name Legal / Corporate name (as registered with the Chamber of Commerce)

Chamber of Commerce number Business address Street name + number (no PO boxes) Postcode and town/city Telephone number Website Contact person: Initials + surname E-mail address

Hereinafter referred to as your Company*

* In the General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance can be spoken of the Merchant instead of your Company. With this the same is meant.

c Mr

c Ms

Do you want to register several locations under the same CoC/KBO number? Enclose the Excel overview ‘Extra locations’, with the requested information for each location. c Yes, I would like to register several locations. Please see the Excel overview ‘Extra locations’ enclosed. Correspondence address PO Box or street name + number Postcode and town/city Telephone number c Mr c Ms Contact person: Initials + surname E-mail address To be completed by PaySquare


c CIM accnr

Aansluitnummer POS c MasterCard / Maestro / Visa / V PAY c Discover / Diners Club c JCB c UnionPay Commissieprofiel Parent client/Customer nr. Gelinkt(e) aansluitnummer(s) Opdracht Akkoord

c Same as business address

c Same as business address c Same as business address

c OP ref

Peer c 1




MUPP nummer Profiel(en) betaalautomaat Host

Paragraph 1.2 Your Company’s activities 1 Please describe the goods and/or services provided by your Company:

2 Do the goods and/or services provided by your Company require permits? 3 Is your Company a member of a trade association*? Name:

c Yes c No

Membership number:

c N/A

*PaySquare has agreed special rates with various trade associations.

4 Does your Company accept payments on behalf of another company? 5 What is your primary target group? c Consumers c Businesses

c Government

6 How are the goods and/or services provided? c In a physical store c Collection c Delivery 7 What is the average delivery time (between order and delivery)?

c Yes c No

c Other (please specify)

c Downloads

c Online


Paragraph 1.3 Bank details (EUR) 1 Beneficiary (Name of account holder as registered with the bank) Bank IBAN* Company name as shown on cardholder’s (i.e. Company’s customer’s) account statements Payment in other currencies is possible as well – please specify your preference in sections 2 and 3. 2 Did you list several locations under the same CoC/KBO number under 1.1 with the Excel overview ‘Extra locations’? c Yes I have registered several locations and would like payment to take place using their individual bank account numbers. c Yes I have registered several locations and would like payment to take place using the above-mentioned bank account number for all of them. c Not applicable. * From 1 February 2014 consumers and businesses across the EU will start using the IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

Paragraph 1.4 Business operations 1 Does your Company have one or more foreign locations? If you selected ‘Yes’: which locations? Name Town/City Country Main location 2nd location 3rd location 4th location 5th location Please include an attachment if you have more than 5 foreign locations

c Yes c No

2 Do one or more associate directors maintain gainful employment elsewhere (i.e. at another company)?

c Yes c No

If you selected ‘Yes’, please list the company or companies.

3 Have any of the associate directors ever been declared bankrupt or been involved in a bankruptcy?

c Yes c No

4 Have one or more associate directors previously accepted payment cards in their capacity as directors?

c Yes c No

5 Has your Company previously accepted payment cards? c Yes c No If you selected ‘Yes’: Through what party (i.e. acquirer) were they accepted? Name: Town: Country: Annual turnover Visa: € MasterCard: € Number of transactions per year Number of disputed transactions in the past 12 months c N/A Number of refunds (following the submission of chargebacks) to cardholders in the past 12 months

Paragraph 1.5 Security policy 1 On what type of premises does your Company conduct its operations? c Business premises/office/shop c Other (please specify): c Private residence c Combined residence/business premises c Shared office space with communal facilities 2 Where are the goods and/or services sold by your Company stored and distributed? c At/from the same site where your Company conducts its operations

c From a different site

Please explain 3 Does your Company deliver directly from third-party stock? c Yes, from the stock of: Name c No


4 Is your Company in possession of payment card details after a payment is completed?

c Yes

c No

c Not sure

5 Does your Company use any software applications or suppliers (e.g. stock management, reservation systems, loyalty programmes, etc.) c Yes c No c Not sure that store, process or transmit payment card details?

Paragraph 1.6 Required form of acceptance Select the desired form(s) of acceptance and proceed as indicated. If you would like several forms of acceptance, fill out all relevant chapters and/or the addendum. c Payment card acceptance at the POS terminal. Complete Chapter 2 and Chapter 4. c Payment card acceptance via your Company website(s). Complete Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. c Payment card acceptance by post, phone or fax (only available in the Netherlands). Complete Chapter 4 and the Mail Order/Telephone

Order Online (MO/TO Online) Card Acceptance addendum.

Section 2 Payment terminal acceptance

Complete this section only for payment terminal acceptance of payment cards.

Paragraph 2.1 Payment terminal details Number/Verification number(s)* Supplier(s) Type of payment terminal(s) *Tip: your statement can easily be checked if you enclose a transaction slip.

Paragraph 2.2 Expected turnover and average transaction amount Expected annual turnover Expected average transaction amount

Credit Card € €

Debit Card (Maestro, V PAY) € €

Share of corporate credit cards if the payment cards accepted through PaySquare generate an annual turnover of more than € 500,000. %

Paragraph 2.3 Payment cards and fees To be completed by PaySquare Required payment cards: c MasterCard c Visa c Discover and Diners Club c JCB* c UnionPay*

Commission per transaction Percentage Fixed amount % € % € % € % € % €

To be completed by PaySquare Required payment cards:

c Maestro c V PAY

Fees for credit transactions and payment term

Minimum amount € € € € €

Maximum amount € € € € €

Payment term

Fees for debit transactions and payment term

Commission per transaction Percentage Fixed amount Minimum amount Maximum amount Payment term % € € € % € € €

Commission per location Amount per month € €

Account registration fee: none Depending on the outcome of the background check, PaySquare may request additional financial securities, including a deposit or rolling reserves. *You can accept JCB only in the Netherlands and Belgium and UnionPay only in the Netherlands.

Paragraph 2.4 Currencies It is possible to accept foreign currencies for MasterCard and Visa transactions. Payment in different currencies is possible as well. Requested currencies for acceptance: c Euro only. c Besides euro, you can also use foreign currencies with dynamic currency conversion to/from euro during the transaction. You must complete the ‘DCC Agreement’ attachment for this purpose.

Paragraph 2.5 Security policy 1 Is/are your Company’s payment terminal(s) linked directly to your Company’s POS system for data exchange (integrated or linked POS system)? Please check with your supplier if necessary. c Yes c No c Not sure 2 If you selected ‘Yes’: what type of payment terminal system does your Company use? Make Supplier Type Version 3 Is/are your Company’s payment terminal(s) connected to your Company’s own IT infrastructure (i.e. network)? c Yes c No

c Not sure

4 Is/are your Company’s payment terminal(s) connected to third-party networks?

c Not sure

c Yes

c No

If you would also like acceptance via the website, proceed to Chapter 3. If not, proceed to Chapter 4.

Section 3 Acceptance on the website

Complete this section only for acceptance of payment cards through the website

Paragraph 3.1 Expected turnover and average transaction amount Expected annual turnover Expected average transaction amount

Credit Card € €

Debit Card (Maestro, V PAY) € €

Share of corporate credit cards if the payment cards accepted through PaySquare generate an annual turnover of more than € 500,000. %

Paragraph 3.2 Payment cards and fees To be completed by PaySquare Required payment cards: c MasterCard c Visa c JCB*

Commission per transaction Commission % % %

Fixed amount € € €

To be completed by PaySquare


Minimum amount € € €

Maximum amount € € €

Payment term

Fees for debit transactions and payment term Commission per transaction

Required payment cards: c Maestro

Fees for credit transactions and payment term

Commission % %

Fixed amount € €

Minimum amount € €

Maximum amount € €

Payment term

NB: The option to accept the above-mentioned payment cards also depends on your Payment Service Provider (PSP). Check whether your PSP facilitates this. Company account fees: € 0 for an annual turnover of more than € 10,000 using the payment cards accepted through PaySquare; if annual turnover is lower, the fee is € 135. Depending on the outcome of the background check, PaySquare may request additional financial securities, including a deposit or rolling reserves. *You can accept JCB in the Netherlands and Belgium only.

Paragraph 3.3 Currencies It is possible to accept foreign currencies for MasterCard and Visa transactions. Payment in different currencies is possible as well. Requested currencies for acceptance: c Euro only. c Besides euro, you can also use foreign currencies with dynamic currency conversion to/from euro during the transaction. Please complete the attachment ‘EDCC Agreement’ for this purpose. Note: this is only possible if you use Ogone as a Payment Service Provider. c In addition to euro, foreign currencies are also possible, based on the prices set by your Company in foreign currencies. You can choose between payment in euro and payment in a foreign currency. Please complete the Attachment containing additions and changes for this purpose.

Paragraph 3.4 Goods and Services 1 Does your Company intend to sell goods and/or services in (a) foreign market(s)?

c Yes c No

If you selected ‘Yes’: what countries and/or regions? 2 Does the recipient need to sign for delivery of the goods? 3 Pleas enter all URLs you currently use/will be using in the future to provide the services and/or goods. Please enter the login details if a login is required to access the products or services. URL Login Password www. www. www. www. www.

Live c c c c c

c Yes c No

To be completed by PaySquare Acceptance Test site c










N.B.: • If you will be using more than 5 URLs, please include all the additional URLs, including the login and password for each, in a separate attachment. • Your Company must be the owner of all URLs provided, and these must be registered under the same name as listed in the Chamber of Commerce register. • PaySquare periodically checks the URLs operated by your Company where the products and/or services are provided. Please note: these checks are possible only for live websites. • If you do not include all the URLs or do not provide notification of URLs added at a later time, this will constitute grounds for PaySquare to refuse to enter into, or terminate, the contract. In addition, you may be liable to fines imposed by the Payment Schemes. 4 Name of web design company* Contact c Mr c Ms

Telephone no.

*PaySquare may contact the above-mentioned web design company in order to speed up the account registration process.

c N/A

Paragraph 3.5 Physical store

(please skip this paragraph if you completed Section 2)

1 Does your Company operate a physical store in addition to an online store?

c Yes c No (please proceed to paragraph 3.6)

If you selected ‘Yes’: Number of locations:

c 11-25

c more than 25

c Yes c No

c 1

c 2-5

c 6-10

2 What types of products are sold in the physical store(s)?

Paragraph 3.6 Security policy 1 Are your Company’s employees required to sign a nondisclosure agreement?

2 Does your Company subject potential employees to a background check? If you selected ‘Yes’: which of the following does your Company check (you may select several options)? c Personal details c CV c Certificate of Good Conduct c References

c Yes c No c Credit history

3 Has your Company taken any specific measures to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access, or potentially gaining access, c Yes c No to data-processing systems or confidential information?

If you selected ‘Yes’: what measures has your Company taken (you may select several options)? c Security Awareness Training c Written operating procedures c Key policy/key management c Appointment of a compliance/control officer c Clean desk policy information security policy. c Incident registration c Other (please specify)

c Physical access control c Logical access control/authorisation control

Paragraph 3.7 Data management and risk management 1 From which Payment Service Provider (PSP), or bank does your Company use an I online payment method? c BNG c Docdata payments c MultiSafepay c Paybox c Verotel c ABN AMRO c Buckaroo c B2U c Escalion c Ogone c Rabobank c Virtual XS Contact



Telephone no.

2 Does your Company use the PSP’s fraud module?

c Yes c No*

* Remote acceptance is subject to additional risks. PaySquare strongly recommends that you limit these risks by using the fraud module provided by your PSP. A strong configuration

in conjunction with your PSP provides the best results.

3 Has your Company previously used the services of another PSP? c Yes



c No

4 Does your Company retain customer orders (e.g. IP address, routing, timestamp, etc.)?

c Yes c No

5 Does your Company use any risk management tools and techniques?

c Yes c No

If you selected ‘Yes’, please specify. (you may select several options) c Telephone contact to reconfirm c Check or exclude from delivery to high-risk countries c Verifying IP address with delivery address c Confirmation of order by e-mail c Other (please specify) 6 Does your Company use any other, additional methods and/or systems to reduce chargebacks and fraud?

c Yes c No

Please specify

Additional Terms and Conditions for acceptance through the website: Your Company certifies that it is familiar with, and will comply with, all applicable statutory provisions, particularly with regard to distance selling, and guarantees full compliance with these provisions.

Section 4 Terms and Conditions and signatures Paragraph 4.1 Conditions of Use PaySquare SE, registered with the Dutch Central Bank as being in possession of a licence as a payment institution since 25 May 2010, the Stichting Third Party Fund PaySquare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as ‘Foundation’) and your Company agree as follows: 1. Your Company agrees to PaySquare’s acceptance policy, and is aware that PaySquare may change this policy from time to time. PaySquare’s acceptance policy can be consulted on www.paysquare.nl or www.paysquare.lu/en. 2. If your Company wishes to apply the Account Contract to several URLs or locations and has completed and enclosed the relevant Excel file to that end, your Account Contract applies only to those locations/URLs approved by PaySquare. 3. After screening, PaySquare determines whether or not the agreement will be conclude and, if so: • based on which form(s) of acceptance and • for which indicated location(s) or URL(s). PaySquare reserves the right to amend and/or supplement these conditions. PaySquare also reserves the right to not enter into the agreement either in full or in part without being required to explain its decision or policy in any manner whatsoever. 4. After your Company has signed the contract and after full or partial approval by PaySquare, your Company will receive a copy of your Account Contract signed by PaySquare. If your Company has filled out the contract for several forms of acceptance, PaySquare can determine separately for each form of acceptance whether or not the contract applies. PaySquare can also have the contract for the different forms of acceptance apply on different dates. 5. If the parties include additional provisions to this Account Contract in an attachment, these provisions will form an integral part of your Account Contract, and the attachment will be deemed to form an inextricable part thereof. If your Account Contract, after being extended with additional provisions/terms, is replaced with a new Account Contract, the attachments that formed part of your Account Contract will also be deemed to form part of the new Account Contract. References made in attachments to the ‘Account Contract’ will always refer to your Account Contract applicable at the time of reading, irrespective of the date of signing of the attachment in question, unless, on signing the subsequent Account Contract, the parties expressly agree in writing that any previous attachments are excluded therefrom. 6. Your Company will deliver to PaySquare a minimum of the annual turnover listed in paragraph 2.2 for acceptance through the payment terminal and in paragraph 3.1 for acceptance through the website, as well as delivering to PaySquare the average transactionamount in transactions specified, where the share of corporate cards must not exceed the percentage in credit specified in paragraphs 2.2 and 3.1. 7. If your Company fails to comply with the above conditions, PaySquare will be authorised to adjust the agreed rates retroactively from the effective date of the contract and to increase the agreed commission rates. 8. A minimum commission charge of €4.50 per transaction applies to manual transactions involving sales slips. 9. The PaySquare General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance apply to this Account Contract. By signing your Account Contract, your Company explicitly confirms that it received a copy of the PaySquare General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance in advance and is in agreement with the contents thereof. The PaySquare General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance can also be consulted on www.paysquare.nl. 10. Your Company guarantees that it is in possession of all applicable licences required for the running of its activities, and shall provide copies to PaySquare upon request. Your Company shall inform PaySquare directly in writing of any event or legal decision that may affect his required licences for carrying out his business activities. 11. Your Company has organised its business operations such that the law and other regulations are complied with at all times in all transactions. Your Company is not permitted to facilitate transactions unless a Account Contract has been concluded with PaySquare for this purpose. 12. Your Company explicitly agrees to PaySquare using the data provided by your Company and/or collected by PaySquare in its internal information systems. On this basis, information can also be provided to Card Schemes, or members thereof, and to security and research companies. In processing your personal data, PaySquare complies with all relevant legislationand regulations in the area of privacy protection. 13. The regulations of the Card Schemes are subject to change. PaySquare has no power over such changes. Where necessary, PaySquare will inform your Company of any changes to these relevant regulations. 14. Your Company is aware of the risks in general and, in particular, risks relating to payment with payment cardsthrough the website and knows that this can potentially lead to fraudulent transactions and chargebacks. PaySquare requires that transactions be completed in a 3-D Secure environment in order to minimise the risk of fraud and chargebacks. 15. Transactions completed through your Company’s website may only be completed on a Payment Service Provider (PSP)’s secure payment page. 16. Payment terminal transactions may only be completed using an EMV-certified payment terminal. 17. Your Company is aware of the provisions and regulations that apply to this contract, such as in relation to chargebacks, security, fraud prevention, hacks, data being compromised and other breaches, connected with the processing of transaction and/or card details, as communicated on www.paysquare.nl and through other sources. www.pcisecuritystandards.org. 18. With a certain percentage of chargebacks, your Company pays a contribution per chargeback to PaySquare. This chargeback standard is published at www.paysquare.eu/chargeback. Please note: this standard is subject to change. So make sure to check this standard regularly at www.paysquare.eu/chargeback. 19. MasterCard and Visa establish a maximum number of chargebacks permitted. These chargeback standards are published at www.paysquare.eu/chargeback. If the chargeback standard is exceeded, your Company shall cooperate fully with all measures proposed by PaySquare. Exceedance can result in penalties and fees. Please note: these standards are subject to change. So make sure to check the chargeback standards regularly at www.paysquare.eu/chargeback. 20. Your Company will pay the annual registration fee if the Card Schemes require registration. 21. As an exception to the PaySquare General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance, the account statements for UnionPay and JCB transactions will only be provided to your Company in hardcopy format. 22. The Foundation’s sole purpose is to receive, temporarily manage and transfer funds to your Company and it will not provide any further services under the Connection Agreement. This obligation on the part of the Foundation to your Company is laid down in article 4.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of Card Acceptance. By using the Foundation, all funds received are secured in accordance with Section 3.29a of the Financial Supervision Act [Dutch title: Wet op het financieel toezicht]. No interest will be paid on the funds in the Foundation’s bank account.

Paragraph 4.2 Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) All financial institutions in Europe are legally obliged to identify any ultimate beneficial owner(s) and to verify these owners. This obligation is laid down in the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Dutch acronym: ‘WWFT’). The ultimate beneficial owner is the natural person on whose behalf a business operates. An ultimate beneficial owner is also referred to by many financial institutions as UBO, which stands for Ultimate Beneficial Owner. An ultimate beneficial owner is a natural person who: • has a stake of more than 25% of the capital or share capital of your Company, or • can exercise more than 25% of the voting rights in your Company, or • can exercise effective control within your Company (this refers to a person who is in charge in practice), or • is the beneficiary of more than 25% of the capital of a trust, or • has special controlling rights over 25% of more of your Company’s capital (this refers to an individual with special controlling rights that are established in, for example, the articles of association). If your Company is a partnership (such as a general partnership, limited partnership or non-stock corporation), the ultimate beneficial owner is the natural person who: • is entitled to a share of the partnership of more than 25% in the event of dissolution, or • is entitled to a profit share of more than 25%, or • in decision-making (about fundamental matters concerning the partnership), can exercise more than 25% of votes if the decision requires a majority vote, or • can exercise effective control over the partnership (this refers to a person who is in charge in practice). Fill in the details of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) below. For specific business operations, we may be required by law to request your Company for additional information. Any changes to the details of the Ultimate Beneficiary Owner(s) must be reported to PaySquare within 7 working days. Name Address Postcode Town/City Name Address Postcode Town/City Name Address Postcode Town/City c Your Company has no Ultimate Beneficiary Owner

Date of birth Country Date of birth Country Date of birth Country

Paragraph 4.3 Signatures This Account Contract will replace your account contract dated

* * Complete only if applicable

Your Company, lawfully represented by Signature Name Position Date Town/City Your Company, if limited authorisation to sign Signature Name Position Date Town/City Your Company, if limited authorisation to sign Signature Name Position Date Town/City Your Company, if limited authorisation to sign Signature Name Position Date Town/City Your Company, if limited authorisation to sign Signature Name Position Date Town/City

To be completed by PaySquare Signed for acceptance: c At the payment terminal for the location(s) indicated under 1.1 and any ‘Extra locations’ in the Excel overview. c Via the website for the URL(s) as indicated under 3.4 and any ‘Extra URLs’ in the Excel overview. c By post, phone or fax.

PaySquare SE, lawfully represented by Signature Name Petra Gerla Position CEO PaySquare Date Town/City Utrecht Stichting Third Party Fund PaySquare Foundation *, lawfully represented by Signature Name Floris van Kolfschoten Position Member of the Board Date Town/City Utrecht * This foundation will hold the funds intended for you separately before paying them to you

Paragraph 4.4 Attachments to be added (general) • In the case of the legal forms Vereniging (association), Stichting (foundation) and/or Stichting Administratiekantoor (trust office), the most recent articles of that legal person • Copy (or print screen) of a recent account statement for the bank account number to which PaySquare transfers your payments The account name and number must be clearly legible; amounts can be struck through • Copy of passport of the authorised signatory/signatories, as specified in the articles of association (Belgian/Dutch Chamber of Commerce) • Copies of bank statements from other Card Schemes for the past 3 months (if applicable, paragraph 1.4) • Copies of chargeback statements showing reason codes for the past 3 months (if applicable, paragraph 1.4) • Permit to run a business (if applicable, paragraph 1.2)

Paragraph 4.5 Attachments to be added for E-commerce applications

(supplementary to paragraph 4.4)

Please note: Please complete all sections of your Account Contract and enclose all the required attachments (clearly legible and with clear, high-quality pictures). We require this information in order to process your application and to be able to check whether it complies with the applicable laws, the requirements of the card schemes, and PaySquare’s acceptance policy. You can do this by e-mail to [emailprotected] or by post to: PaySquare SE, Postbus 30508, NL-3503 AH Utrecht, The Netherlands. PaySquare SE, Chamber of Commerce registration no. 30196418

3.1037 01 14

• Copy of your Company’s General TTerms and CConditions • Proof of domain registration and/or ownership for all URLs you use (paragraph 3.4) • Copy of the annual financial statements of the past two years, signed by an auditor, or a copy of the business plan and an overview of the financial expectations for the coming year, prepared by an auditor

[PDF] Account Contract for Card Acceptance - Free Download PDF (2024)


How to create a credit card authorization form? ›

It's simple: A credit card authorization form typically includes the following general information to ensure a smooth transaction process:
  1. Cardholder's name.
  2. Card number.
  3. Card network.
  4. Credit card expiration date.
  5. Billing address.
  6. Contact information.
  7. Authorized amount.
  8. Cardholder's signature.
Jul 17, 2023

What is a letter of authorization for a credit card? ›

A credit card authorization form is a document, signed by a cardholder, that grants a merchant permission to charge their credit card for recurring payments during a period of time as written in that document.

How to accept card payments? ›

If you want to accept credit card payments, you can do it in one of two ways: merchant accounts or payment service providers. A merchant account is an account that you open with a bank to accept credit card payments.

Are credit card authorization forms legal? ›

Credit card authorization forms are a best practice for merchants. While it's not legally required, It is highly recommended to ensure both you and your client are aware of how charges will be processed for future transactions.

What is a credit card authorisation form? ›

A credit card authorization form is a document that customers (or cardholders) fill out to grant businesses the permission to charge their credit card. Credit card authorization forms are more often used for larger purchases (think cars, computers, etc.)

What is an authorization template? ›

The Letter of Authorization template is a formal document that authorizes one party to act on behalf of another party. It specifies the authority granted, the duration of validity, and any special instructions or limitations.

How do I write a sample letter of authorization? ›

Dear [Recipient's name], I, [Your name], hereby authorize [Authorized person's name] to act on my behalf from [Start date] to [End date] in regard to [situation]. This authorization includes the following powers or tasks: Task 1.

How do I give someone permission to use my credit card? ›

The primary cardholder has to add an authorized user. This can be done by calling the credit card issuer or logging onto the online account. Many issuers will issue a second card for the authorized user, but it will generally be mailed to the primary cardholder, who can choose to give it to the authorized user or not.

Can authorization letter be handwritten? ›

Guidelines to Write an Authorization Letter? An authority letter is a formal document that must be typed and neatly signed rather than handwritten in order to have more impact and serve as strong proof. The letter should be written in a formal business tone. Be kind and professional while drafting a business letter.

What are the safest ways to accept payment? ›

Safe online payment methods
  1. 1) Virtual cards. Definition: A virtual card is a type of temporary payment card that, rather than being physically issued as a plastic card, exists exclusively in a digital format. ...
  2. 2) Digital wallets. ...
  3. 3) Prepaid cards. ...
  4. 4) ACH payments. ...
  5. 5) Cryptocurrency transaction.
Jul 2, 2024

How can I accept a credit card payment instantly? ›

Whether you want to accept credit cards or any other payment method online, the easiest solution is to use a payment service provider. Pay.com lets you easily receive payments from all the major credit cards, as well as debit cards, ACH transfers, digital wallets, and more.

How do I accept credit card payments anonymously? ›

The best way to receive money anonymously is by using cryptocurrencies, virtual credit cards, Cash App, Paysafecard, and cash. While the best way to receive money is offline with cash, you can add an extra layer of anonymity to your online payments by using a reputable VPN like NordVPN.

How to make a credit card authorization letter? ›

Your credit card authorization form ought to include the following details: The credit card information like card type, the cardholder's name, the card number, and the card expiry date. The merchant's business information – like name, address and contact number/mail ID.

What is a credit authorization agreement? ›

A credit card authorization form allows a merchant to charge your credit card at a later date.

What is a cardholder consent form? ›

A credit card authorization form is used to obtain permission from a cardholder to charge their credit card for goods or services. This form is typically used in situations where the cardholder is not physically present.

How do I pre authorize my credit card? ›

Perform a credit card pre-authorization if the final Purchase amount is unknown (for example, car rental or hotel stay). From the Main menu, tap Transactions, then Pre-Authorized Transactions, then Pre-authorization. Respond to any security prompts that appear. Key in the amount you want to pre-authorize and tap OK.

Can you email a credit card authorization form? ›

PCI DSS requirement 4.2 states that credit card information must not be captured, transmitted, or stored via email.

Is it safe to fill credit card Authorisation form? ›

Credit card authorisation forms are sensitive documents because they contain crucial information about the person who signs them. You must ensure that the forms you collect are properly encrypted and secured so that they cannot be used for fraudulent purposes.

How do I write an authorization letter to collect a credit card on my behalf? ›

I, [Your Full Name], hereby authorize [Authorized Person's Full Name], with ID number [ID Number of Authorized Person], to receive my credit card on my behalf. Due to [brief explanation of why you cannot receive it yourself], I am unable to personally collect the credit card from [Bank/Institution's Name].

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Views: 5847

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.