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Acton Free Press
May 1, 1958, Page 6
Acton, Ontario, CA
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Anniston Star (Newspaper) - April 29, 1943, Anniston, AlabamaPage nine the Anniston Star thursday april 29, 1943. Bootlegging booms in Ohio a s Drys cheer liquor shortage by Nea Seh Vuk e Cleveland o. April 29, that social phenomenon of the depression ears the breadline now has a new and curious count or part in the state of Ohio at least. Its the liquor line. Ohio Rich in War contracts is the most Domi at Eccl a Tate in hic Union where ardent spirits Are concerned strangers Are bewildered by the Sicht of lines two and three blocks Long waiting patiently no matter How grim the weather for the privilege of buying a bottle. They wonder too. How it happens that so Many people in the lines look like derelict patrons of a soup Kitchen. The answer is that they re stooges or substitutes who Are paid commissions which make their Long in it Worth w Hile. A if you or our representative get in line Early say at to a. Rn., a quart of whiskey will be passed the counter to you when the # store opens at i of clock the thirtieth customer in line behind you 5 probably will have to be Conter. With a i if the. The less thirsty or less enterprising at the end of the line will Hae to Settle for a pint. The shelves often Ai not Are a swept clean within to o or three i hours. Then the no liquor sign goes up. Stores Lifave been ordered however to remain open until 7 p. In and to spread their wares thin to accommodate customers who can to take time off during their afternoon business hours. Shied next week they gave their lives you lend you Money Over 200 pupils will participate in has festival patient patrons of a state liquor store in c Leveland Are pictured above As they waited to buy what they could of the monthly Supply. The Chart below shows the comparative allotments per accredited person in five states and Canada and the Small portion which ohioans probably will get. P there Are plenty of Dodges unique ways to get around Hie un-1 official rationing of a bottle per customer in one instance a Large and chauffeured Sedan Drew up at the curb before a Cleveland liquor store five bums took their places m line got their bottles returned them to the car then went on their Way by foot probably compensated a with the Price of a few drinks until authorities clamped Down on the Quot Back door Meak Selling scheme exposed by newspaper Pho monthly liquor rations the music department of the City school system win present Over 200 pupils in a musical festival next wednesday night at Anniston High school auditorium the Anniston High school band the Junior band the High school mixed chorus and the Junior High school glee club will participate in the program. A half hour program of Poplar music will be presented before the music festival program begins. This will be by the rhythm Aires orchestra made up of Anniston High school musicians. The glee club and the mixed chorus under the direction of miss Mary Ruth Lewis will Render a number of favorite vocal selections including several solos. The Anniston High school bands part of the program will consist mainly of overtures marches and Novelty numbers. Both the opening and closing numbers of the program will be by this band which is directed by l. P. Jackson. The Junior band under the direction of mrs. Litha Kilgore will include Novelty numbers marches and solos. O Washington _ 24 pint a Iowa 8 Pinta Utah 8 Pinta Canada 8 Pinta North Carolina 4 Pinta Virginia 4 Pinta Ohio proposed i pint japanese expansion checked says King tour Aphis who caught the culprits legging and which Promise to de hoped to i Pel the spectre of pro in the act. Whiskey was sold by the4velop into the real thing Are eve it Hibi Tion. A fisc to private individuals and proprietors of taverns. Tile natural question is How come Why is Ohio so poor in liquor that practices Akin to Boot cry where prevent much of the i a my 1mll.vw>. Elk few it it Marine menace. A rationed state in the coun blame is Laid on governor John Vav. I Ryan j that goes for the six other new York. April 29. Impi Admiral Ernest j. King commander in chief of the United states Fleet says the expansion of japanese farces in the Pacific has been checked and that he believes the Aubin the Atlantic should be under control within the next four to six months. Speaking last at a dinner Bricker a Republican presidential j states which have rationing today. _ Hope for 1943. Critics claim he one pint per month or about two Sprunk of the United states Chain lacked the foresight to buy when j teaspoonful per Day is til prob of Carat nerve King said he had Hie Chance. Other Quot open j Able allotment in 0ecenib�i of Lei we were states bought huge quantities on i the Man with a thirst will find aim Ehen Sivey Bouvine jut Flarv due Little Lucerne in the Beer parlor amp nope Wurm re Mhz a a or Miaow. Parti auary u he favors him Cautere Tew be in straight Rye. A Blem Letl Bour w about that Ion. Many Taverna dont have a now. The est naion of the forces a Beeh there was evidence. Admiral King said a that Abe japanese Ara badly a pinched for ships ask for a a Coffee. Get the most possible for your Coffee ration Coupon join the thousands of women. Who know that Aap Coffee gives them finer fresher flavor. Don t forget the experts Aho select America s favorite Coffee report that no Coffee can give you More Good cups per Pound than act Coffee. Aap Coffie is custom ground you buy Aap Coffee with All the flavor sealed in the bean. Then it is custom ground to the exact fineness for your own Coffee maker. Buy Aap Coffee. There s no better Coffee at any Price. last year. This year distillers allow about half of 1942 purchases. Ohio bought Little put what it had in warehouses and didst pay up until the Stock was i put on tile Shrives of the state operated stores result Ohio a half 1 of Las years allowance is the slim a meat in the country. Today of you want a bottle around the House you take your Plato in line have a Stooge do it for you or have it brought in from the Lusher areas such As Illinois Kentucky or new York. Officials estimate that in one month a million dollars Worth of whiskey was brought in in suitcases Luggage compartments of private cars or commercially owned trucks. If a Cle Velander makes a business trip to new York his friends beg him to bring Back Quot a few bottles As much As you can carry a bottle Legal or imported in their Back bars. By traffic strike transportation workers quit jobs this morning a protective finish for Eaf it which is claimed to prolong the. Paint life tins to purpose of making the finish hand non porous i and non bin Cut with a Glossy Structure and bringing out increased odor and depth of sparkle to the finish. Such offenders have been labelled bootleggers by state officials. But most Are Small Fry compared to some of the wholesale imports of booze accomplished by trucking companies. One outfit caught Flat footed had $50,000 Worth of Illinois liquor seized. Prohibitionist. Naturally Are Cleveland april 29.�?h/l a an if strike today tied up Cleveland mass transportation system forcing uncounted thousands of War workers to thumb rides from Friendly motorists or to walk to their jobs not a Street car or City bus could be seen on Busy Public Square Duling the morning Rush hour As the cite transit system s riders averaging 1,315,000 fares daily pulled their frequently Idle automobiles from garage and created mor Oliner hair tonic Wilson tickled. The liquor mess in Ohio traffic jams reminiscent of Prera is helping to Foster their cause in a big Way. Violations minor and major All Over the state Are get Tig wide publicity. The ghost of the old Man with the Blue nose and funeral garb might walk again but the enactment of severe rationing to be put into Force about june i Al f budget your dollars and your food Ponts this ust lard % la. Bucket pure 90c jewel shortening $ lbs. 72c p Plantation Margarine la 24c pure pork sausage la 28c a end Cut sliced Ham la. Is pare pig ribs la 25c liver la. 35c 25c pig brains la 25c a to Taw 3 a mom in 20c tic he cilium sup la. 23c mod 10c medium Ivory 7c a soap i in fish fresh water drum dressed la. 40c diet red and drawn hens la 49c fryers la. Dressed and drawn sliced mindless Bacon la. 59c 35c pie nit Tenderizer Ham la 35c barbecued Ham la 70c boiling meat la. Baked Ham la. 18 boiled Ham la 70c 65c fresh turnip greens Squash la. Spring onions. A Reen Beans la. Loc 121c 10c 12k f Resh Vard eggs Doz. A. Amp b. Super Market 102 w. 18th. Phone 2.j10 Honing Dav -. Mayor Frank a Lausche urged automobile Driver to a travel the main streets and pick up Pedes-1 trian.-, and motorists reported so Many people it re cooperating that a on Well travelled thoroughfares they had difficulty filling their car seats. A Survey of key War plants t showed most workers wart on time at Early. In walking out at Midnight the a Quot unionist defied an order by the International officials and also ignored a telegraphed plea by undersecretary of War Robert p fat tenon to refer their wage dispute to government agencies mayor a Niche said the Telegram from Patterson ask in him Quot to transmit to the members of the Union the urgent request of Ute \ War department that they refrain from striking Michael Garvey an International vice president of the Street car and motor coach operator Union said he received a Telegram from Edward it Mcmorrow. First International vice president instructing him to a icon a vey to our membership that the deadline must be lifted at once and negotiations carried on As the Laws of our association a ifs out of our hands a declared Thomas p Meany the locals president. Quot tile men voted for it and the transit Board broke off negotiations a wage increase demanded Meany said the Union was in Ain its original demand for a wage scale of Llos an hour for Street car Motorman and conductors. And in 15 an hour for bus driers w to operate alone. At present Street car men receive 90 i 2 cents a hour and bub Pera tors 97 i 2 cents hourly. As a substitute the Union would accept a 40-hour week at the present wage scale with time and a half for ail overtime Meany asserted. Most men now work about 54 hours weekly a i regular rates he added Walter Mccarter City transit system general manager Lias offered a 2 i 2 cents an hour increase i for each Eia h of employees. He said the Union s attitude was Quot completely unreasonable and a strike at tins time was an outrage a alter in All night session with mayor Lausche Aud City and Union officials regional War labor Board chairman l. M Gill ordered pm employees today to return to their jobs immediately. Gill asked tile City not to negotiate on merits of Nib Union grievances while the walkout continued and urged a peace meeting at 2 p m. A Eastern War Rune i Friday. City officials agreed the Union attitude was not announced line Dja Tely a electric maid a Victor y con be of of Cen Algiers april 29. a Gen. Hon re Oil Aud and Gen. Charles de Gaulle expert to hold a a Victory conference somewhere in Algeria within 48 hours after the allies have crushed Axis resistance in Tunisia highly reliable sources reported today. How of in Hove the children made your cookie Jar a target to raid when you peek in and find it All Clear fill it quickly with cookies baked Here. Here s today s most important recipe you May run Short of shortening your whipped Cream May not whip hut Here s a wartime recipe and brother it s a Pip just take a Pinch of courage mixed with a smile or two for flavor add a cheering word when folks meet up with you. Next invest your dollars in Bonds for our boys Sake and then you Veall the makings for a swell Victory cake keep Mem flying electric maid bake shop 1023 Noble below Ara the word of president Franklin. Roosevelt our commander a chief m lading us of me hideous Slaughter of our aviators by the Tokio War lords. You can express your personal determination to avenge our murdered flyers by buying More War Bonds today. They gave their lives. You lend your Money. It it it it Kir i an my of Post shr if a use tablets. Salve nos Moh a i horror which i know Ani he shared by All civilised people that i have to announce the barbarous execution by the japanese government of some of the members of the armed forces who fell int japanese hands Assn incident of warfare. A this recourse by ear enemy the fright ulness is barbarous. The Effort of the japanese War lords thus to intimidate us will utterly fail. It will make the american Weenie More determined than Ever in blot out the shameless militarism if Japan Yow Throe Ahmod yer fals Teeth so of self hit Mill Jet pet Rem ast in Fen let a a a tax flaw of a Umi a tent. Pratt tar Tab Fate Sha thaw Arar. Taar Matt �a�r4t� Litia a. A Flat Tater for a Lavalta. At it. C. I. Of a Ruf i am Pany Ani All Gate gras Atar. K Leen Ite ,.d, if you Are ready to look we Are ready to show. E a a in new 1943 ask it. As Gay As musical comedy costumes 4 h i i a dressmaker detailed Cottons Rayons wools Lithe Young pea nymphs or any girl who wants to look like one xviii cheer our vast collection of sea Worth swim suits. You be a variety of styles to choose from each grimly made to do the most for your figure. No matter How you rigger it. From the budget or look Appeal Angle these Are the suits that will net you the most fun out of summer 13.49 $3.98 $4.98 select while stocks Are Complete Spring and summer undies for a stay at Homes Quot. Or v act zionists Lovely new styles just arrived. We urge that you come in tomorrow and select enough for your wardrobe. A gowns a slips a panties a briefs a foundations a brassiere nationally known brands that you be been buying for years unusually Large assortments to choose from a 43 years of Quality merchandise;