Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (2024)

Last updated on May 18, 2024 at 00:00by Abide

Grim Batol is a sprawling fortress nestled between Wetlands and the TwilightHighlands, has been inhabited by Twilight's Hammer cultists and their draconicallies.


Grim Batol Entrance Location

Grim Batol is found on the Western edge of Twilight Highlands. Follow theroad that leads from Wetlands around the mountain and you will find the entranceto the dungeon.


Overview of Bosses in Grim Batol

Here we will give you a full rundown of what you can expect from each of thebosses found here on both Normal and Heroic difficulties as well as the itemsthey drop.


General Umbriss

  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (3) Bleeding Wound
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (4) Blitz
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (5) Ground Siege
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (6) Frenzy
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (7) Summon Skardyn
    • Malignant Trogg
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (8) Modgud's Malice
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (9) Modgud's Malady
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (10) Claw Puncture
    • Trogg Dweller
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (11) Claw Puncture

General Umbriss can be a difficult fight that players may often wantto skip on heroic difficulty. He will bleed the tank withGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (12) Bleeding Wound, which requires the player to be healed above90% health to remmove the debuff. General Umbriss will target thelocation of a random player and begin to charge there after a short timer,dealing deadly damage to anyone on the path or at the location; quickly moveaway from the targeted location and be sure not to be in his charge path. Hewill also frequently target a nearby enemy with Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (13) Ground Siege,dealing very high Physical damage and stunning anyone in the area.

The main theme of the fight though is the Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (14) Summon Skardyn abilityGeneral Umbriss uses to summon 1 Malignant Trogg and3 Trogg Dwellers. While the Trogg Dwellers can simplybe killed without worry, the Malignant Trogg must not die whilenear General Umbriss. When the Malignant Trogg dies, itcasts Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (15) Modgud's Malice on all nearby targets; ifGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (16) Modgud's Malice hits a Trogg Dweller, it willturn them into a Malignant Trogg. If Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (17) Modgud's Malicehits General Umbriss, it will increase his damage done by 100%,stacking each time. Because of this, it's important to either crowd controlthe Malignant Trogg for the entire fight, or kill it by itselfon the side. Do not mindlessly AoE the trolls or you will likely wipe.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (18) Cursed Skardyn Vest83Leather Chest
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (19) Modgud's Blade83Main-Hand Dagger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (20) Skardyn's Grace83Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (21) Umbriss Band83Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (22) Wildhammer Riding Helm83Mail Head


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (23) Cursed Skardyn Vest85Leather Chest
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (24) Modgud's Blade85Main-Hand Dagger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (25) Skardyn's Grace85Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (26) Umbriss Band85Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (27) Wildhammer Riding Helm85Mail Head


Forgemaster Throngus

  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (29) Mighty Stomp
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (30) Cave In
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (31) Pick Weapon
    • Shield Abilities
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (32) Personal Phalanx
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (33) Flaming Arrow
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (34) Flaming Shield

    • Swords Abilities
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (35) Dual Blades
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (36) Thrash
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (37) Disorienting Roar
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (38) Burning Flames

    • Mace Abilities
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (39) Encumbered
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (40) Impaling Slam
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (41) Lava Patch

Forgemaster Throngus will frequently Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (42) Mighty Stomp theground, causing a Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (43) Cave In on top of a random player. He will alsochange his fighting style periodically throughout the fight, usingGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (44) Pick Weapon to change his weapon and abilities. WhenForgemaster Throngus has Swords equipped he will attack quickly, debuffthe tank with Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (45) Burning Flames stacks, and sometimesGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (46) Thrash for extra damage.

With the Shield equipped, Forgemaster Throngus will point his shieldin a random direction with Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (47) Personal Phalanx, reducing all incomingdamage from that direction by 99% and dealing damage to enemies in frontof him with Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (48) Burning Flames. With the Mace equipped,Forgemaster Throngus should be kited as he will deal 200%increased damage, but move 70% slower. He will jump to a random target,stunning them and dealing damage over 5 seconds. Lastly he will leaveGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (49) Lava Patchs on the ground wherever he walks, dealing Fire damage toanyone who passes through these pools.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (50) Belt of the Forgemaster83Plate Waist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (51) Dark Iron Chain Boots83Mail Feet
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (52) Ring of Dun Algaz83Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (53) Throngus's Finger83Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (54) Wand of Untainted Power83Wand


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (55) Belt of the Forgemaster85Plate Waist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (56) Dark Iron Chain Boots85Mail Feet
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (57) Ring of Dun Algaz85Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (58) Throngus's Finger85Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (59) Wand of Untainted Power85Wand


Drahga Shadowburner and Valiona

  • Drahga Shadowburner
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (61) Burning Shadowbolt
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (62) Invocation of Flame
    • Invoked Flaming Spirit
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (63) Supernova
  • Valiona
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (64) Devouring Flames
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (65) Shredding Swipe
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (66) Seeping Twilight

This fight has two parts, one you will be fighting Drahga Shadowburner,and another you will be fighting Valiona. Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (67) Invocation of Flamewill mark a random place on the ground with fire, summoning aInvoked Flaming Spirit from the spot after 5 seconds, which willfixate on a random player and move towards them rapidly. ThisInvoked Flaming Spirit must be quickly focused down, using anyslows and stuns available to prevent it from reaching and kills its target. WhenDrahga Shadowburner reaches 25% health, he will run away andmount Valiona, starting the second part of this encounter.

Valiona will frequently use Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (68) Shredding Swipe, damagingall enemies in front of her. She will also summon damaging Shadow pools withGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (69) Seeping Twilight on random targets, requiring players to quicklymove away from them. The most dangerous ability Valiona has isGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (70) Devouring Flames, which she will cast in a random direction,severely damaging all enemies in front of her every second. You must be ready toquickly move behind her during this cast or you will likely die.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (71) Azureborne Cloak83Back
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (72) Crimsonborne Bracers83Cloth Wrist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (73) Earthshape Pauldrons83Plate Shoulder
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (74) Red Scale Boots83Mail Feet
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (75) Windwalker Blade83One-Hand Dagger


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (76) Azureborne Cloak85Back
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (77) Crimsonborne Bracers85Cloth Wrist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (78) Earthshape Pauldrons85Plate Shoulder
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (79) Red Scale Boots85Mail Feet
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (80) Windwalker Blade85One-Hand Dagger



  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (82) Binding Shadows
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (83) Enfeebling Blow
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (84) Feeble Body
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (85) Shadow Gale
  • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (86) Shield of Nightmares
  • Faceless Corruptor
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (87) Umbral Mending
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (88) Siphon Essence
    • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (89) Twilight Corruption
      • Twilight Hatchling
      • Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (90) Twilight Blast

Erudax will launch massive projectiles from Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (91) Binding Shadowsat players, stealing life and rooting enemies hit for 8 seconds. He will alsoknock the tank back with Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (92) Feeble Body and increase their damagetaken by 200% for 5 seconds; be sure to wait for this debuff to expirebefore running back in. Periodically throughout the fight Erudax willcast Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (93) Shadow Gale, covering the entire room in shadow except fora the center of the "storm". Quickly run into the safe spot as thedamage from Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (94) Shadow Gale quickly increases, causing you to die ifyou stay in it for too long.

When Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (95) Shadow Gale ends 2 Faceless Corruptorswill spawn at the entrance of the room and quickly move towards thenearby Alexstrasza's Eggs, casting Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (96) Twilight Corruption onthe eggs. If this cast completes, the egg will break and hatch 2Twilight Hatchlings, which will attack random players withGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (97) Twilight Blast. After breaking a Alexstrasza's Egg, theFaceless Corruptors will then try to heal Erudax withGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (98) Umbral Mending, restoring 20% of his max health per cast.Use any available slows on the Faceless Corruptors to prevent themfrom reaching the eggs as quickly while you burn them down as soon as possible;if they do destroy an egg, be sure to interrupt the Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (99) Umbral Mendingto prevent them from full healing the boss. Lastly, Erudax willsometimes buff the Faceless Corruptors withGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (100) Shield of Nightmares, causing them to deal high AoE Shadow damageto all players whenever they are attacked with the buff active; simply wait thisbuff out or dispel it before re-engaging them.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (101) Bracers of Umbral Mending83Plate Wrist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (102) Circle of Bone83Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (103) Corrupted Egg Shell83Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (104) Crown of Enfeebled Bodies83Cloth Head
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (105) Gale of Shadows83Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (106) Mace of Transformed Bone83One-Hand Mace
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (107) Mark of Khardros83Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (108) Staff of Siphoned Essences83Staff
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (109) Vest of Misshapen Hides83Leather Chest
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (110) Wild Hammer83Two-Hand Mace


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (111) Bracers of Umbral Mending85Plate Wrist
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (112) Circle of Bone85Finger
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (113) Corrupted Egg Shell85Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (114) Crown of Enfeebled Bodies85Cloth Head
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (115) Gale of Shadows85Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (116) Mace of Transformed Bone85One-Hand Mace
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (117) Mark of Khardros85Trinket
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (118) Staff of Siphoned Essences85Staff
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (119) Vest of Misshapen Hides85Leather Chest
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (120) Wild Hammer85Two-Hand Mace


Grim Batol Quests

Starting in Cataclysm, dungeon quests are found directly inside the dungeonand have no quest chains required. This means you can simply queue up for thedungeon and grab all of the available quests inside without needing to completelong-winded, complicated quest chains! The following quests are found inside thedungeon:

  1. Closing a Dark Chapter
  2. Soften them Up
  3. Kill the Courier

In addition to the dungeon quests, there is also a dailyGrim Batol Dungeon Guide (121) Archaeology quest youcan do inside, granting your group a temporary buff while inside the dungeon.

  1. Vengeance of the Wildhammer


Grim Batol Achievements in Cataclysm

Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (122) Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an OmeletDefeat Erudax without letting a Faceless Corruptor begin to castTwilight Corruption on any of Alexstrasza's Eggs in Grim Batol on HeroicDifficulty.
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (123) Umbrage for UmbrissDefeat General Umbriss while he is affected with Modgud's Malice in GrimBatol on Heroic Difficulty.
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (124) Grim BatolDefeat Erudax in Grim Batol.
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (125) Heroic: Grim BatolDefeat Erudax in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.
Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (126) Heroic: Grim Batol Guild RunDefeat Erudax in Grim Batol on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.



  • 20 May 2024: Added page.

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Grim Batol Dungeon Guide (2024)
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