Items - More Fishing Rod Concepts (2024)



Official Terrarian
  • Feb 24, 2023
  • #1

Currently there are 11 rods that are all very similar. Also ALL of them can be obtained in pre hardmode leaving no hardmode fishing progression at all. So in addition to my already posted fishing ideas: Hell Bait should not allow Lava fishing/Useful Hotline Rod and Better Biome/Critter Fishing:

I think there should be more fishing rods, perhaps even Multi Line rods. I think prehardmode is pretty fleshed out so here are a few concepts for hardmode rods I came up with:

Candy Cane Rod: 25% but has a chance to fish up present loot any time of the year in a snow biome. Purchased from Santa Claus.
Spider Rod: 10%* but throws SIX lines at once (so can catch UP to 6 in one cast but should probably have a chance not to resulting in average drops of 3-5 overall even if you have the high test line. This chance would also extend to all other multi-lined rods). Crafted with spider fangs.
Titanium/Adamantium Rod: 50% fishing power. Provides an alternative in case you do not wish to grind for the golden rod.
Hallowed Rod: 55% with bonus fishing power in the hallow. Crafted with hallowed bars (and thus would be post mech) and a unicorn horn.
Chlorophyte Rod: 40%* but throws two lines at once. Bonus fishing power in the jungle.
Lhizard Rod: 60% with bonus fishing power during solar eclipses. Probably crafted with tablet fragments but could be a golem drop too.
Spectre Rod: 65% with bonus fishing power in the dungeon to help players realize they can do that for unique drops.
Shroomite Rod: 66% with bonus fishing power in the glowing mushroom. Looks mechanical, and the line can never snap.
Party Girl's Rod: 69% but only fishes up sparkle slime balloons.
Duke's Fishrod: 55%* but throws two lines at once. Bonus fishing power in the ocean. Dropped from Fishron of course.
Prismantic Rod: 70% and bonus fishing power at night. Dropped from Empress of Light.
Old One's Rod: 65%* and throws three lines at once. Dropped from Betsy.
Luminite Rod: an endgame fishing rod that now throws FOUR lines at once at 75% fishing power. Bonus fishing power during the solar events. Crafted with the golden rod (requiring you to do the quests) and luminite.

Also as I mentioned in the suggestion above, the fisher of souls and fleshcatcher should have a bonus in their respective biomes (like the hallowed rod I mentioned here).

For more bait concepts, check out my post here: More Fishing Bait Concepts
And for other fishing items, check out my post here: More Fishing Items (Armor/weapons)

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The Axe
  • Feb 24, 2023
  • #2

I like it, but I do have one concern. Would Duke Fishrod and the Luminite Rod allow multiple summonings of Duke Fishron? Because multiple lines could potentially summon multiple, and that could result in accidentally doing that with the intent to summon only one



Official Terrarian
  • Feb 24, 2023
  • #3

Impostor said:

I like it, but I do have one concern. Would Duke Fishrod and the Luminite Rod allow multiple summonings of Duke Fishron? Because multiple lines could potentially summon multiple, and that could result in accidentally doing that with the intent to summon only one

No, with rods that cast multiple lines, it would still only consume one bait at a time (meaning only one fishron at a time). They can just catch multiple regular drops (fish/junk) based on your fishing power. In the case of catching fishron/a blood moon enemy, you would get only that and no regular drops on that cast

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Russ Guss Doodles

The Axe
  • Mar 29, 2023
  • #5

stripytiger64 said:

is old ones rod from old ones army?If its from a crossover event then the rod should be in the other game too right?

Sadly there are no fishing rods in DDII (as far as I can tell after a google search). An Empress of Light Rod that has a fishing power boost at night would probably be a better choice then an Old Ones Army Rod since no one likes the event. It could be called something like the Prismatic Lace Line or Midnight Rainbow Rod.

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Official Terrarian
  • Mar 29, 2023
  • #6

Russ_Guss_Doodles said:

Sadly there are no fishing rods in DDII (as far as I can tell after a google search). An Empress of Light Rod that has a fishing power boost at night would probably be a better choice then an Old Ones Army Rod since no one likes the event. It could be called something like the Prismatic Lace Line or Midnight Rainbow Rod.

Hope you dont mind if I steal that..


Official Terrarian
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • #8

Personally, those situational biome rods feel kinda meh to me, but maybe that's because I don't like fishing in the first place, and if I'm in the mood to go fishing at all I'm probably gonna stick with the one with highest base power I have access to at that moment instead of min-maxing it too much.

But because of that same reason, I find the multiple fishing lines thing super appealing. I'm sold on anything that make fishing less tedious. So, in addition to that, having something like Chrolophyte rod being the middly progression of the multiple lines rods in between Spider and Duke would be nice. Maybe 30-40% power with 3-4 lines?
And then you can move the jungle bonus to fiberglass rod instead, make it be in line with the corruption and crimson rods that you gonna also add biome bonus to.

On somewhat related note, how about some upgrade options on blood moon fishing?

Aceplante said:

Spectre Rod: 65% but increased power in the dungeon to help players realize they can do that for unique drops

I also like this hinting idea.

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Official Terrarian
  • Mar 31, 2023
  • #9

Talerax said:

But because of that same reason, I find the multiple fishing lines thing super appealing. I'm sold on anything that make fishing less tedious. So, in addition to that, having something like Chrolophyte rod being the middly progression of the multiple lines rods in between Spider and Duke would be nice. Maybe 30-40% power with 3-4 lines?

On somewhat related note, how about some upgrade options on blood moon fishing?

Thanks for the feedback. Completely agree!


  • Sep 24, 2023
  • #10

I have to disagree with the addition of these rods for these reasons:

  1. Fishing rods with multiple lines would simply speed up the process of gathering loot, and they would always be preferred even with the loss of some fishing power.'
  2. It would also make fishing feel more stressful rather than relaxing, as you would have to keep track of multiple lines and catches.
  3. Using multiple lines alongside the sonar potions would be confusing, as you would be spammed with text.
  4. Having fishing rods that are just straight up better than the Golden Fishing Rod feels strange, as you would think that you would know how to design better fishing rods by learning about fishing, rather than simply using harder, more robust materials.

However, I do like the idea of making fishing rods more unique and potentially giving them unique bonuses, such as biome bonuses. I appreciate this for the same reason I like your idea of giving bait different bonuses as well. It adds some tactical choices and just makes sense that different types of fishing methods would be preferred in different environments.

Big Sammich

Duke Fishron
  • Sep 24, 2023
  • #11

I agree with everything Olle said. Multi-line fishing is a can of worms (lol), but biome bonuses are a good idea.


Official Terrarian
  • Sep 25, 2023
  • #12

huh, I kinda just assumed that multi-line fishing would just mean they catch fish at the same time, if they are independent lines then that would be nightmare.

I'm no expert on fishing min-maxing, would fishing power have really that little effect that multi-line always gonna be the prefer option? I thought it would be more like fishing for potion ingredients vs for crates.



Official Terrarian
  • Sep 25, 2023
  • #13

Talerax said:

huh, I kinda just assumed that multi-line fishing would just mean they catch fish at the same time, if they are independent lines then that would be nightmare.

I'm no expert on fishing min-maxing, would fishing power have really that little effect that multi-line always gonna be the prefer option? I thought it would be more like fishing for potion ingredients vs for crates.

Yea they would all cast and reel at the same time. And if it is, we can lower the power of those multiline rods even more

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  • Sep 25, 2023
  • #14

I think most of these seem pretty cool, good ideas.

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Items - More Fishing Rod Concepts (2024)


Are more rod guides better? ›

The number of guides on a fishing rod can significantly influence its performance. It can affect the rod's action, casting distance, sensitivity, and its ability to handle the pressure of a hooked fish.

What is the 13 Fishing Oops program? ›

If your rod broke because of material, or craftsmanship it will be replaced quickly and at no charge other than the return shipping to 13 Fishing. If we determine it broke by abuse or misuse, we will contact you and offer you a replacement under our Oops Replacement Program.

Is 13 Fishing owned by Rapala? ›

Rapala VMC Corporation has bought James Coble's remaining 40% shareholding of DQC International, the owner of the 13 Fishing rod and reel brand. “We have now come full circle and Rapala will enter full-time into the U.S. rod and reel market,” said Lars Ollberg, President and CEO of Rapala VMC Corporation.

What is 13 Fishing? ›

13 Fishing is one of the fastest growing brands in the fishing industry today. With a relentless drive to innovate and push the limits of design, engineering and materials, this young company makes high performance rods, reels, baits and other angling gear for those unwilling to compromise on and off the water.

How many guides are on a 7ft rod? ›

The current rule of thumb is to have one guide for every foot of overall length plus one more (eight guides on a seven foot rod).

What makes an expensive fishing rod better? ›

Extra sensitivity

An expensive rod is much more enjoyable to wield and use on the water because it lets you feel the slightest hint of a bite. It means more chances of landing fish and fewer chances of missing bites.

What is the flirty fishing policy? ›

Flirty Fishing was a subset of The Family's love bombing activities and involved the use of sexual attraction and intercourse to win converts and favors. Female members were told to be "God's whor*s" and "hookers for Jesus", and soon after its launch as a method of witnessing, sex was given to complete strangers in ...

What is the fishing program with Paul Whitehouse? ›

Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing is a factual entertainment television show featuring friends Bob Mortimer and Paul Whitehouse, both comedians.

Who started 13 Fishing? ›

James Coble is the founder of 13 Fishing.

Did 13 Fishing sell out? ›

Rapala VMC Corporation has bought James Coble's remaining 40 per cent shareholding of DQC International, the owner of the 13 Fishing rod and reel brand. Rapala VMC president and CEO Lars Ollberg explained: “We have now come full circle and Rapala will enter full-time into the US rod and reel market.

Is 13 Fishing an American company? ›

US based fishing gear manufacturer 13 fishing, owned by Rapala VMC outside the US, makes a strong entry to the European market.

Who is the CEO of 13 Fishing? ›

Jim Coble, successful entrepreneur and CEO of 13 Fishing, was an interesting addition to the morning talk radio show, That Business Show.

Where is 13 Fishing headquarters? ›

Where is 13 Fishing 's headquarters? 13 Fishing is located in Clearwater, Florida, United States .

What is the rule of 120 fishing? ›

The Rule of 120

Gene's Rule of 120 is this: If the combination of the air and water temperature is 120 or less, “you need to take precautions so you don't die.” It sounds dramatic, but kayak anglers die of exposure every year when fishing in cold weather.

What is illegal fishing called? ›

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a broad term that captures a wide variety of fishing activity. IUU fishing is found in all types and dimensions of fisheries; it occurs both on the high seas and in areas within national jurisdiction.

Why use micro guides on rods? ›

Basically, micro guides improve casting by keeping the line tight between guides and away from the blank, reducing the overall amount of rubbing as the line travels down and out of the rod.

Do heavier rods cast further? ›

Yes, regardless of of how well one can cast... the heavier weight-class outfit will likely cast further. Also a longer rod will cast the same line further than a shorter rod. A 13.5 7/8 -vs- 15' 7/8. A longer line will cast further too - only up to the point where your skill will require a longer rod.

Which rod gives the highest accuracy for fishing? ›

A casting rod with a baitcaster reel is on many occasions more precise and accurate in its casting, control, and ability to fight your fish than spinning reel.

Is it better to have a longer fishing rod? ›

Longer rods also give you more leverage on the hook set, as they take up more line while swinging. If you're looking for more leverage, or distance on the cast, try going to a longer rod. If you're fishing tight cover like docks and brush, try a shorter rod.

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