EYES OF WAKANDA Will Be Set In The MCU And Revolve Around [SPOILER]; New Details On SPIDER-MAN's Next Series (2024)


kazuma -5/19/2024,12:16 PM

I have zero interest in ANOTHER High School Peter story.

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Origame -5/19/2024,1:01 PM

@kazuma - I just think it's funny this show is basically "what if mcu Spiderman were comic accurate"

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ObserverIO -5/19/2024,3:30 PM

@kazuma - I do if they actually get it right this time. Looking after his aunt and being broke sounds promising, but then he says they've "Built this ensemble of characters around Peter that you fall in love with."

Like just use the characters and storylines from the comics. How about the Flash/Liz/Peter/Betty drama?

You can't go wrong if you copy and paste Stan and Steve's work.

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The1st -5/20/2024,7:36 AM

@kazuma - The only character w/next to no character growth (or constantly being rolled back when there is), but still beloved. What's wrong w/Pete being married, having kids...having his ish together?

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Slotherin -5/20/2024,9:28 AM

@ObserverIO - honestly they might as well renew Spectacular Spider-Man

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Slotherin -5/20/2024,9:30 AM

@The1st - Only character seems like a stretch, but yeah, them taking away Peter's well-earned future and rehashing his past status is annoying.
It seems fairly unanimous that most fans want to see the growth for Peter.

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The1st -5/20/2024,12:22 PM

@Slotherin - Yes, I guess his is just the most egregious imo.

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RegularPoochie -5/20/2024,2:57 PM

@kazuma - k, this is just made for new people mostly just to see the story, but you can always cry yourself to sleep about it.

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kazuma -5/20/2024,4:50 PM

@RegularPoochie - I see you've never had a conversation in your life.

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Slotherin -5/20/2024,5:22 PM

@The1st - fair nuff

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ProfessorWhy -5/19/2024,12:21 PM

I hope we finally get classic Spidey, almost completely alone against insurmountable odds for zero recompense except for living up to himself. I miss that Spidey

Slotherin -5/20/2024,9:33 AM

@ProfessorWhy - I want this but I'm okay with the occasional team up.

Basically just give me Spectacular Spider-Man continued... They wanted to eventually brint in guest characters but the focus still would have been Spider-Man doing it on his own.

I'm glad the MCU Spider-Man has still fought his battles alone in his first two outings but there's been too much teaming aside from that and especially in things like the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon

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TheVisionary25 -5/19/2024,12:21 PM

Fans when they hear about Peter being completely broke…

EYES OF WAKANDA Will Be Set In The MCU And Revolve Around [SPOILER]; New Details On SPIDER-MAN's Next Series (14)

Kidding aside , sounds good and looking forward to checking both out!!.

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TheManWithoutFear -5/19/2024,12:26 PM

Spider-Man sounds really great. I'm looking forward to that. I love the tone of the Lee/Ditko books.

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bobevanz -5/19/2024,12:28 PM

I don't want Spider-Man: Freshman Year after seeing the TAS Spidey in '97. Just give me both please!

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StSteven -5/19/2024,3:29 PM

@bobevanz - Given the extreme popularity and success of "X-Men '97" I have a pretty good feeling that "Spider-Man '98" is probably in going to be in the works sooner vs. later. You could even say that my... Spidey Sense is tingling 😜.

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CaptainFlapjaks -5/19/2024,6:59 PM

@StSteven - hell he could be a recurring presence in season 2 of xmen given how big of a role xmen played in one of the integral arcs of spiderman 94

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AvalonX -5/19/2024,12:29 PM

Eyes of Wakanda. Its like they sit around and go, hey, what kind of series can we make that people won't watch?

Just recast T'Challa already.

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PatientXero -5/19/2024,12:32 PM

@AvalonX - They should have done that after Bozeman’s passing. I believe his brother said Chadwick would have wanted that. But Marvel’s gotta jump on any and all opportunities to be inclusive and diverse. Thats a huge reason Wakanda Forever sucked.

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,12:54 PM

@AvalonX - *Its like they sit around and go, hey, what kind of series can we make that racist, incel trash won't watch?

Had to correct you there, as this is a spin off of a $2 billion franchise, so obviously normal people are going to watch. The rest don’t matter.

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soleavenger -5/19/2024,12:58 PM

@FireandBlood - So tired of the racists.

FireandBlood -5/19/2024,1:11 PM

@soleavenger - [frick] ‘em. They’ve lost this fight, and they know it.

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PapaBear562 -5/19/2024,1:15 PM

@PatientXero - You are correct. His brother was quoted as saying that. Marvel destroyed the BP franchise by not doing that.

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marvel72 -5/19/2024,1:35 PM

@FireandBlood - How is recast T"Challa racist?

Its what @AvalonX said.

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Tonic24k -5/19/2024,1:47 PM

@PatientXero - Wakanda Forever didn't suck by ANY means... and bitching about inclusion and diversity always sounds ignorant. I really think some of y'all bitch just to bitch and forget it makes you look whiney.

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Tonic24k -5/19/2024,1:49 PM

@AvalonX - You didn't think at all before you spoke, did you? There is PLENTY of story to be told with a project like this. And the BP films have been very successful...so why tf would they not explore more of that aspect of Marvel lore?...

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DarthAlgar -5/19/2024,1:49 PM

@FireandBlood - So basically [frick] yourself?

I mean come on, everybody knows your an overly sensitive textbook racist on here.

So I'm kind of scratching my head on this statement. 🤔

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,1:52 PM

@DarthAlgar - Racist towards who? My own people? I’m half white, dickwad. You guys can’t just uno-reverse card sh*t like that’s how it works 😂

Difference between me, everyone normal and then supremacy driven [foo foo]s like you is, we’ll call it out, while you’ll only kick up a stink when the narrative isn’t driven to serve you.

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,1:56 PM

@Tonic24k - These are the same guys that tried to review bomb Black Panther with T’Challa in it and remain firm to this day that the movie wasn’t that good, didn’t deserve the praise and certainly didn’t deserve the accolades. There issue isn’t the lack of T’Challa, it’s the fact Marvel managed to propel the character and his world to premier status in the first place.

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Odekahn -5/19/2024,2:25 PM

@FireandBlood - yeah… being half white doesn’t make white people “your people”. I’d be willing to bet anything that you don’t look even remotely white. 🤷🏻

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,2:33 PM

@Odekahn - Ahh, there it is. The drop in the ocean rule. Didn’t take long at all.

Take note, folks.This is the usual reaction us mixed folks get from white people. Meanwhile 9/10, black culture fully embraces us.

Anyway, my white side is Irish. You lot didn’t like them either, and they didn’t even have to have a different hue. Forever hateful. And you’re right, I don’t look white. My complexion is sun kissed gold 😎

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Arthorious -5/19/2024,3:15 PM

@AvalonX - I wish too that they recast Black Panther. T’Challa has a lot more good stories under his belt.

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AvalonX -5/19/2024,3:19 PM

@soleavenger - go cry somewhere in the corner. FN stupid excuse. How the F can it be racist to say recast T'challa? Why is it racist to say a series without the lead character probably won't be watched on a network that is struggling to get people to watch anything? I mean, at least think before you type.

@FireandBlood - you keep believing what you want while these movies and shows continue to bomb. I'll see you in the Acolyte comments when it bombs and you blame your bogeyman "incels." You're soooo boring. At least make it interesting. Incels is so 2022.

You're a outright racist and everyone on the board knows it. lol, lost the fight. As if some white executive at blackrock, vanguard or disney. You do know that right? They are all white, and you are just dancing on the strings like the puppet you are.


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AvalonX -5/19/2024,3:23 PM

@Tonic24k - I didn't think? You don't think at all along with the fireanddouche idiot.

The network is struggling. The Marvel franchise had one movie that actually made money in 2023. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of stories to tell. That doesn't mean people are going to watch it. Thats the point. Thats what I said.

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AvalonX -5/19/2024,3:26 PM

@marvel72 - I swear they are so tied to this religion, they can't even make a legit argument anymore. Its nice someone actually read what I wrote.

Also not for nothing but BP and Wakanda have been represented in at least 5 movies, Falcon and WS and What If? yes these idiots are still saying there is a representation problem?

Did having poc impact those movies box office? No. Because no one but these idiots care about any of it.

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,3:29 PM

@AvalonX - They’re white, sure. But you hate non-white males. That’s the difference. The fact they’re don’t, is what’s got you so mad in the first place. There was a time when they put white males above all else in nerd culture, but things are different now and there’s no going back now, so get used to it.

You can either let go of this generational hate you’ve been subjected to and continue to perpetuate, or continue to live out your miserable existence while the rest of us appreciate the many different benefits a multitude of cultures brings to our entertainment.

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AvalonX -5/19/2024,3:31 PM

@FireandBlood - oh I get it now. You are one confused F'er. Identity problems huh? Have no friends so it must be the mix race.

Well, my kids are mixed race too but instead of winghing on the internet. My kid goes out and smashes chicks and doesn't hate people who don't look exactly like him. Go find a hero. No one cares.

You are a total racist. I don't care how FN Irish you are. You actively position your arguments around skin color. That is R A C I S T. HaHaHaHa

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Odekahn -5/19/2024,3:36 PM

@FireandBlood - the usual reaction you get from “white people” or “your people”? Can’t have it both ways.

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FireandBlood -5/19/2024,3:36 PM

@AvalonX - You guys really feel hook and sinker for that one, huh? “Confused”. A classic racially derogatory term used against mixed people. Keep on going, go on…

“My kid goes out and smashes chicks and doesn't hate people who don't look exactly like him.”

Wait, wait, wait… are you really bragging about your “kids” sex life? On the internet, to a bunch of strangers? Well now, that’s some real disturbing behaviour. I’m almost hoping that you’re fabricating this existence of a child here because otherwise, yeah. That’s weird, in a very creepy, unhealthy, maybe someone should keep an eye on you, kind of way.

Here’s the thing. You’re calling me racist, yet you’re here consistently and constantly complaining about any lick of diversity in this projects. The proof is in the pudding there, son. I’m all the way here for it all, while you’re not here for any of it unless it’s white and male, in that order. It’s fairly obvious and has always been who the racist here is. 🫵🏽

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AvalonX -5/19/2024,3:38 PM

@FireandBlood - Once again. You're an idiot. You're tired. Very few people on this board think so linear as you do. You don't actual read my posts or are too stupid to understand them.

Er white males, nerd culture, er incel.

If the rest of you were really appreciating this quality work, the movies and shows wouldn't be failing. Its not even recently failing. Now the stupid woke infused games are failing too. People are sick of bad writing, poorly produced, and message filled, current day bullsh*t.

You're right, there is no going back. The white people who run this game have ruined these franchises. Thats right, read it again. Its all the white people you hate pulling the strings you puppet. Iger made almost double in 2023 compared to 2022 in a year when almost everything Disney put out failed.

Keep lining his pockets you tool.

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EYES OF WAKANDA Will Be Set In The MCU And Revolve Around [SPOILER]; New Details On SPIDER-MAN's Next Series (2024)
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